The losses and ever mounting problems of this presidency of Obama is now a house of cards built upon sinking sand. This is a very candid and open shot on Obama and all the troubles he has brought down upon the American people.
The Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama is doomed to Failure
By Jim Campbell Candidate Obama came to town with big promises: redistributing wealth, making the “rich pay their fair share,” no new taxes on families making less than $250,000 per year. The President promised a health care plan that would be affordable while not adding to the deficit.
Obama promised not to sign a health care bill unless it was revenue neutral. Now we find from the Congressional Budget Office that the bill is scheduled to cost $115 billion more than advertised. God only knows how much ‘Obama Care’ will actually cost. Sixty-four percent of voters now want this law repealed.
Should Cap and Trade legislation pass in the Senate, it will be sure to further dampen any chances for an economic recovery. Incredulously, during an off teleprompter moment, President Obama told America, “My energy plan will necessarily cause utility bills to skyrocket.” Now how exactly will that help a struggling economy?
President Obama has taken over banks, automobile companies, and the continually damned as greedy, “Wall Street Bankers, all the while hiring them to fix the mess they allegedly caused.
Obama never mentions that failed government oversight of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were the principal cause of the housing meltdown.
Obama’s socialist education makes him the consummate ‘big government guy.’ He failed to understand, while learning the teachings of Alinski, Marx and Mao, that big governments fail because they depend on the financial support of working people to pay for their failed policies designed to help the less fortunate.
According to a recently released Congressional Budget Office Report, the president’s policy will raise the deficit to 90% of the GDP. Such a policy is fiscally unsustainable.
Obama’s policies encourage government dependence rather that personal responsibility. While progressives claim their policies are designed to help the little guy, their policies have the opposite effect. For these reasons Obama’s administration is doomed to failure.
Will he be able to count on this constituency to vote for Democrats in November? Doubtfully, because he signed legislation that has raised a federal gas tax, federal liquor taxes, federal soda taxes, a new federal cigarette tax of $1.05 per pack and of course federal utility taxes are on the way. In addition to food prices rising, the prospect of serious inflation will soon be upon us. The the little guys are beginning to feel this in their wallets, they cannot be relied upon as a 'sure thing vote.'
Doubtless, the President will accept the failure of his agenda; he has already shown his willingness to point the finger, blaming others.
Now he has nominated Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The hearings are scheduled to begin on June 28, 2010, they are sure to be contentious. Once again Obama has opted for a far left ideologue that could carry out his socialist agenda for many years while he is no longer of political relevance.
Barack Hussein Obama will be remembered as the guy with questionable intellect that surrounded himself with socialists, Marxists, communists, and Maoists. Less than 10% of them have ever worked in the private sector. Those that did were attorneys and the bankers he still denigrates.
Obama's entire crew could not come up with a workable program to stimulate wealth creation and job growth because they are still minions of Saul Alinski, Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes.
With the heat on, his polices in chaos, in the midst of major scandal, what does our president decide to do? He leaves on vacation with an angry admonition, “Plug the damn hole,” referring to the gulf oil rig disaster. Once again he sat idly by, impotent with indecision, slow to do anything to help with the situation, while content to blame British Petroleum for the ecological disaster. It appears in President Barrack Obama, we have a President more focused on blame. As a narcissist, he has no shame.
Leave on vacation during major chaos? No CEO of a major corporation in America would make such a choice. A private sector CEO understands that sound leadership and their direction are needed during troubled times.
President Obama might be called the CEO with the largest payroll in the United States. Believing his government vision is ‘too big to fail,’ he goes golfing, adding another reason for his agendas ultimate doom to failure.
New scandals are just beginning. What is the true story about his three alleged social security cards? One used for Selective Service registration belonging to a long dead fellow born in Connecticut in 1890.
It appears he is cooking up a whopper on the Sestak situation where the Congressman, a retired Admiral, was alleged to have been offered a high level job to drop out of the Democratic Primary with Snarlin Arlen Specter by former President Bill Clinton.
Congressman Sestak went public with this offer on numerous televised occasions. The White House explanation took quite a while to conjure. Will members of a sinking ship be willing to perjure themselves to save him? I don’t think so.
Random thoughts while observing the passing charade, I’m J.C.
Link to original article
About those claims there were no weapons on board........
Posted by
8:51 PM
Convoys to gazastan.,
Islmaic lies and deception.,
Israel-Turkey relations
The Islamic liars and plotters of the 'flotilla infitada' claimed there were no weapons on board any of the ships carrying humanitarian aid to gazastan. This report from Israel pretty much shoots that claim down. As the world is quick to jump on every chance to blame Israel and Jews, Israel is rightfully standing her ground. Turkey, a country rapidly becoming another causality to radical Islam and one that Obama calls our friend and ally is the one behind the lie of 'no weapons' on board. No wonder Obama likes Turkey so much. From one liar and anti-Semitic scum to another.
IDF Photos of Knives Contradict Turkish Claims of ’No Weapons’
IDF photos of two dozen knives, including a machete, plus clubs, chains and metal rods used against Israeli Navy commandoes in the flotilla clash Monday contradict Turkish claims that the passengers did not carry weapons on board.
“Customs officials at the Port of Antalya have denied Israeli claims that weapons were detected on a ship taking humanitarian aid to Gaza that took off from Antalya on Sunday,” the Turkish news site Today’s Zaman reported.
It quoted a customs official as stating, “Forty-two passengers boarded in Istanbul and 504 passengers got on the ship here. They were screened. We spotted no weapons and there is no such record in our logs. We did not notice anything suspicious about the Mavi Marmara. Had our officers had any suspicions, they would have reported it.”
The IDF confiscated and photographed the weapons, which were used to brutally attack Navy commandoes as they descended one of the ships via ropes from hovering helicopters. Greta Berlin, spokeswoman for the Free Gaza movement, claimed to Israel National News that the IDF edited the video showing the commandoes landing on board.
Concerning the weapons, she told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, "I will venture to say that Israel is lying about this because the weapons that I saw coming on board this morning belonged to Israel. If there were weapons, they planted those weapons." (
Link to original article
Related Links:
* ►Turks Help Hamas Welcome Anti-Israel Ships
* ►Foreign Ministry: Flotilla Organizers Promote Agenda, Not Aid
* ►PA and Hamas Boats Also Planning to 'Greet' Anti-Israel Flotilla
* ►Foreign Min. Legal Expert Explains Gaza Blockade
* ►Flotilla-Israeli PR and Naval Clash Delayed until Monday
* ►Yishai May Revoke Citizenship of Flotilla Organizer
Watch the World Blame Israel
Gary Fouse

At this point, the number of dead in the Israeli attack on the "Free Gaza" flotilla stands somewhere between 10-15 with dozens injured-including several IDF troops. The initial tweets from Free Gaza claimed that IDF troops boarded the ships guns blazing and that some passengers were shot to death as they slept in their bunks. (I seriously doubt that.) In contrast, Israel says that the soldiers were attacked by passengers and/or crew members with clubs, knives and other weapons as they boarded. In addition, the IDF claims that some troops had their weapons taken away, at which point, gunfire was exchanged.
At about the 20 second mark (above), you can see an IDF soldier landing on deck from a helicopter and immediately being attacked by three individuals (RT).
What is pretty obvious at this point is that no matter what details emerge, Israel will lose the world-wide public relations war. Forget that the Turkish aid organization, IHH, reportedly has ties to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. Forget the IDF casualties. Forget whatever Israel discovers on board the ships. Israel's enemies are going to believe what they want to believe. The verdict of the UN is pre-ordained. The verdict of the Obama administration is pre-ordained. The verdict of the EU is pre-ordained. The verdict of the Arab world is pre-ordained. The verdict of western academia is pre-ordained. This will be interpreted as an unwarranted attack by the IDF on a humanitarian aid convoy consisting of peace activists and little old ladies like Hedy Epstein (who, two weeks ago, was speaking at UC-Irvine).
Here are some of those "peace activists" captured on Palestinian TV while en route to Gaza as they chant that old peace song, "Khaybar, Khaybar ah Yahud" (
That's not "Blowin' in the Wind" in Arabic, folks.
It is also noteworthy that Israel had offered to let the convoy sail into an Israeli port and after due inspection, allow legitimate relief supllies to enter Gaza. This was refused by the flotilla.
So I guess we can look forward to more "fun and games" on North American university campuses as the various Muslim Student Associations and their brethren in the anarchist groups, aided and abetted by all the radical professors, foment more unrest in "righteous indignation". More ominously, I shudder to think of what European Jews will be subjected to in the coming days and weeks.

At this point, the number of dead in the Israeli attack on the "Free Gaza" flotilla stands somewhere between 10-15 with dozens injured-including several IDF troops. The initial tweets from Free Gaza claimed that IDF troops boarded the ships guns blazing and that some passengers were shot to death as they slept in their bunks. (I seriously doubt that.) In contrast, Israel says that the soldiers were attacked by passengers and/or crew members with clubs, knives and other weapons as they boarded. In addition, the IDF claims that some troops had their weapons taken away, at which point, gunfire was exchanged.
At about the 20 second mark (above), you can see an IDF soldier landing on deck from a helicopter and immediately being attacked by three individuals (RT).
What is pretty obvious at this point is that no matter what details emerge, Israel will lose the world-wide public relations war. Forget that the Turkish aid organization, IHH, reportedly has ties to terrorist groups like al-Qaeda. Forget the IDF casualties. Forget whatever Israel discovers on board the ships. Israel's enemies are going to believe what they want to believe. The verdict of the UN is pre-ordained. The verdict of the Obama administration is pre-ordained. The verdict of the EU is pre-ordained. The verdict of the Arab world is pre-ordained. The verdict of western academia is pre-ordained. This will be interpreted as an unwarranted attack by the IDF on a humanitarian aid convoy consisting of peace activists and little old ladies like Hedy Epstein (who, two weeks ago, was speaking at UC-Irvine).
Here are some of those "peace activists" captured on Palestinian TV while en route to Gaza as they chant that old peace song, "Khaybar, Khaybar ah Yahud" (
That's not "Blowin' in the Wind" in Arabic, folks.
It is also noteworthy that Israel had offered to let the convoy sail into an Israeli port and after due inspection, allow legitimate relief supllies to enter Gaza. This was refused by the flotilla.
So I guess we can look forward to more "fun and games" on North American university campuses as the various Muslim Student Associations and their brethren in the anarchist groups, aided and abetted by all the radical professors, foment more unrest in "righteous indignation". More ominously, I shudder to think of what European Jews will be subjected to in the coming days and weeks.
Muslim Union thug and member of Canadian Arab Federation attacks blogger
I believe it was Kathy Shaidle, whose husband was assaulted (Frontpage Newsrealblog).
Here is the link to that story:
Hat tip: Fousesquawk
Gone fishing for native browns and back late tomorrow or Tuesday.
PatriotUSA has bailed out of house with his fishing stuff and a couple guns to fish the Donner und Blitzen Rivers for native Brown trout. The guns are for the sometimes numerous rattlesnakes we encounter but the fishing worth it.
No, the babe didn't go with me as the Mrs. might get a bit grumpy about that. Nice to look at till I return hopefully with some nice fish. If I remember, I will post pictures of the fish and rattlers if we have to dust any out.
Looking the other way and dismissing the crisis: Hope and change the Obama way
Posted by
12:16 PM
Lies and Deception,
Obama's hope and change,
We already know some of the answers to what went on with Sestak, Clinton, Obama and his continuing to use lies, deception and subversion. To bring about the 'hope and change' he promised during his run for the White House in 2008, Obama has no choice as he knows no other way.
"Considering the president’s history, it’s completely feasible to assume that that he’s using a Supreme Court appointment to assure that a trusted political ally Elena Kagan is in place to protect his healthcare legislation when it comes before the High Court, according to Judicial Watch."
