Almost over the cliff-Do what you can to help a man and his family out
A man needs help to take care of himself and his family. He goes by Xenolith. He is a PATRIOT and an III Percenter. I am sharing his story here. He suffered a really bad accident a little over a year ago.
Many Patriot people have helped me and my family over the last couple of years. I truly believe this is THE way to help another person. I donated to help him and his family out. I do not believe in donating to big organizations, agencies, etc. I prefer this way which is direct to the person and his or her situation, need or cause.
Thanks to Wirecutter and Pissed as this is how I found out about the dire straights Xenolith finds himself in.
Here is his site and you can donate there if you are so inclined. Every little bit helps.
The Voices In My Head
Direct link to Xenolith's donation page is here.
Tags: Patriots, III Percent Patriots, When all seems lost, Paying it forward To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
The GIANTS are in the Super Bowl!
Well, no sports team called the Giants of course. No, the giants that will be there are the giants of propaganda.
The Spreckels (so named by yours truly) video produced by Budweiser with its 21.5 million views in a little over 24 hours will be there. For those who have not seen it, it is the story of an adorable little dog and a Clydesdale. Somehow an ad for beer has touched the hearts of millions, including me. Yes, it's propaganda, trying to get us to buy beer, but somehow it just more seems to speak to the love we have for animals. The little giant of a dog unafraid of a truly gentle giant of a horse.
The other giant that will be in attendance will be the Department of Homeland Security. The preparations are mind boggling.
From InfoWars - Police State Gets Ready for Super Bowl 48
Super Bowl XLVIII is a level one national security event declared by the Department of Homeland Security allowing Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 to kick in. The directive means the federal government considers the game to be a possible terrorist target and provides authority for the feds to act as the lead in all security operations in New Jersey and adjacent New York.
Related -
Inside a security flight over MetLife Stadium There is a very interesting video embedded here.
And - in other sports news - from the TSA News Blog - "Take me out to the ball game" -- so I can be groped?
Note to DHS, TSA and all the rest - might it be helpful if we just secured the damn border?!?
America. Land of the free. There is something truly wrong with this picture.
The Spreckels (so named by yours truly) video produced by Budweiser with its 21.5 million views in a little over 24 hours will be there. For those who have not seen it, it is the story of an adorable little dog and a Clydesdale. Somehow an ad for beer has touched the hearts of millions, including me. Yes, it's propaganda, trying to get us to buy beer, but somehow it just more seems to speak to the love we have for animals. The little giant of a dog unafraid of a truly gentle giant of a horse.
The other giant that will be in attendance will be the Department of Homeland Security. The preparations are mind boggling.
From InfoWars - Police State Gets Ready for Super Bowl 48
Super Bowl XLVIII is a level one national security event declared by the Department of Homeland Security allowing Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 to kick in. The directive means the federal government considers the game to be a possible terrorist target and provides authority for the feds to act as the lead in all security operations in New Jersey and adjacent New York.
Related -
Inside a security flight over MetLife Stadium There is a very interesting video embedded here.
And - in other sports news - from the TSA News Blog - "Take me out to the ball game" -- so I can be groped?
Note to DHS, TSA and all the rest - might it be helpful if we just secured the damn border?!?
America. Land of the free. There is something truly wrong with this picture.
Tags: War For America; Tyranny; Police State; Superbowl To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Chicago Grassroots React to State of the Union--Obama, and the big lie
“Mr. President, we’d probably be better off if you called off your presidency off right now. Just quit. Because if this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us.”
“His approach always is to place blame on the corporate world. The blame is equal. It’s not the one-percent problem. It’s not the 99% problem. It’s an American problem.”
“You can’t turn this around. Just step down.”
From Rebel Pundit
The link may or may nor work. Just a coincidence after comrade Obama's SOTU speech and pandering to his collectivist and illegal alien invader base?
More from the Treehouse below, and again links to RP may not work but these words are stinging, telling and Obama is a traitor to all races.
Last night in Chicago, black grassroots activists reacted to President Obama’s State of the Union address at Wallace’s Catfish Corner–and it wasn’t pretty.
J.R. Fleming of the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign said, “This state of the union was the same ol’ same ol’, a bunch of talk and rhetoric to give favor to a dying economy in America–and the reason why our economy is dying is the President’s approach is always to place blame…It’s not the 1 percent problem, it’s not the 99 percent problem, it’s an American problem, and the problem is patronage, nepotism and cronyism.
Joe Watkins, Founder of V.O.T.E. (Voices of the Ex-Offender) asked how raising the minimum wage was “going to help people who don’t have any jobs right now.” Watkins remarked that despite holding a graduate’s degree, he has been unemployed for four years.
But perhaps the biggest slam was when Mark Carter, also of V.O.T.E., suggested that black Americans would be better off if the President would cut his presidency short and “just quit.” Carter direct his comments to the President, saying, “if this is what you call helping us, then just stop helping us.” (read more)
Tags: Obama SOTU 2014, Collectivism, Communism, Political correctness, Progressive regressive behavior, Propaganda, CRS, Cronyism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
One modern day truism
Please note I say "one."
Hussein Obama 1/28/14 in his State of the Union address:
Let's make this a year of action! That's what most Americans want. For all of us, in this chamber, to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations.
Unsaid - what most American's want is a mommy and daddy from cradle to grave.
Based on the fact that in our White House there is a representative of the people firmly ensconced who spoke those very words, I have to agree that is what "some" Americans want.
But the dreams of our lord and master are not the dreams of ALL Americans.
From Eatgrueldog - I want to move to the country that Obama is from
I held it down and didn't churl. I was also able to maintain my composure and not stab my television. Yes, that's right, I watched the entire state of the union address. I was wide eyed and fascinated as the dear leader described how peachy keen things were. Apparently unbeknownst to any of us, we live in a thriving economy that is busily churning out goods like never before seen in history. Unemployment is at an historic 5 year low, we have added 80,000 jobs and manufacturing is producing goods at a rate unseen since world war II. About halfway through the speech I decided that this land of honey and candy coated unicorns sounded so good that I must emigrate there to get my fair share. It was a wonderful place that he described in his starry eyed performance and I decided that I must go.
Then my wife hit me in the head...Hard. She reminded me of all the small things that he was interjecting into his speech. All of the executive orders that he was going to use to move Amerika forward and all the progress we were going to make as a nation. She made me pay attention when he mentioned Newtown and how he, yes he himself, was going to climb down from his unicorn and do something about it. That was when I realized that maybe the candy coating wasn't what it seemed to be. Maybe things weren't what they seemed. Maybe the land of milk and honey wasn't. Then I saw it....
It wasn't the beautiful picture that he was painting. In between his lofty rhetoric he was interjecting his real agenda. The eye of Mordor was upon us. Take away all his caramel coated words and you have what he is really planning. He is going to do what he wants. He is going to further his goals through "Executive action" including smothering your second amendment rights like Jack Nicholson in One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Everything else he said was fluff to simply hear himself speak. The NSA will continue spying on you, homeland security will continue to infringe on you and TSA will continue to grope you. Fuck him...And the Unicorn he rode in on. Not one more inch...
Tags: War For America; Treason; Tyranny To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Hussein Obama 1/28/14 in his State of the Union address:
Let's make this a year of action! That's what most Americans want. For all of us, in this chamber, to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations.
Unsaid - what most American's want is a mommy and daddy from cradle to grave.
Based on the fact that in our White House there is a representative of the people firmly ensconced who spoke those very words, I have to agree that is what "some" Americans want.
But the dreams of our lord and master are not the dreams of ALL Americans.
From Eatgrueldog - I want to move to the country that Obama is from
I held it down and didn't churl. I was also able to maintain my composure and not stab my television. Yes, that's right, I watched the entire state of the union address. I was wide eyed and fascinated as the dear leader described how peachy keen things were. Apparently unbeknownst to any of us, we live in a thriving economy that is busily churning out goods like never before seen in history. Unemployment is at an historic 5 year low, we have added 80,000 jobs and manufacturing is producing goods at a rate unseen since world war II. About halfway through the speech I decided that this land of honey and candy coated unicorns sounded so good that I must emigrate there to get my fair share. It was a wonderful place that he described in his starry eyed performance and I decided that I must go.
