The Oklahoma Beheading: Leftist Media Insisting It Was "Workplace Violence"
Gary Fouse
The left-wing media is rushing to ensure the public that the beheading murder of a woman in Moore, Oklahoma this week was simply workplace violence and had nothing to do with terrorism. Watch MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry.
And she is a professor at Wake Forest University!! On second thought, strike those exclamation marks.
Part of the "logic" being used here is that the accused killer Alton Nolan has no known connection to Al Qaeda, ISIS, or any other known terrorist organization. In addition, he was angry because he had just been fired. Aside from the two women who were stabbed by Alton, nobody in Moore has any reason to fear anything.
This is why they are wrong.
Nolen, who has a criminal record, had recently converted to Islam and was reportedly trying to convert people in his workplace to Islam. Apparently, he was unsuccessful in converting any of the "unbelievers". That alone may not mean much, but when you discover his Facebook writings that include this, it gets interesting.
"The station said the Facebook page has several photos of Usama bin Laden and a screen shot from the 9/11 terror attacks. It also shows a man with a quote : "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smile ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips off them."
Smiting unbelievers above the necks is precisely what ISIS is doing to them in Syria and Iraq as we speak. The expression means cutting their heads off. Here is where Nolen (not to mention ISIS) got that idea.
Koran: Sura 8 verse 12. Here is the reading from my English language Koran given to me at the Islamic Center of Orange County. It is published by the Book of Signs Foundation.
"(Remember when) verily your Lord revealed (the Message) to the angels; 'Verily, I am with you: Give strength to the believers; I will bring about terror into the hearts of the disbelievers. So you strike above their necks and hit hard all over their finger-tips and toes."
You should also note that Sura 8 was recorded during the Medina period of the life of the Prophet Mohammad, when he had become a warrior and was spreading Islam through war. (Islamic defenders say that this verse concerned a certain Battle of Sadr, which pitted Muslims against non-Muslims.) In addition, Sura 9, which was the final sura, is full of condemnation for the unbelievers, but also states that they should be spared if they repent (accept Islam or accept dhimmi status-paying taxes and feeling subdued, etc). Sura 9 verse 5 is the one most often quoted.
9:5] Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
(Source: Tucson Masjid)
So here is my theory: We know that Al Qaeda and ISIS have called for Muslims in the US to conduct strikes within the US. Certainly the vast majority of American Muslims have no intention of following those directives. But we do have a fear that there are some who will listen. We also have a concern about returning ISIS fighters since thousands of those fighters are carrying Western passports. It is my opinion that Nolen followed the events in Syria and Iraq, listened to the directives, and decided to act on them. He had tried to convince the "unbelievers" but had failed. His firing was merely the trigger. It was time to follow Sura 8 verse 12, and who better to attack than those who not only had fired him but rebuffed his attempts to be converted. It was the perfect storm. Alton Nolen is the classic lone wolf attacker, such as we have already seen in Britain. The fact that he decapitated a woman makes it pretty clear that his religious beliefs played a major role in this murder.
Again I caution: We should not make a leap into believing that the vast majority of Muslims in the US are contemplating anything like what Nolen did. They are not and I assume the vast majority of American Muslims are repulsed at the murder. I constantly hope that nobody gets it in their head to carry out acts of "retaliation" against innocent Muslims.
Having said all that, we cannot ignore the danger and continue to tell the public that these horrific incidents are something else like workplace violence. I am afraid that we are going to see more murders of this type not only in the US, but in the West in general. The public needs to be informed for their own safety.
Why Are We Funding Propaganda in Our Universities?
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Algemeiner
My friends at the AMCHA Initiative have just come out with the results of a 3-year-study of the UCLA Center for Near East Studies, which shows a clear bias against Israel-a bias that often spills into anti-Semitism.
Just this week, AMCHA's Professor Tammi Rossman-Benjamin of UC Santa Cruz and Leila Beckwith, Professor Emeritus at UCLA, presented these findings at the UC Regents meeting. It should also be noted that in the past year both UC President Janet Napolitano and UCLA Chancellor Gene Block have issued statements in criticism of the activities of Students for Justice in Palestine (UCLA) for their anti-Semitic acts on campus, which included trying to keep pro-Israel Jewish students out of student government and to stop a pro-Israel Jewish student from being appointed as student regent (notwithstanding the fact that an anti-Israel Muslim student has been serving as student regent).