Speaking of Kagan. she will be there to protect more than just Obamacare. She will use the SCOTUS to legislate from the bench and ignore the law of the land, our Constituion.
Lawmakers demand investigation of Obama White House
Jim Kouri "We’re looking to fundamentally change the status quo in Washington. It’s a status quo that extends beyond any particular party, and right now that status quo is fighting back with everything it’s got, with the same old tactics that divide and distract us from solving the problems people face…we’re up against the idea that it’s acceptable to say anything and do anything to win an election.” – Candidate Barack Obama, Night of the South Carolina Democrat Primary
Rep.Darrell Issa (R-CA) claims that an offer of a judgeship was made and that Obama's Press Secretary [Robert] Gibbs corroborated that such an offer had been made. Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called for a full investigation of the Obama White House's role in what he believes is a serious violation of federal law.
Lawmakers are asking the following questions regarding a job offer made to Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania if he would drop out of his primary race against Senator Arlen Specter. According to Rep. Darrell Issa, some questions submitted to White House counsel Robert Bauer included:
* Who on the White House staff discussed the 2010 Senate race with Sestak?
* Who communicated the job offer to Sestak?
* Have the allegations ever been investigated?
* Will the U.S. Department of Justice be directed to conduct a full investigation?
On the heels of President Obama’s alleged effort to bribe a Pennsylvania congressman with a government job, a Washington insider reveals that the commander-in-chief unscrupulously tried using a federal judgeship to resolve an internal White House political problem, according to Judicial Watch, a public-interest group that investigates political corruption
According to Judicial Watch, in the hopes of avoiding an impending scandal, Obama offered his first White House counsel, Gregory Craig, a federal judgeship in exchange for his resignation. An Ivy League graduate who worked for Ted Kennedy and represented Bill Clinton during his MonicaGate impeachment trial, Craig declined the offer and was subsequently ousted from his White House position.
Craig's removal was due in large part to Obama's dissatisfaction over his handling of Guantanamo policy, according to published reports, and he was replaced by President Obama's personal attorney Robert Bauer.
Craig's firing made national headlines and caused an uproar among the administration’s crucial far-left base, which accused Obama of dumping Craig "for doing his job too well."
However, just like the Black Panther election scandal case, where the guilt was undeniable, this Administration will look the other way and dismiss the case. There will be no special prosecutor, no trial,and no investigation. As is common in the past, the elite media will assist Obama by burying the story or actually aiding in a political cover up.
The behind-the-scenes narrative of Obama’s first year in office points the finger at Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for getting rid of Craig, who the president called a “close friend and trusted advisor.” Emanuel is famous for his statement, "Never let a good crisis go to waste," and his "Chicago-style" politics.
Eventually, the beleaguered Wall Street bank Goldman Sacks hired Craig — now in private practice at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
Earlier this year Obama tried swaying a popular Pennsylvania congressman, Joe Sestak, to drop out of the U.S. Senate race so the incumbent, Arlen Specter, wouldn’t be challenged in the state’s Democratic primary today.
In a television interview Sestak revealed that the Obama White House offered him a top federal job to help secure Specter’s Democrat Party nomination. Specter switched political parties -- leaving the GOP -- and has lost last Tuesday to the leftist Democrat Rep. Sestak.
A five-term incumbent, Specter switched last spring after giving Obama the critical vote for his disastrous and fraud-infested $787 billion stimulus program. Before Specter bailed on Republicans Obama assured the contentious lawmaker he’d do everything in his power to help him win reelection if he switched parties.
Considering the president’s history, it’s completely feasible to assume that that he’s using a Supreme Court appointment to assure that a trusted political ally Elena Kagan is in place to protect his healthcare legislation when it comes before the High Court, according to Judicial Watch.
Rep.Darrell Issa (R-CA) claims that an offer of a judgeship was made and that Obama's Press Secretary Gibbs corroborated that such an offer had been made. Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called for a full investigation of the Obama White House's role in what he believes is a serious violation of federal law.
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for The Examiner ( and New Media Alliance ( In addition, he's a blogger for the Cheyenne, Wyoming Fox News Radio affiliate KGAB ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty.
He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He's a news writer and columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he's syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. Kouri appears regularly as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, etc.
Link to original article
"Considering the president’s history, it’s completely feasible to assume that that he’s using a Supreme Court appointment to assure that a trusted political ally Elena Kagan is in place to protect his healthcare legislation when it comes before the High Court, according to Judicial Watch."
Speaking of Kagan. she will be there to protect more than just Obamacare. She will use the SCOTUS to legislate from the bench and ignore the law of the land, our Constituion.
Lawmakers demand investigation of Obama White House
Jim Kouri "We’re looking to fundamentally change the status quo in Washington. It’s a status quo that extends beyond any particular party, and right now that status quo is fighting back with everything it’s got, with the same old tactics that divide and distract us from solving the problems people face…we’re up against the idea that it’s acceptable to say anything and do anything to win an election.” – Candidate Barack Obama, Night of the South Carolina Democrat Primary
Rep.Darrell Issa (R-CA) claims that an offer of a judgeship was made and that Obama's Press Secretary [Robert] Gibbs corroborated that such an offer had been made. Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called for a full investigation of the Obama White House's role in what he believes is a serious violation of federal law.
Lawmakers are asking the following questions regarding a job offer made to Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania if he would drop out of his primary race against Senator Arlen Specter. According to Rep. Darrell Issa, some questions submitted to White House counsel Robert Bauer included:
* Who on the White House staff discussed the 2010 Senate race with Sestak?
* Who communicated the job offer to Sestak?
* Have the allegations ever been investigated?
* Will the U.S. Department of Justice be directed to conduct a full investigation?
On the heels of President Obama’s alleged effort to bribe a Pennsylvania congressman with a government job, a Washington insider reveals that the commander-in-chief unscrupulously tried using a federal judgeship to resolve an internal White House political problem, according to Judicial Watch, a public-interest group that investigates political corruption
According to Judicial Watch, in the hopes of avoiding an impending scandal, Obama offered his first White House counsel, Gregory Craig, a federal judgeship in exchange for his resignation. An Ivy League graduate who worked for Ted Kennedy and represented Bill Clinton during his MonicaGate impeachment trial, Craig declined the offer and was subsequently ousted from his White House position.
Craig's removal was due in large part to Obama's dissatisfaction over his handling of Guantanamo policy, according to published reports, and he was replaced by President Obama's personal attorney Robert Bauer.
Craig's firing made national headlines and caused an uproar among the administration’s crucial far-left base, which accused Obama of dumping Craig "for doing his job too well."
However, just like the Black Panther election scandal case, where the guilt was undeniable, this Administration will look the other way and dismiss the case. There will be no special prosecutor, no trial,and no investigation. As is common in the past, the elite media will assist Obama by burying the story or actually aiding in a political cover up.
The behind-the-scenes narrative of Obama’s first year in office points the finger at Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for getting rid of Craig, who the president called a “close friend and trusted advisor.” Emanuel is famous for his statement, "Never let a good crisis go to waste," and his "Chicago-style" politics.
Eventually, the beleaguered Wall Street bank Goldman Sacks hired Craig — now in private practice at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
Earlier this year Obama tried swaying a popular Pennsylvania congressman, Joe Sestak, to drop out of the U.S. Senate race so the incumbent, Arlen Specter, wouldn’t be challenged in the state’s Democratic primary today.
In a television interview Sestak revealed that the Obama White House offered him a top federal job to help secure Specter’s Democrat Party nomination. Specter switched political parties -- leaving the GOP -- and has lost last Tuesday to the leftist Democrat Rep. Sestak.
A five-term incumbent, Specter switched last spring after giving Obama the critical vote for his disastrous and fraud-infested $787 billion stimulus program. Before Specter bailed on Republicans Obama assured the contentious lawmaker he’d do everything in his power to help him win reelection if he switched parties.
Considering the president’s history, it’s completely feasible to assume that that he’s using a Supreme Court appointment to assure that a trusted political ally Elena Kagan is in place to protect his healthcare legislation when it comes before the High Court, according to Judicial Watch.
Rep.Darrell Issa (R-CA) claims that an offer of a judgeship was made and that Obama's Press Secretary Gibbs corroborated that such an offer had been made. Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has called for a full investigation of the Obama White House's role in what he believes is a serious violation of federal law.
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for The Examiner ( and New Media Alliance ( In addition, he's a blogger for the Cheyenne, Wyoming Fox News Radio affiliate KGAB ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty.
He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He's a news writer and columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he's syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. Kouri appears regularly as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, etc.
Link to original article
The Tipping Point: From Totus
I am posting this without any commentary as none is needed. This is spot on!
By Ron Russell
Totus: The tipping point is that invisible mark that each must find. And in the end some will sit on the side lines while others join the fight. But once the fight is joined the onrushing events will gather momentum and all will be effected by the great struggle and even the "sunshine patriot" will find no refuge from the storm. We are now approaching that point, that place from which there is no turning back, some will say yes, while others hold back and cringe before the foreboding warnings.
Great changes are in the wind and the forces of change are gathering as the approaching storm looms large on the horizon. Many are seeking the shelter of family and friends with the hope that these changes will pass them by and they can again feel the warmth of yesterdays. While others are rushing to fill the breach torn in the fabric of the nation by those forces who would not only destroy the tomorrow's but the yesterday's. For the fair weather soldier the tipping point will never come, for they will continue to push that point farther and farther down the road. They will stand under that sheltered tree as the battle swirls round them and their muskets will never know the taste of fire and smoke. But wiser men will stand and say, "no more", for they have reached that place from which there is no retreat--THE TIPPING POINT!
Link to the original article
By Ron Russell
Totus: The tipping point is that invisible mark that each must find. And in the end some will sit on the side lines while others join the fight. But once the fight is joined the onrushing events will gather momentum and all will be effected by the great struggle and even the "sunshine patriot" will find no refuge from the storm. We are now approaching that point, that place from which there is no turning back, some will say yes, while others hold back and cringe before the foreboding warnings.
Great changes are in the wind and the forces of change are gathering as the approaching storm looms large on the horizon. Many are seeking the shelter of family and friends with the hope that these changes will pass them by and they can again feel the warmth of yesterdays. While others are rushing to fill the breach torn in the fabric of the nation by those forces who would not only destroy the tomorrow's but the yesterday's. For the fair weather soldier the tipping point will never come, for they will continue to push that point farther and farther down the road. They will stand under that sheltered tree as the battle swirls round them and their muskets will never know the taste of fire and smoke. But wiser men will stand and say, "no more", for they have reached that place from which there is no retreat--THE TIPPING POINT!
Link to the original article
“just say no to jihad”. NO! SAY NO TO ISLAM
Posted by
3:15 AM
Dhimmi stupidity in the White House,
Islamic terrorist in the White House.,
Saying no to Islam
Those of you who wander in here on a regular basis know how much I like and respect Gates Of Vienna. The Baron and Dymphna are two of the best around the ole' blogging world. True Counter Jihadists, extremely wise and well educated scholars, as honest and honorable as you will find. This next post is by Dymphna. She is commenting on the administrations chief Dhimmi: John Brennan and Andrew McCarthy's new book: The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America. The post is a long one but please read it all and consider picking up a copy of the book. Father's day is right around the corner.
"The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.
This is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term (and why this Islamic administration won’t be using it, either):
“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”(How wrong and disgusting is this?)
Who needs terror when America has as its president a man whose parents combined both ideologies in one convenient family package, all the easier for metabolizing by their son. Obama's father was a Muslim; his mother, a Leftist radical. They both hated America. Unfortunately, the offspring of their union seems to have the same perspective as his parents.
