Tags: Mike Kelly, U.S. House Resolution, designation, Hizballah, terrorist org, European Union, EU, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Rep. Kelly Speaks from the House floor on H. Res. 834
U.S. Rep. Kelly (R-PA-13) introduces his resolution urging the European Union (EU) and its member states to designate Hizballah as a terrorist organization.
Tags: Mike Kelly, U.S. House Resolution, designation, Hizballah, terrorist org, European Union, EU, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Tags: Mike Kelly, U.S. House Resolution, designation, Hizballah, terrorist org, European Union, EU, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Freedom is worth it-Geert Wilders
Geert Wilders is well known in the Counter Jihad movement.
Wilders has been a staunch freedom fighter and knows all too well the dangers of Islam and it's bastard child, sharia law.
Listen to what Wilders has to say here.
Freedom is worth it. Freedom is worth dying for.
From Gates Of Vienna.
Many thanks to SimonXML for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:
Source is here.
Tags: Geert Wilders, interview, Netherlands, Islamization of Europe, Moroccan problem To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Wilders has been a staunch freedom fighter and knows all too well the dangers of Islam and it's bastard child, sharia law.
Listen to what Wilders has to say here.
Freedom is worth it. Freedom is worth dying for.
From Gates Of Vienna.
“Freedom Is Worth It”
Last Thursday Geert Wilders was interviewed by the state broadcasting service in the Netherlands. He discussed the Islamization of Europe, and in particular the “Moroccan problem” in the Netherlands. He also spoke out against the European juggernaut, decrying the surrender of Dutch sovereignty to Brussels.Many thanks to SimonXML for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:
Source is here.
Tags: Geert Wilders, interview, Netherlands, Islamization of Europe, Moroccan problem To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
We Don't Stand A Chance ...
Unless WE THE PEOPLE stand up. Today, tomorrow, every damn day! Multiple times a day! Not until this administration is brought to justice!
The following links are ALL important to watch/read. Today they took me to the final point of this post where I question - is it already too frickin late?
H/T - Benghazi Truth administrator on twitter @FrankMDavisJR - who lead me to twitter's Night Fury - who pointed the way to the blogger TRUTH who posted Obama's Plan To Destroy USA As We Know It - Starting this Spring - which takes us ultimately to -
Excerpts - and if these few from the article don't get your hackles up, nothing ever will -
There is way too much to copy into this post - please read every word of it for yourselves - but I will add one more excerpt that looks you and me directly in the eyeballs and then let you take it from there -
Tags: Lock & Load; War On America; 2nd Amendment To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
The following links are ALL important to watch/read. Today they took me to the final point of this post where I question - is it already too frickin late?
H/T - Benghazi Truth administrator on twitter @FrankMDavisJR - who lead me to twitter's Night Fury - who pointed the way to the blogger TRUTH who posted Obama's Plan To Destroy USA As We Know It - Starting this Spring - which takes us ultimately to -
People better pay close attention over the next few months. First, there won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned, I mean, the lack of deal is planned. In fact, it’s necessary to pave the way for what is in the short term agenda.
The coming collapse of the U.S. dollar is a done deal. It’s been in the works for years—decades, and this is one of the most important cataclysmic events that DHS is preparing for. I almost think that DHS was created for that purpose alone, to fight Americans, not protect them, right here in America. But that’s not the only reason. There’s the gun issue too.
..there has been a lot of communication recently between Napolitano and Pistole [TSA head]. They are planning to use TSA agents in tandem with local police for certain operations that are being planned right now. This is so [deleted] important that you cannot even begin to imagine. If you get nothing else out of this, please, please make sure you tell people to watch the TSA and their increasing involvement against the American public. They are the stooges who will be the ones to carry out certain plans when the dollar collapses and the gun confiscation begins.
A lot of police departments are being gifted with federal funds with strings attached. That money is flowing out to municipal police departments faster than it can be counted. They are using his money to buy tanks, well, not real tanks, but you know what I mean. DHS is turning the police into soldiers.
First, DHS is preparing to work with police departments and the TSA to respond to civil uprisings that will happen when there is a financial panic. And there will be one, maybe as early as this spring, when the dollar won’t get you a gumball. I’m not sure what the catalyst will be, but I’ve heard rumblings about a derivatives crisis as well as an oil embargo. I don’t know, that’s not my department. But something is going to happen to collapse the dollar, which has been in the works since the 1990s. Now if it does not happen as soon as this, it’s because there are people, real patriots, who are working to prevent this, so it’s a fluid dynamic. But that doesn’t change the preparations.
So what I’m telling you is that DHS, the TSA and certain, but not all, law enforcement agencies are going to be elbow deep in riot control in response to an economic incident. At the same time or close to it, gun confiscation will start. It will start on a voluntary basis using federal registration forms, then an amnesty, then the kicking-in of doors start.
They already are in motion. If you’re looking for a date I can’t tell you. Remember, the objectives are the same, but plans, well, they adapt. They exploit. Watch how this fiscal cliff thing plays out. This is the run-up to the next big economic event.
I can’t give you a date. I can tell you to watch things this spring. Start with the inauguration and go from there. Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen.
The federal agencies have identified people who present a danger to them and their agendas. ...... It’s people that are just under the national radar but are effective. They have to worry. Those who have been publicly marginalized already but continue to talk or write or post, they are in trouble. It’s people who won’t sell out, who think that they can make a difference. Those are the people who have to worry.
Chills many yet peoples?
My two cents in order of importance of individual and country survival:
Lock - And - Load!
Stay abreast of what information is being imparted by bloggers, those the founding fathers would have designated as part of a well regulated militia, who ARE involved and who do stand shoulder to shoulder defending Lady Liberty as she clashes with the enemy from within. Four sites I go to every single day -
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler - You bet your ignorant syphilitic infected brain there will be - - - The Conservative Treehouse - Entrenched Ideologue President Obama MUST Be Crushed On His First Legislative Construct Attempt At Gun Banning…. - - - Patriot's Corner - Future Obama Administration Propaganda Posters - - - PumaBydesign001 - PJTV: DO NOT Let Liberals Elect the First Female President!
USE THE TOOLS: The tabs on my home page have every congressional contact - physical addresses, web sites, email addresses, twitter addresses.
And PRAY - at this time in America's history we need some very, special, backing.....

Tags: Lock & Load; War On America; 2nd Amendment To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Future Obama Administration Propaganda Posters
Future Obama Administration Propaganda Posters
Taken from a Communist China propaganda poster which originally depicted the crushing of all things Capitalist, I removed the Chinese flags and replaced them with Obama logos with the Big Brother eye in the middle symbolizing the Orwellian lack of privacy and government spying that is currently occurring. Below the logo on the top right, I added the communist slogan of "Forward" that the Obama Administration uses along with at least one of their propaganda outlets <*cough MSNBC*>. I added guns to the items being crushed by the worker representing the state confiscation of guns and the crushing at least one of our rights as Americans. The message on the top left intentionally implies a threat if you do not turn in your guns.
Always remember: Government = Force.
This is the future that we all need to fight against.
This is the future that we all need to fight against.
Filched with complete honor from Conservative Blogs Central and thanks to Mike Miles.
Tags: Obama Administration Propaganda Posters To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
"First They Take Manhattan" then ...
Thinking out loud as that's how she rolls - just read or delete....
In my world - associations resonate between the death kneel imagery of the title of one of Leonard Cohen's songs, and what we are seeing in this country today of the insidious efforts of enacting more gun control ... First We Take Manhattan, Then We take Berlin.
Mr. Cohen introduced the song in 1988. The original meaning of the lyrics seem to be lost in time, but a month after the first 9/11 terrorist attack he said in an interview - Ever succeeding moment changes what has happened the moment before. In the stream of writing, all that is written changes its meanings by what is written subsequently. "First We Take Manhattan" might be understood as an examination of the mind of the extremist. In a way it's a better song now (*) than it was before and I would probably sing it in concert if the circumstances were appropriate.
A search of YouTube shows he indeed seems to find the circumstances appropriate as there are numerous uploads of this song from concerts Mr. Cohen has done in 2012. A lyric mid way stings - You know the way to stop me but you don't have the discipline.
A friend in conversation a few days ago - "For some reason a channel decided to do an "All In The Family" marathon. Turned to it.. they were discussing gun control ... the dialogue was EXACTLY what is being said today about it in the US!!! Straight off the current news reports! FORTY fricken years later and all that has changed is the body counts."
Well, no. The drum beat of guns are bad, murderers aren't responsible, intensifies - daily! Fortunately we now have the internet where the dirty works of our paid employees (politicians) are being exposed unlike forty years ago. The reality is gun free zones only get a lot of folks killed. Gun free Chicago (you know, Hussein Obama's stomping grounds) reported a day or so ago it's 500th homicide in 2012! - h/t The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. I didn't read much of any bible-thumpin-red-neck-tea-party involvement in any of it. Actually, there was none. So are we confused as to who that leaves as responsible?
Thomas Sowell - Guns are not the problem. People are the problem — including people who are determined to push gun-control laws, either in ignorance of the facts or in defiance of the facts. There is innocent ignorance and there is invincible, dogmatic, and self-righteous ignorance. Every tragic mass shooting seems to bring out examples of both among gun-control advocates.
Either type of ignorance plays right into the hands of those who would disarm the American citizen and it is a major step on the march to tyranny. On that march - a few links you might find of interest -
Tags: Leonard Cohen, song, Wake Up America, Tyranny, War On America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
In my world - associations resonate between the death kneel imagery of the title of one of Leonard Cohen's songs, and what we are seeing in this country today of the insidious efforts of enacting more gun control ... First We Take Manhattan, Then We take Berlin.
Mr. Cohen introduced the song in 1988. The original meaning of the lyrics seem to be lost in time, but a month after the first 9/11 terrorist attack he said in an interview - Ever succeeding moment changes what has happened the moment before. In the stream of writing, all that is written changes its meanings by what is written subsequently. "First We Take Manhattan" might be understood as an examination of the mind of the extremist. In a way it's a better song now (*) than it was before and I would probably sing it in concert if the circumstances were appropriate.
A search of YouTube shows he indeed seems to find the circumstances appropriate as there are numerous uploads of this song from concerts Mr. Cohen has done in 2012. A lyric mid way stings - You know the way to stop me but you don't have the discipline.
A friend in conversation a few days ago - "For some reason a channel decided to do an "All In The Family" marathon. Turned to it.. they were discussing gun control ... the dialogue was EXACTLY what is being said today about it in the US!!! Straight off the current news reports! FORTY fricken years later and all that has changed is the body counts."
