
We The Sheeple

There is no consolation in having someone validate one's theory (in this case some would say conspiracy theory) when it is really dirty.  When one's gut says something is dreadfully wrong and I think this is what it is - that is not fact.  Non-the-less, Erik Rush echos my thoughts in the article below.  That still does not make it fact.  
My purpose here is to keep the idea out there praying to God that it pushes enough people to demand answers because thus far all we are getting is BS!  We have plenty of hard facts of what happened in Benghazi and what happened in the oval office - now we want the truth of why, how deep does this go.  What are the facts!?!  This is OUR country and not only do we have a right to know, our very survival may well depend on knowing.  
We are a lost nation when We The People become We The Sheeple.  The Sheeple will let the Benghazi story be swept under a rug.  We must not let that happen...
Benghazi: No Other Explanation Fits via Canada Free Press - Erik Rush

Excerpt - "I believe that President Obama not only knew of that peril, but knew beforehand that the embassy would be attacked, because he facilitated the attack himself. After the contempt of Congress vote went against Attorney General Eric Holder in June, I believe that Obama determined that the Libya operation had become too much of a risk, and took steps to “make it go away.” A Mideast “Fast and Furious” emerging within weeks of the election would be devastating. I believe that Obama coordinated the assault through his connections with local jihadists, and that Stevens was the primary target. Obama cleared the way for the assailants via his inaction and interference, intending to cloak their mission within those of “outraged protestors” in the region."


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