
Ancient Hatred in Italy

A young man named Mohamed Jarmoune has been arrested in Italy. Mr. Jarmoune is said to have been living there since he was six years old, and has finally managed to find employment training people to use weapons and explosives, with the aim of carrying out terrorist attacks within the borders of Italy.

Anti-terrorism officers in Italy are reported to have intercepted an online message from this Mohamed character in which he talked about a jihad mission. They also found detailed operational plans on his computer for carrying out an act of terrorism upon a synagogue in Milan.

In connection with this planned act of terrorism, a 40 year old woman, of undisclosed religion and ethnicity, was arrested in London earlier today. Italian police say parallel investigations are ongoing in the USA.

Source: The Sun (accessed 19:45 GMT 15/03/12)

Tags: Mohamed Jarmoune, Brescia, attacks on synagogues, anti-semitism, jew hatred To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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