The bias that permeates most-if not all- university Middle East studies departments is obvious for all to see. They are bastions of anti-Israel, anti-US, and anti-West propaganda being spewed forth in most cases by leftists and people who came here from hell-hole countries dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state. This is not even close to scholarship; rather it is more akin to the rabid partisanship to be found at an Oakland Raiders football game. Clearly our students deserve better.
That these departments receive government funding (to go along with their funding from Saudi Arabia) is an outrage.
Jewish Leadership in Seattle and Los Angeles-and the New Israel Fund
Gary Fouse
Hat tip The Mike Report and Paul Schnee
Much like Orange County, with the feckless Jewish Federation, Hillel, and Anti-Defamation League, Los Angeles and Seattle have big time problems with many of their leaders and organizations, many of whom are anti-Israel.
Paul Schnee, who I had the pleasure of meeting at a recent pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles, has sent me an article in the Jewish Journal on one of the leading figures in Los Angeles, Jonathan Jacoby, who is leaving his position at the LA Jewish Federation to return to the New Israel Fund, of which he is a founding member.
So who is this organization known as the New Israel Fund? It seems they are big financial supporters of several groups dedicated to Israel's destruction. Here are some links provided to me by Mr. Schnee.
I think we may assume that the New Israel Fund is hardly pro-Israel.
Meanwhile, the Seattle-based blog, The Mike Report, has a troubling sketch of one of Seattle's leading Jewish activists, Ben Murane and the organization he represents, the aforementioned New Israel Fund.
One of the biggest stereotypes of the US Jewish community is that it is monolithic and united in its support of Israel. That is not true. While each individual American Jew has the right to form his or her own opinion of Israel, it would be nice if the Jewish community was fully aware of which organizations and so-called leaders are for or against Israel. It is fundamentally dishonest for certain Jewish organizations to portray themselves as pro-Israel while they fund and assist other organizations devoted to Israel's destruction.
Sohail Daulatzai's Latest Ravings
Gary Fouse
Tip of the shoe to Dr David J Leonard blog.
Sohail Daulatzai is a professor of film at UC Irvine. From that soapbox, his real profession is damning his adopted country, the USA, which he considers a racist, colonial evil empire. (He was born in Pakistan). Best I can figure, Daulatzai is a frustrated Malcolm X wanna-be who fancies himself as a historian of the African-American experience. In previous writings, this angry guy has implied that Malcolm was really murdered as a result of a white conspiracy. I corrected him on this point a while back when he spoke at UCI. Below is a glowing review of Daulatzai's latest book, a diatribe against America.
As you can see, Daulatzai tries to make a link between African-Americans and Muslims. The obvious omission or error in his thinking is that the "War on Terror" was initiated-especially after 9-11- to save American lives. But what would that matter to "academics" like Daulatzai?
This is what is teaching our youth in our universities, Ladies and Gentlemen. This is what passes for scholarship in our institutions of higher learning.
An American tragedy-Brendan Tevlin
An American tragedy that we and our children will have NOT seen the last of unless Islam, sharia law is removed, however it must be. Eviscerated like the malignant cancer that it is. Our borders are not secure and all immigration should shut down and only be allowed for extreme humanitarian reasons. Any and all Muslim immigration should be stopped and this country should have built 'Israeli style' border fences on the southern and northern borders long ago. A border fence with a no man's land on our side. With armed troops and orders to shoot to kill, if need be.
Filth and perversion such as Brown, once found guilty should be executed at once. Islam is evil, vile, perverted and such acts as this are going to continue and will get worse. It could have been me, you, your children. Political correctness, diversity and excessive multiculturalism are to blame as are foulness of politics and history. Islam is the Nazism of our time. Make no mistake about this. This the result of weakness and allowing rampant political correctness on our part.
I have been a counterjihadist since 1979. There is not one minute that regret since I turned this way. I am against Islam, sharia law, the filth that was spewed by Mohammad and that is in the qur'an. Islam is the the lowest form of humanity.
There is no peace within Islam and with Islam there can NEVER be peace.
An American tragedy that will be repeated until we, you and I say enough is enough. I urge any of you reading this to arm yourselves, learn them, train with them and teach your children well. The government will not, cannot protect against this threat. The government is walking hand in hand, goose stepping down Pennsylvania Avenue with the jihadists and Islam.