Well, no. The drum beat of guns are bad, murderers aren't responsible, intensifies - daily! Fortunately we now have the internet where the dirty works of our paid employees (politicians) are being exposed unlike forty years ago. The reality is gun free zones only get a lot of folks killed. Gun free Chicago (you know, Hussein Obama's stomping grounds) reported a day or so ago it's 500th homicide in 2012! - h/t The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. I didn't read much of any bible-thumpin-red-neck-tea-party involvement in any of it. Actually, there was none. So are we confused as to who that leaves as responsible?
Thomas Sowell - Guns are not the problem. People are the problem — including people who are determined to push gun-control laws, either in ignorance of the facts or in defiance of the facts. There is innocent ignorance and there is invincible, dogmatic, and self-righteous ignorance. Every tragic mass shooting seems to bring out examples of both among gun-control advocates.
Either type of ignorance plays right into the hands of those who would disarm the American citizen and it is a major step on the march to tyranny. On that march - a few links you might find of interest -
PUMABydesign001 - TYRANNY ALERT - Firearm Confiscation Plan Announced For America - - - video - England Warns America: Don't let them take your guns! - - - video - DHS Preparing For Civil War - - - video - Australia warning to America - Don't think it can't happen to you!
One more - a piece Creeping Sharia has posted on multiple occasions. A conversation with a Holocaust survivor. The subject - how could it have happened? What that march to tyranny looks like. What that march feels like - - - They Thought They Were Free.
Your 'little men,' your Nazi friends, were not against National Socialism in principle. Men like me, who were, are the greater offenders, not because we knew better (that would be too much to say) but because we sensed better. Pastor Niemöller spoke for the thousands and thousands of men like me when he spoke (too modestly of himself) and said that, when the Nazis attacked the Communists, he was a little uneasy, but, after all, he was not a Communist, and so he did nothing; and then they attacked the Socialists, and he was a little uneasier, but, still, he was not a Socialist, and he did nothing; and then the schools, the press, the Jews, and so on, and he was always uneasier, but still he did nothing. And then they attacked the Church, and he was a Churchman, and he did something—but then it was too late.
“You see,” my colleague went on, “one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty."
Wake up America! WAKE UP AMERICA!
Tags: Leonard Cohen, song, Wake Up America, Tyranny, War On America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
The skills set of the Founding Fathers: Doing what Constitutional Conservatives do and beyond, seeking the truth!
There is a time for those of us who love our REPUBLIC to stand up to tyranny, government gone wild and the traitors who think they know what is best for all of us.
That time is now.
The worst of these traitors, those who hate the United States, our Constitution, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM are exemplified by Barack Obama, his administration and those who believe in modern liberalism, statism or classical magical thinking.
For those of you who have any doubts about where I stand, what I stand for or why I share what I do here, you only have to read what is posted up here.
There are many who are wondering if all was lost after this last election and yes, conservatives took a beat down but remember this; true Constitutional Conservatism was never offered to the American people in the last election or in 2008. In fact, what the Founding Fathers laid down for us in our Constitution has NOT been represented by any politician in a very long time nor has it been displayed as a platform by the RINO republican party. Allen West and a few others have come sort of close but no cigar. Many are in despair and have given up, quit or even turned to the dark side.
Not me, not here, not in any shape or form. We live in dark, perilous times, it will get much darker, more sinister before the light of the truth burns away the evil of statist run government.
I am not the most intelligent, philosophical, nor do I or will I ever be known as a free thinker. What I am is extremely logical, a deep thinker with a common sense that is a rarity in our times. My Grandfather, Mother and a couple of uncles get most of the credit for that. My beliefs are based on the Constitution. true conservative principles, peace through superior firepower and first and most importantly, a love for Jesus and the standard that he set for me. I have never claimed to be anything but a Constitutional conservative who believes in what The Founding Fathers gave us with the Constitution.
You may have noticed (how could you not) that I have shared a fair number of posts from The Last Refuge or The Conservative Tree House, same site. This is a site that I implore each one of you to visit and spend a few hours there. The truth lives at TLR. It is a site of some of the most intelligent, wise folks I have ever happened across. the research by the contributors and readers is the best there is IMHO. Sundance, Sharon have busted the LSM repeatedly and will continue to do so. Their research and coverage of Benghazi and Travon Martin are just two of the best examples that come to my mind. There are many others. Spend some time there is all I can say.
Why am I bothering you all with all this prattle?
Here is why.
A recent comment by a Constitutional Conservative and Sundance wrote a most passionate and truth filled response, which is what you will read next. As I stated above, I am not the brightest bulb in the box and I am sure as hell not an evil compact fluorescent light bulb. I see myself as one of the 100 watt incandescent bulbs that the government killed. Sundance is a 150 watt floodlight and I tip my hat to Sundance as her response explains why we do what we do and must keep doing.
Our Republic is very ill but it is not yet terminal. When good men and women do nothing, evil will prevail.
Not on my watch nor should it be on yours. Just saying...........
From The Last Refuge and it is an honor to offer this next feed to you. Thanks to Jordan2222 for posing his queries and to Sundance for one of the best responses I have ever read. PatriotUSA
Jordan, in response to your comment here I’m going to attempt to share something that I really suck at explaining. It is hard to find the correct assembly of words and put them in the correct order to make sense of, well, “it”. So I’m feebly going to drop back to my fallback position of an analogy in a fumbling attempt to explain, and perhaps in a larger sense put some perspective on this place we call the TreeHouse – The Last Refuge.
Think of current considerations like being inside a massive warehouse constructed as a pitch black maze. Within the confinement of the maze there is no light to afford any person perspective in relation to their environment.
Total darkness, total silence, and the incapacity for general use of any inherent sense: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, are all useless. The only sense that works is the instinctive sense that none, or at least few, of us have spent any time perfecting. It is exceptionally unnerving and disconcerting this place we find ourselves.
Yet, there is a coping mechanism available. You see, the maze was constructed by individual people who were given a specific set of instructions on a particular piece to build. Each person tasked with building their unit did not know what they were building, nor did they know how it would be assembled. In addition, they were not aware why they were building it; It was a request without explanation, and once the task fulfilled they were thanked for their contribution and instructed to leave.
The community that has come together in this Last Refuge is, in a large part, an assembly of many persons who were involved in the individual unit construction; and who know, with specific expertise, how their small section is navigated. Yet they do not know the whole.
We find ourselves within this maze of darkness absent of external compass points. However, each Treeper has a keen understanding, when their built unit is reached, of the entrance and exit. So a large group is able to navigate using the individual skill set of the participants as each take turn with inherent knowledge of their geographical point of reference when reached.
Such was the exact same manner of affiliation for the original founding fathers of this great Republic who found themselves in need of the same skill set. They were diverse and yet were generally comfortable with each other and their faith. They individually pledged their lives, their fortune and their sacred honor in advancement of the journey.
From the beginning, the largest percentage of current long-term refuge members became affiliated after they walked into the “political” maze around 2006/07′/08′ or 09′. Before that there were few who wanted to know what was behind the massive doors of this monolithic construct, but it was not empty. There were some guides already in place to assist the first steps.
Such remains the same today. As each day, week, month or year passes, more and more people find the courage to open the door. Each carrying their own individual reason to join the quest for understanding and basic truth. So each person inside has a responsibility to assist with the first uncomfortable steps. And so it goes…….
The community is much greater than the sum of its parts because each has a specific skill set, a specific knowledge, and a desire to learn, absorb and understand; Even though each has an individual, or personal, reason for doing so. That reason matters not, nor is it ever asked. If not abridged by the individual in the form of a question it remains irrelevant.

To your direct inquiry. I don’t know what you, or anyone else, might do, or not do, with the information we discuss. It is irrelevant to us, as it should be. No-one is telling anyone they need to do anything, nor do they need to avoid doing anything.
To each his/her own.
But what we do have here is a great collection of light-bringers who know, as previously mentioned, the construct of individual segments.
Many people here stem from military backgrounds, many more from affiliations and expertise with quasi-political forces who worked deep within the framework of the maze of societal construction. Their expertise is as diverse as the fabric which quilts our nation.
I like to think of the Treehouse the same way I view Mensa. The Mensa organization is quite different from what people think. The most intelligent, as quantified with abstract reasoning tests, are not elite academics, professors, or captains of industry. Not even close.
The vast majority of Mensas’ are tradespeople of comfortable invisibility, and profoundly proud insignificance. They are carpenters, nurses, plumbers, electricians, roofers, street sweeps, janitors and otherwise: the ‘invisibles’. But bring them together and watch out. Because quantum physics meets practical application and universal factors are dissected with massive intellectual acumen.
One common thread characteristic, or sense of commonality, is each person seems to enjoy the comfort of physical accomplishment. Few, very few, are abstract white collarists. Some are significant leaders but only because of what I call ‘their deep connection to dirt’, as in – physical earth covering dirt. Working with your hands provides a comfort unknown in the world of the abstract intellectual thought; and yet, that physical effort allows the mind to travel to incredible places of cognition.
It is a journey.
This is a journey. A journey without a specifically known destination, and an unnerving sense that despite our best efforts or intentions the destination might be a place we do not want to reach. But we are committed to boldly finding out, because in its purest sense the only truth is available at the exit.
Such is life.

Source is here.
Tags: right-wing extremist, reflections, life, Sundance To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
That time is now.
The worst of these traitors, those who hate the United States, our Constitution, AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM are exemplified by Barack Obama, his administration and those who believe in modern liberalism, statism or classical magical thinking.
For those of you who have any doubts about where I stand, what I stand for or why I share what I do here, you only have to read what is posted up here.
There are many who are wondering if all was lost after this last election and yes, conservatives took a beat down but remember this; true Constitutional Conservatism was never offered to the American people in the last election or in 2008. In fact, what the Founding Fathers laid down for us in our Constitution has NOT been represented by any politician in a very long time nor has it been displayed as a platform by the RINO republican party. Allen West and a few others have come sort of close but no cigar. Many are in despair and have given up, quit or even turned to the dark side.
Not me, not here, not in any shape or form. We live in dark, perilous times, it will get much darker, more sinister before the light of the truth burns away the evil of statist run government.
I am not the most intelligent, philosophical, nor do I or will I ever be known as a free thinker. What I am is extremely logical, a deep thinker with a common sense that is a rarity in our times. My Grandfather, Mother and a couple of uncles get most of the credit for that. My beliefs are based on the Constitution. true conservative principles, peace through superior firepower and first and most importantly, a love for Jesus and the standard that he set for me. I have never claimed to be anything but a Constitutional conservative who believes in what The Founding Fathers gave us with the Constitution.
You may have noticed (how could you not) that I have shared a fair number of posts from The Last Refuge or The Conservative Tree House, same site. This is a site that I implore each one of you to visit and spend a few hours there. The truth lives at TLR. It is a site of some of the most intelligent, wise folks I have ever happened across. the research by the contributors and readers is the best there is IMHO. Sundance, Sharon have busted the LSM repeatedly and will continue to do so. Their research and coverage of Benghazi and Travon Martin are just two of the best examples that come to my mind. There are many others. Spend some time there is all I can say.
