How would you like to walk down a dark alley with this bunch: Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, John Brennan and John Morton?
No? Well, we already are. Yes, my dear readers, America is walking down the dark alley that is the world today with none other than these feckless boobs leading the way. These are the empty suits that Barack Obama has put on the front lines of America's defenses. Let's take a look.
First, there is Eric Holder, our Attorney General. This clown came to the fore during the Clinton administration, when, as Deputy Attorney General and assistant to the "legendary" Janet Reno...

...he helped ramrod some of those corrupt Clinton pardons through the pipeline. Remember Marc Rich and the FALN terrorists who were pardoned as Clinton was walking out the White House door?
Eric Holder.
Now, as Attorney General, he is opposing the Arizona immigration law and preparing to challenge it in court-even though he has not read it. Of course, this is the same incompetent who is still trying to decide if Khalid Sheikh Mohammed et al will be tried in New York-or Pittsburgh, or Kansas City or Philadelphia or Butte, Montana. He is also the same nitwit who couldn't answer a simple question last week before Congress as to whether Faisal Shahzad was even partially motivated by jihad when he tried to blow up Times Square.
Outside of all that, he's a good egg.
Then there is Janet Napolitano, our director of Homeland Security. Before that, she was governor of Arizona, presiding over a state sinking under the weight of the flood of illegal aliens storming across her border while she fiddled and accomplished nothing. Now that her successor, Jan Brewer has done something, Napolitano opposes the Arizona law-even though she also has never read it.
She's heard about it though as she testified before Congress last week.
Of course, when you think that to Napolitano, the biggest threat to homeland security is the growing number of right-wing "extremists" and returning war vets, you might not find time to read a 10-page bill. This is the same woman who referred to Faisal Shahzad as a "one-offer" meaning he must have acted alone.
And how about that putz in the White House who is advising the President on minor things like "man-made disasters", John Brennan? This is the guy who calls Jerusalem "al Quds". More recently, he has announced that he is looking for "moderates" in Hizbollah. And of course, he has recently been seen buttering up to the Islamic Society of North America even though they were listed as "unindicted co-conspirators" in the recent Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas.
Finally, there is the director of ICE, a guy named John Morton. Last week, he made headlines when he called the Arizona law "bad government" and implied that ICE agents may not cooperate with Arizona police who round up illegals. Bad government indeed.
Can you imagine what if we had had this bunch in power during World War II?

Pearl Harbor-"Man-made disaster"

Paris 1940- Hard working Germans taking advantage of "comprehensive immigration reform" and looking for work in France

Guadalcanal- "Overseas contingency operation"

Yalta-"Unconditional surrender"


"Tell me what you need, Winston."

"Let me know when you got something new."
I guess they just don't make 'em like they used to.
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