We are at war with Islam and what more proof do you need? PatriotUSA
Stolen from Rightly Wired.
Brendan Tevlin was the exemplar of what American parents hope their children become. As such, he was also a symbol of what Muslim jihadists hope to exterminate.
His obituary reads like an award ceremony, except that all of the achievements were his. A young Irish Catholic American, Brendan had completed his first year of college. He was an older brother to three, a Eucharistic minister, president of the Gaelic Club, and a talented bagpiper. In high school, Brendan was a member of the National Honor Society, Lacrosse Team, Ambassador’s Club, Student Council, Math Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society.
Brendan would often volunteer to play his bagpipe at funerals, probably never imaging how soon seventy-five bagpipers would play to the hundreds of attendees at his own. By every account he was a charismatic, kind, and outgoing young man.
Brendan Tevlin, 19, was murdered by Ali Muhammad Brown, a Muslim terrorist, in an act of domestic terrorism.
Brown told authorities that murdering Brendan was a “just kill.” He was seeking vengeance for Muslim deaths in “Iraq, Syria, (and) Afghanistan.”
You can read the complete court documents here: Washington State vs Brown.
On June 25, at a red light in West Orange, NJ, Brown selected Brendan at random and shot him eight times in his Jeep.
Brown murdered three other men earlier this year. Police have issued bulletins to determine if there are more victims of his terrorist plot. Mainstream media have buried this story. Apparently, they don’t think that jihadists travelling across the U.S. and murdering random Americans (simply because they are Americans) is newsworthy.
Why is there hesitancy to report on the murder of a college student by a self-described terrorist? Perhaps those suppressing this story fear that if they were to identify a particular group as evil, the American public might react in a discriminatory or hateful manner. In reality, when the press fails its journalistic duty to identify evil, evil prospers and grows – just like it’s doing right now.
More likely, national media outlets are silent because they are still covering for the President’s ineptitude. Obama declared that the “global war on terror is over” and that al-Qaeda “is on the run.” He called ISIS the JV team. He has said, “The world is less violent than it has ever been.” He announced, “we’ve won the war in Iraq” and he blamed media for our concern about global affairs: “We’re just noticing [how messy the world is] because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through.”
Because of social media, we have a realistic picture of what the world has become. Contrary to Obama’s claims, terrorist organizations are increasing in number and popularity, to the extent that growing percentages of Muslims in western countries are sympathetic to ISIS.
In his college application, Brendan wrote, “If the world were to stop spinning at this very moment, could you honestly say you are satisfied with what you have accomplished in your life? I couldn’t […] Most importantly […] I haven’t made the difference that I know that I personally can make.”
We need to be inspired by Brendan’s life and angered by Brendan’s death. So, rather than sitting around cursing MSNBC, CNN, and the New York Times for failing to cover this story; we can make a difference. We can be the ones to tell this story.
The ALS Ice Bucket challenge is one that everyone knows of by now. That is the power of social media at its best. We need to use the same ingenuity and commitment to inform the American public about the murder of Brendan Tevlin.
Let’s personally make a difference. Blog about this tragedy, Facebook it, tweet #BrendanTevlin at media personalities you trust, and tell your friends. Call your local talk radio show. Email independent news sources about Brendan.

The murder of Brendan Tevlin is the ultimate hate crime. Shot down in an ordinary American neighborhood, Brendan was not killed for profit or due to something he did or said – Brendan was slaughtered because his killer hates America and hates Americans.
The reality of this tragic, hate-filled murder may not fit some networks’ narrative, but it is very real. If we ignore this reality, it will happen again, and again, and again.
We need to end this violence. We need to make sure there are no more Brendan Tevlins – young Americans murdered in America because they are Americans. Change will only come when Americans hear the truth – and it is up to each of us to spread that truth. Let it begin right now.
This article has been edited to include the court documents regarding the case.
Source is here
Tags: American jihad, Brendan Tevlin, Islam, Jihad on US soil, Sharia law, Qur'an, Koran, War with Islam, Counterjihad, Stealth jihad, ENTER TAGS HERE To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Filth and perversion such as Brown, once found guilty should be executed at once. Islam is evil, vile, perverted and such acts as this are going to continue and will get worse. It could have been me, you, your children. Political correctness, diversity and excessive multiculturalism are to blame as are foulness of politics and history. Islam is the Nazism of our time. Make no mistake about this. This the result of weakness and allowing rampant political correctness on our part.
