
'All the cool girls are lesbians' t-shirt would be just fine but American flag t-shirt?

A teenage girl at a Massachusetts high school was asked to turn her  pro queer 'All the cool girls are lesbians' t-shirt inside out because some found the t-shirt offensive. Yes, I would have found this offensive and of course the aclu, those who are politically correct, excessively diversified and offensively multicultural will be quick to join those who will champion this student's right to wear this shirt. Would you like to place a bet on these same 'enlightened' folks sticking up for the right for a student who might wear a t-shirt with an American flag on it, one that says 'I love the USA' or even better yet, 'America, love it or leave it.' It was not too long ago that some Mexican kids at a California school found a particular pro American t-shirt so 'offensive' that the those students were sent home, if I am recalling this correctly.

So where do we draw the line on what is protected under freedom of speech, especially in schools below the college level? I think this particular school's administrators were well within their authoritative right to have the girl turn the t-shirt inside out. It was made very clear this was NOT about sexual orientation but you can rest assured that at some point it will be about just that. You may have to read in between the lines but sexual orientation and discrimination will be dragged into this at some point. That is the real problem for me. I am sick and tired of having the homosexual agenda shoved in our collective faces everywhere we turn.

From Fox News.


Would this be acceptable?
Massachusetts student banned from wearing T-shirt saying 'All the cool girls are lesbians'

The principal of a Boston-area public high school is standing firm in his school's decision to ban a female student from wearing a T-shirt that says, "All The Cool Girls Are Lesbians."

Lynn English High School principal Tom Strangie told FoxNews.com that the student was asked to cover up the shirt because it was deemed "disruptive" by school administrators – not because of the student’s sexual orientation.

The student, who has not been publicly identified, was asked by Assistant Principal Joseph O'Hanagan to cover up the shirt after a teacher observed her wearing it in the school’s cafeteria.

The girl complied, but later penned a letter to Lynn mayor and school committee chairman Judith Flanagan Kennedy, saying she felt her right to free speech had been violated, according to the The Item newspaper, which obtained a copy of it.

She reportedly claimed in the letter that she was told not to wear the shirt “Because it's political and offensive to some people."

"Well, frankly, I'm the one who feels offended," she wrote.

The newspaper reports that the student went on to say that a number of female students freely wear shirts that read “I love boys” without being reprimanded.

But Strangie denied the claim, telling FoxNews.com, “If someone was wearing a shirt that said 'All straight girls are cool,' they'd be asked to cover up their shirt, too."

He said that the school's student handbook explicitly states that any clothing considered “disruptive” is not allowed to be worn, though he acknowledged that the rules do not define the word in detail.

Kennedy and the ACLU, meanwhile, are arguing that the girl had every right to sport the shirt at her public school.

"I did some legal research on this and I believe she is right," Kennedy told the newspaper. "I don't believe the school had the authority to ask her to cover it up."

Sarah Wunsch, a staff attorney for ACLU Massachusetts, told the New York Daily News that she sent a letter to the school on Monday, "to just give them some additional information about the law."

"The only disruption was the administrator telling her not to wear it," Wunsch told the newspaper.

Source is here.


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