Why am I bothering you all with all this prattle?
Here is why.
A recent comment by a Constitutional Conservative and Sundance wrote a most passionate and truth filled response, which is what you will read next. As I stated above, I am not the brightest bulb in the box and I am sure as hell not an evil compact fluorescent light bulb. I see myself as one of the 100 watt incandescent bulbs that the government killed. Sundance is a 150 watt floodlight and I tip my hat to Sundance as her response explains why we do what we do and must keep doing.
Our Republic is very ill but it is not yet terminal. When good men and women do nothing, evil will prevail.
Not on my watch nor should it be on yours. Just saying...........
From The Last Refuge and it is an honor to offer this next feed to you. Thanks to Jordan2222 for posing his queries and to Sundance for one of the best responses I have ever read. PatriotUSA
A Message To Jordan2222 That Extends Beyond……
By Sundance
Think of current considerations like being inside a massive warehouse constructed as a pitch black maze. Within the confinement of the maze there is no light to afford any person perspective in relation to their environment.
Total darkness, total silence, and the incapacity for general use of any inherent sense: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, are all useless. The only sense that works is the instinctive sense that none, or at least few, of us have spent any time perfecting. It is exceptionally unnerving and disconcerting this place we find ourselves.
Yet, there is a coping mechanism available. You see, the maze was constructed by individual people who were given a specific set of instructions on a particular piece to build. Each person tasked with building their unit did not know what they were building, nor did they know how it would be assembled. In addition, they were not aware why they were building it; It was a request without explanation, and once the task fulfilled they were thanked for their contribution and instructed to leave.
The community that has come together in this Last Refuge is, in a large part, an assembly of many persons who were involved in the individual unit construction; and who know, with specific expertise, how their small section is navigated. Yet they do not know the whole.
We find ourselves within this maze of darkness absent of external compass points. However, each Treeper has a keen understanding, when their built unit is reached, of the entrance and exit. So a large group is able to navigate using the individual skill set of the participants as each take turn with inherent knowledge of their geographical point of reference when reached.
Such was the exact same manner of affiliation for the original founding fathers of this great Republic who found themselves in need of the same skill set. They were diverse and yet were generally comfortable with each other and their faith. They individually pledged their lives, their fortune and their sacred honor in advancement of the journey.
From the beginning, the largest percentage of current long-term refuge members became affiliated after they walked into the “political” maze around 2006/07′/08′ or 09′. Before that there were few who wanted to know what was behind the massive doors of this monolithic construct, but it was not empty. There were some guides already in place to assist the first steps.
Such remains the same today. As each day, week, month or year passes, more and more people find the courage to open the door. Each carrying their own individual reason to join the quest for understanding and basic truth. So each person inside has a responsibility to assist with the first uncomfortable steps. And so it goes…….
The community is much greater than the sum of its parts because each has a specific skill set, a specific knowledge, and a desire to learn, absorb and understand; Even though each has an individual, or personal, reason for doing so. That reason matters not, nor is it ever asked. If not abridged by the individual in the form of a question it remains irrelevant.
To your direct inquiry. I don’t know what you, or anyone else, might do, or not do, with the information we discuss. It is irrelevant to us, as it should be. No-one is telling anyone they need to do anything, nor do they need to avoid doing anything.
To each his/her own.
But what we do have here is a great collection of light-bringers who know, as previously mentioned, the construct of individual segments.
Many people here stem from military backgrounds, many more from affiliations and expertise with quasi-political forces who worked deep within the framework of the maze of societal construction. Their expertise is as diverse as the fabric which quilts our nation.
The vast majority of Mensas’ are tradespeople of comfortable invisibility, and profoundly proud insignificance. They are carpenters, nurses, plumbers, electricians, roofers, street sweeps, janitors and otherwise: the ‘invisibles’. But bring them together and watch out. Because quantum physics meets practical application and universal factors are dissected with massive intellectual acumen.
One common thread characteristic, or sense of commonality, is each person seems to enjoy the comfort of physical accomplishment. Few, very few, are abstract white collarists. Some are significant leaders but only because of what I call ‘their deep connection to dirt’, as in – physical earth covering dirt. Working with your hands provides a comfort unknown in the world of the abstract intellectual thought; and yet, that physical effort allows the mind to travel to incredible places of cognition.
It is a journey.
This is a journey. A journey without a specifically known destination, and an unnerving sense that despite our best efforts or intentions the destination might be a place we do not want to reach. But we are committed to boldly finding out, because in its purest sense the only truth is available at the exit.
Such is life.
Source is here.
Tags: right-wing extremist, reflections, life, Sundance To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Thank you to all new and regular readers, visitors!
An FYI and a huge thanks!
I am doing a ton of other stuff today and will return late tonight. There is music early tonight and am just running with life right now.
A huge thank you to the contributors who have helped build PC. It would not be possible with all of you.
Thanks again and I am honored and humbled by those who frequent here and those of you who are new to Patriot's Corner. PatriotUSA
Tags: thanks To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
I am doing a ton of other stuff today and will return late tonight. There is music early tonight and am just running with life right now.
A huge thank you to the contributors who have helped build PC. It would not be possible with all of you.
Thanks again and I am honored and humbled by those who frequent here and those of you who are new to Patriot's Corner. PatriotUSA
Tags: thanks To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Blogger Retaliates Against Paper That Published Gun Owner Addresses by Creating Interactive Map of Its Employees
Straight from The Blaze - By Liz Klimas
Tags The Blaze bloggers, retaliate, New York newspaper, Journal News, printed names, registered gun owners, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
In retaliation against the New York newspaper — the Journal News — that published the addresses of those pistol permit holders in two of the state’s counties, a blogger has created a map pinpointing the addresses of the newspaper’s employees.
Mimicking the title of the Journal News’ original article, Robert Cox with “Talk of the Sound” headlined his post: Map: Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?

He wrote:
He also noted that since the publication has downsized in recent years, some of the names of employees might not be current. So far, dozens of names and addresses have been collected and published.
See the full-size map here.
Another blogger has been curating the names and addresses of News Journal employees as well (via Beta Beat). Christopher Fountain, a Greenwich, Conn., real estate agent on his blog For What It’s Worth, generally composes posts about real estate and home improvement, has been voicing his thoughts on the News Journal’s publishing of gun owner addresses and also recently linked Cox’s interactive map of employee addresses.
Check out these stories on TheBlaze blog related to the New York paper publishing gun owners addresses:
Source is here
Mimicking the title of the Journal News’ original article, Robert Cox with “Talk of the Sound” headlined his post: Map: Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?
Screenshot of Journal News employee address map. (Image: Robert Cox/ Talk of the Sound)
The map indicates the addresses of all Journal News Employees in the New York Tri-State area. Each dot represents an individual Journal News employee — a reporter, editor or staffer. The data does not include freelancers — reporters or photographers — which can be hired without being an employee. Being included in this map does not mean the individual at a specific location is a responsible reporter or editor, just that they are a reporter or editor.Cox went onto explain that putting together the map has been a crowd-sourced effort between other bloggers and readers. He wrote the map will be updated as more information continues to become available.
To create the map, Talk of the Sound submitted Google searches for the names and addresses of all Journal News employees in the New York Tri-State area. By state law, the information is public record.
He also noted that since the publication has downsized in recent years, some of the names of employees might not be current. So far, dozens of names and addresses have been collected and published.
See the full-size map here.
Another blogger has been curating the names and addresses of News Journal employees as well (via Beta Beat). Christopher Fountain, a Greenwich, Conn., real estate agent on his blog For What It’s Worth, generally composes posts about real estate and home improvement, has been voicing his thoughts on the News Journal’s publishing of gun owner addresses and also recently linked Cox’s interactive map of employee addresses.
Check out these stories on TheBlaze blog related to the New York paper publishing gun owners addresses:
- Shouldn’t Gun Owners Be OK With Having Their Addresses Printed in a Newspaper?
- Re: Shouldn’t Gun Owners Be OK With Having Their Addresses Printed in a Newspaper?
Source is here
Tags The Blaze bloggers, retaliate, New York newspaper, Journal News, printed names, registered gun owners, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Feel the love from Islam-fooled again in Colorado
Feeling the love from Muslims and Islam in Colorado. I have little time today and need to keep my comments short.
There is NO peace within Islam and with Islam there can NEVER be peace.
From Creeping Sharia.
The Muslim part of the ad, not shown by the Denver Post – likely for the obvious reason that the chosen verse has nothing to do with the concept of loving thy neighbor. In fact, it doesn’t even mention neighbor:

Muslims in Colorado love their neighbors so much that they refuse to share worship space with them in the Denver airport as we reported here, Muslim prayer room at Denver Airport separate from Christians and Jews. Muslim love.
More to the point, the Koran explicitly states Muslims should not take Christians and Jews for friends:
And for inquiring minds, the http://www.unitingcolorado.com website consists of one page. Anyone know who they are? Here’s the same ad on their site.

Notice it doesn’t list any of the partners they are supposed to be loving. Here’s the image the Denver Post ran:

The Prophet said, “War is deceit.”
Source is here.
Tags: Islam, Colorado, Feel the Love, Love Thy Neighbor campaign To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
There is NO peace within Islam and with Islam there can NEVER be peace.
From Creeping Sharia.
Colorado: Muslims fool Jewish, Christian leaders in “love neigbbor” campaign
via Colorado Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders launch love campaign – The Denver Post.Colorado Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders stood together in Denver’s main mosque Monday and launched a “Love Thy Neighbor” campaign — starting with ads on RTD buses.
They said the ad they unveiled — at a time on the calendar devoted to love and understanding — is meant to respond to recent national tragedies and to replace anti-Muslim ads placed on buses last month.
“Our country is in the midst of a lot of divisions,” Temple Emanuel Senior Rabbi Joe Black said. “Hatred is only going to further violence and the breakdown of society.”
“Love Thy Neighbor” ads, purchased for $5,000, are expected to appear on 10 buses by the end of this week and stay on each bus for a month.
The “Love Thy Neighbor” message conveys “a shared concept in the three religions,” Colorado Muslim Society Imam Karim Abuzaid said. “In Islam, we are commanded to love our neighbor, or at least act in love.”
The Muslim part of the ad, not shown by the Denver Post – likely for the obvious reason that the chosen verse has nothing to do with the concept of loving thy neighbor. In fact, it doesn’t even mention neighbor:
Muslims in Colorado love their neighbors so much that they refuse to share worship space with them in the Denver airport as we reported here, Muslim prayer room at Denver Airport separate from Christians and Jews. Muslim love.