Then my wife hit me in the head...Hard. She reminded me of all the small things that he was interjecting into his speech. All of the executive orders that he was going to use to move Amerika forward and all the progress we were going to make as a nation. She made me pay attention when he mentioned Newtown and how he, yes he himself, was going to climb down from his unicorn and do something about it. That was when I realized that maybe the candy coating wasn't what it seemed to be. Maybe things weren't what they seemed. Maybe the land of milk and honey wasn't. Then I saw it....
It wasn't the beautiful picture that he was painting. In between his lofty rhetoric he was interjecting his real agenda. The eye of Mordor was upon us. Take away all his caramel coated words and you have what he is really planning. He is going to do what he wants. He is going to further his goals through "Executive action" including smothering your second amendment rights like Jack Nicholson in One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Everything else he said was fluff to simply hear himself speak. The NSA will continue spying on you, homeland security will continue to infringe on you and TSA will continue to grope you. Fuck him...And the Unicorn he rode in on. Not one more inch...
Tags: War For America; Treason; Tyranny To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Carl Goldberg's Speech at Restoration Weekend
Gary Fouse
I have been sent the below video of a speech by Carl Goldberg (Act for America, Arizona) at David Horowitz's Restoration Weekend event at West Palm Beach on November 16, 2013. In the below speech, Goldberg talks about political Islam, its threats and what we can do to counter it in the US. It is well worth a view.
I have been sent the below video of a speech by Carl Goldberg (Act for America, Arizona) at David Horowitz's Restoration Weekend event at West Palm Beach on November 16, 2013. In the below speech, Goldberg talks about political Islam, its threats and what we can do to counter it in the US. It is well worth a view.
Unfree Dominion-bad news out of 'Kanuckistan'
Posting without comment from Gates of Vienna.
Unfree Dominion
One of our Canadian readers just sent us this message:
Some fairly important news out of Canada last week. Richard Warman closed down the Free Dominion website through litigation via the Human Rights Commission. There is the threat of jail now for the two very nice people who ran it.
Here is Mark Steyn article from 2012 about the execrable Richard Warman.
This is what Free Dominion said: As of today, January 23, 2014, and after 13 years online, Free Dominion is closing its doors to the public. We have been successfully censored.
Today, Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Smith issued an order in the Richard Warman vs Mark and Connie Fournier and John Does defamation case heard September, 2013. In addition to ordering that we must pay Warman $127,000, Justice Smith issued an injunction against us ordering we that never publish, or allow to be published, anything negative about Richard Warman. This means we are barred for life from ever operating a public forum or a blog (even about cookie recipes) where the public can comment. If we do so, any one of Warman’s handful of supporters could, and probably would, use a common proxy server to avoid being traced, plant a negative comment about Warman on our site, and we would both be charged with contempt of court. If that happened — unlike in the Ottawa courtroom where we blocked at every turn from presenting a defense — we actually would have no defense. We would both go to jail. This life sentence was imposed for our terrible crimes of voicing our honestly held beliefs and allowing others to do the same. Defamation law, in its current state, is entirely inadequate and counterproductive when applied to the internet. Now it is being used as a tool of censorship. Effectively!
We are assessing our options.
In faith,
Mark and Connie Fournier
Everyone outside Canada should post about this. Warman can’t screw you over outside Canada because he only does so when he makes money at it. He is a professional litigant. He does the HRC shakedown, and splits it 50-50 with the HRC.
I will not tackle it. One must choose one’s battles.
Remember: Free Dominion simply linked to that Steyn article!!! Then someone left a comment about him, and that was all it took.
Although our prime minister is Stephen Harper, and we have a conservative government, he is only the prime minister. He and his party can only do so much, and do to anything against an entrenched leftist civil service takes a strong hand.
It’s the civil service that must be changed, and they are unionised. He can only change the appointees that act as liaisons between a given cabinet member and the department he administers.
The communist infiltration into the Canadian civil service has been slowly rusting its way into the mainstream since Trudeau when he mandated that people in the government had to be in the union. The civil service union overtly supports Hezbollah and Hamas. Just one example of their politics. There’s more about Richard Warman and Free Dominion at Xanthippa’s Chamberpot.
Source is here.
Tags: Freedom of speech, Canada, HRC, Political correctness. Multiculturalism, Progressive regressive behavior To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Unfree Dominion
One of our Canadian readers just sent us this message:
Some fairly important news out of Canada last week. Richard Warman closed down the Free Dominion website through litigation via the Human Rights Commission. There is the threat of jail now for the two very nice people who ran it.
Here is Mark Steyn article from 2012 about the execrable Richard Warman.
This is what Free Dominion said: As of today, January 23, 2014, and after 13 years online, Free Dominion is closing its doors to the public. We have been successfully censored.
Today, Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Smith issued an order in the Richard Warman vs Mark and Connie Fournier and John Does defamation case heard September, 2013. In addition to ordering that we must pay Warman $127,000, Justice Smith issued an injunction against us ordering we that never publish, or allow to be published, anything negative about Richard Warman. This means we are barred for life from ever operating a public forum or a blog (even about cookie recipes) where the public can comment. If we do so, any one of Warman’s handful of supporters could, and probably would, use a common proxy server to avoid being traced, plant a negative comment about Warman on our site, and we would both be charged with contempt of court. If that happened — unlike in the Ottawa courtroom where we blocked at every turn from presenting a defense — we actually would have no defense. We would both go to jail. This life sentence was imposed for our terrible crimes of voicing our honestly held beliefs and allowing others to do the same. Defamation law, in its current state, is entirely inadequate and counterproductive when applied to the internet. Now it is being used as a tool of censorship. Effectively!
We are assessing our options.
In faith,
Mark and Connie Fournier
Everyone outside Canada should post about this. Warman can’t screw you over outside Canada because he only does so when he makes money at it. He is a professional litigant. He does the HRC shakedown, and splits it 50-50 with the HRC.
I will not tackle it. One must choose one’s battles.
Remember: Free Dominion simply linked to that Steyn article!!! Then someone left a comment about him, and that was all it took.
Although our prime minister is Stephen Harper, and we have a conservative government, he is only the prime minister. He and his party can only do so much, and do to anything against an entrenched leftist civil service takes a strong hand.
It’s the civil service that must be changed, and they are unionised. He can only change the appointees that act as liaisons between a given cabinet member and the department he administers.
The communist infiltration into the Canadian civil service has been slowly rusting its way into the mainstream since Trudeau when he mandated that people in the government had to be in the union. The civil service union overtly supports Hezbollah and Hamas. Just one example of their politics. There’s more about Richard Warman and Free Dominion at Xanthippa’s Chamberpot.
Source is here.
Tags: Freedom of speech, Canada, HRC, Political correctness. Multiculturalism, Progressive regressive behavior To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
YESTERDAY! SORRY! OUCH! But I didn't know.................whineeeee
So, I'm on the lookout for vintage "fans" for you. Stupid Google does a pathetic job. What can I say except HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRIOT!
Well, I found one you might like!
Tags: Birthday! To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Gobsmacked – redefining “assault” in 2014
Hussein Obama – 1-16-14 “To anyone out there who has ever been assaulted: You are not alone. We have your back. I’ve got your back.” –Obama: Source – The WhiteHouse on twitter.
If there is any one phrase HO should never, ever, ever use it would be “I’ve got your back.”
Comes to mind – Benghazi, our military, the dead of Fast and Furious, those targeted by IRS, NSA and every communication made by any person in this country or any other for that matter, the Catholics, whistleblowers, TSA, $17 trillion in debt, Obamafrickincare – to name just a few!
As the king of assault’s this overbearing, presumptuous position is not going to play well “O.” Your lecturing my son on manhood is outside the bounds of acceptable! “I want every young man in America to know that real men don’t hurt women.” It was a “real man” who made an oral sex joke about his wife and first lady?