Those family antecedents wouldn’t be so bad if this man weren’t the President of the United States of America. But he is, and Obama is dismantling the work of many generations. Not that he hasn’t had help. George Bush’s proclamation that “Islam is a religion of peace” makes him our First Dhimmi President. Obama is not a dhimmi; he’s part of the Ummah - or, if you’re a Leftist, the Utopia - which is the ideology we’re stuck with for the moment. He's been in office long enough now for us to discern his true allegiance. It ain't us.
All we can do is limit his damage, expose his lies and deceptions, and not get side-tracked by his thuggish Chicago political mask. Would that he were merely a Chicago pol. But he’s much more than that and the fight against those he installs to help bring us down will have to fought by all of us, in whatever ways we can. Agreed, no one reading this is part of the elitist ruling class. However, it is good to remember that we outnumber them.
It’s a matter of strategy and keeping your wits about you. Some people you simply have to write off as useless or harmful. But there are others, lots of them. I know this because they email us asking “what can I do?”
The Grand Jihad Has Arrived
By Dymphna
Gates of Vienna: Synchronicity.
The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.
This is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term (and why this Islamic administration won’t be using it, either):
“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”
Sure it is, Mr. Brennan. By the way, may I have some of whatever it is you’re smoking?
Investor’s Business Daily and The History News Network both agree that this administration spokesperson is being willfully blind.
First, IBD:
We’ve seen the enemy and it’s not just the jihadists. It’s also our own government, which refuses to see this very real enemy. How can we fight and defeat what we refuse to see?
The editorial hits the high spots with the Fort Hood Massacre (they don’t mention the lame report that followed, though), and then AG Holder’s pathetically funny inability to say “radical Islam”, plus the underwear bomber and the wanna-be-bomber in Times Square. As IBD points out:
Brennan could benefit from talking to people who have actually been on the front lines fighting jihadists.
It’s plain that Brennan has been told by Muslim leaders what jihad does or doesn’t mean without finding out for himself.
Yes, and those “Muslim leaders” hold positions in our own government bureaucracy, determined to hollow us out using front men like Brennan.
Judith Apter Klinghoffer writes about the same issue and expands on the Leftism theme:
Anyone who needed added proof of the ongoing Leftist-Islamist alliance needs look no further than John Brennan, the terror Tsar who has repeatedly failed to keep us safe from Muslims trying to kill us in the name of Jihad.
I thought he was merely incompetent. After all, four security breaches in such a short period is a terrible record by any measure. I now realize that he is…a member of a leftist administration actively cooperating with Islamists in line with the old dictum that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, as Jean Bricmont recommended in 2006 when he suggested that the left put aside its scruples and join the Islamists’ anti-Western side.
Misleading Americans about al Qaeda’s Islamist ideology is a threat to US national security …John Brennan seeks to actively disarm America by downplaying the threats posed by Islamists openly waging war against her. [my emphasis here - D]
Which brings us to Mr. McCarthy’s new book, his second volume on jihad.
- - - - - - - - -
The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America fits Ms. Klinghoffer’s thesis, i.e., that the Left and Islam are cooperating to bring America to its knees. That is the American Left she means, not just the statists in Europe.
McCarthy’s publisher, Encounter Books (see previous post on their efforts), has a short review. Here is part of it:
The real threat to the United States is not terrorism. The real threat is the sophisticated forces of Islamism, which have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy-freedom and individual liberty.
McCarthy is the former federal prosecutor who convicted the notorious “Blind Sheikh” and other jihadists for waging a terrorist war that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In his national bestseller, Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad (Encounter 2008), he explored government’s conscious avoidance of the terrorist threat, which made the nation vulnerable to mass-murder attacks. In The Grand Jihad he exposes a more insidious peril: government’s active suppression of the Islamist ideology that unabashedly vows to “conquer America.”
Obviously, we haven’t read what Mr. McCarthy has to say. This new one has only been out since May 25th; besides our budget doesn’t include books anymore or I’d be devouring it right now!(Check the tip cup, Dymphna. Me thinks you and the Baron can get Mr. McCarthy's book now. PatriotUSA)
However, the reviews at Amazon are informative (Even there, though, you can find one Lefty troll. The other reviewers take him apart for not really reading the book but simply panning it). One fellow, who leads off the customer reviews, seems to have read The Great Jihad. I am going to excerpt from his very long review because he is a Muslim and he gets it.
On the Review Page he says:
As one who was raised in a muslim country in a muslim family and society, I often find books by westerners trying to describe islam through western paradigms to fail to grasp the reality of islam. Finally someone breaks through all the political correctness and presents true islam as clearly compatible with Jihad…
This author rightly presents the reality that many wonderful muslim neighbors do not want sharia law! They are muslim culturally because their parents were muslims, but they want to be able to walk in public with members of opposite sex, play chess, play soccer, have a drink every now & then, have fun and live a happy life.
Under President Bush, even the muslims who succeeded in blowing up the towers on 9/11 were given muslim freedoms to continue to read the quran and live by the islamic sharia law while in prison.
Sadly, under hussein obama , we have accelerated our downfall as president obama has opened the door for muslim terrorists to believe they now have the strong upper hand and multiple terrorist attacks in America only failed because of The Grace of God. Shockingly hussein obama told the world that America is one of the largest muslim nations in the world and disavowed all Christian connections of the early founders of America.
This book will trouble the politically correct and western minded intellectuals who do not understand islam or those who are fooled by quotes of earlier quran revelations that were abrogated/overruled by the prophet of islam himself once he had the power to establish sharia law.
For us to win the battle against terror, we must first agree on the honest root cause well documented in this book, so we can finally address the tough needed solution for peace in our lands for all people! To have our troops die on the battlefield only to then establish sharia law and even open a center to promote sharia law where 9/11 muslims succeeded is utter foolishness that will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent around the world.
NOTE: no opinions put into the comments section about this person practicing taqiyya will be left standing. That’s an easy lob, too easy; it’s also a dead end in terms of forwarding the discussion. In addition, dismissing his views as lies does a disservice to someone who obviously spent a long time thoughtfully and sincerely exposing Islam in his review.
Another reviewer, one of Amazon’s “Top Fifty” says:
The title of Andrew McCarthy’s new book isn’t something he made up, it is taken from a 1990s document from a “mainstream” “non-violent” Muslim organization describing their long term goal of hollowing out Western culture using its own values of tolerance and religious freedom. Note that Islamic countries do NOT allow tolerance and religious freedom in anything like the Western manner. And their two holiest cities are closed to us non-Muslims because we are unworthy to enter such holy places. Once they have hollowed out Europe, America, and other nations, they can fill the void with Sharia, which is the Muslim law and turn these nations into Islamic countries and their Grand Jihad will have achieved victory. Note that terror is not necessarily part of this strategy. [my emphasis -D]
Who needs terror when America has as its president a man whose parents combined both ideologies in one convenient family package, all the easier for metabolizing by their son. Obama's father was a Muslim; his mother, a Leftist radical. They both hated America. Unfortunately, the offspring of their union seems to have the same perspective as his parents.
Those family antecedents wouldn’t be so bad if this man weren’t the President of the United States of America. But he is, and Obama is dismantling the work of many generations. Not that he hasn’t had help. George Bush’s proclamation that “Islam is a religion of peace” makes him our First Dhimmi President. Obama is not a dhimmi; he’s part of the Ummah - or, if you’re a Leftist, the Utopia - which is the ideology we’re stuck with for the moment. He's been in office long enough now for us to discern his true allegiance. It ain't us.
All we can do is limit his damage, expose his lies and deceptions, and not get side-tracked by his thuggish Chicago political mask. Would that he were merely a Chicago pol. But he’s much more than that and the fight against those he installs to help bring us down will have to fought by all of us, in whatever ways we can. Agreed, no one reading this is part of the elitist ruling class. However, it is good to remember that we outnumber them.
It’s a matter of strategy and keeping your wits about you. Some people you simply have to write off as useless or harmful. But there are others, lots of them. I know this because they email us asking “what can I do?”
That is the question for all of us. It is good to have another book out there, reminding us of the danger we face. Mr. McCarthy’s in-depth experience with these killers in court gives him a good edge. Let us learn from what he has to say.
We’ve now had enough experience with our current president to know that he is no friend of liberty or of his own country. It is chilling to consider the depth of his disdain for the people he was elected to serve.
As best we can, we spread the word. Remember Peter Drucker’s dictum about dialogue: communication is the act of the recipient. Thus, you have to keep not just the truth in mind, but first and foremost keep your audience in mind. Doing that effectively is a difficult, arduous task.
Perhaps we ought to begin by going back to read Machiavelli. As good a place to start as any.
Link to the original article
"The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.
This is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term (and why this Islamic administration won’t be using it, either):
“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”(How wrong and disgusting is this?)
Who needs terror when America has as its president a man whose parents combined both ideologies in one convenient family package, all the easier for metabolizing by their son. Obama's father was a Muslim; his mother, a Leftist radical. They both hated America. Unfortunately, the offspring of their union seems to have the same perspective as his parents.
Those family antecedents wouldn’t be so bad if this man weren’t the President of the United States of America. But he is, and Obama is dismantling the work of many generations. Not that he hasn’t had help. George Bush’s proclamation that “Islam is a religion of peace” makes him our First Dhimmi President. Obama is not a dhimmi; he’s part of the Ummah - or, if you’re a Leftist, the Utopia - which is the ideology we’re stuck with for the moment. He's been in office long enough now for us to discern his true allegiance. It ain't us.
All we can do is limit his damage, expose his lies and deceptions, and not get side-tracked by his thuggish Chicago political mask. Would that he were merely a Chicago pol. But he’s much more than that and the fight against those he installs to help bring us down will have to fought by all of us, in whatever ways we can. Agreed, no one reading this is part of the elitist ruling class. However, it is good to remember that we outnumber them.
It’s a matter of strategy and keeping your wits about you. Some people you simply have to write off as useless or harmful. But there are others, lots of them. I know this because they email us asking “what can I do?”
The Grand Jihad Has Arrived
By Dymphna
Gates of Vienna: Synchronicity.
The president’s “top counterterrorism adviser”, John Brennan, opines that we should “just say no to jihad”.
This is excellent timing: just as Andrew McCarthy’s book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is released, this Leftist government lackey tells us why we shouldn’t use the term (and why this Islamic administration won’t be using it, either):
“…because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community.”
Sure it is, Mr. Brennan. By the way, may I have some of whatever it is you’re smoking?
Investor’s Business Daily and The History News Network both agree that this administration spokesperson is being willfully blind.
First, IBD:
We’ve seen the enemy and it’s not just the jihadists. It’s also our own government, which refuses to see this very real enemy. How can we fight and defeat what we refuse to see?
The editorial hits the high spots with the Fort Hood Massacre (they don’t mention the lame report that followed, though), and then AG Holder’s pathetically funny inability to say “radical Islam”, plus the underwear bomber and the wanna-be-bomber in Times Square. As IBD points out:
Brennan could benefit from talking to people who have actually been on the front lines fighting jihadists.
It’s plain that Brennan has been told by Muslim leaders what jihad does or doesn’t mean without finding out for himself.
Yes, and those “Muslim leaders” hold positions in our own government bureaucracy, determined to hollow us out using front men like Brennan.
Judith Apter Klinghoffer writes about the same issue and expands on the Leftism theme:
Anyone who needed added proof of the ongoing Leftist-Islamist alliance needs look no further than John Brennan, the terror Tsar who has repeatedly failed to keep us safe from Muslims trying to kill us in the name of Jihad.
I thought he was merely incompetent. After all, four security breaches in such a short period is a terrible record by any measure. I now realize that he is…a member of a leftist administration actively cooperating with Islamists in line with the old dictum that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, as Jean Bricmont recommended in 2006 when he suggested that the left put aside its scruples and join the Islamists’ anti-Western side.
