
Wayfaring Stranger- you decide which one

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4 Comments - Share Yours!:

Nick said...

Never heard the Doc Watson version before - good though.

Nick said...

I remember seeing that movie Cold Mountain and thinking I have to get that soundtrack IMMEDIATELY ... can't really remember what the movie was about now, but I did buy the soundtrack CD. Ray Winston was in that movie I think - he was also in the new Sweeney movie recently (good movie, great car chases, terrible language though.)

VoxSanitas said...

Unfair, Patriot! Ya got the great Southern vindication movie with those lovelies reprising a millenium of Celtic bard tunes converted by Christ in shape-note hymnody// Angelic Emmylou with her vocals as smooth as Blueridge moonshine// and the Kentucky Colonel himself crooning in his inimitable ethereal tenor. . . . Ya might as well ask me which landscape in Heaven I like the most!!!!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Doc he is a local and a national treasure RIP.I think its Jack White at his best in the Cold Mountain c.d. Please dont make me choose,All four are badass.