“I want to thank, uh, my, uh, wonderful friend who, uh, accepts a little bit of teasing about Michelle beating her in pushups. Uh, but I think she claims Michelle didn’t go all the way down. That’s what I heard. The uh, so, the uh, I just want, uh, I want to set the record straight – uh, Michelle, that does mean push ups as well.”Michelle – the First Lady for criminy sake! Did you forget? Have you forgotten?
“The First Lady didn’t go all the way down.” video
Obama Aims To Put Young White Men In Prison
Obama Weekly Address: Taking Action To End Sexual Assault
Character Counts Folks
Tags: War For America; Tyranny; Treason; To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
"America"-Dinesh D'Souza's new film trailer is out
"America" Trailer from Dinesh D'Souza on Vimeo.
Conservative Dinesh D’Souza released the trailer for his upcoming movie “America” this week just days after he was indicted for campaign finance violations – something his co-producer said was politically motivated.
Via The Hollywood Reporter:
The conservative behind “2016: Obama’s America” is under indictment for campaign finance violations but his next doc will open on schedule on July 4, filmmakers say.
The filmmakers behind Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming doc have vowed to press on while their star defends himself after his indictment on federal charges that he violated campaign finance laws in 2012. On Sunday, they released a trailer for the movie, America, that is set for release on July 4.
America is the follow-up to the surprise hit 2016: Obama’s America, which earned $33 million in 2012 and became the second most popular political documentary in history, behind Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, which earned $119 million in 2004.
In America, D’Souza — who wrote and produced the film — makes the claim that 1960s radical leftism is more or less indistinguishable from current mainstream liberalism, a doctrine that he says preaches the United States is the product of “stealing and plunder” from Native Americans, Mexicans and African-American slaves.
“I want to take this progressive, leftist critique head on,” D’Souza says in the trailer. The movie will include re-creations of some of the major events in American history.
Source is Gateway Pundit
Steer in: I'm 41
Tags: America, Dinesh D'Souza, 2016 Obama's America, Communism, Regressive progressive traitors, Tyranny, enslavement To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
The GOP - "a cult worthy of Jonestown"
The roots of Tuesdays State of the Union address are strong, invasive, gorged from the rancid well of our way or the highway and to hell with the Constitution.
December 17, 2013 John Podesta, Soros' man in the White House, referring to actions this administration must adopt - "They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress."
January 14, 2014, after a month of tutoring, Hussein Obama to his cabinet in what was in essence the preamble to the State of the Union address this coming Tuesday - "One of the things that I'll be emphasizing in this meeting is the fact that we are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help that they need. I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."
January 26, 2014 - Dan Pfeiffer, "We need to show the American people that we can get something done, either with Congress or on our own," Mr. Pfeiffer told CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley.
A power struggle so toxic it is not worthy of our founders and their dreams for every man, woman and child.
Brace for the gaming of America with the pen, the phone and income inequity.
Politico - The Reboot
Grumpy Elder - The Clinton Fixer (John Podesta) Just Invaded Our White House
Washington Post - Obama's rough 2013 prompts a new blueprint
Washington Times - White House's Pfeiffer: Obama ready to take action with or without GOP
Issue Of Income Inequality Millionaire Congresswoman' Call It A 'Threat' To America
Tags: War For America; GOP; Tyranny; Treason To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
December 17, 2013 John Podesta, Soros' man in the White House, referring to actions this administration must adopt - "They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress."
January 14, 2014, after a month of tutoring, Hussein Obama to his cabinet in what was in essence the preamble to the State of the Union address this coming Tuesday - "One of the things that I'll be emphasizing in this meeting is the fact that we are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help that they need. I've got a pen, and I've got a phone."
January 26, 2014 - Dan Pfeiffer, "We need to show the American people that we can get something done, either with Congress or on our own," Mr. Pfeiffer told CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley.
A power struggle so toxic it is not worthy of our founders and their dreams for every man, woman and child.
Brace for the gaming of America with the pen, the phone and income inequity.
Politico - The Reboot
Grumpy Elder - The Clinton Fixer (John Podesta) Just Invaded Our White House
Washington Post - Obama's rough 2013 prompts a new blueprint
Washington Times - White House's Pfeiffer: Obama ready to take action with or without GOP
Issue Of Income Inequality Millionaire Congresswoman' Call It A 'Threat' To America
Tags: War For America; GOP; Tyranny; Treason To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Take a good look America
How many times per day and in how many places is this scene playing out? Take a good hard look then swallow the red pill!
This IS America's reality!
The Department of Education says there are 1.1 million children attending school who are homeless. How many not of school age are homeless, and their parents or parent, grandparents, or other extended family?
1.1 million school children are homeless? That is incredibly hard to comprehend. In America?!?
How many people actually know of the problem of homelessness in America? The MSM certainly isn't reporting it, they have much more urgent information to impart. They want you to take the blue pill!
After Sandy Hook Obama made a speech about gun control which I vehemently disagreed with, but the essence of what he said is correct -
"If we're going to change things ... it's going to take a wave of Americans ... standing up and saying 'enough' on behalf of our kids."
That same thinking can and must be applied to other issues children face i.e. food and shelter and it is not the government's job to provide those things. Government's job is to get the hell out of the way so we can take care of our own!
I've watched people do absolutely nothing about problems facing our country and am completely baffled. I read the below recently and feel it is a pretty good assessment of where we are. Smith: The USA Is Plunging Into Kafka's Nightmare
We, as a collective, don't act, we just stare blankly into the distance. And we shall attempt to explain WHY. Some folks, don't currently, (and never did), give two shits about anything outside the scope of their immediate well being. They are consumed by the distraction of the moment. They only care about themselves and their immediate family, and of things impacting them THIS EXACT SECOND. Everything pales compared to the latest and greatest escape. They won't bother with "later" or anything beyond near-term planning.
Others are barely treading water, and lack the time or energy to pay attention. Such individuals are so overworked and stressed that just maintaining their existence consumes the entire day. When a person is one missed paycheck away from a disaster, they have a difficult time fussing with NSA spying or Social Security collapsing ten years down the path.
There is a large group of individuals who are stupefied by the scope of behemoth. They believe themselves insignificant, and are so overwhelmed by the monstrosity lumbering along, eating all in it's path, that dealing with it in any shape is quote beyond their imagination. They understand how bad things are, but can't imagine themselves as capable of making any sort of difference. Therefore, they "move on" to other, smaller things which might stll be controllable.
Finally, you have those who've "given up." Disaffected and downtrodden idealists, once active and awake, but though painful experience, have learned to stop giving a damn about the system. They fought, they protested, they voted, they wrote letters, and burned down the phone lines - to absolutely no lasting impact. They realized the politicians - and the bureaucrats they serve - can't be bothered to give two shits about them, or their silly little ideals.
This IS America's reality! Can one person make a difference? I say yeah and hell yeah!
What if every person reading this post forwarded the story and picture to every person they know, posted it on their blogs, and then sent a demand to the White House that Hussein Obama get out of the way of our economic growth?
How simple and yet how potentially effective. Will you? NEVER FORGET....
Tags: War for America; The Homeless; To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Gun Free Zones kill-Maryland mall shooting
At a mall in Maryland yesterday, three people were killed including the shooter.
I usually withhold any posts or commentary regarding these tragic events until the dust has settled and some of the facts are known. Readers must remember that we still do not all the facts about Sandy Hook and most likely we never will. I hope this will not be the case here but we are talking about Maryland.
Unlike the Clackamas Town Center Mall shooting in Oregon, there was no one nearby who could stop the shooter or even slow the shooter down. Here in Oregon there was. Like every other 'regressive progressive state, Oregon's liberals are trying their best to reduce our gun rights, just like Obama and his gun hating friends.
The Maryland mall is a gun free zone and the state of Maryland has been rather 'unfriendly' to those who wish to have a concealed carry weapon permit.
"Maryland is what is known as a “may issue” state regarding the issuance of concealed carry permits. That means the state may not, and that’s been the actual practice, rendering it for the most part a “no issue” state. And while a challenge to that in the Woollard case was initially decided in favor of plaintiffs at the U.S. District Court level, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed that decision and the Supreme Court elected not to hear the case".