Misleading Americans about al Qaeda’s Islamist ideology is a threat to US national security …John Brennan seeks to actively disarm America by downplaying the threats posed by Islamists openly waging war against her. [my emphasis here - D]
Which brings us to Mr. McCarthy’s new book, his second volume on jihad.
- - - - - - - - -
The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America fits Ms. Klinghoffer’s thesis, i.e., that the Left and Islam are cooperating to bring America to its knees. That is the American Left she means, not just the statists in Europe.
McCarthy’s publisher, Encounter Books (see previous post on their efforts), has a short review. Here is part of it:
The real threat to the United States is not terrorism. The real threat is the sophisticated forces of Islamism, which have collaborated with the American Left not only to undermine U.S. national security but to shred the fabric of American constitutional democracy-freedom and individual liberty.
McCarthy is the former federal prosecutor who convicted the notorious “Blind Sheikh” and other jihadists for waging a terrorist war that included the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In his national bestseller, Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad (Encounter 2008), he explored government’s conscious avoidance of the terrorist threat, which made the nation vulnerable to mass-murder attacks. In The Grand Jihad he exposes a more insidious peril: government’s active suppression of the Islamist ideology that unabashedly vows to “conquer America.”
Obviously, we haven’t read what Mr. McCarthy has to say. This new one has only been out since May 25th; besides our budget doesn’t include books anymore or I’d be devouring it right now!(Check the tip cup, Dymphna. Me thinks you and the Baron can get Mr. McCarthy's book now. PatriotUSA)
However, the reviews at Amazon are informative (Even there, though, you can find one Lefty troll. The other reviewers take him apart for not really reading the book but simply panning it). One fellow, who leads off the customer reviews, seems to have read The Great Jihad. I am going to excerpt from his very long review because he is a Muslim and he gets it.
On the Review Page he says:
As one who was raised in a muslim country in a muslim family and society, I often find books by westerners trying to describe islam through western paradigms to fail to grasp the reality of islam. Finally someone breaks through all the political correctness and presents true islam as clearly compatible with Jihad…
This author rightly presents the reality that many wonderful muslim neighbors do not want sharia law! They are muslim culturally because their parents were muslims, but they want to be able to walk in public with members of opposite sex, play chess, play soccer, have a drink every now & then, have fun and live a happy life.
Under President Bush, even the muslims who succeeded in blowing up the towers on 9/11 were given muslim freedoms to continue to read the quran and live by the islamic sharia law while in prison.
Sadly, under hussein obama , we have accelerated our downfall as president obama has opened the door for muslim terrorists to believe they now have the strong upper hand and multiple terrorist attacks in America only failed because of The Grace of God. Shockingly hussein obama told the world that America is one of the largest muslim nations in the world and disavowed all Christian connections of the early founders of America.
This book will trouble the politically correct and western minded intellectuals who do not understand islam or those who are fooled by quotes of earlier quran revelations that were abrogated/overruled by the prophet of islam himself once he had the power to establish sharia law.
For us to win the battle against terror, we must first agree on the honest root cause well documented in this book, so we can finally address the tough needed solution for peace in our lands for all people! To have our troops die on the battlefield only to then establish sharia law and even open a center to promote sharia law where 9/11 muslims succeeded is utter foolishness that will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent around the world.
NOTE: no opinions put into the comments section about this person practicing taqiyya will be left standing. That’s an easy lob, too easy; it’s also a dead end in terms of forwarding the discussion. In addition, dismissing his views as lies does a disservice to someone who obviously spent a long time thoughtfully and sincerely exposing Islam in his review.
Another reviewer, one of Amazon’s “Top Fifty” says:
The title of Andrew McCarthy’s new book isn’t something he made up, it is taken from a 1990s document from a “mainstream” “non-violent” Muslim organization describing their long term goal of hollowing out Western culture using its own values of tolerance and religious freedom. Note that Islamic countries do NOT allow tolerance and religious freedom in anything like the Western manner. And their two holiest cities are closed to us non-Muslims because we are unworthy to enter such holy places. Once they have hollowed out Europe, America, and other nations, they can fill the void with Sharia, which is the Muslim law and turn these nations into Islamic countries and their Grand Jihad will have achieved victory. Note that terror is not necessarily part of this strategy. [my emphasis -D]
Who needs terror when America has as its president a man whose parents combined both ideologies in one convenient family package, all the easier for metabolizing by their son. Obama's father was a Muslim; his mother, a Leftist radical. They both hated America. Unfortunately, the offspring of their union seems to have the same perspective as his parents.
Those family antecedents wouldn’t be so bad if this man weren’t the President of the United States of America. But he is, and Obama is dismantling the work of many generations. Not that he hasn’t had help. George Bush’s proclamation that “Islam is a religion of peace” makes him our First Dhimmi President. Obama is not a dhimmi; he’s part of the Ummah - or, if you’re a Leftist, the Utopia - which is the ideology we’re stuck with for the moment. He's been in office long enough now for us to discern his true allegiance. It ain't us.
All we can do is limit his damage, expose his lies and deceptions, and not get side-tracked by his thuggish Chicago political mask. Would that he were merely a Chicago pol. But he’s much more than that and the fight against those he installs to help bring us down will have to fought by all of us, in whatever ways we can. Agreed, no one reading this is part of the elitist ruling class. However, it is good to remember that we outnumber them.
It’s a matter of strategy and keeping your wits about you. Some people you simply have to write off as useless or harmful. But there are others, lots of them. I know this because they email us asking “what can I do?”
That is the question for all of us. It is good to have another book out there, reminding us of the danger we face. Mr. McCarthy’s in-depth experience with these killers in court gives him a good edge. Let us learn from what he has to say.
We’ve now had enough experience with our current president to know that he is no friend of liberty or of his own country. It is chilling to consider the depth of his disdain for the people he was elected to serve.
As best we can, we spread the word. Remember Peter Drucker’s dictum about dialogue: communication is the act of the recipient. Thus, you have to keep not just the truth in mind, but first and foremost keep your audience in mind. Doing that effectively is a difficult, arduous task.
Perhaps we ought to begin by going back to read Machiavelli. As good a place to start as any.
Link to the original article
Here We Go Again; Maybe the Wolf is Really Here?
Here is Jerry Golden's latest report. This man and his wife have made it their passion on hearing and following what the Lord has put on their heart. The good that this couple does is more than I can describe here. A good part of what they receive every month goes to help poor Arab families that have fled into Israel in fear of their lives. Amazing that Israel, for the most part offers a safe sanctuary to arabs who manage to get to Israel. How many Jews would want to flee to an Islamic/Arab country or would be treated well there at all?
Here We Go Again; Maybe the Wolf is Really Here?
Jerry Golden
Golden Report: Many, after reading this, will say "There Jerry goes again with his gloom and doom!". However, regardless of what "they" say here are a few facts that you might be interested in knowing?. What brought my attention to this is the smoke screen being presented to us here in Israel and around the world regarding the 9 ships presently trying to break through the Gaza sea blockade. They say they are bringing humanitarian aid to the poor Gazans. But the truth is that these poor Gazans are not hurting for want of humanitarian resources. Israel allows several thousand trucks with such aid into the Gaza strip every day. The smuggling tunnels from Egypt have turned into a huge business which has flooded the markets with everything you can think of, including American products we can't even find here in Israel! Not to mention the constant build-up of weapons coming through 100 or more of these tunnels in preparation for the next war against us!
But with the arrival of these ships flying the Turkish flag and carrying over 1,000 pro Palestinian activists and journalists, there is a real possibility of a clash developing between Israel and Turkey. Israel will stop them today if they haven't already done so. The Special Forces will board and take command of these vessels and bring them to the port of Ashdod. There the cargo will be offloaded and searched for weapons. If none are found the goods will be taken to the Gaza Strip. Israel and most of the world knows this is not a humanitarian effort but simply an anti-Israel propaganda plot. This is what most political analysts believe is the reason for the whole charade. Yet I believe there is another reason - and a really large one!
It is now being reported that this past Thursday a US Nuclear Sub passed through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf. As far as I know there has never been a US Nuclear Sub in this area. If true, this would render it very vulnerable to the Russian advanced missiles recently supplied to Iran. When you consider the number of US 5th Fleet vessels already in the Persian Gulf and couple that with the unknown location of at least three Israeli subs supposedly in that area too - your next thought has to be; "look out here we go!". My question now would be; "Have they waited too late?". I think they may have. If Iran already has armed nuclear devices atop these missiles - there is no way to stop them from firing them.
It is a known fact that Syria has over 1,000 ballistic missiles and reportedly Hamas has been supplied with 1,000 scuds capable of hitting anywhere in Israel. Now Hamas is saying they are ready for "the games to begin". This now presents a lot of 'fronts' for little Israel to fight on at one time. The way it looks from this vantage point, the only way Israel can possibly defend itself against such odds is to use Nukes. That will surely bring what little support we now have around the world to a sudden end? I am sure you can see the Prophetic Word of God moving forward at what seems to be a much escalated pace?
We here in Israel just went through 5 days of countrywide survival exercises in case of missile attacks. So, to get back to the ships trying to burst through the Gaza blockade, it seems obvious to me that it is but a smoke screen to draw attention away from what is about to happen.
As for the US, things are about change in big ways and none of them will you like. Knowing that I will once again be jumped on for saying this, you should be preparing and trying to protect your loved ones and yourself. As for this Ministry we know what it is we have been commissioned to do. For those who have been called alongside us I ask that you pray and ask God what it is you need to do to help us - for this is also your ministry. This is a very special Body that has been called together to bless the Jews in a way that none others will be able to.
Connie and I have to make many more trips. Because of the situation we will not be speaking of them in advance for obvious reasons. We are asking you to pray for our safety and for those who will be meeting with us.
If everyone reading this could put a cheque in the mail for a thousand or more the larger ship would be a reality very quickly. If those who can do the best they can while the dollar still has buying power, many things could be accomplished as well.
With a nudge from the Holy Spirit of God (Ruach Ha Koddesh) it is necessary for me to ask you once again to read I-Tim. 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it.
Shalom, Jerry Golden
Link to original article
Tags: 2010, Jerry Golden, The Golden Report To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Here We Go Again; Maybe the Wolf is Really Here?
Jerry Golden
Golden Report: Many, after reading this, will say "There Jerry goes again with his gloom and doom!". However, regardless of what "they" say here are a few facts that you might be interested in knowing?. What brought my attention to this is the smoke screen being presented to us here in Israel and around the world regarding the 9 ships presently trying to break through the Gaza sea blockade. They say they are bringing humanitarian aid to the poor Gazans. But the truth is that these poor Gazans are not hurting for want of humanitarian resources. Israel allows several thousand trucks with such aid into the Gaza strip every day. The smuggling tunnels from Egypt have turned into a huge business which has flooded the markets with everything you can think of, including American products we can't even find here in Israel! Not to mention the constant build-up of weapons coming through 100 or more of these tunnels in preparation for the next war against us!
But with the arrival of these ships flying the Turkish flag and carrying over 1,000 pro Palestinian activists and journalists, there is a real possibility of a clash developing between Israel and Turkey. Israel will stop them today if they haven't already done so. The Special Forces will board and take command of these vessels and bring them to the port of Ashdod. There the cargo will be offloaded and searched for weapons. If none are found the goods will be taken to the Gaza Strip. Israel and most of the world knows this is not a humanitarian effort but simply an anti-Israel propaganda plot. This is what most political analysts believe is the reason for the whole charade. Yet I believe there is another reason - and a really large one!