More to the point, the Koran explicitly states Muslims should not take Christians and Jews for friends:
O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends… ~ Koran 5:052More h/t Iron Burka
And for inquiring minds, the http://www.unitingcolorado.com website consists of one page. Anyone know who they are? Here’s the same ad on their site.
Notice it doesn’t list any of the partners they are supposed to be loving. Here’s the image the Denver Post ran:
The Prophet said, “War is deceit.”
Source is here.
Tags: Islam, Colorado, Feel the Love, Love Thy Neighbor campaign To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Morning Star Farms-A common sense approach on how to run a company
Free thinkers and brain washed magical thinkers will truly hate this idea and that it has worked so well for this company.
The Morning Star Company, which handles 40 percent of California's processed tomato crop, is the largest tomato processing company in the world. That's impressive, but the most unique thing about Morning Star is that it has no managers. Instead, Morning Star embraces an approach they call "self-management." As Paul Green, Jr. of Morning Star's Self-Management Institute puts it: "Self-management is, at a very very high level, exactly the way you live when you go home from work. We just ask you to keep that hat on when you come to work at Morning Star."
In our everyday lives, we don't have bosses telling us which careers or hobbies to pursue. If we want to purchase a car or a home, we don't have to get permission. Sure, we consult with friends and family before making important decisions, but as long as we're prepared to take responsibility for our choices, we're free to do what we want.
The same spirit reigns at Morning Star. Employees decide how their skill sets can best help Morning Star succeed and then develop their own lists of roles and responsibilities in collaboration with their colleagues. If Morning Star employees want to purchase new equipment, they don't ask managers for permission. Rather, they discuss potential purchases with colleagues who will be affected by the purchase and, if others with expertise support the decision, they simply buy what they need. There is no R&D department at Morning Star. There are, however, strong incentives for every employee to innovate. Workers who successfully innovate don't receive new titles. They earn the respect of their colleagues in addition to financial compensation.
Running a firm without managers seems like a crazy idea to many, but is it? If the most prosperous societies are organized around institutions that promote freedom and responsibility, why shouldn't a similar approach work within a firm? If market-based societies are best able to take advantage of local and dispersed knowledge, then doesn't it make sense to give staffers with the most local knowledge the freedom to make decisions?
More than 50 years ago, Leonard E. Read wrote "I, Pencil," an essay that asks how we can expect central planning to succeed when nobody in the world possess all the knowledge needed to produce even a simple pencil. For more than 40 years, Morning Star has been demonstrating that you don't need managers to run a successful company.
(Full disclosure: Morning Star founder Chris Rufer is a supporter of Reason Foundation, the nonprofit that publishes Reason TV.)
Tags: Morning Star Farms, common sense To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Modern Liberalism and the mental disorder of magical thinking
A bit of a rewind is in order here in response to the release of the names of legal gun owners by the progressive and now nefarious Journal News.
I stayed out of The Newtown murders as it had been fishtailed, spun and dried so many times, I would have been repeating much of others had already noticed and stated much better than I could have. The 'official narrative' has been been polluted and made to order for maximum brainwashing.
I did have other events happening as well, was helping out others as I often do so I just stayed out of the fray and watched from the sidelines.
The absolute stupidity of such a breach of CONFIDENTIAL yet public information is beyond the reach of so many people it can be a mysterious thing to ponder.
Yet this is nothing more ( I am NOT downplaying this at all) than the corrupt thinking of modern liberalism or Magical Thinking. Barack Obama is the perfect example of this mental disorder. Is it any wonder why he is associated with DOPEY CHANGEY, unicorns and rainbows? Believing that the world is as people 'hope' or think it should be is like Lemmings jumping off a cliff.. ANYONE who opposes this thinking is racist, anti-Semitic, bigoted, unenlightened, uneducated, barbaric (see Islam and sharia law for what is truly barbaric), we are ridiculed, targeted and scorned by the free thinkers who are truly slaves to modern liberalism.
One may think this is all old news but this proves what modern 'progressives' want to force upon the rest of us.
"Modern liberalism uses a similar model. Today’s leftist leaders are often presented to the public as boasting the most outlandish, godlike talents, reminiscent of the Deeds of the Divine Augustus 5 (Emperor Caesar Augustus’ autobiography). Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has often been described as the world’s most brilliant woman. Likewise, Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are presented as the greatest and wisest minds of their age. This puffery is necessary to create a human interface between the people and the deified state, as seen in all Marxist cults of propaganda, erected for every communist leader. " 6
"Principled conservatives, libertarians and liberals should join and reject the infantile Magical Thinking world-view and resultant childish policies. If not, our entire society will be permanently driven off the cliff by repeated childlike policies and political decisions. Then, every good that all the leftists in America have long wanted to pursue will be just a faded memory of lost opportunities."
The so called fiscal cliff is one that we have already gone over long ago and it is a mere shadow of what lies ahead after the dictator and thief has his coronation next year. Obama is merely the puppet on strings that are controlled by Jarrett, Soros, Ayers, Wright and such vile haters of true freedom and liberty.
I mentioned a rewind and here it is from Canada Free Press.
Modern Leftism and Magical Thinking
By Kelly OConnell
In midst of one of the most amazing displays of irrationality in modern Western history, Americans are left to ponder: What the devil has happened to the USA? Arguably, roots of America’s current confusion are traceable to an infection of leftist Magical Thinking.
This is essentially the thought pattern of how children perceive the world, a mindset based upon substituting wishful thinking for reality. One of the chief characteristics of Magical Thinking is a denial of the principles of science. It is a dangerous belief system because it causes folks to assume that as long as their motives are right, all their plans and undertakings will work out.
The unrealistic thought pattern of Magical Thinking now informs American public policy and statecraft at every level—on economics, foreign relations, rule of law, environmentalism, etc. It is a world-view based upon the notion the “right” people will provide successful leadership for America, simply because they are “good,” and not the old “bad” leaders. Most intriguingly, this outlook is characteristic of not just children, but also sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which Dr. Ali Sina believes is a diagnosis fitting Barack Obama. 1
I What Is Magical Thinking?
Magical Thinking deludes folks into believing the world is exactly as they hope it to be. Dictionary.com defines magical thinking as…“a conviction that thinking is equivalent to doing, occurring in dreams, the thought patterns of children, and some types of mental disorders, esp. obsessive-compulsive disorder.” Leonard Zusne and Warren H. Jones, authors of “Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking” write Magical Thinking is “a fundamental dimension of a child’s thinking.” 2
Perception of linear time is avoided while cause and affect and natural laws are dismissed. In this mental disorder, focus is placed upon how things “should” be, while all personal responsibility is cast aside. The self and one’s comrades are identified as above criticism. Opponents are made devils, their ideas treated as laughable, and are personally attacked as idiotic, mentally unwell people beneath contempt, simply for disagreeing with magical thinkers.
Sir James Frazer, unparalleled scholar of primitive religions, developed many standard elements defining Magical Thinking in his Sympathetic Magic theory. This explains much “magic” practice in primitive societies, as seen in Voodoo believers. Frazer describes this in his masterpiece, the 12-volume Golden Bough. 3:
Sympathetic Magic: The Principles of Magic
IF we analyze the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not. Charms based on the Law of Similarity may be called Homeopathic or Imitative Magic. Charms based on the Law of Contact or Contagion may be called Contagious Magic. 4
II Primitive Examples of Magical Thinking: Voodoo
In primitive societies, belief is often founded upon Magical Thinking. According to Webster’s, Voodoo is “a religion that is derived from African polytheism and ancestor worship and is practiced chiefly in Haiti.” An example of Frazer’s “sympathetic magic” is found in the “voodoo doll.” A “houngan” voodoo magician prepares a human image. He will do various things to the likeness, hoping to cause similar results to the targeted person, such as “causing pain” to the doll by sticking pins into it.
III Modern Liberal Examples of Magical Thinking
A. Government; Human Nature Belief: Leftist leaders are presented as enlightened, selfless, saintly and pure persons, not unlike a child’s idea of the perfect parent. The state itself is deified, taking the place of religion. All programs are therefore described as well-conceived and meant only for good.
Classical pagan governments had no Bill of Rights or separation between religion and state to protect citizens. In the Roman Empire, the emperor was deified; all religions were a subset of the state, who called on the priests for answers, but then chose whether to accept their findings. Therefore, to attack the gods was to wage war against the state.
Modern liberalism uses a similar model. Today’s leftist leaders are often presented to the public as boasting the most outlandish, godlike talents, reminiscent of the Deeds of the Divine Augustus 5 (Emperor Caesar Augustus’ autobiography). Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has often been described as the world’s most brilliant woman. Likewise, Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are presented as the greatest and wisest minds of their age. This puffery is necessary to create a human interface between the people and the deified state, as seen in all Marxist cults of propaganda, erected for every communist leader. 6
All communist revolutions have presented the superhuman “Great Man” model of a leader who drives the revolution to inevitable victory. These set-props are an irreplaceable backdrop for neo-pagan statecraft. Such nonsensical political theater richly reveals Magical Thinking towards deified government. For example, it clearly helps the argument if the state proposes transparently nonsensical policies, if the “World’s Smartest Man” is the human face touting these ridiculous programs. Wishful thinkers process life through childish “rose colored goggles.”
Socialist governments see humanity through childish eyes of wishful thinking, as pall past Marxist programs were either impossible to achieve, or destined to produce opposite results of their claimed goals. For example, Chairman Mao launched his Great Leap Forward, heralded to quickly reform the country’s farm systems. Instead, it resulted in the biggest human-caused famine in history when perhaps 40 million Chinese peasants starved to death. But Magical Thinking based on na√Øve faith in Marxist doctrines caused incredible numbers of innocent victims to die in communist countries.
According to Marx, there is no such thing as a soul or human nature. Therefore, government can reprogram people like robots to carry out tasks. With no human nature it follows there is no soul, and so when godlike leftist regimes decide people need to be disposed of, it is not immoral.
B. Economics, Socialism, Capitalism, Taxes & Healthcare
Belief: Economics is easy if people would not be so greedy, and just share what they have with others.
If any undertaking reveals the modern penchant for Magical Thinking, it is the liberal approach to economics. In the first place, consider recent fixations with Keynesian economics, touting deficit spending to create growth. Obama’s “Stimulus” package was meant to cause growth, simply by being named and implemented, highlighting Frazer’s Law of Similarity.
Perpetually increasing tax rates lowers standards of living, creates more government waste, bloated bureaucracies, loss of rights, and activist governments. But since everyone deserves health care as human rights, if government decides to provide this, we can afford it, because it is the moral choice, and therefore cannot backfire.
Arguments for socialism defy common sense, science, and history. Will all people continue to work diligently when property rewards are removed by the state? Communism posits human problems vanish when private property is abolished. But history proves these ideas never work. Further, the worst hells on earth have resulted from application of this exact theory.
C. International Relations & Pacifism
Belief: American is arrogant and bullies other countries, resulting in bad karma. Arrogant states will suffer for bad actions and attitudes.
