
Update on wikileaks from American Power-Excellent read!

This is a long post so I am going to just let it fly and I will shut up and let it speak for itself. Donald Douglas is great and American Power rocks it home. May be the only post I can get on till very late tonight. It is our kid's birthday(yes, the same day) today and to say it is chaotic is an understatement. Two teens, pray for me and the Mrs. I am very blessed! I wanted to get this up earlier but the day would not let me.

Exposing the WikiLeaks/Communist/Media Alliance

Okay, it's time to update my coverage on the WikiLeaks story. I especially want to emphasize some context that might otherwise get overlooked as developments continue. As I first reported, Julian Assange is a convicted computer hacker and communist activist. His agenda is nothing short of a worldwide delegitimation and destabilization program of the U.S. and its allies. And because he's being feted as a hero across the leftist-media-industrial complex, the naked truth of the actual events in Baghdad 2007 are getting shrouded in a fog of anti-American propaganda.

There's a story up this afternoon at Gawker claiming that Reuters has spiked a "muscular" story on the alleged "war crimes." See, "Exclusive: Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad":

David Schlesinger, the editor in chief of Reuters, declined to run a story by one of his own reporters containing claims that the 2007 killings of two Reuters staffers in Baghdad by U.S. troops may have been war crimes.

Reuters staffers Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh were killed by U.S. helicopter gunships in Baghdad in 2007. Video of the attack, which shows the journalists standing next to unidentified armed men on a Baghdad street and records the destruction of a van attempting to retrieve a wounded Chmagh, was published this week by Wikileaks.

The video has launched a debate about the legality of the attack, which also wounded two children (you can read our take here). Yesterday, Reuters' deputy Brussels bureau chief Luke Baker filed a muscular story repeating allegations from several human rights and international law experts that the killings may have constituted war crimes. But Reuters chief David Schlesinger, a tipster says, spiked the story because "it needed more comment from the Pentagon and U.S. lawyers." It never ran, but you can read it in full below.

Gawker has published a number of badly one-side stories on WikiLeaks. John Cook is the author of the one above, as well as a previous report on Tuesday, "Wikileaks Video Demonstrates Conclusively That Innocent People Get Killed in Wars." Cook's reporting is riddled with feigned objectivity (even generating a backlash against Gawker in the comments), but he's in fact just another leftist media-enabler attempting to renew the case for prosecutions against former Bush administration officials and former and current military personnel.

In response, I sent Cook an e-mail Tuesday, titled "WikiLeaks: Why Gunships Were Called In ...":


You write:
"It's not discernible from the video what immediately preceded the slayings or why the gunships were called in, but according to a contemporaneous New York Times account, the military claimed that U.S. troops in the area called in air support after encountering small arms fire during a raid."

You should update ...

Gunships were called in for backup for the ground operation against insurgents. Even Reuters' own photos show ground contingents standing by:

CNN, NYT Boost WikiLeaks War Crimes Gambit, Downplay/Omit Key Evidence: MSM Joins Daily Kos, Neo-Communists in Renewed 'BushCo' Recriminations

Jawa Report has all the facts you need to get this story right, and I know you're trying:

MSM Continues False Reporting of Reuters "Murder" in Iraq


Cook and Gawker have not responded to my e-mail.

And it's safe to say that it's not just Gawker that's actively suppressing available information disproving the war crimes meme. Indeed, it's quite frightening how extensive is the WikLeaks/communist/media alliance. Huffington Post is also running the "Reuters spiked story" report, and the Washington Post features yet another fawning MSM entry on convict Julian Assange, "The Man Behind Wikileaks." And yesterday's New York Times ran a completely lame piece on milblogs covering the story, but refused to link to bloggers who've debunked the WikiLeaks scam. See, "Reaction on Military Blogs to the WikiLeaks Video." The hardline World Can't Wait is cross-posting report's from London's left-leaning Guardian, "Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians." And the communist Smirking Chimp clearinghouse is running updates, "The F Word: Impossible to Ignore Wikileaks Tape."

And the reports keep coming, not only more biased, but even more strident in their push for war crimes tribunals. See today's Vancouver Sun, "Reuters Families Demand U.S. Troops Be Tried Over Shooting":

The families of two Reuters news agency employees killed in a 2007 U.S. helicopter attack in Baghdad on Thursday demanded justice, telling AFP the Americans responsible should stand trial.

Graphic video footage of the shooting, which left several other people dead and wounded two children, was published on the Internet by WikiLeaks, a website that discloses information obtained from whistleblowers.

"The truth came out and the whole world saw. The American pilot should be judged by international justice and we want compensation because the act left orphans," said Safa Chmagh, whose brother Saeed Chmagh, a Reuters driver, died.

"He (the pilot) killed unarmed innocent people, among them a photographer whose camera was very visible. On top of that when they evacuated the wounded they opened fire again," said Safa, whose brother was 44 when killed.

The "unarmed" meme has been entirely discredited, in the Pentagon's own internal investigation, and by Doug Ross and Rusty Shackleford, among others. And because of this, the left continues to suppress conflicting information while constantly moving the goalposts. Selective editing is just the beginning. Communist Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! segment today pushed the "civilian murders" meme, and continued with the charge of war crimes. See, "EXCLUSIVE: One Day After 2007 Attack, Witnesses Describe US Killings of Iraqi Civilians." (This entry was cross-posted to communist filmaker Michael Moore's website as well.

