
The Medina Constitution

Gary Foiuse

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism and Islam Watch

On March 28, 2014, Salam Al-Marayati gave a presentation in Tarzana, California at the Reseda Islamic Center. Al Marayati is the director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council. His topic was the Constitution  of Medina, an agreement made in the time of the Prophet Mohammad. As expected, Al Marayati gives a positive spin on the Constitution of Medina and even presents it as a model for governance along the lines of the US Constitution. (The sub-title of the talk is, "Foundation for Modern Governance as a Mercy to Mankind".)

This event was taped and may be accessed at the below link. It also includes a question and answer session.


In the below link, Louis Palme, writing in Islam Watch, has written a critical response to Al Marayati.


The below link as provided by Palme above is an English version of the Constitution ( or Charter) of Medina. I will leave it to the reader to decide if there is any comparison to the US Constitution.


My reaction?  Absurd and insulting to our Constitution.

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