Gary Fouse
I remember when I was a college student at Cal State Los Angeles back in the 1960s when the Kent State shooting happened. My French teacher, a liberal gal, came running breathlessly into the classroom telling us about the shooting and that we were not going to hold class while students in Ohio were being shot down. She then walked out leaving us sitting there.
Hey Lady! How about this class I'm paying for?
But now it has come to this. A high school student in Ohio (Coincidence? We don't think so) has been suspended because he chose to remain in class "National Walkout Day"..
I don't want to delve too deep into all the politics going here with the NRA and all that stuff. Suffice to say, why don't they walk out over all the gun violence going on in Chicago with all the young lives being lost? The last thing we need to hear is a bunch of kids telling us they have the answer to these problems. If we adults don't have the answer either do the kids.
But when a teacher tells kids they have to leave class and make some sort of statement (that some may not agree with) and the school backs it up with a suspension, something is terribly wrong in our educational system.
And something is wrong in our educational system once they decide to teach kids what they are supposed to think about the world to fit their own agendas. In this case, someone needs to lose their job.
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