I have been a counterjihadist since 1979. There is not one minute that regret since I turned this way. I am against Islam, sharia law, the filth that was spewed by Mohammad and that is in the qur'an. Islam is the the lowest form of humanity.
There is no peace within Islam and with Islam there can NEVER be peace.
An American tragedy that will be repeated until we, you and I say enough is enough. I urge any of you reading this to arm yourselves, learn them, train with them and teach your children well. The government will not, cannot protect against this threat. The government is walking hand in hand, goose stepping down Pennsylvania Avenue with the jihadists and Islam.
We are at war with Islam and what more proof do you need? PatriotUSA
Stolen from Rightly Wired.
Brendan Tevlin, American martyr, murdered on U.S. soil by jihadist killer
By Katie CoyneBrendan Tevlin was the exemplar of what American parents hope their children become. As such, he was also a symbol of what Muslim jihadists hope to exterminate.
His obituary reads like an award ceremony, except that all of the achievements were his. A young Irish Catholic American, Brendan had completed his first year of college. He was an older brother to three, a Eucharistic minister, president of the Gaelic Club, and a talented bagpiper. In high school, Brendan was a member of the National Honor Society, Lacrosse Team, Ambassador’s Club, Student Council, Math Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society.
Brendan would often volunteer to play his bagpipe at funerals, probably never imaging how soon seventy-five bagpipers would play to the hundreds of attendees at his own. By every account he was a charismatic, kind, and outgoing young man.
Brendan Tevlin, 19, was murdered by Ali Muhammad Brown, a Muslim terrorist, in an act of domestic terrorism.
Brown told authorities that murdering Brendan was a “just kill.” He was seeking vengeance for Muslim deaths in “Iraq, Syria, (and) Afghanistan.”
You can read the complete court documents here: Washington State vs Brown.
On June 25, at a red light in West Orange, NJ, Brown selected Brendan at random and shot him eight times in his Jeep.
Brown murdered three other men earlier this year. Police have issued bulletins to determine if there are more victims of his terrorist plot. Mainstream media have buried this story. Apparently, they don’t think that jihadists travelling across the U.S. and murdering random Americans (simply because they are Americans) is newsworthy.
Why is there hesitancy to report on the murder of a college student by a self-described terrorist? Perhaps those suppressing this story fear that if they were to identify a particular group as evil, the American public might react in a discriminatory or hateful manner. In reality, when the press fails its journalistic duty to identify evil, evil prospers and grows – just like it’s doing right now.
More likely, national media outlets are silent because they are still covering for the President’s ineptitude. Obama declared that the “global war on terror is over” and that al-Qaeda “is on the run.” He called ISIS the JV team. He has said, “The world is less violent than it has ever been.” He announced, “we’ve won the war in Iraq” and he blamed media for our concern about global affairs: “We’re just noticing [how messy the world is] because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through.”
Because of social media, we have a realistic picture of what the world has become. Contrary to Obama’s claims, terrorist organizations are increasing in number and popularity, to the extent that growing percentages of Muslims in western countries are sympathetic to ISIS.
In his college application, Brendan wrote, “If the world were to stop spinning at this very moment, could you honestly say you are satisfied with what you have accomplished in your life? I couldn’t […] Most importantly […] I haven’t made the difference that I know that I personally can make.”
We need to be inspired by Brendan’s life and angered by Brendan’s death. So, rather than sitting around cursing MSNBC, CNN, and the New York Times for failing to cover this story; we can make a difference. We can be the ones to tell this story.
The ALS Ice Bucket challenge is one that everyone knows of by now. That is the power of social media at its best. We need to use the same ingenuity and commitment to inform the American public about the murder of Brendan Tevlin.
Let’s personally make a difference. Blog about this tragedy, Facebook it, tweet #BrendanTevlin at media personalities you trust, and tell your friends. Call your local talk radio show. Email independent news sources about Brendan.
The murder of Brendan Tevlin is the ultimate hate crime. Shot down in an ordinary American neighborhood, Brendan was not killed for profit or due to something he did or said – Brendan was slaughtered because his killer hates America and hates Americans.