Was the shooter thinking this will be like shooting fish in a barrel? He most likely knew that the mall would have easy, vulnerable targets. He did NOT follow the mall rules about firearms. Criminals and crazies never follow the laws that the rest of us have to follow. Were there any armed security guards at the mall? How long did it take for the police to arrive at the mall? One person carrying a legal could have saved some lives.
Read the rest here from David Codera.
Tags: Second Amendment, Gun free zones kill, Maryland, Blue states, Right to conceal carry, Obama, Bloomberg, Nazi Germany, Communism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Dig-a video with more than one message
Very sweet video that has a a dark message mixed in, at least as far as I understand this.
Runs about 10 minutes.
Great children, a just flows along until there is something overhead you can hear but not see. Watch this to the very end. Keep on digging is all I can say.
Steer in: WRSA
Tags: Dig, Your home, No permit needed, USSA, America at war with itself To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Stand by your scam
Read this over at The Bluebird of Bitterness. I follow another site, Pumabydesign001 and followed the link to BBOB. There is some fine snark by the bird there and A LOT of truth.
Trust me and check out the BBOB and Puma's sites.
What will you get with your Obamacare one world soviet style health care? You will be get a shiny new shovel while you are standing in line for food, clothing or to see the local burned out stinky, hairy hippie, who is a wiccan, and will be your 'medical professional'.
Obamacare is the the gift that will keep on stealing from Americans in many ways. Worse healthcare, higher costs, higher taxes, enslavement, a system in place where only 'special' people get much better or still great health care. While you and I are standing in those lines waiting to see some shaman, witch doctor, third world 'doctor', nurse, illegal alien invader, or filthy Muslim who refuses to wash their hands posing as a 'certified' health care worker, the ruling oligarchy will have their cake and take most of ours. It will be on our backs and stolen from our depleted wallets.
2014 will see over 2 million people (I think it will be more )lose their
health care plans. Will it be right before the 2104 elections or will this also be delayed until AFTER the elections? I really hope not and even if this is delayed, maybe, just maybe, asleep at the wheel Americans will wake up from their warm, fuzzy progressive group hug, Kool Aid addiction, thinking they are living in utopia dream, to kick these these collectivists and statists out of office. I am not very hopeful. This once fine Republic is becoming the USSA.
Pay attention to what is now taking place in the Ukraine. Very close attention.
Stand by your Scam
“Even a popular president can usually expect disappointing midterm
results for his party. What makes things particularly dire for Democrats
is that a president’s approval rating has a significant impact on his
party’s prospects. Obama’s approval rating is in the low forties, and
while things can change, few would bet it will improve all that much
between now and November.
“One reason for that: The Obama administration is poised to give an
incredible gift to the Republican Party. Before the end of the year, up
to 80 million people could see their health plans canceled. Economist
Stan Veuger, my colleague at the American Enterprise Institute,
estimates that at least half the of estimated 157 million people on
employer-provided health plans will start losing their existing coverage
by the end of 2014 because their plans don’t conform to the more
generous — and expensive — demands of the Affordable Care Act. The bulk
of the cancellation letters notifying employees should be going out in
October, right before the midterm elections.
“This could be the single most effective direct-mail campaign material in American history, and Republicans won’t even have to pay for the postage.” ―Jonah Goldberg, President’s Poll Numbers Give Dems the Midterm Blues
“One of the things I don’t get about ObamaCare is that they are overcharging young people for health care because those extra dollars are supposed to fund health care services for old folks. But at the same time, we all know that those death panels Sarah Palin warned us about will be denying meds and operations to those of us in our 70s, 80s, and 90s. So what’s the real purpose of that extra money? I suspect it’s to pay for a few more Obama family vacations over the next three years. I admit my evidence is purely circumstantial, but it’s based on five years of experience with the weasels in the White House. …
“A while back, Obama stood on a stage in front of 18 people he claimed were happy with the Affordable Care Act. But later, when questioned, he refused to identify them. His argument was that he was trying to protect their privacy. Now that’s a claim that only a liberal pinhead would make, inasmuch as people concerned about preserving their anonymity don’t appear on TV, sharing a stage with the president of the United States.
“Inasmuch as Obama is constantly using shills, whether it’s phony doctors and nurses or people pretending to be cheerleaders for the ACA, he might as well use department store mannequins in the future. After all, they’re easy to transport and they can be easily rigged to applaud on cue, so long as the rigging isn’t left to the boneheads in charge of setting up the ObamaCare website. In addition, if they were moved to Chicago on election day, they could be counted on to vote for every Democrat on the ballot.” ―Burt Prelutsky, The Devil’s in the Details
Read the rest here.
Tags: Obamacare, Enslavement of a Republic, Communists, traitors, globalists To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Trust me and check out the BBOB and Puma's sites.
What will you get with your Obamacare one world soviet style health care? You will be get a shiny new shovel while you are standing in line for food, clothing or to see the local burned out stinky, hairy hippie, who is a wiccan, and will be your 'medical professional'.
Obamacare is the the gift that will keep on stealing from Americans in many ways. Worse healthcare, higher costs, higher taxes, enslavement, a system in place where only 'special' people get much better or still great health care. While you and I are standing in those lines waiting to see some shaman, witch doctor, third world 'doctor', nurse, illegal alien invader, or filthy Muslim who refuses to wash their hands posing as a 'certified' health care worker, the ruling oligarchy will have their cake and take most of ours. It will be on our backs and stolen from our depleted wallets.
2014 will see over 2 million people (I think it will be more )lose their
health care plans. Will it be right before the 2104 elections or will this also be delayed until AFTER the elections? I really hope not and even if this is delayed, maybe, just maybe, asleep at the wheel Americans will wake up from their warm, fuzzy progressive group hug, Kool Aid addiction, thinking they are living in utopia dream, to kick these these collectivists and statists out of office. I am not very hopeful. This once fine Republic is becoming the USSA.
Pay attention to what is now taking place in the Ukraine. Very close attention.
Stand by your Scam
“This could be the single most effective direct-mail campaign material in American history, and Republicans won’t even have to pay for the postage.” ―Jonah Goldberg, President’s Poll Numbers Give Dems the Midterm Blues
“One of the things I don’t get about ObamaCare is that they are overcharging young people for health care because those extra dollars are supposed to fund health care services for old folks. But at the same time, we all know that those death panels Sarah Palin warned us about will be denying meds and operations to those of us in our 70s, 80s, and 90s. So what’s the real purpose of that extra money? I suspect it’s to pay for a few more Obama family vacations over the next three years. I admit my evidence is purely circumstantial, but it’s based on five years of experience with the weasels in the White House. …
“A while back, Obama stood on a stage in front of 18 people he claimed were happy with the Affordable Care Act. But later, when questioned, he refused to identify them. His argument was that he was trying to protect their privacy. Now that’s a claim that only a liberal pinhead would make, inasmuch as people concerned about preserving their anonymity don’t appear on TV, sharing a stage with the president of the United States.
“Inasmuch as Obama is constantly using shills, whether it’s phony doctors and nurses or people pretending to be cheerleaders for the ACA, he might as well use department store mannequins in the future. After all, they’re easy to transport and they can be easily rigged to applaud on cue, so long as the rigging isn’t left to the boneheads in charge of setting up the ObamaCare website. In addition, if they were moved to Chicago on election day, they could be counted on to vote for every Democrat on the ballot.” ―Burt Prelutsky, The Devil’s in the Details
Read the rest here.
Tags: Obamacare, Enslavement of a Republic, Communists, traitors, globalists To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Google of “Don’t be evil” fame and your private conversations
Google handles a problem when they damn well please –
or when it hurts their pocketbook. I remember clearly Eric Schmidt
claiming in 2010 how difficult it was to remove terrorist videos from YouTube - “it is very hard algorithmically to monitor inappropriate comment.” The truth behind that lie was that they were very busy developing other uses for algorithms.
Another example has cropped up. An Israeli researcher advised Google four months ago that Google Chrome allows other sites to actually listen in on your private conversations. Perhaps if you are a Chrome user you might want to check this out.
