
all fingers and thumbs

An example of Western medicine at its finest. At ARI, a surgical team has replaced a man's missing thumb, which he lost in a fishing accident, with one of his toes. The patient said, "It's hard to explain the impact losing my thumb had on my life." The head surgeon, Mr. Amir Tadros, said that although this operation has been around for many years, it's not done too often. Well done the NHS, and best wishes to the recovering patient. He may not get back to sea, but at least he'll be able to wield a knife and fork again! (And aim his willy properly when he's having a pee!)

Source: BBC News (accessed 17:18 GMT 21/12/2011)

Tags: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, NHS To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Gives a new meaning to sucking one's thumb.