Gary Fouse
Hat tip Vlad Tepes
This is the Face of Angela Merkel's insane immigration policy. His name is Domenico, and he is one of the victims of yesterday's axe attack by a Kosovar asylum seeker at the main train station in Duesseldorf.
Below is the translation of what his mother has put on social media:
This is my son Domenico in the intensive care of the University Clinic…
Amok at the Düsseldorf Main Train Station
He was hit in the head with an axe, from behind… Surgery took Long
The media is downplaying it all
It is terrible and incomprehensible
You are welcome to share this….
I Love You my Son
As usual, the mother is correct. The media is downplaying it all. The attacker is described as mentally ill. The police have reported that they have given him his medicine which he had neglected to take. What's next-his release? It seems every time an attack happens, the attacker is described as mentally disturbed. Perhaps, that is the case here, but aside from any mental imbalance, what was the motive for this attack?
Domenico is just another victim not only of Merkel's policy, but the policy of most all the Western Europe governments, as well as the policy of the EU. I guess the Europeans just have to get used to the new multi-culturalism and "cultural enrichment" that the left celebrates.
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