Gary Fouse
Hat tip Gateway Pundit
"Let's move back to Cleveland."
Freddy Gray is dead and buried. Six police officers are charged in his death in what can only be described as a lynch mob atmosphere. Certain people have promised more riots in Baltimore if the cops are not convicted.
Yet what goes under the radar in this sordid tale is the fact that Baltimore is out of control. Shootings and deaths are skyrocketing. Over this Memorial Day weekend, 28 people were shot and 9 are dead. Too bad Baltimore's most famous resident, Edgar Allen Poe, isn't still around. He would have plenty of tales to weave.
And the city leaders of Baltimore, the activist hacks in the Justice Department, and the liberal media want us all to believe that the cops are the problem. Well, as far as I can determine, the cops didn't shoot anybody in Baltimore this weekend. I wrote about the problems in the city a couple of weeks ago-not that I am some kind of rocket scientist for figuring out what many others have.
The same disease that affects Baltimore affects many other big US cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Clevelend, Chicago and Los Angeles to name the most obvious examples. And what do they have in common? They have all been run for decades by Democrats, who wring their hands and plea for peace on the streets while finding others to blame-like the police. They can't face up to the real cause of this bloodshed- breakdown in the inner city families and lack of positive male role models. Until they come to terms with that reality, the problems will just continue and more cops will be blamed.
How convenient.
1 Comments - Share Yours!:
Baltimore's progressive thugs put forth a strong effort, but it appears Rahm's Chicago still rules when it comes to holiday weekend violence.
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