Liberal international political theories are based upon wishful thinking of “how things should be.” The notion for conducting international politics resembles the old pagan Hindu belief in karma; which claims like actions result in like results. So, if you commit evil on someone else, evil will come back on you. Karma illustrates wishful thinking within a pagan religious setting, now indistinguishable from Obama’s ethics in conducting American foreign politics.
For example, leftists believe the American military needs reducing as armies wage war; and war kills people; and it is always wrong to kill others; since it is murder. By reducing your army, other countries will note and respect you, and then reduce their own armies. But if we stop pouring money into arms, and instead invest in the world’s poor, we will gain blessing for doing the right thing.
D. Anti-Science, Global Warming & Green Energy
Belief: If you hurt the earth, the cosmos will hit you back even harder. Eventually it will kill all the capitalist evil-mongers for their selfish, destructive greed.
The gassy Global Warming myth is pagan religious drama driven by Magical Thinking. In ancient Rome, when natural disaster occurred it was assumed the gods were offended. In the modern liberal world, man has sinned against the god of earth, ie “Gaia.” Therefore, we must sacrifice so god will not be vexed at mankind’s impiety. It is unmistakable that much of rhetoric delivered by Global Warming advocates comes not just in pseudo-scientific terms, but also couched in simplistic, moralizing religious terminology.
A classical analogy: During the First Punic War, Roman consul Publius Clodius Pulcher mistreated the sacred chickens aboard his ship. The fowl had no appetite when offered feed before an important battle. (Roman augury foretold the future based upon behavior of birds. Whether the sacred hens would feed, and how, was a grave matter to prospects for coming battles. Holy fowl refusing feed prophesied defeat.) Instead, Pulcher, observing the birds not heartily eating, lost his temper and tossed them overboard, shouting, “If they won’t eat, then let them drink!” Many lives were lost in the ensuing battle, directly blamed upon Claudius’ impiety.7 Of course such behavior now seems incredible. But is it any more laughable than the unhinged adherents of Global Warming and their carbon fixation?
A typical conceit of Magical Thinkers is evil, capitalist fuel companies conspire to keep the world in sooty fog instead of allowing alternative energy. But companies seek fossil fuel because the payoffs are so much higher than almost any other fuel source. Of course, we should create as much natural energy as possible. But each method of energy creation has burdens of production. There will always be oil leaks, coal mine collapses, broken solar collectors, and every other technology failure known to man. And wishful thinking will not change this.
A chief characteristic of Magical Thinking is rejection of the principles of science, eschewing the notion that all physical bodies and natural phenomenon are under the law of cause and effect; and that all such elements are discoverable via observation and testing. In Global Warming, careful science was abandoned by egotistical “scientists,” pawning a grand motif where sinful capitalistic man attacked the earth for greed, then was menaced by mother earth’s death. This story is no more sophisticated, and no less judgmental than the classical myth of Sisyphus. He likewise was sentenced for greedy highway-robbing, condemned to eternally roll a stone up a hill he could never surmount. 8
As richly illustrated by the last half-year debacle over methods of the Global Warming “researchers,” this “science” is a fact-free myth meant to illustrate the deeply felt beliefs of modern earth-worshiping, illogical neo-pagans. The myth is chiefly based upon conviction mankind has overstepped his bounds, is ruining the earth in the name of capitalist greed, and now must be reigned in and punished. In this sense it’s both a pagan and anti-materialism Marxist tale, animated by the illogical principles of Magical Thinking. “Science” is just a prop to move the story towards its socialist, misanthropic conclusion.
E. Demonizing “Enemies”
Belief: Enemies of liberalism are obviously illiterate, crazy or evil, and so must be put down as wicked rebels against reality.
Liberals attacking their “enemies” is a transparent tribal element of primitive Magical Thinking mindset. According to childish leftists, simply opposing their political, cultural or religious positions creates permanent enmity. (Emotivism is the philosophical theory that one’s emotions reveal objective truth.9) In other words, the people you hate are independently wicked—which you know, since you hate them. It is a pagan rite to imprecate, excoriate and execrate one’s enemies. Examples of the anathematized abound with conservative public figures such as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, philosopher Anthony Flew, etc. This is the result of applying Magical Thinking by way of the secular monotheistic creed of Political Correctness, that brooks no opposition without an attendant presumption of insanity, illiteracy or evil attached. This is a refusal of the Western tradition that while rejecting your opponents ideas, you still treat them with respect, as encouraged by classical liberalism.
Conclusion: Summary of Liberal Magical Thinking
Application of Magical Thinking in society is a grave problem as it replaces genuine thought, analysis and science. It assures wise decisions won’t be made, so results are never optimal.
The following ten aspects are essential elements of neo-modern liberal Magical Thinking, being it is:
Anti-Christian & uses karmic ethics;
Antinomian (lawless);
Emotivist (feeling oriented);
Nihilistic (extreme doubt of a rational world).
Principled conservatives, libertarians and liberals should join and reject the infantile Magical Thinking world-view and resultant childish policies. If not, our entire society will be permanently driven off the cliff by repeated childlike policies and political decisions. Then, every good that all the leftists in America have long wanted to pursue will be just a faded memory of lost opportunities.
1 Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer; By Ali Sina, 2008/09/22.
2 Anomalistic Psychology Study Magical Thinking
3 Golden Bough Religion Abridgement Editions
4 bartleby.com
5 The Deeds of the Divine Augustus (Res Gestae Divi Augusti); By Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus, 14 AD.
6 See The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorship: Stalin and the Eastern Bloc.
7 Daily Life in Ancient Rome, by Florence DuPont.
8 dbanach.com
9 Emotivism.
Source is here.
Tags: Modern Liberalism, mental disorder, magical thinking, idots To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
I stayed out of The Newtown murders as it had been fishtailed, spun and dried so many times, I would have been repeating much of others had already noticed and stated much better than I could have. The 'official narrative' has been been polluted and made to order for maximum brainwashing.
I did have other events happening as well, was helping out others as I often do so I just stayed out of the fray and watched from the sidelines.
The absolute stupidity of such a breach of CONFIDENTIAL yet public information is beyond the reach of so many people it can be a mysterious thing to ponder.
Yet this is nothing more ( I am NOT downplaying this at all) than the corrupt thinking of modern liberalism or Magical Thinking. Barack Obama is the perfect example of this mental disorder. Is it any wonder why he is associated with DOPEY CHANGEY, unicorns and rainbows? Believing that the world is as people 'hope' or think it should be is like Lemmings jumping off a cliff.. ANYONE who opposes this thinking is racist, anti-Semitic, bigoted, unenlightened, uneducated, barbaric (see Islam and sharia law for what is truly barbaric), we are ridiculed, targeted and scorned by the free thinkers who are truly slaves to modern liberalism.
One may think this is all old news but this proves what modern 'progressives' want to force upon the rest of us.
"Modern liberalism uses a similar model. Today’s leftist leaders are often presented to the public as boasting the most outlandish, godlike talents, reminiscent of the Deeds of the Divine Augustus 5 (Emperor Caesar Augustus’ autobiography). Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has often been described as the world’s most brilliant woman. Likewise, Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are presented as the greatest and wisest minds of their age. This puffery is necessary to create a human interface between the people and the deified state, as seen in all Marxist cults of propaganda, erected for every communist leader. " 6
"Principled conservatives, libertarians and liberals should join and reject the infantile Magical Thinking world-view and resultant childish policies. If not, our entire society will be permanently driven off the cliff by repeated childlike policies and political decisions. Then, every good that all the leftists in America have long wanted to pursue will be just a faded memory of lost opportunities."
The so called fiscal cliff is one that we have already gone over long ago and it is a mere shadow of what lies ahead after the dictator and thief has his coronation next year. Obama is merely the puppet on strings that are controlled by Jarrett, Soros, Ayers, Wright and such vile haters of true freedom and liberty.
Modern Leftism and Magical Thinking
By Kelly OConnell
In midst of one of the most amazing displays of irrationality in modern Western history, Americans are left to ponder: What the devil has happened to the USA? Arguably, roots of America’s current confusion are traceable to an infection of leftist Magical Thinking.
This is essentially the thought pattern of how children perceive the world, a mindset based upon substituting wishful thinking for reality. One of the chief characteristics of Magical Thinking is a denial of the principles of science. It is a dangerous belief system because it causes folks to assume that as long as their motives are right, all their plans and undertakings will work out.
The unrealistic thought pattern of Magical Thinking now informs American public policy and statecraft at every level—on economics, foreign relations, rule of law, environmentalism, etc. It is a world-view based upon the notion the “right” people will provide successful leadership for America, simply because they are “good,” and not the old “bad” leaders. Most intriguingly, this outlook is characteristic of not just children, but also sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which Dr. Ali Sina believes is a diagnosis fitting Barack Obama. 1
I What Is Magical Thinking?
Magical Thinking deludes folks into believing the world is exactly as they hope it to be. Dictionary.com defines magical thinking as…“a conviction that thinking is equivalent to doing, occurring in dreams, the thought patterns of children, and some types of mental disorders, esp. obsessive-compulsive disorder.” Leonard Zusne and Warren H. Jones, authors of “Anomalistic Psychology: A Study of Magical Thinking” write Magical Thinking is “a fundamental dimension of a child’s thinking.” 2
Perception of linear time is avoided while cause and affect and natural laws are dismissed. In this mental disorder, focus is placed upon how things “should” be, while all personal responsibility is cast aside. The self and one’s comrades are identified as above criticism. Opponents are made devils, their ideas treated as laughable, and are personally attacked as idiotic, mentally unwell people beneath contempt, simply for disagreeing with magical thinkers.
Sir James Frazer, unparalleled scholar of primitive religions, developed many standard elements defining Magical Thinking in his Sympathetic Magic theory. This explains much “magic” practice in primitive societies, as seen in Voodoo believers. Frazer describes this in his masterpiece, the 12-volume Golden Bough. 3:
Sympathetic Magic: The Principles of Magic
IF we analyze the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed. The former principle may be called the Law of Similarity, the latter the Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not. Charms based on the Law of Similarity may be called Homeopathic or Imitative Magic. Charms based on the Law of Contact or Contagion may be called Contagious Magic. 4
II Primitive Examples of Magical Thinking: Voodoo
In primitive societies, belief is often founded upon Magical Thinking. According to Webster’s, Voodoo is “a religion that is derived from African polytheism and ancestor worship and is practiced chiefly in Haiti.” An example of Frazer’s “sympathetic magic” is found in the “voodoo doll.” A “houngan” voodoo magician prepares a human image. He will do various things to the likeness, hoping to cause similar results to the targeted person, such as “causing pain” to the doll by sticking pins into it.