It is now being reported that this past Thursday a US Nuclear Sub passed through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf. As far as I know there has never been a US Nuclear Sub in this area. If true, this would render it very vulnerable to the Russian advanced missiles recently supplied to Iran. When you consider the number of US 5th Fleet vessels already in the Persian Gulf and couple that with the unknown location of at least three Israeli subs supposedly in that area too - your next thought has to be; "look out here we go!". My question now would be; "Have they waited too late?". I think they may have. If Iran already has armed nuclear devices atop these missiles - there is no way to stop them from firing them.
It is a known fact that Syria has over 1,000 ballistic missiles and reportedly Hamas has been supplied with 1,000 scuds capable of hitting anywhere in Israel. Now Hamas is saying they are ready for "the games to begin". This now presents a lot of 'fronts' for little Israel to fight on at one time. The way it looks from this vantage point, the only way Israel can possibly defend itself against such odds is to use Nukes. That will surely bring what little support we now have around the world to a sudden end? I am sure you can see the Prophetic Word of God moving forward at what seems to be a much escalated pace?
We here in Israel just went through 5 days of countrywide survival exercises in case of missile attacks. So, to get back to the ships trying to burst through the Gaza blockade, it seems obvious to me that it is but a smoke screen to draw attention away from what is about to happen.
As for the US, things are about change in big ways and none of them will you like. Knowing that I will once again be jumped on for saying this, you should be preparing and trying to protect your loved ones and yourself. As for this Ministry we know what it is we have been commissioned to do. For those who have been called alongside us I ask that you pray and ask God what it is you need to do to help us - for this is also your ministry. This is a very special Body that has been called together to bless the Jews in a way that none others will be able to.
Connie and I have to make many more trips. Because of the situation we will not be speaking of them in advance for obvious reasons. We are asking you to pray for our safety and for those who will be meeting with us.
If everyone reading this could put a cheque in the mail for a thousand or more the larger ship would be a reality very quickly. If those who can do the best they can while the dollar still has buying power, many things could be accomplished as well.
With a nudge from the Holy Spirit of God (Ruach Ha Koddesh) it is necessary for me to ask you once again to read I-Tim. 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem for our son Joel and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it.
Shalom, Jerry Golden
Link to original article
Tags: 2010, Jerry Golden, The Golden Report To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Obama snubs Arizona's Gov. Brewer. Shades of Bibi's last visit to the White House
Obama is keeping his bad image alive and well by rebuffing the offer from Governor Brewer of Arizona to discuss the awesome Illegal immigration bill just passed and signed into law by Brewer. By snubbing Brewer, Obama has solidified his poor image, further tarnished that of the office of POTUS and is making the entire nation look bad. It is very obvious that this administration is planning to fight the Arizona bill in court. From all I have read and studied the Arizona bill is legal and should hold up in a court battle even up to the Supreme Court. That said, I do not overlook the possibility of dirty politics and dealings from the Obama administration to ruin this bill, however it needs to be undone. Just like the disrespectful way Obama treated Netanyahu, he is now showing that same behavior to Brewer. We have never seen such ignorant, arrogant, pompous behavior from any POTUS like we have from Obama. This snubbing should just strengthen Brewer and Arizona's resolve in making sure this bill goes into effect, July 29th as planned.
Obama to Arizona Governor: Don't Call Me, I'll Call You
Fox News: President Obama has turned down Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's request to meet while she's in Washington next week as tensions mount between his administration and Arizona over the state's new law cracking down on illegal immigrants.
Brewer will be in Washington to meet with other governors. She said Friday that she had asked to meet with Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to discuss border security and immigration. But Obama's schedule "doesn't allow for a meeting" with her, White House spokesman Adam Abrams said, adding that the president "does intend to sit down with the governor in the future."
When Obama returns from his Chicago vacation on Tuesday, he will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Peru President Alan Garcia at the White House. On Wednesday, Obama is meeting with Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, before heading to an event in Pittsburgh and hosting a concert at the White House to honor Paul McCartney.
On Thursday, Obama will speak at Secretary Clinton's reception for a new partnership between U.S. and India. On Friday, the president will welcome the Major League Soccer men's championship team, Real Salt Lake, to the White House.
The apparent snub comes after Justice Department officials told Arizona's attorney general and aides to the governor Friday that the federal government has serious reservations about the state's new immigration law. They responded that a lawsuit against the state isn't the answer.
"I told them we need solutions from Washington, not more lawsuits," said Attorney General Terry Goddard, a Democrat.
The Justice Department initiated separate meetings by phone and face-to-face in Phoenix with Goddard and aides to Brewer to reach out to Arizona's leaders and elicit information from state officials regarding the Obama administration's concerns about the new law.
The strong message that the Justice Department representatives delivered at the private meetings -- first with Goddard, then with Brewer's staff -- left little doubt that the Obama administration is prepared to go to court if necessary in a bid to block the new law, which takes effect July 29.
Goddard said he noted that five privately filed lawsuits already are pending in federal court to challenge the law.
"Every possible argument is being briefed," said Goddard, who is running unopposed for his party's nomination for the governor's race.
Brewer, who is seeking re-election, later said in a statement that her legal team told the Justice Department officials that the law would be "vigorously defended all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary."
Brewer, who has hired private attorneys to represent her in the pending cases, said the department officials "were advised that I believe the federal government should use its legal resources to fight illegal immigration, not the state of Arizona."
Key provisions of the sweeping law include a requirement that police enforcing any other law question people about their immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are in the country illegally. It also makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally.
Arizona has an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants, and the law's supporters contend it will save taxpayer money and reduce crime by pressuring illegal immigrants to "self-deport."
Federal officials and other critics fear the state law could lead to widespread racial profiling.
Goddard said it would be wrong to assume that Arizona law enforcement officers would not act in a fair and highly professional manner."
The federal officials' trip to Phoenix also was an effort to see if the two sides can find common ground in the debate, which has reignited immigration as a major political issue nationwide.
A number of other states are considering laws similar to Arizona's.
Justice Department spokesman Matthew Miller noted that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder met with a number of police chiefs Wednesday in Washington "to hear their concerns about the impact of the Arizona law on their ability to keep communities safe.
"We continue to have concerns that the law drives a wedge between law enforcement and the communities they serve and are examining it to see what options are available to the federal government," Miller said.
While numerous police chiefs have criticized the law, several Arizona associations representing rank-and-file police officers support it.
Original link to the article
Tags: Arizona, Illegal immigration, bill 2010, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Obama to Arizona Governor: Don't Call Me, I'll Call You
Fox News: President Obama has turned down Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's request to meet while she's in Washington next week as tensions mount between his administration and Arizona over the state's new law cracking down on illegal immigrants.
Brewer will be in Washington to meet with other governors. She said Friday that she had asked to meet with Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to discuss border security and immigration. But Obama's schedule "doesn't allow for a meeting" with her, White House spokesman Adam Abrams said, adding that the president "does intend to sit down with the governor in the future."
When Obama returns from his Chicago vacation on Tuesday, he will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Peru President Alan Garcia at the White House. On Wednesday, Obama is meeting with Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, before heading to an event in Pittsburgh and hosting a concert at the White House to honor Paul McCartney.
On Thursday, Obama will speak at Secretary Clinton's reception for a new partnership between U.S. and India. On Friday, the president will welcome the Major League Soccer men's championship team, Real Salt Lake, to the White House.
The apparent snub comes after Justice Department officials told Arizona's attorney general and aides to the governor Friday that the federal government has serious reservations about the state's new immigration law. They responded that a lawsuit against the state isn't the answer.
"I told them we need solutions from Washington, not more lawsuits," said Attorney General Terry Goddard, a Democrat.
The Justice Department initiated separate meetings by phone and face-to-face in Phoenix with Goddard and aides to Brewer to reach out to Arizona's leaders and elicit information from state officials regarding the Obama administration's concerns about the new law.
The strong message that the Justice Department representatives delivered at the private meetings -- first with Goddard, then with Brewer's staff -- left little doubt that the Obama administration is prepared to go to court if necessary in a bid to block the new law, which takes effect July 29.
Goddard said he noted that five privately filed lawsuits already are pending in federal court to challenge the law.
"Every possible argument is being briefed," said Goddard, who is running unopposed for his party's nomination for the governor's race.
Brewer, who is seeking re-election, later said in a statement that her legal team told the Justice Department officials that the law would be "vigorously defended all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary."
Brewer, who has hired private attorneys to represent her in the pending cases, said the department officials "were advised that I believe the federal government should use its legal resources to fight illegal immigration, not the state of Arizona."
Key provisions of the sweeping law include a requirement that police enforcing any other law question people about their immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are in the country illegally. It also makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally.
Arizona has an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants, and the law's supporters contend it will save taxpayer money and reduce crime by pressuring illegal immigrants to "self-deport."
Federal officials and other critics fear the state law could lead to widespread racial profiling.
Goddard said it would be wrong to assume that Arizona law enforcement officers would not act in a fair and highly professional manner."
The federal officials' trip to Phoenix also was an effort to see if the two sides can find common ground in the debate, which has reignited immigration as a major political issue nationwide.
A number of other states are considering laws similar to Arizona's.
Justice Department spokesman Matthew Miller noted that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder met with a number of police chiefs Wednesday in Washington "to hear their concerns about the impact of the Arizona law on their ability to keep communities safe.
"We continue to have concerns that the law drives a wedge between law enforcement and the communities they serve and are examining it to see what options are available to the federal government," Miller said.
While numerous police chiefs have criticized the law, several Arizona associations representing rank-and-file police officers support it.
Original link to the article
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The MSA: An Inside look and read what he discovered.
Posted by
1:22 AM
Islamic infiltration,
Islamic Subversion in America,
Muslim Bortherhood,
Muslim Student Association,
Stealth Jihad
Many know what the Muslim Brotherhood has spawned in this country and abroad. One of the most dispicable organizations ever to come from the MB is the Muslim Studenst Association. Here is what Larry Hart has to say about the MSA and other groups:
"Groups like the MSA, CAIR, The American Muslim Council, The Muslim Public Affairs Council, and others give the outward appearance that they are community based organizations working toward the betterment of the Muslim community.
Well, if you consider the completion of Jihad, the establishment of Sharia law through Dar el-Harb (the world war) as betterment of the community then that would be an accurate statement.
In reality these are mostly front groups who advocate sometimes openly, sometimes clandestinely to further the cause of Jihad in the United States. Of course, not all Muslims are suicide bombers. But, many, more than you would think an acceptable number are sympathetic toward the suicide bomber’s goals.
They all really need to be watched more closely than they are currently.
The Muslim Students Association in particular might be the most subversive and influential politicized group on campus since the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) almost succeeded in radically changing a generation of young people in the 1960s."
Inside the Muslim Students Association
Conservative Examiner:Larry Hart
MSA rally asking for donations for Hamas in Gaza. The money isn't for food and supplies. If that was the case Palestinians in Gaza would have been eating plenty already. The money goes to promote more terror aganist Israel. This guy is actually lobbying for weapons that will kill Jewish children.
I went back to school after many years of being out to get my degree. I majored in history with a focus on the Middle East and with a particular interest in studying Islamic history. So I took a lot of those kinds of classes where I came in contact with many of the Muslim students at my institution.
I was usually the one dissenting voice in the classroom when it came to things like the Israel-Palestine conflict, the war on terror, and the clash of civilizations. Being right after 9-11 we were all so very sensitive on both sides about what the course of the future should bring.
Since I was older it was easier for them to just right me off. After all what do older people know, right? When you’re in early twenties you think you know everything, and political radicals of all kinds well, that’s even worse.
What was that saying attributed to Churchill about liberal thinking? If you’re not a left winger at twenty you’ve got no heart, if you’re still a left winger at forty, you’ve got no brains. Or something like that.
So, I gained a bit of a reputation among leftists and Muslims as being a combination O’reilly devotee and idiot. Ok, fine.
