Gary Fouse
Hat tip The College Fix

Kate Steinle, the young woman killed by a criminal illegal alien in San Francisco (He was astonishingly acquitted), is becoming the face of politically incorrect thought on college campuses. The most recent is UC San Diego, where the Bias Response Team (academia's version of SWAT) removed posters of Kate with the heading, "She had dreams too". A member of the campus College Republicans has been "ordered to appear" for the "crime".
And, of course, at UC Berkeley, the vigilantes didn't even wait for the Bias Response Team. They trashed similar posters put up by the College Republicans.
One wonders what other victims who had dreams would offend the leftist rascals on our campuses these days.
"They had dreams too."
1972 Israeli Olympic team
"They had dreams too."
"They had dreams too."
Alas, I fear none of the above would be allowed on our university campuses.

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