Posting a live feed from someone at the memorials.
I will be looking for others with live feed and add them here as I find them.
Trucker - He has had 32,000 hits.
Memorial - this one, at the white house I believe. At one point the guy says something like - yep, snipers still out there.
Spouse asked - did they have snipers out there last week when the illegals were there?
Good question. Back with more as I find them. Ya'll please forgive my informality. Trying to find good links and videos and posting as many places as possible all the while talking with sibs - it's a little hectic so you might just have to copy/paste.
One woman live looks like she is off air now.
The Blaze - Not live streaming but good piece.
Twitchy - More
Tags: War For America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
2 Comments - Share Yours!:
Great photos, great work altogether. Thanks for posting & for the links.
Thanks for sharing. I fear that the Lame Stream Media and Obama will just ignore this effort. Why not? They are old and mean nothing to them.
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