Hat tip to Jihad i Sverige (Jihad in Sweden)
From the Swedish-language site Jihad i Sverige, I am cross-posting (and translating) an announcement of a feature film that is showing this weekend in Sweden about the arrival in Malmo, Sweden of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. A 2-minute trailer is also available in English at the below link (Hoppets Hamn) The film is appearing as part of Europe's observation of Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27).
Idag antisemitismens huvudstad
i Sverige. Då: Hoppets hamn för tusentals
Today the capital of anti-Semitism in Sweden
Then: harbor of Hope for thousands of survivors
Våren och sommaren 1945 anländer
nästan 30 000 överlevare från de
tyska koncentrationslägren till Sverige.
På kajen i Malmö hamn upplever de
sina första ögonblick av frihet.
Det är där livet börjar igen.
In the spring and summer of 1945, almost 30,000 survivors of German concentration camps arrived in Sweden. On the quais of Malmo's harbor, they experienced their first view of freedom. It was there that life began again.
Filmfotograferna är på plats och i en
journalfilm ser vi den leende, tioåriga
flickan Irene, som precis stigit av
färjan. I samma film möter vi nyfödda Ewa
när hon bärs iland av sin utmattade
mamma, stöttad av en Röda Kors-syster.
Film photographers were at the scene, and in a news film we see the smiling, ten-year-old girl, Irene, just when she gets off the ferry. In the same film, we meet the new-born Ewa as she is carried by her exhausted mother, supported by a Red Cross nurse.
åringen Joe, som anländer till Sverige
efter att ha förlorat sin familj.
Han blir god vän med den 15-årige Röda
Kors-volontären Stig från Malmö och
deras möte kommer att förändra Joes liv.
In Hope's Harbor, we also meet the teenager, Joe, who arrives in Sweden after losing his family. He becomes good friends with 15-year-old Red Cross volunteer Stig from Malmo, and their meeting will change Joe's life.
I Magnus Gerttens nya långfilms-
dokumentär berättar dessa överlevare
om frihetens ögonblick och om frågorna
de burit med sig ända sedan kriget.
Samtidigt är det en film om den hjälpande
hand som Malmö och Sverige räckte fram
till dom som kom levande ur koncen-
Magnus Gertten's new feature film documentary tells us about the survivors at freedom's moment and about questions they carry since the war. At the same time, this is a film about the helping hand that Malmo and Sweden extended to those who came as survivors from concentration camps.
Hoppets Hamn visas denna helgen i SvT2
SVT2 fre 27 jan kl 15.50
SVT2 lör 28 jan kl 14.30
SVT2 sön 29 jan kl 00.55
SVT2 lör 28 jan kl 14.30
SVT2 sön 29 jan kl 00.55
Hope's Harbor will be shown this holiday on SvT2
SVT2 Friday, 27 January. 15:50
SVT2@ Saturday, 28 January 14:30
SVT2, Sunday, 29 January 00:55
------------------------------------------------------------------------As Jihad i Sverige points out at the top, Malmo today is no longer hope's harbor, rather it is the capital of Swedish anti-Semitism. The Jewish community is leaving Malmo as fast as it can get out, unable to deal with the harassment, assaults and vandalism it suffers from Malmo's Muslim immigrant population, which makes up some 25% of the city's population, and has turned the Rosengard section into a "no-go zone."
And what support do the Jews get from Malmo's mayor, Ilmar Reepalu? None. His attitude is that the Jews are welcome to leave since he identifies them with Israel, a nation he despises. He is a disgrace.
Tags: Malmo, Sweden, Jewish survivors, Holocaust. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
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