While taking an Islamic history class on the Ottoman Empire 15th-20th century, I saw a poster on the wall of the classroom asking for membership in the Muslim Students Association (MSA).
I am reasonably sure that the MSA has a national directive to collect for Islamic charities during their meetings. And, as we have seen through several well researched, published accounts that many times this money ends up in the hands of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or other al-Queda like organizations, for the express purpose of killing Jews and Christians.
As despicable as that is, they are still allowed to operate under the freedoms granted to them in this country,
I already knew of their activities from the displays and activism they utilized on campus, but still, I would fantasize how cool it would be to be a fly on the drapes during their meetings listening to them wax eloquent about everything from how they are being persecuted as Muslims to what kind of degrading spectacle they can come up with to offend Jews in the community.
As much as I would have liked to have been part of those discussions, I knew that could never be, because my face, if not my name, was too well known to be able to move around an organization like that without being spotted, and then ousted.
However, after giving it some more thought my name was a bit more obscure. Professors would sometimes call on students without saying anything and sometimes it was “Larry,” or “Mr. Hart.” With my name on one of their rolls it still would be difficult to put together who I was unless you were actually looking for it.
After all I didn’t know every Muslim student as the Muslim population in L.A. is quite large and the local campuses sport a sizable population of Muslim students. In order for my name to be spotted it would probably have to be one of the students, or professors who were also sympathetic to Muslim causes, I actually had interaction with. While that was not impossible under the right circumstances it wouldn’t be likely either.
I would be more invisible if I could just get by with my name, even for a little while.
I decided to sign up for the email list just to see what might happen. Email was beginning to get very popular around the turn of the century and universities were using it extensively. I couldn’t attend meetings or functions but with the advance of email at the time I might be able to get a few tidbits of information that way.
I took a fatalistic attitude toward the whole situation, if they busted me, they busted me. Being on an email list is not all that big a thing. Let’s be honest, receiving an email newsletter once a week or so, would not constitute a breech in their security or anything. I thought it would be fun and I would deal with any repercussions if it came to that.
Because I was still an arms distance away from what might have been even more revealing, the kinds of information I received I was not ground breaking. I couldn’t go to the FBI with it or anything like that.
It wasn’t as good as actually getting next to these people up close and personal but so what, I really didn’t want to get any closer to them then they would allow me to anyway.
During my tenure as a name on their email list I received messages on a weekly or semi weekly basis. Most were about upcoming social events, movies they acquired with an Islamic theme, and discussions that would go on at the university from time to time, some political and some technical concerning living arrangements, food preparation, especially Halal, and alerts about cars parked illegally etc.
But, in between all of this mundane twenty-something nonsense I also remember the following items that may be of interest. The quotes are in quotes because that is how I remember them, but it was several years ago so I might not have the actual wording correct.
Once they sent out an email memo reminding all MSA members to bring their favorite anti Zionist picture, story, or video so they could incorporate it into the national MSA anti-Zionist/free Palestine week. They added as a qualifier “remember, showing Zionism as evil is paramount. It is the only way to convince Americans to support the Palestinian struggle.”
Another time they repeated a memo from National MSA headquarters or some other national overseeing agency, (I can’t remember which) asking members to promote the idea of Islam being a “religion of peace” on their perspective campuses. Playing off a president Bush comment and using it to further the idea that 9-11 was not committed by Arab Muslims.
By the way the anti-Zionist week I mentioned showed evidence that it was Jews who brought down the twin towers, not Mohammad Ata and his gang.
Another time they urged MSA members to enroll into Jewish study courses for the express purpose of monitoring those classes for both sympathetic and non sympathetic Jews, so they could line up who is their enemy and who isn’t.
I’m pretty sure I was labeled an enemy.
All told I was on the mailing list for about eight months before I was discovered. I don’t know who recognized my name or how it happened. No one ever said anything to me, but I was quietly removed from the list. I wrote to inquire why I was not receiving their messages anymore and they never answered. I guess “the jig was up.”
Groups like the MSA, CAIR, The American Muslim Council, The Muslim Public Affairs Council, and others give the outward appearance that they are community based organizations working toward the betterment of the Muslim community.
Well, if you consider the completion of Jihad, the establishment of Sharia law through Dar el-Harb (the world war) as betterment of the community then that would be an accurate statement.
In reality these are mostly front groups who advocate sometimes openly, sometimes clandestinely to further the cause of Jihad in the United States. Of course, not all Muslims are suicide bombers. But, many, more than you would think an acceptable number are sympathetic toward the suicide bomber’s goals.
They all really need to be watched more closely than they are currently.
The Muslim Students Association in particular might be the most subversive and influential politicized group on campus since the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) almost succeeded in radically changing a generation of young people in the 1960s.
It is extremely important that those of us in the west who want to protect our freedoms that we be aware of these groups, their intentions and believe what they are saying and then act accordingly.
And, especially impress this on your children who are attending university.
Link to the original article
"Groups like the MSA, CAIR, The American Muslim Council, The Muslim Public Affairs Council, and others give the outward appearance that they are community based organizations working toward the betterment of the Muslim community.
Well, if you consider the completion of Jihad, the establishment of Sharia law through Dar el-Harb (the world war) as betterment of the community then that would be an accurate statement.
In reality these are mostly front groups who advocate sometimes openly, sometimes clandestinely to further the cause of Jihad in the United States. Of course, not all Muslims are suicide bombers. But, many, more than you would think an acceptable number are sympathetic toward the suicide bomber’s goals.
They all really need to be watched more closely than they are currently.
The Muslim Students Association in particular might be the most subversive and influential politicized group on campus since the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) almost succeeded in radically changing a generation of young people in the 1960s."
Inside the Muslim Students Association
Conservative Examiner:Larry Hart
MSA rally asking for donations for Hamas in Gaza. The money isn't for food and supplies. If that was the case Palestinians in Gaza would have been eating plenty already. The money goes to promote more terror aganist Israel. This guy is actually lobbying for weapons that will kill Jewish children.
I went back to school after many years of being out to get my degree. I majored in history with a focus on the Middle East and with a particular interest in studying Islamic history. So I took a lot of those kinds of classes where I came in contact with many of the Muslim students at my institution.
I was usually the one dissenting voice in the classroom when it came to things like the Israel-Palestine conflict, the war on terror, and the clash of civilizations. Being right after 9-11 we were all so very sensitive on both sides about what the course of the future should bring.
Since I was older it was easier for them to just right me off. After all what do older people know, right? When you’re in early twenties you think you know everything, and political radicals of all kinds well, that’s even worse.
What was that saying attributed to Churchill about liberal thinking? If you’re not a left winger at twenty you’ve got no heart, if you’re still a left winger at forty, you’ve got no brains. Or something like that.
So, I gained a bit of a reputation among leftists and Muslims as being a combination O’reilly devotee and idiot. Ok, fine.
While taking an Islamic history class on the Ottoman Empire 15th-20th century, I saw a poster on the wall of the classroom asking for membership in the Muslim Students Association (MSA).
I am reasonably sure that the MSA has a national directive to collect for Islamic charities during their meetings. And, as we have seen through several well researched, published accounts that many times this money ends up in the hands of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or other al-Queda like organizations, for the express purpose of killing Jews and Christians.
As despicable as that is, they are still allowed to operate under the freedoms granted to them in this country,
I already knew of their activities from the displays and activism they utilized on campus, but still, I would fantasize how cool it would be to be a fly on the drapes during their meetings listening to them wax eloquent about everything from how they are being persecuted as Muslims to what kind of degrading spectacle they can come up with to offend Jews in the community.
As much as I would have liked to have been part of those discussions, I knew that could never be, because my face, if not my name, was too well known to be able to move around an organization like that without being spotted, and then ousted.
However, after giving it some more thought my name was a bit more obscure. Professors would sometimes call on students without saying anything and sometimes it was “Larry,” or “Mr. Hart.” With my name on one of their rolls it still would be difficult to put together who I was unless you were actually looking for it.
After all I didn’t know every Muslim student as the Muslim population in L.A. is quite large and the local campuses sport a sizable population of Muslim students. In order for my name to be spotted it would probably have to be one of the students, or professors who were also sympathetic to Muslim causes, I actually had interaction with. While that was not impossible under the right circumstances it wouldn’t be likely either.
I would be more invisible if I could just get by with my name, even for a little while.
I decided to sign up for the email list just to see what might happen. Email was beginning to get very popular around the turn of the century and universities were using it extensively. I couldn’t attend meetings or functions but with the advance of email at the time I might be able to get a few tidbits of information that way.
I took a fatalistic attitude toward the whole situation, if they busted me, they busted me. Being on an email list is not all that big a thing. Let’s be honest, receiving an email newsletter once a week or so, would not constitute a breech in their security or anything. I thought it would be fun and I would deal with any repercussions if it came to that.
Because I was still an arms distance away from what might have been even more revealing, the kinds of information I received I was not ground breaking. I couldn’t go to the FBI with it or anything like that.
It wasn’t as good as actually getting next to these people up close and personal but so what, I really didn’t want to get any closer to them then they would allow me to anyway.
During my tenure as a name on their email list I received messages on a weekly or semi weekly basis. Most were about upcoming social events, movies they acquired with an Islamic theme, and discussions that would go on at the university from time to time, some political and some technical concerning living arrangements, food preparation, especially Halal, and alerts about cars parked illegally etc.
But, in between all of this mundane twenty-something nonsense I also remember the following items that may be of interest. The quotes are in quotes because that is how I remember them, but it was several years ago so I might not have the actual wording correct.
Once they sent out an email memo reminding all MSA members to bring their favorite anti Zionist picture, story, or video so they could incorporate it into the national MSA anti-Zionist/free Palestine week. They added as a qualifier “remember, showing Zionism as evil is paramount. It is the only way to convince Americans to support the Palestinian struggle.”
Another time they repeated a memo from National MSA headquarters or some other national overseeing agency, (I can’t remember which) asking members to promote the idea of Islam being a “religion of peace” on their perspective campuses. Playing off a president Bush comment and using it to further the idea that 9-11 was not committed by Arab Muslims.
By the way the anti-Zionist week I mentioned showed evidence that it was Jews who brought down the twin towers, not Mohammad Ata and his gang.
Another time they urged MSA members to enroll into Jewish study courses for the express purpose of monitoring those classes for both sympathetic and non sympathetic Jews, so they could line up who is their enemy and who isn’t.
I’m pretty sure I was labeled an enemy.
All told I was on the mailing list for about eight months before I was discovered. I don’t know who recognized my name or how it happened. No one ever said anything to me, but I was quietly removed from the list. I wrote to inquire why I was not receiving their messages anymore and they never answered. I guess “the jig was up.”
Groups like the MSA, CAIR, The American Muslim Council, The Muslim Public Affairs Council, and others give the outward appearance that they are community based organizations working toward the betterment of the Muslim community.
Well, if you consider the completion of Jihad, the establishment of Sharia law through Dar el-Harb (the world war) as betterment of the community then that would be an accurate statement.
In reality these are mostly front groups who advocate sometimes openly, sometimes clandestinely to further the cause of Jihad in the United States. Of course, not all Muslims are suicide bombers. But, many, more than you would think an acceptable number are sympathetic toward the suicide bomber’s goals.
They all really need to be watched more closely than they are currently.
The Muslim Students Association in particular might be the most subversive and influential politicized group on campus since the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) almost succeeded in radically changing a generation of young people in the 1960s.
It is extremely important that those of us in the west who want to protect our freedoms that we be aware of these groups, their intentions and believe what they are saying and then act accordingly.
And, especially impress this on your children who are attending university.
Link to the original article
Two Names on the Wall-A Re-posting
Gary Fouse
I've been thinking about what kind of posting I would put up to mark Memorial Day. I finally decided to re-post an essay I originally put up in December 2007 in connection with the Viet Nam memorial in Washington DC. It will always be appropriate. I hope you appreciate it.

