
Update on why Netanyahu pulled out of nuclear summit

The breach in U.S.-Israeli relations has widened into a gulf after the Israeli Prime Minister pulled out of the Nuclear summit that the Mullah Obamaham is holding, starting this Monday, April 11th. According to this report, 'Washington is furious' over this move by Netanyahu. Israel had nothing to gain by attending and much to lose. With the hostility increasing against Israel by the Obama administration, it became clear that this would turn into a summit to bash Israel over it's nuclear arsenal. This move comes after Obama signed away a strategic advantage in nuclear weapons to the Russians. While it may only be a treaty at this point to reduce nuclear warheads by 30%, the language speaks for itself and has gained the United States nothing in the long run. Obviously, Obama was counting on Israel to attend the summit and walk into an ambush. Netanyahu has had enough of Obama and his anti-Semitic administration. Israel has seen enough of Obama's 'love for Israel and the Jews' that they are standing behind the Israeli Prime Minister, as they should be. "Washington took his withdrawal from the nuclear summit as a message that “Netanyahu would no longer cooperate with the US on security matters so long as the Obama administration pursued a policy Israel regarded as detrimental to its security interests." Detrimental is not the word I would use but then I really do not like to use that type of language here.

Why Netanyahu told Obama to forget it on attending summit
From Debkafile

Here are the two motives highlighted in the article:

1. Israeli government circles were advised to read two reports leaked to US newspapers ( Washington Post: Obama weighs new peace plan for the Middle East and the New York Times: Should US design Mideast peace plan?) which appeared to herald the White House's intention to impose a peace settlement on Israel.

Our sources in Washington and Jerusalem named National Security Adviser James Jones as the source of the leaks. One senior source said the leaked reports were serious because "President Obama has his mind set on getting the borders of Israel and the future Palestinian state negotiated and settled in four months. This process leaves no room for any discussion on the security frontiers promised Israel for decades, yet the US president expects the Netanyahu government to accept Washington's borders-cum-Palestinian state package without demur. His planners have shaped a Palestinian state within borders that make no provision for Israeli security. That is something the Netanyahu government will never accept."

2. At the end of their stormy conversation in the White House, Obama handed Netanyahu a list of 11 issues on which he asked Jerusalem to respond. The prime minister continues to withhold his replies having been convinced from close study of the issues/queries that they were clever formulations designed to trick him into endorsing the new American plan for the Middle East. Without answers to Obama's eleven puzzles, Netanyahu does not feel his trip to Washington is necessary, especially when the only promises he expects to be kept are those of Egyptian, Turkish and other Muslim rulers to slam Israel for its presumed atomic arsenal. Equally unnecessary is the US Middle East envoy George Mitchell's umpteenth shuttle between Jerusalem and Ramallah. His next trip scheduled for April 11 was also called off.

This episode alone illustrates the depth of discord and mistrust clouding relations between the two governments, originating on Israel's side from disappointment over the Obama administration's failure to make good on his high-sounding pledges of tangible steps to abort Iran's nuclear arms program.

Read entire article here

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

Something that Obama does not,
will never understand. Moxi,
huevos or having the will and
fortitude to stand up to the
dangers that your country faces.
America is not his country,
Dean O, it never was and never
will be. Obama is an Islamist
and a Muslim at heart. He has
made this very clear in his
first year in office.

Extremist to the DHS said...

This blog sure likes to put people in boxes with labels, i.e. islamist, communist, patriot, etc. That is a common treatment by both the right and the left I have found.

It allows people to respond to others based on their supposed stereotypes, rather than as an individual. Its not unlike racism, where people paint an individual with a broad brush so they dont have to deal with them and their ideas individually. They can simply dislike someone because they are black or brown or white without knowing anything about them.

Obama is no Muslim, but he is a Christian. Several recent studies show that most Americans who claim to be Christian, attend church less tham six times a year. That means Obama's faith practices are closer to the majority of Americans than say Geore Bushes faith practices were.

PatriotUSA said...

When Obama attends a church like the bad Rev. Wright's and listens to all the hatred for America, whites, Jews and others, that is
not a true representation of a
Christian. Obama's father was a
Muslim, under Islam that makes him
a Muslim. I was not totally in
line with all that Bush did but
history will redeem his presidency
over the years. No, he was a great
president but compatred to Obama and Carter, I would take George

People put themselves in boxes
by what they stand for, beliefs, ideal, morals etc.. Personally,
I have been called so many names
and labels it does not bother me.
You are correct, it is something
both the left and right do. Why do you keep returning here? I am
curious about that. I do appreciate
your comments even thoughwe may not agree on alot.