III Modern Liberal Examples of Magical Thinking
A. Government; Human Nature Belief: Leftist leaders are presented as enlightened, selfless, saintly and pure persons, not unlike a child’s idea of the perfect parent. The state itself is deified, taking the place of religion. All programs are therefore described as well-conceived and meant only for good.
Classical pagan governments had no Bill of Rights or separation between religion and state to protect citizens. In the Roman Empire, the emperor was deified; all religions were a subset of the state, who called on the priests for answers, but then chose whether to accept their findings. Therefore, to attack the gods was to wage war against the state.
Modern liberalism uses a similar model. Today’s leftist leaders are often presented to the public as boasting the most outlandish, godlike talents, reminiscent of the Deeds of the Divine Augustus 5 (Emperor Caesar Augustus’ autobiography). Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has often been described as the world’s most brilliant woman. Likewise, Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are presented as the greatest and wisest minds of their age. This puffery is necessary to create a human interface between the people and the deified state, as seen in all Marxist cults of propaganda, erected for every communist leader. 6
All communist revolutions have presented the superhuman “Great Man” model of a leader who drives the revolution to inevitable victory. These set-props are an irreplaceable backdrop for neo-pagan statecraft. Such nonsensical political theater richly reveals Magical Thinking towards deified government. For example, it clearly helps the argument if the state proposes transparently nonsensical policies, if the “World’s Smartest Man” is the human face touting these ridiculous programs. Wishful thinkers process life through childish “rose colored goggles.”
Socialist governments see humanity through childish eyes of wishful thinking, as pall past Marxist programs were either impossible to achieve, or destined to produce opposite results of their claimed goals. For example, Chairman Mao launched his Great Leap Forward, heralded to quickly reform the country’s farm systems. Instead, it resulted in the biggest human-caused famine in history when perhaps 40 million Chinese peasants starved to death. But Magical Thinking based on na√Øve faith in Marxist doctrines caused incredible numbers of innocent victims to die in communist countries.
According to Marx, there is no such thing as a soul or human nature. Therefore, government can reprogram people like robots to carry out tasks. With no human nature it follows there is no soul, and so when godlike leftist regimes decide people need to be disposed of, it is not immoral.
B. Economics, Socialism, Capitalism, Taxes & Healthcare
Belief: Economics is easy if people would not be so greedy, and just share what they have with others.
If any undertaking reveals the modern penchant for Magical Thinking, it is the liberal approach to economics. In the first place, consider recent fixations with Keynesian economics, touting deficit spending to create growth. Obama’s “Stimulus” package was meant to cause growth, simply by being named and implemented, highlighting Frazer’s Law of Similarity.
Perpetually increasing tax rates lowers standards of living, creates more government waste, bloated bureaucracies, loss of rights, and activist governments. But since everyone deserves health care as human rights, if government decides to provide this, we can afford it, because it is the moral choice, and therefore cannot backfire.
Arguments for socialism defy common sense, science, and history. Will all people continue to work diligently when property rewards are removed by the state? Communism posits human problems vanish when private property is abolished. But history proves these ideas never work. Further, the worst hells on earth have resulted from application of this exact theory.
C. International Relations & Pacifism
Belief: American is arrogant and bullies other countries, resulting in bad karma. Arrogant states will suffer for bad actions and attitudes.
Liberal international political theories are based upon wishful thinking of “how things should be.” The notion for conducting international politics resembles the old pagan Hindu belief in karma; which claims like actions result in like results. So, if you commit evil on someone else, evil will come back on you. Karma illustrates wishful thinking within a pagan religious setting, now indistinguishable from Obama’s ethics in conducting American foreign politics.
For example, leftists believe the American military needs reducing as armies wage war; and war kills people; and it is always wrong to kill others; since it is murder. By reducing your army, other countries will note and respect you, and then reduce their own armies. But if we stop pouring money into arms, and instead invest in the world’s poor, we will gain blessing for doing the right thing.
D. Anti-Science, Global Warming & Green Energy
Belief: If you hurt the earth, the cosmos will hit you back even harder. Eventually it will kill all the capitalist evil-mongers for their selfish, destructive greed.
The gassy Global Warming myth is pagan religious drama driven by Magical Thinking. In ancient Rome, when natural disaster occurred it was assumed the gods were offended. In the modern liberal world, man has sinned against the god of earth, ie “Gaia.” Therefore, we must sacrifice so god will not be vexed at mankind’s impiety. It is unmistakable that much of rhetoric delivered by Global Warming advocates comes not just in pseudo-scientific terms, but also couched in simplistic, moralizing religious terminology.
A classical analogy: During the First Punic War, Roman consul Publius Clodius Pulcher mistreated the sacred chickens aboard his ship. The fowl had no appetite when offered feed before an important battle. (Roman augury foretold the future based upon behavior of birds. Whether the sacred hens would feed, and how, was a grave matter to prospects for coming battles. Holy fowl refusing feed prophesied defeat.) Instead, Pulcher, observing the birds not heartily eating, lost his temper and tossed them overboard, shouting, “If they won’t eat, then let them drink!” Many lives were lost in the ensuing battle, directly blamed upon Claudius’ impiety.7 Of course such behavior now seems incredible. But is it any more laughable than the unhinged adherents of Global Warming and their carbon fixation?
A typical conceit of Magical Thinkers is evil, capitalist fuel companies conspire to keep the world in sooty fog instead of allowing alternative energy. But companies seek fossil fuel because the payoffs are so much higher than almost any other fuel source. Of course, we should create as much natural energy as possible. But each method of energy creation has burdens of production. There will always be oil leaks, coal mine collapses, broken solar collectors, and every other technology failure known to man. And wishful thinking will not change this.
A chief characteristic of Magical Thinking is rejection of the principles of science, eschewing the notion that all physical bodies and natural phenomenon are under the law of cause and effect; and that all such elements are discoverable via observation and testing. In Global Warming, careful science was abandoned by egotistical “scientists,” pawning a grand motif where sinful capitalistic man attacked the earth for greed, then was menaced by mother earth’s death. This story is no more sophisticated, and no less judgmental than the classical myth of Sisyphus. He likewise was sentenced for greedy highway-robbing, condemned to eternally roll a stone up a hill he could never surmount. 8
As richly illustrated by the last half-year debacle over methods of the Global Warming “researchers,” this “science” is a fact-free myth meant to illustrate the deeply felt beliefs of modern earth-worshiping, illogical neo-pagans. The myth is chiefly based upon conviction mankind has overstepped his bounds, is ruining the earth in the name of capitalist greed, and now must be reigned in and punished. In this sense it’s both a pagan and anti-materialism Marxist tale, animated by the illogical principles of Magical Thinking. “Science” is just a prop to move the story towards its socialist, misanthropic conclusion.
E. Demonizing “Enemies”
Belief: Enemies of liberalism are obviously illiterate, crazy or evil, and so must be put down as wicked rebels against reality.
Liberals attacking their “enemies” is a transparent tribal element of primitive Magical Thinking mindset. According to childish leftists, simply opposing their political, cultural or religious positions creates permanent enmity. (Emotivism is the philosophical theory that one’s emotions reveal objective truth.9) In other words, the people you hate are independently wicked—which you know, since you hate them. It is a pagan rite to imprecate, excoriate and execrate one’s enemies. Examples of the anathematized abound with conservative public figures such as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, philosopher Anthony Flew, etc. This is the result of applying Magical Thinking by way of the secular monotheistic creed of Political Correctness, that brooks no opposition without an attendant presumption of insanity, illiteracy or evil attached. This is a refusal of the Western tradition that while rejecting your opponents ideas, you still treat them with respect, as encouraged by classical liberalism.
Conclusion: Summary of Liberal Magical Thinking
Application of Magical Thinking in society is a grave problem as it replaces genuine thought, analysis and science. It assures wise decisions won’t be made, so results are never optimal.
The following ten aspects are essential elements of neo-modern liberal Magical Thinking, being it is:
Anti-Christian & uses karmic ethics;
Antinomian (lawless);
Emotivist (feeling oriented);
Nihilistic (extreme doubt of a rational world).
Principled conservatives, libertarians and liberals should join and reject the infantile Magical Thinking world-view and resultant childish policies. If not, our entire society will be permanently driven off the cliff by repeated childlike policies and political decisions. Then, every good that all the leftists in America have long wanted to pursue will be just a faded memory of lost opportunities.
1 Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer; By Ali Sina, 2008/09/22.
2 Anomalistic Psychology Study Magical Thinking
3 Golden Bough Religion Abridgement Editions
4 bartleby.com
5 The Deeds of the Divine Augustus (Res Gestae Divi Augusti); By Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus, 14 AD.
6 See The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorship: Stalin and the Eastern Bloc.
7 Daily Life in Ancient Rome, by Florence DuPont.
8 dbanach.com
9 Emotivism.
Source is here.
Tags: Modern Liberalism, mental disorder, magical thinking, idots To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Persecution Update 23 December 2012 - Sorry a bit late!
BELARUS: Church Thrilled Over Cancellation of Eviction
PHILIPPINES: Island Invasion Causes Massive Destruction and Loss
INDONESIA: Testimony of Female Prisoner Who Was Set Free
UZBEKISTAN: Christians Fined for Singing and Reading Bibles on Holiday
Persecution Update keeps you informed of what is going on in our world concerning persecuted Christians. (Info from Voice of the Martyrs Canada.) Download entire Quicktime movies for showing to your group or church from swordandspirit.com, the Human Rights page.
Tags: Persecution, update To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Updated! Names, phone numbers and addresses of 'journalists' who printed names of legal gun permit holders
Updated and see below!
These are the phone numbers and addresses of the people that had the nerve to publish the names and addresses of the legal gun permit holders a few days ago in their news paper. Go and give em a piece of your mind.
Apparently these are the addresses of the "journalists":
Journal News President: Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane Mamaroneck, NY 10534 (914) 694.5204 Editors: Cyndee Royle, 1133 Westchester Ave., Suite N110, White Plains, NY 10604, 914-694-9300 Nancy Cutler 9 Woodwind Ln, Spring Valley, NY. (845) 354 3485 Parent company of The Journal News Gannett CEO Gracia C Martore 728 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA 22066 (703) 759 5954 The reporter on the story is Dwight R Worley 23006 139 Ave Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718) 527 0832
Here is more information from Conservative Tree House or The Last Refuge and have at them! PatriotUSA
Doubling Down On Stupid – The Journal News Doubles Down – Proclaims Their Purpose Driven Progressive Intent is Justified….
The Journal News and Lower Hudson Valley LoHud.com Decision
Source is here.
Please share!
Tags: names, journalists, giving out, legal gun permit holders To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Maintaining Honor in the Middle East and at Home
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Al Jazeera
Yes, a tip of the hat to Al Jazeera for this report that Jordan is maintaining its honor in the matter of husbands killing their wives. It seems that Jordan's version of the OJ jury (its parliament) quashed a move by the senate to stiffen penalties for would-be OJs.