H/T Crooks And Liars – From Talater –Chrome Bugs Allow Sites to Listen to Your Private Conversations
By exploiting bugs in Google Chrome, malicious sites can activate your microphone, and listen in on anything said around your computer, even after you’ve left those sites.
Even while not using your computer – conversations, meetings and phone calls next to your computer may be recorded and compromised. More here.
More - Chrome bug turns PC into spying device
Follow the latest on twitter here.
Meantime Google says it is no problem. Here.
I’m reminded of another quote several years ago from Eric Schmidt - “The company’s policy is to go right up to the creepy line, but not cross it.”
Tags: War For America; Google To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Another example has cropped up. An Israeli researcher advised Google four months ago that Google Chrome allows other sites to actually listen in on your private conversations. Perhaps if you are a Chrome user you might want to check this out.
H/T Crooks And Liars – From Talater –Chrome Bugs Allow Sites to Listen to Your Private Conversations
By exploiting bugs in Google Chrome, malicious sites can activate your microphone, and listen in on anything said around your computer, even after you’ve left those sites.
Even while not using your computer – conversations, meetings and phone calls next to your computer may be recorded and compromised. More here.
More - Chrome bug turns PC into spying device
Follow the latest on twitter here.
Meantime Google says it is no problem. Here.
I’m reminded of another quote several years ago from Eric Schmidt - “The company’s policy is to go right up to the creepy line, but not cross it.”
Tags: War For America; Google To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Redefining liberal stupidity-Neil Young ruins a great car with Lincvolt.
Only a liberal far left moron could be this stupid. Green is stupid in this case, very stupid.
Enter former junkie and 'famous' singer song writer', Neil Young.
The stupidity of this project was bad from the start. But first round stupid was not good enough for Young. After a fire in 2010, he repeated the same stupidity a second time. All in the name of doing his 'part' to save the planet.
Liberals like Young are a much graver threat to society than a gas guzzling 1959 Lincoln convertible. A shame to see a nice car go to waste. Too bad Young is still around to spew his stupidity and hatred about things he knows very little about.
The formatting of the post may be a bit off but I spent an hour cleaning it up and here you go.
From Golden Geese News.
Here We Go: Neil Young, Sucks, Stupid
Suddenly, the Nugent song ends, and some foul, hideous.noise emanates from the front dash speaker. It’s not clear at first, but soon the harmonica kicks in, “Oh no! It’s Neil Young’s “Heart of Gold!”
Change it!, Change it!”, the four male voices cry out in an almost hysterical unison to the lone girl, directly behind the radio. “Why?”, she asks in a panic, as three boys lung over the back of the seat reaching over her shoulders in a desperate attempt to change the station. “It’s Neil Young, he sucks!”, says the fourth boy on her right side, as he joins in the fight to change the station. The girl is engulfed in a frenzy of arms as fingers jab at the tuning preset buttons.
It’s no use, all six buttons are pushed several times, but the only one that provides a clear signal is set to the station playing the Neil Young song. Just as things start to look hopeless, the driver joins in, and uses the manual tuning knob to move the dial to a station playing Foreigner’s “Cold as Ice”. During that brief moment of distraction, the driver’s right front wheel leaves the pavement. He over corrects, and the car spins off the road, into a field of soybean stubble.
A near tragedy has been avoided. They will not have to listen to Neil Young after all. After a few doughnuts in the bean field, they all throw their empty beer bottles out the window, crack open several new ones, hit the road, and once again, all is right with the world. It was a close call. Too close.The driver vows that he will definitely be installing an under-the-dash 8 track tape player tomorrow.
Now I can’t take full credit for it, because I my musical taste was largely influenced by what my friends listened to, but somehow I managed to avoid most of the liberal artists when I was young. I may have known what liberal and conservative meant back when I was in high school, but I didn’t think that anything that had to do with politics affected me. Cars, girls, parties, sports, and rock music were about the only subjects my friends and I ever talked about. We had no idea that some songs and artists were political, but we did know what sucked, and what sucked were the songs that didn’t have to do with the things that we talked about, disco, and any song that was supposed to have a “message”. The only message we wanted to hear was rock n roll. You just can’t get that message out with an acoustic guitar.
I don’t have to tell you why Neil Young sucks, or why he’s stupid, but I enjoy doing it. This example of why he is stupid is particularly funny. It seems like old (and I do mean old) Neil (old man look at my life, I’m much smarter than you are) set out to get himself a hybrid car. Now what would you do if you wanted to get a hybrid car? You’d probably go get a Toyota Prius or a Honda Civic Hybrid, right? After all who could make them less expensively than an outfit that builds them by the thousands?
Why would you ever consider getting a hybrid car? The only reason there would ever be is, if you did an enormous amount of city driving so the increased city fuel economy of the hybrid would pay for itself in a matter of years.That’s it. There is no other justifiable reason whatsoever, to own one.
Mr. Young, abandoned the two primary common sense rules for determining if a hybrid is the right choice for a particular person right off the bat, and went for the gold. What he ended up with was an incalculably expensive, slow moving, impractical, undependable monster that burned his warehouse to the ground. It has been reported that one million dollars of Neil Young memorabilia was lost in the blaze. What amount of Neil Young memorabilia could possibly be worth one million dollars, other than 100,000 ten dollar bills with his autograph?
Back to the Young’s frankenmobile. If you were to build your own hybrid car, what would type of car would you choose for a platform to start with? Probably some type of very common, smaller car, right? After all, the project is going to be complex and expensive. No sense using a rare car with a virtually nonexistent parts availability to increase costs and build time. Who knows, you might have to go back to the drawing board several times, so of course, you are going to start with a cheap, easy to replace platform, if you not too stupid, that is.
Why would we be interested in a hybrid again? Oh yeah, over the course of time, we hope to save enough on fuel to make it a more economical choice than the available gas-only cars out there. Otherwise, we might as well just get a conventional car that gets good gas mileage. So we gotta start with a small car righ? Right. I’m glad that’s settled. Cheap and common too, right? Right.
Alright, so what did Neil Young choose for a base platform? A Chevy Cavalier? A Ford Escort? Close, it was a Ford product. Neil chose a 1959 Lincoln Continental. After a quick bit of research to find just how much better a hybrid’s fuel economy is than a similar, gas only car, I found that a hybrid can deliver a fairly impressive 30% improvement.
A 1959 Lincoln Continental got about 10 mpg. If he was able to get results similar to that of the major auto manufacturers, his hybrid Lincoln would have gotten a whopping 13 mpg if it had anywhere near the horsepower a ‘59 Lincoln had. For example, a Honda Civic has 140 hp whereas the Civic Hybrid has 110 hp.
Thirty fewer horsepower. Not an unreasonable tradeoff for people looking for fuel economy. Neil’s Lincoln hybrid also had 110 hp. The big difference here is that a Civic weighs just under 3000 lbs, a ‘59 Lincoln Continental weighs about 5200 lbs. That’s why they came with a standard 430 ci engine which produced 350 hp. The fuel economy claimed for Young’s Lincoln was 23 mpg. If that claim was anywhere near accurate, can you imagine what a dog that car must have been? A fully loaded dump truck could have beat it in a race.
To fully appreciate the stupidity of Young and his ill-conceived contraption, you must visit the LincVolt’s website. It attempts to excuse the car’s absurdity by stating, “Lincvolt focuses on ultra-low carbon emissions as value, not MPG”. I have discussed in earlier posts that hybrids do little to help the environment, and if you don’t believe me, then read it here.
Young’s monster failed miserably in every area, including in its stated "mission". It was stupid from the wheels up. Perhaps mercifully, the beast caught fire one day, and burned down Young’s memorabilia wearhouse. No great loss there.
Now when you, (or anyone else with half a brain) have a miserable failure,
at least you can take comfort in the fact that the ordeal is over, you learned something, and you will not make the same mistake again. Not Neil, though. That fire took place in November of 2010, yet he was foolish enough to bring the LincVolt back from the dead.
Tags: Liberal hypocrisy in action, Neil Young,1959 Lincoln wasted, Lincvolt, Environmentalism gone wrong, Globull warming cultist, Bad musicians, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Enter former junkie and 'famous' singer song writer', Neil Young.
