Gary Fouse
This article first appeared in Times of Israel Blogs.
"We had Mayor Garcetti clarify his statement about Jerusalem"
It wasn't long ago that Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti was traipsing off to Iowa to "test the waters" for a possible run for the 2020 Democrat nomination to run for president. Many wondered how any mayor of Los Angeles, a city beset with all kinds of problems like gang violence, homeless encampments and trash piling up that was leading to the biggest rat infestation ever seen in the city, could decide he really should be promoted to president.
Fast forward to this week. Garcetti, who also had time to take a trip to Israel while his city crumbles, had made a statement that he supported the move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. After all, it is Israel's capital. All well and good, but that didn't sit well with the Islamists at the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), run by Salaam al-Marayati (who is based in LA). MPAC, like CAIR, is one of those myriad of Islamic organizations in the US that pretend to be moderates merely looking out for the civil rights of American Muslims. In reality, like CAIR, MPAC is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.
So when Garcetti made his comment about Jerusalem, MPAC sprang into action. They asked for a meeting with Garcetti and got it. What came out of that meeting was a videotaped message from Garcetti wishing his Muslim brothers and sisters a happy Ramadan and apologizing for his comment. MPAC is proudly boasting of this achievement on their blog. You can see the video here.
"This move represented the ultimate violation of religious freedom and a real provocation of violence."
One wonders how moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem was violating anyone's religious freedom in Israel since all religions, including Islam, enjoy religious freedom in Israel, much in contrast to her neighbors, where Christians are living in genuine fear. (The Jews were driven out back in 1948.)
And just who would be provoked into violence? Certainly not Israelis. The answer is Muslims.
So while the homeless population of Los Angeles continues to climb, the resultant trash continues to climb (literally), and the rat infestation continues to explode, Eric Garcetti takes time out from his busy schedule to issue this video apologizing for his statement supporting the embassy move. Frankly, it looks like one of those ISIS ransom videos. The only thing missing is a masked al Marayati standing behind him with a dagger.
This is why Eric Garcetti is not fit to be president of the United States. He is a craven hack who can't even run a city, let alone a country.
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