The reality of this tragic, hate-filled murder may not fit some networks’ narrative, but it is very real. If we ignore this reality, it will happen again, and again, and again.
We need to end this violence. We need to make sure there are no more Brendan Tevlins – young Americans murdered in America because they are Americans. Change will only come when Americans hear the truth – and it is up to each of us to spread that truth. Let it begin right now.
This article has been edited to include the court documents regarding the case.
Source is here
Tags: American jihad, Brendan Tevlin, Islam, Jihad on US soil, Sharia law, Qur'an, Koran, War with Islam, Counterjihad, Stealth jihad, ENTER TAGS HERE To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
A sad day indeed-Commieblaster is gone???
Posting with only my comments from me sharing this on Facebook.
I am John Galt, Commieblaster. Pick up the torch or become a statistic after you are totally a slave.
I am an American PATRIOT, call me renegade, call me outlaw, call me terrorist, call me Whitey, call me rude, call Cracker, call me a bitter clinger who would rather cling to his religion and guns and I am who I be. Treat me as a cur and mongrel Forged into what I am by believing in and standing for AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM. Before this there was English EXCEPTIONALISM. I stand against all foreign and DOMESTIC tyranny, against those come in the night to steal, pilfer, enslave, suppress and strip away my freedoms and yours. Kill me and I will be replaced by ten, kill them and those will be replaced by 100. I will die willingly so me kids might know the taste of freedoms I have known. These colours do not run and neither do those who I know from across the pond and vast oceans. If being white is crime, then call me criminal. John Galt is not skin color bound and read between the lines. Come, call me criminal to me face. True freedom is a spirit that NO ONE can destroy.
Are you John Galt? PatriotUSA
From FOTM: (Note: John Galt is a character in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged (1957), a philosopher and inventor who believes in the power and glory of the human mind, and the right of the individual to use his/her mind solely for him/herself. He serves as a highly individualist counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel, in which society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism, which the novel interprets as the end result of socialistic idealism.)

Dear Readers,
5 years ago we launched a simple project. We collected internet links to selected news articles, sorted them into categories and made them available to the public on our website. We had no idea where this project would take us. Our journey was shocking, unimaginable, a nightmare.
-- C.B.
Like Yuri said: 'It's not James Bond... It's all right out there in the open."
Wake Up, America! Commies are Running Our Country and It's Time to Get Rid of Them Now!
Source is here.From FOTM: (Note: John Galt is a character in Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged (1957), a philosopher and inventor who believes in the power and glory of the human mind, and the right of the individual to use his/her mind solely for him/herself. He serves as a highly individualist counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel, in which society is based on oppressive bureaucratic functionaries and a culture that embraces mediocrity in the name of egalitarianism, which the novel interprets as the end result of socialistic idealism.)
Dear Readers,
5 years ago we launched a simple project. We collected internet links to selected news articles, sorted them into categories and made them available to the public on our website. We had no idea where this project would take us. Our journey was shocking, unimaginable, a nightmare.
Via our research, we learned:
- The Democratic Party is now a communist/socialist party funded by and aligned with Islamic terrorists. A Communist Takeover has occurred and America is now under lawless Communist control.
- Obama is an imposter, a forger, a puppet, a Marxist, an Islam-trained foreigner, a serial criminal, a mass murderer, and a pathological liar, who was illegally installed as President to destroy America. He openly commits treasons and has supplied weapons and material aid to America’s enemies in time of war. He continuously violates the Constitution with impunity. His step-brother regularly meets with Islamic terrorists.
- The Republican Party has merged with the Democratic Party and has vowed to not impeach Obama. So we live under one party rule, where headless teleprompters select candidates, elections are determined by voter fraud and our votes mean largely nothing. Once elected, our Senators and Congressmen become millionaires via insider trading, a perk they have legalized for themselves.
- But Obama is only a figurehead, and the real person running the White House actions on a daily basis is Valerie Jarrett, an unelected, Iranian-born, second-generation communist. The White House is swarming with Marxists and terrorist agents.
