When obama bowed to the pig king of Saudi Arabia he was predicting, paving the way for the downfall of the United States as an ally and protector in not only the Middle East, but to the rest of our friends and allies.
The disgusting apologies of obama for the supposedly 'horrible actions' of the United States in our past history have done tremendous damage to U.S. foreign policy. To obama, the United States IS NOT EXCEPTIONAL nor should we be proud of our past history. These actions, deeds by obama and his administration have not only weakened our image abroad but the potus has undermined and stabbed our military in the back.
Instead of vaulting the image of the United States throughout the arab world, we are now the laughing stock of the muslim world. We are loathed and ridiculed abroad.
How about women, Christian Copts, and other minorities in the 'new' egypt or muslim world?
"This is bad news for women and for non-Muslims. Egypt's Coptic Christians have been under continuous attack by Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist supporters since Mubarak was deposed. Their churches, homes and businesses have been burned, looted and destroyed. Their wives and daughters have been raped. The military massacred them when they dared to protest their persecution.
As for women, their main claim to fame since Mubarak's overthrow has been their sexual victimization at the hands of soldiers who stripped female protesters and performed "virginity tests" on them. Out of nearly five hundred seats in parliament, only 10 will be filled by women."
Do you think obama is upset by any of the above? I seriously doubt that he loses any sleep over the degradation of the United States or weeps for the Copts and women of egypt. I feel this was what he set out to do, make our country more like the rest of the world. In other words, we should be ashamed of our exceptionalism, our progress, our standing up for freedom all around the globe.
Obama's arab spring has been a disaster for us, the people of the United States, for our military and the ability to be prepared to fight off more than one or two enemies at a time, protect ourselves and our assets on two or fronts at the same time.
Instead of true freedom and democracy taking root in egypt, yemen, libya, we see the radical islamists, the muslim brotherhood being 'voted' into power. One look at egypt and the over 70% of the votes the muslim brotherhood won and it is clear to see that American foreign policy has been flushed down the toilet in the obama's bathroom. Of course obama more than likely views this, as a win win policy in his perverted socialist world view. Dictators and totalitarian leaders have been removed from power and Israel is now more isolated than ever. Do not be fooled for one second that obama cares even a tiny bit for the well being and survival of the Jewish state. His actions have proven otherwise. Israel was always limited in what it could get from the arab world so Israel did not lose a lot in the arab spring. The United States on the other hand has lost much more.
From Caroline Glick.
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Firemen fight a fire at a church surrounded by angry Muslims in the Imbaba neighborhood in Cairo late Saturday, May 7, 2011. |
America and the Arab Spring
By Caroline Glick
A year ago this week, on January 25, 2011, the ground began to crumble under then-Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's feet. One year later, Mubarak and his sons are in prison, and standing trial.
This week, the final vote tally from Egypt's parliamentary elections was published. The Islamist parties have won 72 percent of the seats in the lower house.
The photogenic, Western-looking youth from Tahrir Square the Western media were thrilled to dub the Facebook revolutionaries were disgraced at the polls and exposed as an insignificant social and political force.
As for the military junta, it has made its peace with the Muslim Brotherhood. The generals and the jihadists are negotiating a power-sharing agreement. According to details of the agreement that have made their way to the media, the generals will remain the West's go-to guys for foreign affairs. The Muslim Brotherhood (and its fellow jihadists in the Salafist al-Nour party) will control Egypt's internal affairs.
This is bad news for women and for non-Muslims. Egypt's Coptic Christians have been under continuous attack by Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist supporters since Mubarak was deposed. Their churches, homes and businesses have been burned, looted and destroyed. Their wives and daughters have been raped. The military massacred them when they dared to protest their persecution.
As for women, their main claim to fame since Mubarak's overthrow has been their sexual victimization at the hands of soldiers who stripped female protesters and performed "virginity tests" on them. Out of nearly five hundred seats in parliament, only 10 will be filled by women.
The Western media are centering their attention on what the next Egyptian constitution will look like and whether it will guarantee rights for women and minorities. What they fail to recognize is that the Islamic fundamentalists now in charge of Egypt don't need a constitution to implement their tyranny. All they require is what they already have - a public awareness of their political power and their partnership with the military.
The same literalist approach that has prevented Western observers from reading the writing on the walls in terms of the Islamists' domestic empowerment has blinded them to the impact of Egypt's political transformation on the country's foreign policy posture. US officials forcefully proclaim that they will not abide by an Egyptian move to formally abrogate its peace treaty with Israel. What they fail to recognize is that whether or not the treaty is formally abrogated is irrelevant. The situation on the ground in which the new regime allows Sinai to be used as a launching ground for attacks against Israel, and as a highway for weapons and terror personnel to flow freely into Gaza, are clear signs that the peace with Israel is already dead - treaty or no treaty.
One year later, the elements of the US's alliance structure have either been destroyed or seriously weakened. US allies like Saudi Arabia, which have yet to be seriously threatened by the revolutionary violence, no longer trust the US. As the recently revealed nuclear cooperation between the Saudis and the Chinese makes clear, the Saudis are looking to other global powers to replace the US as their superpower protector.
Perhaps the most amazing aspect to the US's spectacular loss of influence and power in the Arab world is that most of its strategic collapse has been due to its own actions. In Egypt and Libya the US intervened prominently to bring down a US ally and a dictator who constituted no threat to its interests. Indeed, it went to war to bring Gaddafi down.
Moreover, the US acted to bring about their fall at the same time it knew that they would be replaced by forces inimical to American national security interests. In Egypt, it was clear that the Muslim Brotherhood would emerge as the strongest political force in the country. In Libya, it was clear at the outset of the NATO campaign against Gaddafi that al-Qaida was prominently represented in the anti-regime coalition. And just as the Islamists won the Egyptian election, shortly after Gaddafi was overthrown, al-Qaida forces raised their flag over Benghazi's courthouse.
US actions from Yemen to Bahrain and beyond have followed a similar pattern.
Continue reading here.
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1 Comments - Share Yours!:
Sheik Obama knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that if given a chance, the Islamists would take over each country.
Why else did he not support the Green Revolution in Iran? Why is it that he is supporting the Muslim Brotherhoods activities in Egypt and elsewhere? Why else is he working to destroy Assad of Syria? I suspect that he will be attacking Syria soon.
Obama's final plan is for Islam to conquer the whole world. He first has to conquer the Middle East. To do that, he has to destroy Israel and the Jews.
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