(Not that senate. It has no honor.)
But that's old news. More recent is the statement by Mahmoud Abbas, the guy Israel is supposed to negotiate with in the West Bank, that there are no plans to crack down on so-called honor killings in his neck of the woods either. The below report comes from Jihad Watch, which also makes the fantastic claim that 91% of honor-killings world-wide are carried out by Muslims.
(The other 9%)
Of course, there isn't much we can do about these things happening in places like Jordan or the West Bank; all we can do is enforce our own laws against murder here in the US (OJ notwithstanding). That means no court can entertain any argument of mitigating circumstances of "honor" due to any cultural or religious considerations.

Shaima Alawadi
Assiya Zubair Hassan
But there is, indeed, honor. Once again, I post the brave words of a young Pakistani-Muslim American woman from New York named Darakshan Raja at the MPAC convention in Pasadena on December 15 as she speaks about her professional specialty, domestic abuse.
That is honor.
The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I & Part II)
As Fred states here and I have to agree with his thoughts, make of this what you will. There are too many incidents, reports, things that just do not 'add up' and when one looks at massive ammo purchases by numerous government agencies, the 'facts' about Newton NOT adding up as reported by the LSM, one had better be thinking about the coming collapse and worse.
" To my readers I say this; you can believe or disbelieve this article as you wish. I am only offering up this information for your perusal. I am sure that your common sense will guide you in the right direction.
And let me make this very clear; this is NOT MY STORY, I didn’t write it, I am only offering it to folks that I know and to my readers in an effort to educate and share the opinions of the writer and his source! " TexasFred.
This post is very long but I refuse to dilute this or water it down. There will be some related links at the end of the post and please, I urge you, please be sure to take the time to read them. Most of them are related to gun control, and the war now being waged upon the legal gun owners like me and you.
Sorry about the bold and blue text but I do not know HTML coding well enough to try and make this, so my apologies. more palatable to read
We live in dark times and as mentioned, after the 'inauguration' of the traitor Obama is when the eggs will begin to hatch and and the maggots will be released. PatriotUSA
From TexasFred.
The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I)
The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part II)
Source from TexaFred is here
Tags: ENTER TAGS HERE To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
" To my readers I say this; you can believe or disbelieve this article as you wish. I am only offering up this information for your perusal. I am sure that your common sense will guide you in the right direction.
And let me make this very clear; this is NOT MY STORY, I didn’t write it, I am only offering it to folks that I know and to my readers in an effort to educate and share the opinions of the writer and his source! " TexasFred.
This post is very long but I refuse to dilute this or water it down. There will be some related links at the end of the post and please, I urge you, please be sure to take the time to read them. Most of them are related to gun control, and the war now being waged upon the legal gun owners like me and you.
Sorry about the bold and blue text but I do not know HTML coding well enough to try and make this, so my apologies. more palatable to read
We live in dark times and as mentioned, after the 'inauguration' of the traitor Obama is when the eggs will begin to hatch and and the maggots will be released. PatriotUSA
From TexasFred.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
23 December 2012: After a lengthy, self-imposed informational black-out, my high-level DHS contact known as “Rosebud” emerged with new, non-public information about plans being discussed and prepared for implementation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the near future. It is important to note that this black-out was directly related to the aggressive federal initiative of identifying and prosecuting “leakers,” at least those leaks and leakers not sanctioned by the executive office – the latter of which there are many.
Due to those circumstances, my source exercised an abundance of caution to avoid compromising a valuable line of communication until he had information he felt was significant enough to risk external contact. The following information is the result of an in-person contact between this author and “Rosebud” within the last 48 hours. With his permission, the interview was digitally recorded and the relevant portions of the contact are provided in a conversational format for easier reading. The original recording was copied onto multiple discs and are maintained in secure locations for historical and insurance purposes.
The following began after an exchange of pleasantries and other unrelated discussion:
DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?
RB: You do.
DH: I’ve received a lot of e-mail from people wondering where you went and why you’ve been so quiet.
RB: As I told you earlier, things are very dicey. Weird things began to happen before the election and have continued since. Odd things, a clampdown of sorts. I started looking and I found [REDACTED AT THE REQUEST OF THIS SOURCE], and that shook me up. I’m not the only one, though, that found a [REDACTED], so this means there’s surveillance of people within DHS by DHS. So, that explains this cloak and dagger stuff for this meeting.
DH: I understand. What about the others?
RB: They are handling it the same way.
DH: I’ve received many e-mails asking if you are the same person giving information to Ulsterman. Are you?
RB: No, but I think I know at least one of his insiders.
DH: Care to elaborate?
RB: Sorry, no.
DH: Do you trust him or her. I mean, the Ulsterman source?
RB: Yes.
DH: Okay, so last August, you said things were “going hot.” I printed what you said, and things did not seem to happen as you said..
RB: You’d better recheck your notes and compare [them] with some of the events leading up to the election. I think you’ll find that a full blown campaign of deception took place to make certain Obama got back into office. The polls, the media, and a few incidents that happened in the two months before the election. I guess if people are looking for some big event they can point to and say “aha” for verification, well then I overestimated people’s ability to tell when they are being lied to.
DH: What specific incidents are you referring to?
RB: Look at the threats to Obama. Start there. The accusations of racism. Then look at the polls, and especially the judicial decisions about voter ID laws. Bought and paid for, or where there was any potential for problems, the judges got the message, loud and clear. Then look at the voter fraud. And not a peep from the Republicans. Nothing. His second term was a done deal in September. This was planned. Frankly, the Obama team knew they had it sewn up long before election day. Benghazi could have derailed them, but the fix was in there, so I never saw anything on my end to suggest a ready-made solution had to be implemented.
DH: What’s going on now?
RB: People better pay close attention over the next few months. First, there won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned, I mean, the lack of deal is planned. In fact, it’s necessary to pave the way for what is in the short term agenda.
DH: Wait, you’re DHS – not some Wall Street insider.
RB: So you think they are separate agendas? That’s funny. The coming collapse of the U.S. dollar is a done deal. It’s been in the works for years – decades, and this is one of the most important cataclysmic events that DHS is preparing for. I almost think that DHS was created for that purpose alone, to fight Americans, not protect them, right here in America. But that’s not the only reason. There’s the gun issue too.
DH: So, what are you seeing at DHS?
RB: We don’t have a lot of time, tonight – our meeting – as well as a country. I mean I have heard – with my own ears – plans being made that originate from the White House that involve the hierarchy of DHS. You gotta know how DHS works at the highest of levels. It’s Jarrett and Napolitano, with Jarrett organizing all of the plans and approaches. She’s the one in charge, at least from my point of view, from what I am seeing. Obama knows that’s going on and has say, but it seems that Jarrett has the final say, not the other way around. It’s [screwed] up. This really went into high gear since the election.
But it’s a train wreck at mid management, but is more effective at the lower levels. A lot of police departments are being gifted with federal funds with strings attached. That money is flowing out to municipal police departments faster than it can be counted. They are using this money to buy tanks, well, not real tanks, but you know what I mean. DHS is turning the police into soldiers.
By the way, there has been a lot of communication recently between Napolitano and Pistole [TSA head]. They are planning to use TSA agents in tandem with local police for certain operations that are being planned right now. This is so [deleted] important that you cannot even begin to imagine. If you get nothing else out of this, please, please make sure you tell people to watch the TSA and their increasing involvement against the American public. They are the stooges who will be the ones to carry out certain plans when the dollar collapses and the gun confiscation begins.
DH: Whoa, wait a minute. You just said a mouthful. What’s the agenda here?
RB: Your intelligence insider – he knows that we are facing a planned economic collapse. You wrote about this in your articles about Benghazi, or at least that’s what I got out of the later articles. So why the surprise?
DH: There’s a lot here. Let’s take it step by step if you don’t mind.
RB: Okay, but I’m not going to give it to you in baby steps. Big boy steps. This is what I am hearing. Life for the average American is going to change significantly, and not the change people expect. First, DHS is preparing to work with police departments and the TSA to respond to civil uprisings that will happen when there is a financial panic. And there will be one, maybe as early as this spring, when the dollar won’t get you a gumball. I’m not sure what the catalyst will be, but I’ve heard rumblings about a derivatives crisis as well as an oil embargo. I don’t know, that’s not my department. But something is going to happen to collapse the dollar, which has been in the works since the 1990′s. Now if it does not happen as soon as this, it’s because there are people, real patriots, who are working to prevent this, so it’s a fluid dynamic. But that doesn’t change the preparations.
And the preparations are these: DHS is prepositioning assets in strategic areas near urban centers all across the country. Storage depots. Armories. And even detainment facilities, known as FEMA camps. FEMA does not even know that the facilities are earmarked for detainment by executive orders, at least not in the traditional sense they were intended. By the way, people drive by some of these armories everyday without even giving them a second look. Commercial and business real estate across the country are being bought up or leased for storage purposes. Very low profile.
Anyway, I am hearing that the plan from on high is to let the chaos play out for a while, making ordinary citizens beg for troops to be deployed to restore order. but it’s all organized to make them appear as good guys. That’s when the real head knocking will take place. We’re talking travel restrictions, which should not be a problem because gas will be rationed or unavailable. The TSA will be in charge of travel, or at least be a big part of it. They will be commissioned, upgraded from their current status.
They, I mean Jarrett and Obama as well as a few others in government, are working to create a perfect storm too. This is being timed to coincide with new gun laws.
DH: New federal gun laws?
RB: Yes. Count on the criminalization to possess just about every gun you can think of. Not only restrictions, but actual criminalization of possessing a banned firearm. I heard this directly from the highest of my sources. Plans were made in the 90′s but were withheld. Now, it’s a new day, a new time, and they are riding the wave of emotion from Sandy Hook., which, by the way and as tragic as it was, well, it stinks to high heaven. I mean there are many things wrong there, and first reports are fast disappearing. The narrative is being changed. Look, there is something wrong with Sandy Hook, but if you write it, you’ll be called a kook or worse.
DH: Sure
RB: But Sandy Hook, there’s something very wrong there. But I am hearing that won’t be the final straw. There will be another if they think it’s necessary.
DH: Another shooting?
RB: Yes.
DH: That would mean they are at least complicit.RB: Well, that’s one way of looking at it.
DH: Are they? Were they?
RB: Do your own research. Nothing I say, short of bringing you photographs and documents will convince anyone, and even then, it’s like [DELETED] in the wind.
DH: So…
RB: So what I’m telling you is that DHS, the TSA and certain, but not all, law enforcement agencies are going to be elbow deep in riot control in response to an economic incident. At the same time or close to it, gun confiscation will start. It will start on a voluntary basis using federal registration forms, then an amnesty, then the kicking-in of doors start.
