
Looks for new posts tonight and the best part of visiting Portland is Leaving!

OK, I am recovering from driving to Portland and back in one day to take our kid back to college. It takes me at least two or three days to fully recover from the drive.

The drive is quite rough and we took our daughter's Subaru Forester(I hate Subaru vehicles in general). The seats suck, it does not have enough power but it is all wheel drive and we have to go over the Cascades. We drove straight into a nasty spring storm complete with rain, snow, high winds etc. The highway is very rough, pot holes galore and tons of really piss poor drivers especially crossing the Warm Springs Indian reservation. We spent part of the day going to a couple of  unique places while in Portland, which is what the subject of my first post will be on.

The best part about Portland is LEAVING. 

Too weird, too big, too many hipsters, wanna be hipsters, fags, freaks and fairies for me.

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