Dorian Jan Houser (1946-1967)
Michael G Vinassa (1946-1966)
The recent news that someone had defaced the Viet Nam War Memorial in Washington served to bring back my memories of two of my childhood friends whose names appear on that wall. Mike Vinassa and Dorian Houser were both from west Los Angeles, where I also grew up. We belonged to the same high school social club. All three of us entered military service after high school. I was assigned to Germany; they were sent to Viet Nam. I returned and went on with the rest of my life. They died in Viet Nam. Forty years later, with our country once again at war and American soldiers sacrificing their lives for America, we should also remember those that gave their lives in Viet Nam.
I first knew Dorian in the 1950s. He and his brother, Lee, played on my little league team. Their father was our coach. Later, my relationship with Dory continued in school. In high school, we both belonged to a club called the Chancellors of Venice. As was common in west LA, there were many (off-campus) clubs formed for social purposes. We all had our club jackets, with the name of the club and locale (Venice or WLA) embroidered on the back. The colors of the clubs varied (ours was green). As we ended our high school days, these clubs disbanded as we went our separate ways-off to college, work or military service. In Dory's case, he entered the Marines in 1966, and after training, was sent to Viet Nam. On May 10, 1967, one month before his 21st birthday, he was killed in Quang Tin. He was hit in the chest by shrapnel and killed instantly.
I happened to be home on leave from Germany when we got the news that Dory was dead. I was able to attend his funeral before returning back to Germany. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it after all these years, but I chose not to wear my uniform to the funeral, simply because I was afraid his family might react emotionally to it. I have always regretted that decision.
Dory was the kind of guy that no one could dislike. He was friendly and unassuming. Needless to say, his funeral was a sad and emotional event. In the last couple of years, I have visited his grave a couple of times since my mother-in-law is interred in the same cemetery. About a year ago, I came across a posting about Dory by his sister. She described her brother and was looking for anyone who knew Dory and remembered him. I answered her post, but the email is no longer valid. As yet, I have not been able to contact her.
Mike Vinassa was also a member of the Chancellors. He was a stout, barrel-chested kid with a big tattoo on his shoulder, something unusual at the time for someone so young (still in high school). Needless to say, he was tough and didn't mind a good fight. Most other kids knew not to mess with him, but among his friends, he was well-liked. I remember one night we were at a party and he wanted to (playfully) roughhouse with me. We started slap-fighting and wrestling on the front yard of the house, and (somehow) I was able to throw him to the ground and fall on top of him. As you may know, innocent roughhousing among teenagers can easily turn into a real fight, and I remember thinking that Mike might suddenly get mad, so I rolled over and let him get on top, thus letting him win the match.
After high school, I went on to complete 2 years of college before I entered the Army. I basically lost touch with Mike and Dory at that time.
I had recently arrived at my post of duty in Germany when I came across Mike's name while reading the Viet Nam obituaries in the Army Times. It wasn't until several months ago that I learned the circumstances of Mike's death, which occurred on May
22, 1966.
Mike was a member of C Co, Ist Bn, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cav Division (US Army). Ironically, Mike was a short-timer, soon to return to the US, and, on that day, assigned to non-combat duties. Yet he insisted on accompanying his unit on a final combat mission in the Vinh Thanh Valley. It was on that final mission, that Mike lost his life-under heroic conditions. He personally led a group of his comrades in charging and taking out a machine gun nest that was pinning down his unit, but was fatally shot in the process. For his actions, Mike was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. His sole survivor was his mother.
In subsequent years, I have been able to find both their names on the Viet Nam Memorial. (I was living in the Washington area at the time.) As stated, I have visited Dory's grave, but as yet, have not identified Mike's cemetery. When I look back at my life after the Army, I contemplate how I finished college, began my career, got married, had children, retired, and now find myself in my 60s. But as I looked down on Dory's grave, I realized that he and Mike are frozen in time-forever 20 years old. I wonder what became of their parents, the rest of the families.
In a sense, today's soldiers are more fortunate than those who went to Viet Nam. The overwhelming majority of the American people greatly respect them (with the notable exception of the usual mindless idiots who are not worth further mention in this essay). Soldiers returning from Viet Nam were often subject to dispicable treatment from those of their own generation who did everything they could to avoid military service. Once the Viet Nam War ended, the country wanted to forget about it as quickly as possible-after all, it was just a tragic period in our history. We also forgot about our Viet Nam veterans who came back alive-in so many cases, as walking wounded. They deserved so much better from us. They are still among us, and in many cases, still wounded.
All of us who lost friends or family members in Viet Nam should try to keep their memories alive and honor them. God rest their souls.
Michael G Vinassa- Panel 07E, line 104
Dorian Jan Houser- Panel 19E, line 082
I've been thinking about what kind of posting I would put up to mark Memorial Day. I finally decided to re-post an essay I originally put up in December 2007 in connection with the Viet Nam memorial in Washington DC. It will always be appropriate. I hope you appreciate it.
Dorian Jan Houser (1946-1967)
Michael G Vinassa (1946-1966)
The recent news that someone had defaced the Viet Nam War Memorial in Washington served to bring back my memories of two of my childhood friends whose names appear on that wall. Mike Vinassa and Dorian Houser were both from west Los Angeles, where I also grew up. We belonged to the same high school social club. All three of us entered military service after high school. I was assigned to Germany; they were sent to Viet Nam. I returned and went on with the rest of my life. They died in Viet Nam. Forty years later, with our country once again at war and American soldiers sacrificing their lives for America, we should also remember those that gave their lives in Viet Nam.
I first knew Dorian in the 1950s. He and his brother, Lee, played on my little league team. Their father was our coach. Later, my relationship with Dory continued in school. In high school, we both belonged to a club called the Chancellors of Venice. As was common in west LA, there were many (off-campus) clubs formed for social purposes. We all had our club jackets, with the name of the club and locale (Venice or WLA) embroidered on the back. The colors of the clubs varied (ours was green). As we ended our high school days, these clubs disbanded as we went our separate ways-off to college, work or military service. In Dory's case, he entered the Marines in 1966, and after training, was sent to Viet Nam. On May 10, 1967, one month before his 21st birthday, he was killed in Quang Tin. He was hit in the chest by shrapnel and killed instantly.
I happened to be home on leave from Germany when we got the news that Dory was dead. I was able to attend his funeral before returning back to Germany. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it after all these years, but I chose not to wear my uniform to the funeral, simply because I was afraid his family might react emotionally to it. I have always regretted that decision.
Dory was the kind of guy that no one could dislike. He was friendly and unassuming. Needless to say, his funeral was a sad and emotional event. In the last couple of years, I have visited his grave a couple of times since my mother-in-law is interred in the same cemetery. About a year ago, I came across a posting about Dory by his sister. She described her brother and was looking for anyone who knew Dory and remembered him. I answered her post, but the email is no longer valid. As yet, I have not been able to contact her.
Mike Vinassa was also a member of the Chancellors. He was a stout, barrel-chested kid with a big tattoo on his shoulder, something unusual at the time for someone so young (still in high school). Needless to say, he was tough and didn't mind a good fight. Most other kids knew not to mess with him, but among his friends, he was well-liked. I remember one night we were at a party and he wanted to (playfully) roughhouse with me. We started slap-fighting and wrestling on the front yard of the house, and (somehow) I was able to throw him to the ground and fall on top of him. As you may know, innocent roughhousing among teenagers can easily turn into a real fight, and I remember thinking that Mike might suddenly get mad, so I rolled over and let him get on top, thus letting him win the match.
After high school, I went on to complete 2 years of college before I entered the Army. I basically lost touch with Mike and Dory at that time.
I had recently arrived at my post of duty in Germany when I came across Mike's name while reading the Viet Nam obituaries in the Army Times. It wasn't until several months ago that I learned the circumstances of Mike's death, which occurred on May
22, 1966.
Mike was a member of C Co, Ist Bn, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cav Division (US Army). Ironically, Mike was a short-timer, soon to return to the US, and, on that day, assigned to non-combat duties. Yet he insisted on accompanying his unit on a final combat mission in the Vinh Thanh Valley. It was on that final mission, that Mike lost his life-under heroic conditions. He personally led a group of his comrades in charging and taking out a machine gun nest that was pinning down his unit, but was fatally shot in the process. For his actions, Mike was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. His sole survivor was his mother.
In subsequent years, I have been able to find both their names on the Viet Nam Memorial. (I was living in the Washington area at the time.) As stated, I have visited Dory's grave, but as yet, have not identified Mike's cemetery. When I look back at my life after the Army, I contemplate how I finished college, began my career, got married, had children, retired, and now find myself in my 60s. But as I looked down on Dory's grave, I realized that he and Mike are frozen in time-forever 20 years old. I wonder what became of their parents, the rest of the families.
In a sense, today's soldiers are more fortunate than those who went to Viet Nam. The overwhelming majority of the American people greatly respect them (with the notable exception of the usual mindless idiots who are not worth further mention in this essay). Soldiers returning from Viet Nam were often subject to dispicable treatment from those of their own generation who did everything they could to avoid military service. Once the Viet Nam War ended, the country wanted to forget about it as quickly as possible-after all, it was just a tragic period in our history. We also forgot about our Viet Nam veterans who came back alive-in so many cases, as walking wounded. They deserved so much better from us. They are still among us, and in many cases, still wounded.
All of us who lost friends or family members in Viet Nam should try to keep their memories alive and honor them. God rest their souls.
Michael G Vinassa- Panel 07E, line 104
Dorian Jan Houser- Panel 19E, line 082
Jewish support for Obama and the Demcrats is plummeting, Duh!
Posted by
6:11 PM
Democrats and Jewish support,
Israel and Obama,
Obama and American Jews,
The fall of Obama
Here is a great artcile on the pulse of the how many Jewish Americans are feeling towards the one great dope they voted for in 2008 at a clip of almost 80%. The truth is quite clear: Obama's treatment and villification of Israel and Netanyahu is clearly backfiring. The concern here is about money for future elections, not the Jews, Israel or Jewish Americans. Obama has made it quite clear how he really feels. No visit from the leaders of Israel will change this. This if from Joel Rosenberg's EPICENTER. It is a Flash Traffic Update which I subscribe to.
UPDATED AT 1:20PM FRIDAY: Here’s a “train wreck” update. President Obama’s support with the American Jewish community is plunging due to his administration’s hostility towards Israel over the past year. A full 78% of Americans Jews voted for Obama in 2008. But now a stunning new poll finds 46% of Jews are actively considering voting for someone else in 2012. Only 42% say they would vote to re-elect Obama.(None that I know would vote for him again. In fact almost everyone that I know who
voted for the mullah in the White House would NOT vote for him again. PatriotUSA)
On April 15, Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, sent a letter to Mr. Obama expressing rarely heard before public concern by the Jewish community over the actions of a Democratic President. In it, he expressed ”alarm” over “the dramatic deterioration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Israel.” He also publicly criticized the administration for beginning to turn against Israel, a longtime friend and strategic ally. ”Why does the thrust of this Administration’s Middle East rhetoric seem to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks?” asked Lauder. “After all, it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who refuse to negotiate.”
The following week, Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Jewish Democrat from New York, publicly blasted the Obama administration for it’s “counter-productive” approach towards Israel and towards Iran.
There are no indications that President Obama has decided to change his policies. He still wants to force Israel to divide Jerusalem. He still wants to force Israel to give away the strategically critical West Bank and Jordan Valley to the Palestinians who still refuse to sit down and negotiate with Israel face to face. He is still doing nothing decisive or effective to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. He
still wants to force Israel not to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites. Most recently, he has begun trying to force Israel to disclose and then dismantle its (thus unacknowledged) defensive nuclear weapons, which would leave the Jewish State naked and vulnerable against genocidal enemies.