Before or at the same time, you know all the talk of lists, you know, the red and blue lists that everyone made fun of? Well they exist, although I don’t know about their colors. But there are lists of political dissidents maintained by DHS. Names are coordinated with the executive branch, but you know what? They did not start with Obama. They’ve been around in one form or another for years. The difference though is that today, they are much more organized. And I’ll tell you that the vocal opponents of the politics of the global elite, the bankers, and the opponents of anything standing in their way, well, they are on the top of the list of people to be handled.
DH: Handled?
RB: As the situations worsen, some might be given a chance to stop their vocal opposition. Some will, others won’t. I suppose they are on different lists. Others won’t have that chance. By that time, though, it will be chaos and people will be in full defensive mode. They will be hungry, real hunger like we’ve never experienced before. They will use our hunger as leverage. They will use medical care as leverage.
DH: Will this happen all at once?
RB: They hope to make it happen at the same time. Big cities first, with sections being set apart from the rest of the country. Then the rural areas. There are two different plans for geographical considerations. But it will all come together.
End of Part ISource: The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I) « Northeast Intelligence Network
The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part II)
24 December 2012: The following is the second part of my in-person interview with a DHS insider.
DH: Wait, this sounds way, way over the top. Are you telling me… [Interrupts]
RB: [Over talk/Unintelligible] …know who was selected or elected twice now. You know who his associates are. And you are saying this is way over the top? Don’t forget what Ayers said – you talked to Larry Grathwohl. This guy is a revolutionary. He does not want to transform our country in the traditional sense. He will destroy it. And he’s not working alone. He’s not working for himself, either. He has his handlers. So don’t think this is going to be a walk in the park, with some type of attempt to rescue the country. Cloward-Piven. Alinsky. Marx. All rolled into one. And he won’t need the rest of his four years to do it.
DH: I need you to be clear. Let’s go back again, I mean, to those who speak out about what’s happening.
RB: [Edit note: Obviously irritated] How much clearer do you want it? The Second Amendment will be gone, along with the first, at least practically or operationally. The Constitution will be gone, suspended, at least in an operational sense. Maybe they won’t actually say that they are suspending it, but will do it. Like saying the sky is purple when it’s actually blue. How many people will look a the sky and say yeah, it’s purple? They see what they want to see.
So the DHS, working with other law enforcement organizations, especially the TSA as it stands right now, will oversee the confiscation of assault weapons, which includes all semi-automatic weapons following a period of so-called amnesty. It also includes shotguns that hold multiple rounds, or have pistol grips. They will go after the high capacity magazines, anything over, say 5 rounds.
They will also go after the ammunition, especially at the manufacturer’s level. They will require a special license for certain weapons, and make it impossible to own anything. More draconian than England. This is a global thing too. Want to hunt? What gives you the right to hunt their animals? Sound strange? I hope so, but they believe they own the animals. Do you understand now, how sick and twisted this is? Their mentality?
The obvious intent is to disarm American citizens. They will say that we’ll still be able to defend ourselves and go hunting, but even that will be severely regulated. This is the part that they are still working out, though. While the plans were made years ago, there is some argument over the exact details. I know that Napalitano, even with her support of the agenda, would like to see this take place outside of an E.O. [Executive Order] in favor of legislative action and even with UN involvement.
DH: But UN involvement would still require legislative approval.
RB: Yes, but your still thinking normal – in normal terms. Stop thinking about a normal situation. The country is divided, which is exactly where Obama wants us to be. We are as ideologically divided as we were during the Civil War and that rift is growing every day. Add in a crisis – and economic crisis – where ATM and EBT cards will stop working. Where bank accounts will contain nothing but air. They are anticipating a revolution and a civil war rolled into one (emphasis added by this author).
Imagine when talk show hosts or Bloggers or some other malcontent gets on the air or starts writing about the injustice of it all, and about how Obama is the anti-Christ or something. They will outlaw such talk or writing as inciting the situation – they will make it illegal by saying that it is causing people to die. The Republicans will go along with everything as it’s – we have – a one party system. Two parties is an illusion. It’s all so surreal to talk about but you see where this is headed, right?
DH: Well, what about the lists?
RB: Back to that again, okay. Why do you think the NSA has surveillance of all communications? To identify and stop terrorism? Okay, to be fair, that is part of it, but not the main reason. The federal agencies have identified people who present a danger to them and their agendas. I don’t know if they are color coded like you mentioned, red blue purple or peach mango or whatever, but they exist. In fact, each agency has their own. You know, why is it so [deleted] hard for people to get their heads around the existence of lists with names of people who pose a threat to their plans? The media made a big deal about Nixon’s enemies list and everyone nodded and said yeah, that [deleted], but today? They’ve been around for years and years.
DH: I think it’s because of the nature of the lists today. What do they plan to do with their enemies?
RB: Go back to what Ayers said when, in the late 60′s? 70′s? I forget. Anyway, he was serious. But to some extent, the same thing that happened before. They – the people on some of these lists – are under surveillance, or at least some, and when necessary, some are approached and made an offer. Others, well, they can be made to undergo certain training. Let’s call it sensitivity training, except on a much different level. Others, most that are the most visible and mainstream are safe for the most part. And do you want to know why? It’s because they are in the pockets of the very people we are talking about, but they might or might not know it. Corporate sponsorship – follow the money. You know the drill. You saw it happen before, with the birth certificate.
It’s people that are just under the national radar but are effective. They have to worry. Those who have been publicly marginalized already but continue to talk or write or post, they are in trouble. It’s people who won’t sell out, who think that they can make a difference. Those are the people who have to worry.
Think about recent deaths that everybody believes were natural or suicides. Were they? People are too busy working their [butts] off to put food on the table to give a damn about some guy somewhere who vapor locks because of too many doughnuts and coffee and late nights. And it seems plausible enough to happen. This time, when everything collapses, do you think they will care if it is a bullet or a heart attack that takes out the opposition? [Deleted] no.
DH: That’s disturbing. Do you… [interrupts]
RB: Think about the Oklahoma City bombing in ’95. Remember how Clinton blamed that on talk radio, or at least in part. Take what happened then and put it in context of today. Then multiply the damnation by 100, and you will begin to understand where this is going. People like Rush and Hannity have a narrow focus of political theater. They’ll still be up and running during all of this to allow for the appearance of normal. Stay within the script, comrade.
But as far as the others, they have certain plans. And these plans are becoming more transparent. They are getting bolder. They are pushing lies, and the bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell to the people. They will even try to sell a sense of normalcy as things go absolutely crazy and break down. It will be surreal. And some will believe it, think that it’s only happening in certain places, and we can draw everything back once the dust settles. But when it does, this place will not be the same.
DH: Will there be resistance within the ranks of law enforcement? You know, will some say they won’t go along with the plan, like the Oath Keepers?
RB: Absolutely. But they will not only be outnumbered, but outgunned – literally. The whole objective is to bring in outside forces to deal with the civil unrest that will happen in America. And where does their allegiance lie? Certainly not to Sheriff Bob. Or you or me.
During all of this, and you’ve got to remember that the dollar collapse is a big part of this, our country is going to have to be redone. I’ve seen – personally – a map of North America without borders. Done this year. The number 2015 was written across the top, and I believe that was meant as a year. Along with this map – in the same area where this was – was another map showing the United States cut up into sectors. I’m not talking about what people have seen on the internet, but something entirely different. Zones. And a big star on the city of Denver.
Sound like conspiracy stuff on the Internet? Yup. But maybe they were right. It sure looks that way. It will read that way if you decide to write about this. Good luck with that. Anyway, the country seemed to be split into sectors, but not the kind shown on the internet. Different.DH: What is the context of that?
RB: Across the bottom of this was written economic sectors. It looked like a work in progress, so I can’t tell you any more than that. From the context I think it has to do with the collapse of the dollar.
DH: Why would DHS have this? I mean, it seems almost contrived, doesn’t it?
RB: Not really, when you consider the bigger picture. But wait before we go off into that part. I need to tell you about Obamacare, you know, the new health care coming up. It plays a big part – a huge [deleted] part in the immediate reshaping of things.
DH: How so?
RB: It creates a mechanism of centralized control over people. That’s the intent of this monster of a bill, not affordable health care. And it will be used to identify gun owners. Think your health records are private? Have you been to the doctor lately? Asked about owning a gun? Why do you think they ask, do you think they care about your safety? Say yes to owning a gun and your information is shared with another agency, and ultimately, you will be identified as a security risk. The records will be matched with other agencies.
You think that they are simply relying on gun registration forms? This is part of data collection that people don’t get. Oh, and don’t even think about getting a script for some mood enhancement drug and being able to own a gun. Ayers and Dohrn are having the times of their lives seeing things they’ve worked for all of their adult lives actually coming to pass. Oh, before I forget, look at the recent White House visitor logs.
DH: Why? Where did that come from?
RB: Unless they are redacted, you will see the influence of Ayers. Right now. The Weather Underground has been reborn. So has their agenda.
DH: Eugenics? Population control?
RB: Yup. And re-education camps. But trust me, you write about this, you’ll be called a kook. It’s up to you, it’s your reputation, not mine. And speaking about that, you do know that this crew is using the internet to ruin people, right? They are paying people to infiltrate discussion sites and forums to call people like you idiots. Show me the proof they say. Why doesn’t you source come forward? If he knows so much, why not go to Fox or the media? To them, if it’s not broadcast on CNN, it’s not real. Well, they’ve got it backwards. Very little on the news is real. The stock market, the economy, the last presidential polls, very little is real.
But this crew is really internet savvy. They’ve got a lot of people they pay to divert issues on forums, to mock people, to marginalize them. They know what they’re doing. People think they’ll take sites down – hack them. Why do that when they are more effective to infiltrate the discussion? Think about the birth certificate, I mean the eligibility problem of Obama. Perfect example.
DH: How soon do you see things taking place?
RB: They already are in motion. If you’re looking for a date I can’t tell you. Remember, the objectives are the same, but plans, well, they adapt. They exploit. Watch how this fiscal cliff thing plays out. This is the run-up to the next beg economic event.
I can’t give you a date. I can tell you to watch things this spring. Start with the inauguration and go from there. Watch the metals, when they dip. It will be a good indication that things are about to happen. I got that little tidbit from my friend at [REDACTED].
NOTE: At this point, my contact asked me to reserve further disclosures until after the inauguration.
SOURCE: The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part II) « Northeast Intelligence Network
Source from TexaFred is here
Obama’s kids attend a school that has eleven armed guards beside Secret Service protection …
Control Through Taxing/Registration/Permitting Authority…
Obama Sees a ‘Political Victory’ in Going Over the Cliff
Horrible massacres of children, worse than Sandy Hook
This is enough to keep you riveted for quite some time. Pay attention people, is all I can say. PatriotUSA
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