- The above is enabled by the US media, which is 90% owned by six major corporations. They take obedient direction from and provide cover for Obama and his administration’s crimes. MSNBC is the Obama Channel. CNN is funded by Bahrain. Endorsed by John McCain and Hillary Clinton, Al-Jazeera is owned by Qatar, a major funder of Islamic terrorism. With John McCain's help, Al-Jazeera is now on US cable TV. Fox News is no exception and its parent companies’ second largest shareholder is a billionaire Saudi prince. Saudi Arabia is the world's largest funder of terrorism. The US Government now spies on and threatens journalists with arrest and kills them.
- The head of the CIA and Obama’s “Assassination Czar”, John Brennan speaks in Arabic about the beauty of Isalm and converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia. He most likely ordered the car bomb murder of a Rolling Stones journalist who was investigating Brennan, as well as many other Obama-related murders. The CIA created Al Qaeda and trained and released the head of ISIS. The CIA most likely selects, installs and manages the US President and pits “Terrorists vs. Americans” to implement fascist rule by controlling both sides of the crisis equation.
- We learned the US Government is a criminal organization, a Mafia, that takes our tax money and then uses it against us to install poverty, government welfare, communism and Islamic jihadists. Crimes now go unpunished with Eric Holder at the head of the Department of Justice. Eric Holder, was held in both Criminal and Civil Contempt of Congress and is still in office presiding as if nothing has happened. Holder was involved in illegal gunrunning that caused the death of hundreds of innocent people, as well as the gunrunning’s cover-up. He helped murder innocent children in Waco, TX and is suspected on being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing and Ruby Ridge.
- A few extremely rich people (felon George Soros, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, Google’s Eric Schmidt, Ted Turner, David Rockefeller, Oprah Winfrey and others), as well as major companies, wealthy actors, and evening newsmen largely control the US government’s policies and use it to expand their wealth. Many openly belong to a “One World Government” organization called the Council on Foreign Relations. They promote climate fraud, disarming Americans, flooding our borders with illegal aliens and terrorists, and brainwashing our kids in school.
- We
spent no deliberate effort to seek out 9/11 truths, but we stumbled
onto some that shocked us to our core. Hidden from the public until
2013, the Saudi Arabian government was involved in planning 9/11. The third 9/11 building that collapsed was brought down via controlled demolition. The BBC announced on air the building had collapsed 26 minutes prior to its falling. According to a 2-Star General who would know, the 9/11 “airplane” that struck the Pentagon was a missile. Dick Cheney turned off standard fighter jet scramble and shoot-down orders on 9/11. 9/11 was staged to implement Homeland Security and the unconstitutional Patriot Act, which provides almost unlimited federal power to bypass the Constituation and implement a national police state.
- Homeland Security targets law-abiding Americans, rather than terrorists. They have declared that a 100-mile wide strip of land around US borders on all sides that contains 1/3 of the US population is no longer subject to the Constitution. Eyewitnesses say the TSA let the Underwear Bomber bypass security. TSA "legalized" sexual assualt and strip searches elderly ladies in wheel chairs. The TSA’s body scanners are ineffective and are only good for collecting naked photos and irradiating people.
- The US Government illegally spies on and collects every phone call, every email, and every internet click that US citizens make or send. They also photograph every mail envelope and package. Major computer and communication companies assist in this illegal activity and admit to installing “Government back doors” in your computer software that allows the Government to turn on/access your data and view/listen to you through your computer. The US Government shares this information (your private data) in vast quantities with foreign countries.
- The Federal Reserve is systematically destroying the US dollar by printing $Trillions in unbacked fiat currency, by applying disastrous Socialist “Keynesian” policies as a cover for crime, and by openly manipulating financial markets. $Trillions of US dollars were sent to foreign banks after the staged 2008 economic crash.
- Europe is also under Communist control. EU leaders are elected in secret and are known members of communist, socialist and Maoist parties. Obama's Foreign Policy is taxpayer-funded "One World Communism" and "Islamic Terror".
- Perhaps
most troubling is (Government spy org and defense contractor, Obama
Funder, and White House Chief Information Officer of USA) Google seems literally morphing into the “SkyNet system” depicted in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator movie series. Google is a massive big brother database and spy portal, interconnected with communication devices, satellites, facial recognition, drones, and military robots.
initially supposed that shining a light on this situation would solve
it, but no more. We have learned, by studying history, the only way to
stop this fascist insanity is to stage a multi-million-person, peaceful, sustained siege on Washington D.C.,
like the one-day protest we attended below. There are more of us than
them, and they will back down if enough people organize and peacefully,
legally resist. They know this and so they fear us.

