
I hope the Swiss get this vote right. Ban the minaret now, Islam later!

There is an important vote taking
place today in Switzerland. They
are voting on whether to ban the
one of Islam's symbols of oppression,
the minaret. Here is to hoping this
passes by a large majority. The next
step would be to ban Islam altogether.
It is common when Muslims build mosques
and minarets, they are to tower over any
and all nearby buildings or other houses
of worship.

Would YOU want this this minaret right
outisde your window?

A poster in favor of the minaret ban.

Swiss voters do not be conned. Vote to ban the minaret today
From Vlad Tepes

Swiss voters do not be conned. Vote to ban the minaret today

By Eeyore
November 29, 2009

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Today the decision to ban the construction of minarets is before the Swiss people. Of course there are massive guilt ridden well funded campaigns claiming that to ban the minaret is racist.

Lets be clear and rational here please just for a moment then we can all go back to being creatures driven by hyperbole and rhetoric.

A building is not a race. Banning a building and in this case only part of a building cannot possibly be considered racist. Now if you decided to ban say, bricks as a building material for no reason at all except you had a pathological hatred of bricks you could be accused of being ‘brickest’ I suppose and you may have some unions come down hard on you. But a minaret is not a building, a building is not a race and of course the central point that everyone misses each and every time this comes up is, Islam is not a race.

Now I don’t actually think banning minarets is the right solution. I think banning Islam is. There is no reason to allow Islam to continue its steady march towards supremacy in western nations unopposed that I can see. Mosques indeed are not an equivalent of a temple, church, or synagogue. They are indeed a beach-head from which supremacy is taught and greater and greater separation of Muslims from the host population until you have two solitudes and eventually the most intolerant system, Islam with it’s sharia law, will win. Just ask a Kosovar or an Egyptian Copt.

So recognizing that banning the minaret is merely a totem for what ultimately will have to be done if Swiss and indeed Western civilization has any intention of continuing its fine heritage of freedoms (leftist continual introduction of irrational crypto-environmental regulations and behavioural restrictions not withstanding) then at least making sure that Swiss mosques are not able to dominate the landscape, the actual purpose of the minaret, is a fine start. So please dear people of Switzerland; you utterly failed to assist the people of Europe from saving themselves from the Nazis, and in fact, acted out of self interest to work with them by managing stolen wealth. Let’s see if you have at least a healthy amount of that self-preservation instinct left in you. This time, you can lead Europe to self determination and save civilization.

Vote to ban the minaret. Then later, you can ban Islam altogether.

Eeyore for Vladtepesblog


6 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

Will the Swiss show some sense this time around. Usually they tend to sit these things out and rally to the winner in the end as they did in WWII. We will have to wait and see. Thanks for your recent visit to my cartoon blog, visit my primary blog TOTUS sometime. You have a great looking blog here. Adding you link at TOTUS TOTUS

PatriotUSA said...

Thanks Ron for stopping by PC. It is a work in progress and I appreciate the commentary from you.

The Swiss do have a history of sitting on the sidelines but perhaps this will be different.
Islam's history is not one of
being good at co-existence.
Europe is what we will be facing
if things do not start changing
both here, and in Europe.

Ben said...

The Minaret, like the burka, hijab & niqab, is symbolic. They are symbols of Islsmic supremacism & triumphalism.

Peripheral attacks against those symbols serve only to incite Islamic violence and demands for imposition of Shari'ah blasphemy law.

We need to counter attack directly. I call to your attention the International Qur'an Petition, which cites Islam's static violations of ICERD, ICCPR & CPPCG. The petition prays to the World Court for injunctive relief.

You can find it linked at http:/www.crusadersarmory.co.cc/ .

PatriotUSA said...

Thanks for the information and I will go there later this mornning.

Islam and Muslims will
always resort to violence
as it has been this way
forever with Islam. Yes,
these are 'symbols' and
stopping these is a step
in the right direction.
Islam needs to be attacked
on many fronts, It needs to
be bled to death from a
thousand cuts. It is the evil
of our time and we must defeat Islam,
once and for all.

Ben said...

Defeating Islam is not a simple matter, nor can it be accomplished in a short time nor without great effort.

Father Butros Zakaria is leading the way. We need to pour more resources into his kind of Crusade.

The symbols of Islam serve as warning signs. Like stripes on a skunk and rattles on a snake, painting them over or cutting them off deprives us of our defenses.

PatriotUSA said...

Father Butros Zakaria is leading the way. We need to pour more resources into his kind of Crusade.

Absolutely agree with all you
have stated. My desire is to
see Islam defeated in my
lifetime. I realize this
may not happen. We must do
all we can to make
our children are not forced
to suffer the horrors of Islam,
turned loose on the world by
stupidity, ignorance, and the
poisons of diversity and
multiculturalism at ALL costs.