The stupidity of this project was bad from the start. But first round stupid was not good enough for Young. After a fire in 2010, he repeated the same stupidity a second time. All in the name of doing his 'part' to save the planet.
Liberals like Young are a much graver threat to society than a gas guzzling 1959 Lincoln convertible. A shame to see a nice car go to waste. Too bad Young is still around to spew his stupidity and hatred about things he knows very little about.
The formatting of the post may be a bit off but I spent an hour cleaning it up and here you go.
From Golden Geese News.
Here We Go: Neil Young, Sucks, Stupid
By Neil Schnurr
Note: I felt this post was necessary because yesterday, I committed the grievous error of writing a post about Neil Young without using the
words "sucks" or "stupid". I apologize for the mistake, and attempt to make up for it here.
The story you’re about to read is true. It’s not only true, was repeated with some amount variation, thousands of times in thousands of places.
Southern Wisconsin, November 1978 - A ‘72 four door Buick LeSabre speeds through the night, during the first significant snowfall of the year.
The driver, a 17 year old male, has four of his male friends as passengers, along with his girlfriend who is in the middle of the front seat, next to him. He has a full tank of gas and a full case of Old Style long necks. Ted Nugent is cranking out of the AM radio, and for the moment, all is right with the world.
Suddenly, the Nugent song ends, and some foul, hideous.noise emanates from the front dash speaker. It’s not clear at first, but soon the harmonica kicks in, “Oh no! It’s Neil Young’s “Heart of Gold!”
Change it!, Change it!”, the four male voices cry out in an almost hysterical unison to the lone girl, directly behind the radio. “Why?”, she asks in a panic, as three boys lung over the back of the seat reaching over her shoulders in a desperate attempt to change the station. “It’s Neil Young, he sucks!”, says the fourth boy on her right side, as he joins in the fight to change the station. The girl is engulfed in a frenzy of arms as fingers jab at the tuning preset buttons.
It’s no use, all six buttons are pushed several times, but the only one that provides a clear signal is set to the station playing the Neil Young song. Just as things start to look hopeless, the driver joins in, and uses the manual tuning knob to move the dial to a station playing Foreigner’s “Cold as Ice”. During that brief moment of distraction, the driver’s right front wheel leaves the pavement. He over corrects, and the car spins off the road, into a field of soybean stubble.
A near tragedy has been avoided. They will not have to listen to Neil Young after all. After a few doughnuts in the bean field, they all throw their empty beer bottles out the window, crack open several new ones, hit the road, and once again, all is right with the world. It was a close call. Too close.The driver vows that he will definitely be installing an under-the-dash 8 track tape player tomorrow.
Now I can’t take full credit for it, because I my musical taste was largely influenced by what my friends listened to, but somehow I managed to avoid most of the liberal artists when I was young. I may have known what liberal and conservative meant back when I was in high school, but I didn’t think that anything that had to do with politics affected me. Cars, girls, parties, sports, and rock music were about the only subjects my friends and I ever talked about. We had no idea that some songs and artists were political, but we did know what sucked, and what sucked were the songs that didn’t have to do with the things that we talked about, disco, and any song that was supposed to have a “message”. The only message we wanted to hear was rock n roll. You just can’t get that message out with an acoustic guitar.
I don’t have to tell you why Neil Young sucks, or why he’s stupid, but I enjoy doing it. This example of why he is stupid is particularly funny. It seems like old (and I do mean old) Neil (old man look at my life, I’m much smarter than you are) set out to get himself a hybrid car. Now what would you do if you wanted to get a hybrid car? You’d probably go get a Toyota Prius or a Honda Civic Hybrid, right? After all who could make them less expensively than an outfit that builds them by the thousands?
Why would you ever consider getting a hybrid car? The only reason there would ever be is, if you did an enormous amount of city driving so the increased city fuel economy of the hybrid would pay for itself in a matter of years.That’s it. There is no other justifiable reason whatsoever, to own one.
Mr. Young, abandoned the two primary common sense rules for determining if a hybrid is the right choice for a particular person right off the bat, and went for the gold. What he ended up with was an incalculably expensive, slow moving, impractical, undependable monster that burned his warehouse to the ground. It has been reported that one million dollars of Neil Young memorabilia was lost in the blaze. What amount of Neil Young memorabilia could possibly be worth one million dollars, other than 100,000 ten dollar bills with his autograph?
Back to the Young’s frankenmobile. If you were to build your own hybrid car, what would type of car would you choose for a platform to start with? Probably some type of very common, smaller car, right? After all, the project is going to be complex and expensive. No sense using a rare car with a virtually nonexistent parts availability to increase costs and build time. Who knows, you might have to go back to the drawing board several times, so of course, you are going to start with a cheap, easy to replace platform, if you not too stupid, that is.
Why would we be interested in a hybrid again? Oh yeah, over the course of time, we hope to save enough on fuel to make it a more economical choice than the available gas-only cars out there. Otherwise, we might as well just get a conventional car that gets good gas mileage. So we gotta start with a small car righ? Right. I’m glad that’s settled. Cheap and common too, right? Right.
Alright, so what did Neil Young choose for a base platform? A Chevy Cavalier? A Ford Escort? Close, it was a Ford product. Neil chose a 1959 Lincoln Continental. After a quick bit of research to find just how much better a hybrid’s fuel economy is than a similar, gas only car, I found that a hybrid can deliver a fairly impressive 30% improvement.
A 1959 Lincoln Continental got about 10 mpg. If he was able to get results similar to that of the major auto manufacturers, his hybrid Lincoln would have gotten a whopping 13 mpg if it had anywhere near the horsepower a ‘59 Lincoln had. For example, a Honda Civic has 140 hp whereas the Civic Hybrid has 110 hp.
Thirty fewer horsepower. Not an unreasonable tradeoff for people looking for fuel economy. Neil’s Lincoln hybrid also had 110 hp. The big difference here is that a Civic weighs just under 3000 lbs, a ‘59 Lincoln Continental weighs about 5200 lbs. That’s why they came with a standard 430 ci engine which produced 350 hp. The fuel economy claimed for Young’s Lincoln was 23 mpg. If that claim was anywhere near accurate, can you imagine what a dog that car must have been? A fully loaded dump truck could have beat it in a race.
To fully appreciate the stupidity of Young and his ill-conceived contraption, you must visit the LincVolt’s website. It attempts to excuse the car’s absurdity by stating, “Lincvolt focuses on ultra-low carbon emissions as value, not MPG”. I have discussed in earlier posts that hybrids do little to help the environment, and if you don’t believe me, then read it here.
Young’s monster failed miserably in every area, including in its stated "mission". It was stupid from the wheels up. Perhaps mercifully, the beast caught fire one day, and burned down Young’s memorabilia wearhouse. No great loss there.
![]() |
It's better to burn out 'cause rust never sleeps |
The LincVolt is a classic metaphor for liberalism. Nevermind if your actions produce any amount of measurable success, as long as you spend a lot of money, you can feel good about yourself.
Tags: Liberal hypocrisy in action, Neil Young,1959 Lincoln wasted, Lincvolt, Environmentalism gone wrong, Globull warming cultist, Bad musicians, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
An answer to 55 million aborted babies and murderers like Obama: Gimmie Shelter
The anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.
What a tragic and bloody day this is.
After 41 years, 55 million plus. Do we REALLY know the total number of babies murdered in the womb? Will we ever know? More than likely we will never know the true number and maybe this is a good thing.
I could have posted up how terribly violent abortion is but I am not going to go there, this time. Instead I will share about a new movie that highlights "teen shelter residents" and more. Sounds great and read Bozell's interview. This is an 'independent or 'indie' film and has upset the denizens of the far left.
The movie that Bozell reviews is a low budget, independent film inspired by the real life experiences of the teen shelter residents.
From the Treehouse and by ytz4mee.
