
How Derrick Bell Beat Martin Luther King Jr.

As someone who has been aware of the racism that exists among American blacks, both when we're talking about activists, and in general, even from far - far away, I find it delightful that some people dare touch on the subject these days.
I have a simple rule - if you'd like to not be targeted by racism, you have to stop being a racist first.
The men you're about to read of in here, break that rule like you break bread at supper.
Bon Appetit.

“History proves that the white man is a devil,” said Malcolm X. “Whites are liars,” said Jeremiah Wright. “I love to harass white folks,” said Derrick Bell.

“This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy,” a black teenager said to Allen Coon, a white student on the porch of his own home, as he set him on fire.

“Don’t tell me words don’t matter,” Obama once said. And he was right. Words do matter. The words of his mentors that have rooted hate so deep in the black community that it has become a cancer, a sore that bleeds violence, a stain on the soul.

While white racism continues to decline year by year, black racism has advanced to the White House and into the hearts and minds of millions. It leads to everything from discrimination to murder. It led to a thirteen-year-old boy screaming as fire ate at the flesh of his face, burning away the white skin that his attackers had been taught to hate so much.

“While city officials, state agencies, white liberals, and sober-minded Negroes stand idly by, a group of Negro dissenters is taking to street-corner step ladders, church pulpits, sports arenas, and ballroom platforms across the United States, to preach a gospel of hate that would set off a federal investigation if it were preached by Southern whites.”

The year was 1959 and the voice was that of Mike Wallace. Since then the “Gospel of Hate” has become mainstream in parts of the black community. Black leaders like Jeremiah Wright have discarded the Black Muslim origins of their hate, along with the tales of UFOs and Mohammed, but have retained its deep-seated venomous racism.

The Nation of Islam, the subject of Wallace’s documentary, has won. Its Million Man March was the largest organized show of political force by the black community in decades. Its breakaway activist, Malcolm X, has displaced Martin Luther King, as a political role model in the black community. Most of all its hate has become distilled into the rhetoric and beliefs of even non-Muslim clergy and scholars.

While we look at the hateful words of a Jeremiah Wright or a Derrick Bell who preach from the pulpit or propound from their ivory tower desks, we often ignore their impact on the ground floor of public life and what happens when their teachings trickle down to create an atmosphere of oppression and hate.

Allen Coon, a 13-year-old boy, was set on fire as a consequence of the mainstreaming of racism in the black community to the extent that hatred for white people became a regular feature of his classes at school.

“You’ve got to be taught, to hate and fear,” Lieutenant Cable hummed in Rodger and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. “You’ve got to be taught, from year to year.”

Allen Coon’s assailants, who followed him home from school, poured gasoline on him and flicked the lighter, had been carefully taught to hate by teachers in the Kansas City public school system. Those teachers had also been taught to hate from year to year. The burns on the face of a thirteen-year-old white boy did not emerge out of thin air. They are marks of the bigotry of men like Jeremiah Wright and Derrick Bell, of words that collect like rainwater in the gutter, seeping into the hearts and minds of those in the black community who consider those bigots leaders, until it overflows and torture, rape and murder follow.

[Click Here to read the rest of the article on Frontpagemag.com]

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