That said, the President and his administration have recently launched a charm offensive with Israel and the Jewish community, trying to undo the enormous damage that has been caused in the relationship between both countries by the White House’s hostility in recent months. Examples:
■ Next week, President Obama will host Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House
■ This week, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel took his family to vacation in Israel and to do a bar mitvah for his son
■ This week, President Obama hosted the first-ever White House reception to honor Jewish Heritage Month
■ Last week, rabbis were wined and dined at the White House
■ Last week, President Obama held an hour and a half meeting with Jewish Democratic Members of Congress
■ Earlier in May, President Obama had lunch in the White House with Elie Wiesel
One American Jewish leader told me this week that he doesn’t believe the White House is mainly concerned about losing the Jewish vote in 2010 or 2012, since overall the Jewish community is a relatively small one. Rather, he believes Democrat leaders are very worried that Jewish contributions to the party and to their individual candidates — contributions that are traditionally in the millions of dollars — could begin to dry up, and that this has them increasingly worried in an already increasingly difficult political climate.
What is needed, however, is not cosmetic surgery in this relationship. What is needed is radical reconstructive surgery of the Obama administration’s policies. They need to start seeing Iran as the threat and the problem, not Israel, and take bold, decisive measures accordingly. Time is running out.
Link to original article
UPDATED AT 1:20PM FRIDAY: Here’s a “train wreck” update. President Obama’s support with the American Jewish community is plunging due to his administration’s hostility towards Israel over the past year. A full 78% of Americans Jews voted for Obama in 2008. But now a stunning new poll finds 46% of Jews are actively considering voting for someone else in 2012. Only 42% say they would vote to re-elect Obama.(None that I know would vote for him again. In fact almost everyone that I know who
voted for the mullah in the White House would NOT vote for him again. PatriotUSA)
On April 15, Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, sent a letter to Mr. Obama expressing rarely heard before public concern by the Jewish community over the actions of a Democratic President. In it, he expressed ”alarm” over “the dramatic deterioration of diplomatic relations between the United States and Israel.” He also publicly criticized the administration for beginning to turn against Israel, a longtime friend and strategic ally. ”Why does the thrust of this Administration’s Middle East rhetoric seem to blame Israel for the lack of movement on peace talks?” asked Lauder. “After all, it is the Palestinians, not Israel, who refuse to negotiate.”
The following week, Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Jewish Democrat from New York, publicly blasted the Obama administration for it’s “counter-productive” approach towards Israel and towards Iran.
There are no indications that President Obama has decided to change his policies. He still wants to force Israel to divide Jerusalem. He still wants to force Israel to give away the strategically critical West Bank and Jordan Valley to the Palestinians who still refuse to sit down and negotiate with Israel face to face. He is still doing nothing decisive or effective to stop Iran from getting the Bomb. He
still wants to force Israel not to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear sites. Most recently, he has begun trying to force Israel to disclose and then dismantle its (thus unacknowledged) defensive nuclear weapons, which would leave the Jewish State naked and vulnerable against genocidal enemies.
That said, the President and his administration have recently launched a charm offensive with Israel and the Jewish community, trying to undo the enormous damage that has been caused in the relationship between both countries by the White House’s hostility in recent months. Examples:
■ This week, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel took his family to vacation in Israel and to do a bar mitvah for his son
■ Last week, President Obama held an hour and a half meeting with Jewish Democratic Members of Congress
One American Jewish leader told me this week that he doesn’t believe the White House is mainly concerned about losing the Jewish vote in 2010 or 2012, since overall the Jewish community is a relatively small one. Rather, he believes Democrat leaders are very worried that Jewish contributions to the party and to their individual candidates — contributions that are traditionally in the millions of dollars — could begin to dry up, and that this has them increasingly worried in an already increasingly difficult political climate.
What is needed, however, is not cosmetic surgery in this relationship. What is needed is radical reconstructive surgery of the Obama administration’s policies. They need to start seeing Iran as the threat and the problem, not Israel, and take bold, decisive measures accordingly. Time is running out.
Link to original article
More pressure in Pakistan to exploit the Hindus: Forced conversions to Islam
Posted by
4:48 PM
Forced conversions under Islam,
Global Islamic Subversion,
57 Pakistani Hindus convert to Islam 'under pressure'
Amir Mir / DNA
DNA: ISLAMABAD: Over 50 Pakistani Hindus have converted to Islam in the Sialkot district of Punjab within a week (between May 14 and May 19) under pressure from their Muslim employers in a bid to retain their jobs and survive in the Muslim-dominated society.
As many as 35 Hindus converted to Islam on May 14, another 14 on May 17 and eight on May 19, 2010.
All the 57 Hindus who have converted belong to the Pasroor town of Sialkot.
According to some Pakistani electronic media reports, Mangut Ram, a close relative of some of the new converts, who lives in Sialkot, said that these Hindus had to embrace Islam because they were under pressure from their Muslim employers.
He said four Hindu brothers along with their families lived in the village of Nikki Pindi. Mangut Ram said that Hans Raj, Kans Raj, Meena/Kartar and Sardari Lal along with his nephews and sons worked at an eatery in Karachi.
According to Mangut Ram, his co workers often used to speak against Hindus in Karachi where his family worked. “The owner of the shop where I worked said that after a few months of his employing me the sales dropped drastically because people avoided purchasing and eating edibles prepared by Hindus. Many people opposed the large presence of Hindu employees at his shop and my boss felt pressured to change the situation,” he added.
Ram said Sardari Lal and his brother Meena/Kartar had worked at the sweets shops for several years and made a decent living that allowed them to support their families.
He said other Muslims employees of the nearby shops discriminated against them and persecuted them. The shop owner was forced to think about their future at his establishment. “That was when the two brothers and their families decided to embrace Islam in order to keep their jobs and be secure,” he added.
Ram confirmed that 13 family members of Sardari Lal, 12 members of Meena/ Kartar, their nephew Kans Raj’s son Boota Ram along with three adults and several children of these families embraced Islam on May 14, 2010.
He said that Sardari Lal’s older brothers Hans Raj and Kans Raj remained Hindus. Hans Raj too has said that he might consider converting to save his job. He said that life was ‘just easier if one was Muslim’ and he wouldn’t be discriminated against.
Ram said that 14 Hindus of the Tapiala village had embraced Islam on May 17 because they were extremely poor and could not get jobs because no one would employ the large Hindu family.
He said that another relative of his, Parkash, who lived in the village of Seowal, along with his eight family members had embraced Islam in order to save their lands.
“After embracing Islam, Parkash Ram told me that Muslim neighbours had been mistreating him and had forced him to convert,” Mangut Ram said.
Walid Shoebat blows the cover off the Ground Zero mosque.
Posted by
12:08 AM
infiltration of the United States by Jihadists and Muslims,
Islam and shariah law.Islamic subversion in the United States,
NYC mosque at ground Zero,
Selling out to Islam: Stealth Jihad
Walid Shoebat, reveals disturbing contradictions between Ground Zero mosque founder Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf's English statements and his Arabic comments. Abdul Rauf directly contradicted his New York Daily News article from earlier this week.
Pamela Geller of SIOA, Atlas Shrugs on Muslims offended by bus ads against Islam
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10:59 PM
Bus signs against Islam in NYC,
Global Islamic Subversion,
Islamic suberversion ain America,
Pamela Geller on Fox and Friends explains the whys and wherefores of our SIOA religious liberty bus campaign, and ably answers some common objections.
South African Paper caves in to Muslims and Islam over 'Draw Mohammad Day.'
Wishy washy, caving in to Islam and Muslims is alive and well in South Africa. It appears that the poor, trampled Muslim masses who reside in SA jumped all over the leftarded, progressive, regressive Marxist Mail and Guardian paper. Why would these dhimmi fools think the Islamic cry baby Muslims would give a far left publication a free pass on Draw Mohammad Day? Islam gives nobody, no one a free pass when it somes to anything insulting their beloved pedophileprophet, Mohammad. After all, the sicko Mohammad married Aisha when she was just six and consummated the 'marriage' when she was an over the hill, nine years old. Is it any wonder Aisha died when she was very young? I beleive she was in her twenties. But I am getting off track here, back to the M&G and their groveling apology to the Muslims of SA.
The paper sounded a grateful note that they were so pleased the mussies did not resort to violence and mayhem in their response to the papers publication of the 'horrible' cartoon, this time around. But the amazing thing is that they evidently hadn’t the faintest idea of what they were setting themselves up for. Did they really think that because they were fervent progressives, they would be spared the wrath of the Universal Muslim Rage Boy? Have they been holed up in a cave these last nine years?
If they have any sense at all, they now understand the rules of the game: Islam trumps Marxism every time, without exception. Any leftist who thinks he can cha-cha with the prophet without assuming the Full Submission Position is sadly mistaken. There is no middle ground with Islam or most Muslims who have been brainwashed by this perverse, cradle to grave ideology.
South African paper plays the dhimmi and caves into Islamic whiners
Here is a snapshot of the article:
M&G Meets With Muslim Leaders
A meeting between Muslim leaders and the Mail & Guardian after the publication of a controversial cartoon has left M&G CEO Hoosain Karjieker proud of the community and the process followed to reach a resolution.
The newspaper has undertaken to refrain from publishing any images of the Prophet Muhammad while reviewing their editorial policy in terms of religious matters, after a meeting with Muslim leaders from a cross-section of organisations, and interest groups.
The meeting at Channel Islam in Johannesburg on Wednesday followed a failed court attempt by the Muslim Council of Theologians to stop the newspaper from publishing a Zapiro cartoon on May 21.
The cartoon depicted the Prophet Muhammad reclining on a psychiatrist’s chair bemoaning his followers’ lack of humour. It referenced the uproar in some Muslim communities over the Everyone Draw Muhammad Day campaign."
Here is the link to the article in the M&G
That is just the FIRST article from the M&G on bowing down to Islam. Here is the second article which is really sounds a pathetic, groveling dhimmitudinal tone in the way the M&G asks for forgiveness from the Mussie community of SA.
Snapshot of article #2:
Mail & Guardian Regrets Muhammad Cartoon
The Mail & Guardian (M&G) newspaper regrets the offense caused by a cartoon depicting the prophet Muhammad published on Friday, editor Nic Dawes said.
Dawes said the newspaper, along with cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, better known as Zapiro, met with Muslim community representatives and business leaders in Johannesburg on Wednesday to discuss their concerns.
“We explained to them that we did not intend to cause any harm and we distanced ourselves from the islamophobic imagery depicted on a Facebook group,” Dawes told Sapa in a telephonic interview.
The cartoon, published on Friday, depicts Muhammad lying on a couch complaining to a psychiatrist: “Other prophets have followers with a sense of humour!”
Dawes said publishing the cartoon did not mean the newspaper supported the Facebook group “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” that sparked outrage in Pakistan and other Muslim countries.
In distancing itself from the group, the M&G explained on its website the group claimed to be a protest against restrictions on freedom of speech and religious fanaticism, but had seemingly become a forum for venting islamophobic sentiment.
“We certainly didn’t intend the cartoon to be an endorsement of those kinds of sentiments, which we repudiate,” Dawes wrote on the site.
“We regret the offense caused by the cartoon and the pain experienced by many Muslims around the country.”
Link to the second article:—amp—Guardian-regrets-Muhammad-cartoon
Apparently the M&G staff know zip, nada about Islam and Shariah law, the past 1400 years of Islamic history washed in the blood of the millions who died at the hands of Islam. One really wonder where they have been hiding the last nine years since 9/11? The fools at the M&G have opened the bottle and let the genie out. Look for Islam and the Mussies of SA to ratchet up the war of stealth jihad and infiltration.
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