
Who is Behind the Gaza Flotilla?

Gary Fouse

Paul Larudee

Kathy Sheetz

Greta Berlin

Before you readers fall too deeply for the line that Israel attacked a bunch of peace-loving humanitarians en route to Gaza, and if you have not already been cured of that illusion by the videos showing what actually happened, you might like to know who is actually behind these flotillas. The two main players are the Free Gaza Movement based in El Cerrito, California and the International Solidarity Movement based in the East Bay area of California. They advertise themselves as peace-loving humanitarians who care so deeply for the poor Palestinians. In reality, their goal is linking up with the Palestinians and other assorted Islamists to bring about the fall of Israel and the establishment of a Palestinian state. The other player is the Turkish "aid" group, IHH, which intelligence sources (including Israeli intelligence) believe has ties to Hamas and even al-Qaeda.

The three names you need to know are Greta Berlin, Paul Larudee and Kathy Sheetz of the International Solidarity Movement. These characters were involved in the first Free Gaza flotilla that arrived in Gaza in August of 2008. As their reward, they were feated by Hamas and their leader Ismail Haniya.

They also got a US Congressional Certificate of Recognition from California Congressman Mike Honda (CA) last January. Honda is running for re-election in California's 15th district. He is supported by that pseudo Jewish organization, "J Street".

This the same northern California crowd that tried (unsuccessfully) to boycott Trader Joes because they sell Israeli products. They also sponsor many speakers at university campuses to blast Israel.


All three were involved in the this last flotilla that was intercepted by the Israeli Defense Force. Berlin became separated from the flotilla in Cyprus while Larudee and Sheetz were detained by the IDF.

The point is this; the people behind this flotilla are dedicated to bringing about the end of the Israeli state.

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

A priceless post of the truth and
thank you so much for keeping up
with this event. The truth will
come out and much of the world
will not care as they can blame
Israel, and the villify world
Jewry at the same time.

For these trolls to masquerade
as ones who want peace in gzastan
and beyond are truly ensuring that
this conflict will continue for
much longer than it should.

timeklek said...

The fact' Major Media Outlets, generally Ignore complete reportage and seemingly side with, Lefties, Liberals & Terrorists, shows just how Contaminated' Western Society has become...