Gimmie Shelter
h/t Brent Bozell, freedom Warrior at NewsBusters:
Krauss wasn’t the only one who was inspired. Brendan Fraser asked to be in the movie after reading the script and spent time in the shelters with the mothers and the babies. On the last day of shooting, Krauss said Fraser “quietly told Kathy that he was donating his salary to the shelter, so he actually did the movie for nothing. It was a complete surprise to all of us.”
…It’s odd that pro-abortion movie
critics might dismiss “Gimme Shelter” as preachy when they don’t oppose
sermonizing in the movies. They just oppose the sermon of life.
For example, Hornaday loved “After Tiller,” a documentary sermonizing
about the great hearts and deeds of late-term abortionists. The doctors
“emerge as thoughtful and dedicated” and the women who enter their
clinics are lauded as “the world’s experts in their own lives.”
After watching “Gimme Shelter,” it’s quite obvious that the people who run these shelters for unwed mothers are thoughtful and dedicated, and why wouldn’t the women who enter their shelters also be hailed by feminists as experts on their own lives? It’s refreshing that we can go to the Cineplex and exercise the right to choose a movie that doesn’t bow to the conventional “wisdom” of feminism when it comes to teenagers in trouble. It shows there really are people out there to give hope to the hopeless — all of the hopeless.”
The movie that Bozell reviews is a low budget, independent film inspired by the real life experiences of the teen shelter residents.
Directed by Ron Krauss, and starring Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical), Rosario Dawson (Rent, Men in Black II), Brendan Fraser (George of the Jungle), as well as the infamous James Earl Jones (Dr. Strangelove, Star Wars), the film chronicles the story of a teenager who flees her abusive drug using, trick-turning mother in search of her father, only to find out she is pregnant, to be rejected by her dad and forced to survive on the streets until a compassionate stranger offers a hopeful alternative.
The very idea that this movie – about a “Choose Life”
alternative – is even out there – has driven the Progs and followers of
the Death Cult to Mega Super Splodey Head Status.
Gimme Shelter is reported to be positive, uplifting and PG-13: if this is the type of pro-Conservative, pro-Life work you want to support, please go see it in theatres – so that more movies like this can be made and shared. We have power to “be the change we want to see” (to paraphrase others!)
You can find a local theatre here:
Source is here.
Tags: True Christian values, Life, abortion is not the answer, Progressive regressive behavior, Political correctness gone wild, 1st Amendment, Life is freedom To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
What a tragic and bloody day this is.
After 41 years, 55 million plus. Do we REALLY know the total number of babies murdered in the womb? Will we ever know? More than likely we will never know the true number and maybe this is a good thing.
I could have posted up how terribly violent abortion is but I am not going to go there, this time. Instead I will share about a new movie that highlights "teen shelter residents" and more. Sounds great and read Bozell's interview. This is an 'independent or 'indie' film and has upset the denizens of the far left.
The movie that Bozell reviews is a low budget, independent film inspired by the real life experiences of the teen shelter residents.
From the Treehouse and by ytz4mee.
Gimmie Shelter
h/t Brent Bozell, freedom Warrior at NewsBusters:
You’re Right to Choose This Movie
“…Inspired by the real-life story of Kathy DiFiore, the founder of Several Sources Shelters, writer and director Ronald Krauss wrote his original screenplay while spending a year in a shelter for pregnant teens, and based it on the lives of several of the shelter mothers.Krauss wasn’t the only one who was inspired. Brendan Fraser asked to be in the movie after reading the script and spent time in the shelters with the mothers and the babies. On the last day of shooting, Krauss said Fraser “quietly told Kathy that he was donating his salary to the shelter, so he actually did the movie for nothing. It was a complete surprise to all of us.”
Choose Life – Your Mother Did! |
After watching “Gimme Shelter,” it’s quite obvious that the people who run these shelters for unwed mothers are thoughtful and dedicated, and why wouldn’t the women who enter their shelters also be hailed by feminists as experts on their own lives? It’s refreshing that we can go to the Cineplex and exercise the right to choose a movie that doesn’t bow to the conventional “wisdom” of feminism when it comes to teenagers in trouble. It shows there really are people out there to give hope to the hopeless — all of the hopeless.”
The movie that Bozell reviews is a low budget, independent film inspired by the real life experiences of the teen shelter residents.
Directed by Ron Krauss, and starring Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical), Rosario Dawson (Rent, Men in Black II), Brendan Fraser (George of the Jungle), as well as the infamous James Earl Jones (Dr. Strangelove, Star Wars), the film chronicles the story of a teenager who flees her abusive drug using, trick-turning mother in search of her father, only to find out she is pregnant, to be rejected by her dad and forced to survive on the streets until a compassionate stranger offers a hopeful alternative.
Gimme Shelter
![]() |
“Gimme Shelter” ~ a pro-life indie movie directed by Ron Krauss and based on the experiences of the founder of a network of shelters for pregnant teens debuts Jan 24th in theatres throughout the USA. |
Gimme Shelter is reported to be positive, uplifting and PG-13: if this is the type of pro-Conservative, pro-Life work you want to support, please go see it in theatres – so that more movies like this can be made and shared. We have power to “be the change we want to see” (to paraphrase others!)
You can find a local theatre here:
Source is here.
Tags: True Christian values, Life, abortion is not the answer, Progressive regressive behavior, Political correctness gone wild, 1st Amendment, Life is freedom To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
WRSA-7,000 posts
Western Rifle Shooters Association hits 7,000 posts
Well done!
Now go learn some more about Jefferson.
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Well done!
Now go learn some more about Jefferson.
Tags: Western Rifle Shooters Association To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Defiance Is The Natural Offspring Of Resistance
I am stealing this for re-post here from WRSA.
I will not add a single word nor will I remove anything from this post. All I have done to this post is clean it up and try to make the formatting a easier to read. Not so easy a task for one who is a bit challenged by technology as I am.
Read this and it just might change your thinking from the inside out. You know of what I speak. If you do not or you are confused, then please read on faithful reader, read on.
Let it sink in and change comes in many ways but it starts and exists in only one place. If you cannot figure out what place this is, look in the tags at the end of the post. Only clue you get.
Defiance Is The Natural Offspring Of Resistance
From a WRSA reader:
Defiance is the natural offspring of resistance.
It is defiance that puts meat on the bones of resistance.
Resistance takes many forms, it begins in your mind, it begins as something maybe as simple as a gut feeling, realizing, in our case as people under the increasing shadow of tyranny, the form of state “authority” as it exists is not legitimate.
There are a lot of law-abiding people who have been made criminals in the eyes of the State. A reality that is worth understanding.
In that making law-abiding people into criminals is a very important element of creating systems of control over those same people.
Where people who are free of control are people free to choose how to conduct themselves in every facet of the sphere of their lives they become manifest in their Liberty, and those who are encumbered by limitations imposed upon them in the manner in which they conduct their lives become subjects.
Subjects have two choices: submit and pay tribute to avoid the application of force, which is a force in itself, or via the convenience of having become criminals, enemies of the enemy of their own Liberty, they become a target for liquidation.
Because acts of defiance is testimony to their illegitimacy, the state, its power, and those who constitute the body of this system of control, because of the illegitimate nature of what they are, can not tolerate defiance.
Defiance upsets the balance of power.
Tyranny is a constant crisis that balances on a knifes edge requiring ever more control and tribute in order to offset the instability defiance creates to maintain that balance.
Understanding this reality as legitimate, as legitimate as ones Liberty, is manifold for in this equation lies the means to destroying the power of the state and it’s actors.
It is what you do with this understanding to resist what is illegitimate that is defiance.
After all, would you consider legitimate, an organization crime syndicate that violated the very system of laws it uses to imprison or kill you for violating the same laws in order to impose control to begin with?
Or defy it?
How about using force to coerce you, extort you into parting with your wealth, money you earned, taking your money and using your money to fund an entire system of armed enforcement to intimidate and scare you, make you so afraid of the ultimate violence it will use if you don’t give them your money, so you WILL give them your money?
How insanely crazy is that?
Are we all so crazy, so inured, we do not see the forest for the trees? It’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
It is a contradiction in terms so incredible it is difficult to wrap ones mind around. So crazy it has sneaked up and bit us on the arse.