Note how this disinformation then enters into a feedback loop, whereby WikiLeaks incorporates it and disseminates even more falsehoods and allegations:

And this Al Jazeera broadcast from a few days ago gives you a really good sense of what leftists are hoping to achieve. I can't thank Bill Roggio enough for all his reporting, but Glenn Greenwald and the others outflank him. Notice especially at about 22:00 minutes, where Greenwald makes the case that WikiLeaks is the new Abu Ghraib:

Fortunately, we've had a significant push back among conservative bloggers, although the rebuttals need to gain more traction in the press.

Bob Owens has a couple of entries at Pajamas Media, for example. See, "Shame on WikiLeaks: Framing Lawful Engagement as Anti-American Propaganda (Part One)," and "Shame on WikiLeaks: Framing Lawful Engagement as Anti-American Propaganda (Part Two)."

Also, check the latest at Jawa Report, "For The Idiots Who Still Say There Was no RPG -- UPDATED: Wiki Leak as Left Wing Propaganda," and "59 Seconds of Crucial Reuters 'Murder' Video," which shows -- once again -- insurgent combatants armed with AK-47s and RPGs:

These reports are a much-welcomed corrective to the WikiLeaks/communist/media propaganda machine, but it's not enough at this point. We'll see more stories claiming that U.S. forces attacked "civilians" (Roggio notes that the "rescue" van was patrolling all morning in nearby Baghdad streets while U.S. forces engaged insurgents), and the focus will be increasingly on the children who were wounded.

It'd be a grave miscarriage for U.S. military personnel, who meticulously observed ROE, to be charged with violating rules of war; and it'd be an even greater injustice to truth and common decency should this communist propaganda campaign gain even more domestic and international legitimacy than it already has.

ADDED: Via Steve Schippert, see Mudville Gazette, "War Porn (part three - for the children)."
Labels: Anti-Americanism, Antiwar Left, Bush Administration, Iraq War, Obama Administration, Political Polarization, Radical Left, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Military

PatriotUSA's thoughts:
As I said, this makes a lot of sense and is an excellent job by American Power. There are those who are willing to condemn and vilify our military no matter what they do or what the facts are. They want to bring these soldiers up on charges for 'murder' that they were part of in cold blood, as if this was a premeditated incident. Sometimes your team plays a clean game and others times they don't. While accidental deaths in war are ALWAYS regrettable, it is impossible to avoid them. To those who do this I say, shut up and stand down! Put yourself in the boots of these soldiers and let's see what you would do. It is war and these incidents can and will happen. The above is proof to anyone that these guys are innocent. Obama has neutered our military with     asinine ROE which puts our troops in much more danger than they previously were. If, after reading and watching the above videos you do not agree with what I have posted then perhaps the Huffy Po or Daily Kos will be more to your liking. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I make no apologies and probably would take no prisoners, at least here.

Tags: Afghanistan, Obama,military, ROE, wikileak story To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

5 Comments - Share Yours!:

Extremist to the DHS said...

A truck pulled up to evacuate wounded men. No one exiting the truck was armed. No one attempting to rescue the wounded made any threatening movements. In fact they did exactly what I would have done if one of my friends or relatives had just been shot. I would try to get them out of there to a safe place for treatment. And these unarmed, non threatening men were executed by US troops. Fact.

The troops in the gunships and their leaders on the ground have decided that shooting unarmed men attempting to evacuate the wounded is just fine. Fact. No amount of propoganda on your blog can change what actually happened.

I guess you thought that if you just pile enough words on this page, that we would just give up and read elsewhere. What a long boring load of drivel this is.

PatriotUSA said...

The drivel is your failure to
see the FACTS as they were
presented by this post. If you toss
the propoganda label about
then perhaps you should turn
your focus elsewhere where
'real' propaganda is taking
place. You have a blog, feel
free to post your opinion
there with the FACTS to prove your point.
Pile on enough words and give up?
The people who come here on
regular basis would disagree
with your assesment. There are
quite a number who would not
side with you. The length has
to do with the FACTS. As I
said, don't let the door
hit you on the way out.

PatriotUSA said...

If so many are 'bored'
then why are the numbers
who come here on a steady,
daily basis growing?
As are the numbers who
spend more and more time
here? With all the blogs
out there There must be
alot correct here that
readers like and enjoy.

If you are so irritated
by the feeds here, why
are wasting your time
here? If you are seeking
an argument, sorry the
truth has not satisfied you.
Don't waste your time
'here', please. Perhaps
there is a position for
you in Obama's house of
'propoganda' among the

At least I give all your
comments here a chance which
is more than I can say for
many sites who would have
not allowed them at all.

I suggest you look
elsewhere for whatever
it is your are looking
for. You know where the
door is so you enter, stay,
or leave. It is a free
country, for now.

Extremist to the DHS said...

Thanks for posting my comments. The only place that has kicked me off is DailyKos, but I retain blogging rights on several conservative as well as progressive blogs. I dont have a party, I am just interested in the truth and sometimes that aligns with the conservatives and sometimes it aligns with the others.

You seem kinda defensive. I take it your not used to having people post comments here. Or at least comments that disagree with you. Relax. If you have all the facts on your side as you say, then you have nothing to fear from those who see things differently. Perhaps you might learn something yourself.

PatriotUSA said...

Defensive? Naw, not really. Understand I get infoprmation from over 60 sources and am very picky about from which of those I post
from. I actually enjoy folks are willing to take the time and
effort to post comments. As I
said,unless it is vulgar, really
ignorant or outside of the what
is allowable here, say like all
Muslims must be killed(which I
would not allow!) it is a pretty
open forum. Plus I am building
with some new contributors.
I am really picky about who
I allow to post feeds here.
have to be. Only one I got the
boot from was LGF and Charlie
gave me the boot three times
and threatened me in several
emails. I let them slide as it
was not worth to respond to
someone like him. That was a
few years ago.