
Don't You Dare Try to Feed the Homeless in Bloomy's NYC (Nanny of the Month, March 2012!)

This month Alabama lawmakers were itching to make it a criminal offense to annoy people online (isn't that what the interweb is all about?), and a national poll exposed the split personality of Americans who pretend to support individual responsibility, all the while cheering bans on smoking, transfats and the like.

But this month top dishonors go to the man who is perhaps the busiest busybody of them all, the big-city mayor who decided to halt private donations to his city's homeless shelters (after all, who can be sure that such donations wouldn't fill homeless people with fatty or salty food?!).

Presenting Reason.tv's Nanny of the Month for March 2012: New York City Mayor Meddlin' Mike Bloomberg!

Approximately 87 seconds.

"Nanny of the Month" is written and produced by Ted Balaker. Opening animation by Meredith Bragg.

To watch more Nanny of the Month episodes, go here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2DD00E99B83A258A

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2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Bloomberg is an insult to America, Jews and the Human Race.

PatriotUSA said...

A true stinking JINO, Findalis.

I cannot stand him and and his ilk.

He is a vile and disgusting excuse for a human being.