One could argue we are a nation turned into an insane asylum. Run by psychopaths.
If not, what?
Things like this generally do not end well.
Would you consider this system, but far more important the people who run it, legitimate, as they craft a system consisting of a multitude of political, social, economic and cultural restrictions, limitations, designed to take your rifle and pistol from you, the means to posses them, in essentially the same manner as your money is extorted from you, essentially disarming you, so you have not the means to defend yourself from nor resist this system and those running it to begin with?
If these words and concepts have enlightened you as intended, it is a shift in, a gestalt of, if you will, of your thinking, it is your own personal paradigm in perception.
Paradigm is roughly defined as a sea change in thinking from collective thought and accepted norms to ideas that are contradictory…revolutionary.
It is then understanding the truth, the consequences of the truth, progresses, becomes a revolutionary thing in itself.
This then is the beginnings of resistance. The moment you accept the truth, you are the resistance.
You understand why you can not escape the consequences of the truth.
Revolutionary as: how can I submit to something that I believe is not legitimate? Or how can I not submit?
Am I a man or a subject?
That is the root of the tree of Liberty called defiance.
Liberty and defiance are kissing cousins. They are the cornerstones of our threadbare governing documents.
Codified within those amazing words of freedoms and system of negatives is hidden in plain sight the concepts of primal rights intended as guidelines for eternal resistance to tyranny. That is the crux of their importance, the relevance of those words.
It is not the documents that matter. It is what those documents imply that matters most.
It is resistance, and its blood kin defiance, that constitute the foundations of power to determine our paths through this mortal life as tyranny is laid upon ourselves. It is power of each mans sovereignty.
Sovereignty because of what it is is defiance.
So, you may ask yourself, ponder and reckon, what constitutes legitimacy? What is legitimate?
What is and is not legitimate? That is a question right there.
I’m sure it could be debated six ways to Sunday till we are turned to dust.
Maybe the question to ask is what is legitimate to you? After all, it is you yourself who must contend with what forms of power that are imposed upon you and how you deal with them.
It is up to you to choose how you will react to that power.
If you choose to comply with what is imposed on you are you a freeman?
Or do you give legitimacy to what would be illegitimate if you consent because doing so gives it credibility?
If you choose to resist, and take action to defy those impositions are you a freeman because by denying consent you inherently deny something legitimacy? It is you who decides what action you will take.
That is the proof of what is legitimate legitimacy right there. It proves the converse also.
Wrap your mind around that idea.
Remember it all begins with you.
And isn’t that the essence of Liberty?… Or the imposition of tyranny?
It is what you do with that Liberty that matters.
But Defy.
Live free or die.
Source is here.
Tags: Liberty, Freedom, Resistance, Defiance, It is a HEART thing, War on America, Tyranny, Freeman, Freewoman, Patriot. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
I will not add a single word nor will I remove anything from this post. All I have done to this post is clean it up and try to make the formatting a easier to read. Not so easy a task for one who is a bit challenged by technology as I am.
Read this and it just might change your thinking from the inside out. You know of what I speak. If you do not or you are confused, then please read on faithful reader, read on.
Let it sink in and change comes in many ways but it starts and exists in only one place. If you cannot figure out what place this is, look in the tags at the end of the post. Only clue you get.
Defiance Is The Natural Offspring Of Resistance
From a WRSA reader:
Defiance is the natural offspring of resistance.
It is defiance that puts meat on the bones of resistance.
Resistance takes many forms, it begins in your mind, it begins as something maybe as simple as a gut feeling, realizing, in our case as people under the increasing shadow of tyranny, the form of state “authority” as it exists is not legitimate.
There are a lot of law-abiding people who have been made criminals in the eyes of the State. A reality that is worth understanding.
In that making law-abiding people into criminals is a very important element of creating systems of control over those same people.
Where people who are free of control are people free to choose how to conduct themselves in every facet of the sphere of their lives they become manifest in their Liberty, and those who are encumbered by limitations imposed upon them in the manner in which they conduct their lives become subjects.
Subjects have two choices: submit and pay tribute to avoid the application of force, which is a force in itself, or via the convenience of having become criminals, enemies of the enemy of their own Liberty, they become a target for liquidation.
Because acts of defiance is testimony to their illegitimacy, the state, its power, and those who constitute the body of this system of control, because of the illegitimate nature of what they are, can not tolerate defiance.
Defiance upsets the balance of power.
Tyranny is a constant crisis that balances on a knifes edge requiring ever more control and tribute in order to offset the instability defiance creates to maintain that balance.
Understanding this reality as legitimate, as legitimate as ones Liberty, is manifold for in this equation lies the means to destroying the power of the state and it’s actors.
It is what you do with this understanding to resist what is illegitimate that is defiance.
After all, would you consider legitimate, an organization crime syndicate that violated the very system of laws it uses to imprison or kill you for violating the same laws in order to impose control to begin with?
Or defy it?
How about using force to coerce you, extort you into parting with your wealth, money you earned, taking your money and using your money to fund an entire system of armed enforcement to intimidate and scare you, make you so afraid of the ultimate violence it will use if you don’t give them your money, so you WILL give them your money?
How insanely crazy is that?
Are we all so crazy, so inured, we do not see the forest for the trees? It’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
It is a contradiction in terms so incredible it is difficult to wrap ones mind around. So crazy it has sneaked up and bit us on the arse.
One could argue we are a nation turned into an insane asylum. Run by psychopaths.
If not, what?
Things like this generally do not end well.
Would you consider this system, but far more important the people who run it, legitimate, as they craft a system consisting of a multitude of political, social, economic and cultural restrictions, limitations, designed to take your rifle and pistol from you, the means to posses them, in essentially the same manner as your money is extorted from you, essentially disarming you, so you have not the means to defend yourself from nor resist this system and those running it to begin with?
If these words and concepts have enlightened you as intended, it is a shift in, a gestalt of, if you will, of your thinking, it is your own personal paradigm in perception.
Paradigm is roughly defined as a sea change in thinking from collective thought and accepted norms to ideas that are contradictory…revolutionary.
It is then understanding the truth, the consequences of the truth, progresses, becomes a revolutionary thing in itself.
This then is the beginnings of resistance. The moment you accept the truth, you are the resistance.
You understand why you can not escape the consequences of the truth.
Revolutionary as: how can I submit to something that I believe is not legitimate? Or how can I not submit?
Am I a man or a subject?
That is the root of the tree of Liberty called defiance.
Liberty and defiance are kissing cousins. They are the cornerstones of our threadbare governing documents.
Codified within those amazing words of freedoms and system of negatives is hidden in plain sight the concepts of primal rights intended as guidelines for eternal resistance to tyranny. That is the crux of their importance, the relevance of those words.
It is not the documents that matter. It is what those documents imply that matters most.
It is resistance, and its blood kin defiance, that constitute the foundations of power to determine our paths through this mortal life as tyranny is laid upon ourselves. It is power of each mans sovereignty.
Sovereignty because of what it is is defiance.
So, you may ask yourself, ponder and reckon, what constitutes legitimacy? What is legitimate?
What is and is not legitimate? That is a question right there.
I’m sure it could be debated six ways to Sunday till we are turned to dust.
Maybe the question to ask is what is legitimate to you? After all, it is you yourself who must contend with what forms of power that are imposed upon you and how you deal with them.
It is up to you to choose how you will react to that power.
If you choose to comply with what is imposed on you are you a freeman?
Or do you give legitimacy to what would be illegitimate if you consent because doing so gives it credibility?
If you choose to resist, and take action to defy those impositions are you a freeman because by denying consent you inherently deny something legitimacy? It is you who decides what action you will take.
That is the proof of what is legitimate legitimacy right there. It proves the converse also.
Wrap your mind around that idea.
Remember it all begins with you.
And isn’t that the essence of Liberty?… Or the imposition of tyranny?
It is what you do with that Liberty that matters.
But Defy.
Live free or die.
Source is here.
Tags: Liberty, Freedom, Resistance, Defiance, It is a HEART thing, War on America, Tyranny, Freeman, Freewoman, Patriot. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
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