
UC Riverside Student Government Declines Resolution of Support to "Irvine 11"

Gary Fouse

(Hat tip to OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism)

Finally, a bit of refreshing news out of the University of California at Riverside. In contrast to several other UC campuses, the Associated Students of the UC Riverside campus has voted against a resolution of support for the eleven students arrested February 8 for disprupting the speech of the Israeli ambassador.

Here is the article from the UCR campus newspaper, the Highlander News:


I have maintained for several years now that most students on college campuses (despite the ones who get all the headlines) have more sense than many of their professors. In this case, the ASUCR has exhibited a lot more sense than the Dean of the Ethnic Studies Department, whose name I have long since forgotten, and the gals from the Women's Studies Department at UCR, the latter of whom just issued a letter of support for the "Irvine Eleven" prattling on about such things
as "marginalization","solidarity", "exclusion", "queers", "dominance norms", "LGBTQ" and "enforced normativity", etc.


Can't make this stuff up, folks.

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

Sounds like they grew some huevos
perhaps, or a partial brain stem.

Thanks Gary!!!!!