
PatriotUSA is out of the office for a bit........

Traveling today and tonight to Portland and back. The roads are extremely icy and dangerous.

Between storm systems and it is a race of sorts. I love it!

Oopsy, how did this get in here? Damn AJ

I will be off for at least today, tonight and maybe tomorrow.

Back ASAP and please carry on!

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2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Nice car.

PatriotUSA said...

Yes, nice car and i would take the CAR over the lassie.

I have neither and those who know me will know what I mean.

I would take a 1968 'cuda any day of the week. Sing to me MOPAR 340!

The finest small block ever made.

You can take your GM and Ford POS engines and use them for BOAT ANCHORS!