However, with one party control of government and media, we no longer see this option happening in the near term unless a unifying event occurs or uncorrupted leaders emerge with the ability to reach and organize masses. As evidence of this assumption, even the most flagrant, obvious lies and crimes, such as the IRS scandals and Benghazi are effectively ignored by both parties, law enforcement, courts and media, and left unpunished.
However, with one party control of government and media, we no longer see this option happening in the near term unless a unifying event occurs or uncorrupted leaders emerge with the ability to reach and organize masses. As evidence of this assumption, even the most flagrant, obvious lies and crimes, such as the IRS scandals and Benghazi are effectively ignored by both parties, law enforcement, courts and media, and left unpunished.
is enough evidence already captured on our website site to cause any
reasonable person to see a sustained, deliberate pattern of organized crime on a massive scale
and to demand an unbiased, independent investigation, trial and
conviction of every treasonous member of Congress and Government
involved. Therefore, we are ceasing in our daily reporting and placing
our energies on new initiatives. Commercial-free, adware-free,
money-influence-free, and political-correctness-free daily news
reporting comes to an end, but our website remains to inform our fellow
citizens of the Government’s lawless tyranny that occurred from
September 2009 to September 2014.
Now it’s time for us to take a new path. We faithfully served our 5-year tour of duty as a reporter in America’s 100-year-old war against Communism without any form of compensation or personal recognition.
Now it’s time for us to take a new path. We faithfully served our 5-year tour of duty as a reporter in America’s 100-year-old war against Communism without any form of compensation or personal recognition.
of you will pick up the flag next? Who will document and help stop our
Government’s treason and crimes so we can prosecute the traitors? Who
will show us how to restore what they have destroyed when this illegal
form of Government is ultimately overthrown in the 2nd American Revolution?
I am. You are.
Let’s roll. WHO IS JOHN GALT?
I am. You are.
-- C.B.
Like Yuri said: 'It's not James Bond... It's all right out there in the open."
Wake Up, America! Commies are Running Our Country and It's Time to Get Rid of Them Now!
Tags: America, betrayal, corrupt politicians, Corruption, Deceit, fraud, government control, politics, traitors, Treason, U.S. Government, Obama, Soros, Progressive regressive behavior share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Miss me yet? Paging Richard Nixon!
Nixon was a genius and used his crazy to make our enemies fear us for being so unpredictable. He leveraged MAD and his foreign policy was pretty stout. He had the decency to resign and say what you will of him, his errors and ways, he make obamanazi look like the true American hater he is. Nixon will be even more forgiven with time and years. He was an excellent POTUS. He had the warmth, charm and personality of a Cottonmouth that drops into your boat from the branches above and was a true statesman.
Obama in comparison is a huge wussy and coward. He hides behind the UN and worthless coalitions and has reduced American Exceptionalism to AmeriKKKan communism. PatriotUSA
Tags: Richard Nixon, Barack Obama To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
The Instamob: How to Create Your Own Raging Mob in Seconds
Gary Fouse
Have you ever watched those videos of raging mobs in other parts of the world and wished you could do the same right here at home? You can. It's easy. Introducing the Instamob. Now you can create your own screaming, raging mobs right here in your own neighborhood.
Here's all you need.
1 One Israeli flag.
2 A t-shirt that shows you are Jewish
3 And finally, the secret password:
"Long live Israel"
Here are our lovely models, Steve and Michelle, demonstrating the Instamob on August 2 in Los Angeles:
As you can see, in mere seconds, you will be making lots of new friends who will sing your praises and invite you to embark on exciting vacations to exotic places like Poland.
Now no more long trips to the other side of the world. No more long airport lines going through security (caused by those raging mobs). Plus you don't have to worry about being kidnapped by those raging mobs.
So what are you waiting for? Operators are standing by.
Order your Instamob, and you will be creating your own raging mob yourself. Don't sit at home watching those raging mobs around the world. Create your own mob right here in the USA now with the Instamob.
But wait!
If you call in the next 30 minutes, we will include a second Instamob set absolutely free. Two Instamobs-two raging mobs!

Call now.
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