
And the winner of who shall lead the way on gun confiscation is...

From The Western School For Journalism - Obama Assigns Job Of Gun Confiscation To…

“Ideally, handguns, which account for more than half of all homicides in the United States, should be banned completely, but we recognize that this is not currently politically feasible,” wrote Dr. Karl P. Adler in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).  

For years, the confiscationist left have fought a losing battle in their attempt to repeal the rights of 100 million American gun owners. Even with the benefit of what dedicated gun grabbers undoubtedly considered a God-send–the brutal murder of 20 children in Newtown, Conn.–the right to keep and bear arms has been so jealously guarded, and the intentions of gun control advocates so mistrusted that no significant legislation could be passed.

For this reason, Barack Obama has decided to remove 2nd Amendment rights from the realm of politics and constitutional guarantee by transforming the question of gun violence into an issue of public health.

On January 26th, Obama issued Exec Order # 14, a “Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.”  Why does the president believe a public health approach will undermine the right to keep and bear arms?  “Anything that unnecessarily contributes to human disease, injury, or death is a proper concern of public health, including firearm deaths,” writes Nicholas Johnson in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. “Public health’s role is to reduce these firearm injuries and deaths.”  Continue HERE.

And then there is CaliPornia - not afraid of anything, certainly not the people, certainly nothing as silly as the Second Amendment, and with a professor at U.C. Davis to show the way - well, you get this -  

  H/T  Battlefield USA - Just Shut UP!

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