
SIOA Last call: A new beginning. Time to rock and roll!

Stop Islamization Of America has joined forces with SIOE and has issued it last post from DL Adams. SIOA was a great site, there was not a post that did not educate me and many others. True patriots who saw the horror of Islam from where should all see it from, good vs. evil. SIOA brought many people together united against the dark side, Islam and shariah law. SIOA will now be run under outstanding people on the front line in the battle against Islam: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Stephen Gash and Anders Gravers. You have seen the names here and will see them again. I am a proud member of SIOA and SIOE. I am saddened by the loss out of DL Adams as he brought so much to the table for the counter jihad movement. We are growing and we will not be stopped. If bodies must end up falling and blood must run, so be it. I am not advocating violence but when your government is deaf, dumb and blind sometimes such actions are called for. I pray that is never the case. Please read DL Adams last post!

A La Prochaine – Last Post on this Domain.
DL Adams

SIOA,It is the duty of every American who loves his or her country to speak out and defend it when it is under threat.

We believed, and still do that Islam and Islamic jihad are incompatible with, and threats to, our culture and Constitution. We already have the Constitutional tools to oppose Islam and Sharia law via Article 6 of the Constitution that states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. (See here for more.) Our society unfortunately does not yet have the will nor the understanding of the issues at hand to use this powerful Constitutional tool or the belief even that an existential threat exists for which such Constitutional action must be taken.

Analyses were made and articles written and posted here for the dissemination of this information; foundational material to understand, and ideological tools to use to oppose jihad and the absolutist, cruel ideology that created it.

We did all these things because we believed that it is our duty as Americans who love our country, our people, and our Constitution.

IF the ideology of Islam is totalitarian, misogynist, intolerant, and hateful to non-Muslims then we are obligated to learn about it, and oppose its growth in our country as we would any existential threat.

A recent announcement on the SIOE website as to changes in both SIOE and SIOA suggest that this domain is now superfluous. We will therefore soon discontinue operations at this domain.

While changes have occurred and our involvement with SIOE/SIOA is now concluded we would like to thank everyone who supported our efforts and contributed their time and energies to this important task.

Since this site was launched we’ve received thousands of communications from around the world and across the country in support. We have also had thousands of people send their contact information. For these excellent people I send a special thank you and assure you that your contact data will not be shared with any individual or group without your permission.

Though positive responses were the most common reaction to our posts and to our efforts in general there were also voices of opposition to what is presented on this site and to what has been published elsewhere. To those people in opposition I say this: We have taken our position based entirely upon our understanding of the doctrine of Islam, (Koran, Sira and Hadith), Islamic history, and the statements and actions of those who, in support of this doctrine, hate and/or harm/kill non-believers in compliance with Islamic doctrinal dictates.

We are obligated to oppose ideologies that wish to harm and subjugate those who do not adhere to that ideology. We do not believe in radical tolerance in that every ideology is equivalent and every concept of life is essentially the same in value; we are not post-modernists.

We believe that there is right and wrong; good and evil. We were never motivated by hatred or bigotry in this work but appreciate that some will not understand why we write and say the things we have. We see an existential struggle and have stepped forward to present our views, research, analysis, and thoughts.

Now, with this recent announcement of changes from SIOE it is time for us to step back.

The essential issues of this struggle have not changed though organizations and people may come and go. We did what we did because we love our country and our people, and feel obligated to oppose tyranny and hatred.

This is the final post on this website. Thank you for your support.

DL Adams

Thank you DL Adams! The opening of your post is phenomenal. You will be missed and have no doubts we will be hearing from you again. You are always welcome here at Patriot's Corner.

Now here is the latest from Pamela's site: Atlas Shrugs on
SIOA and the changes towards a new activism.

New Leadership of Stop Islamization of America

am honored to have been asked by Anders Gravers and Stephen Gash to assume leadership of the Stop the Islamization of America movement. Joining me is my partner in crime, Robert Spencer :)

We are very excited to work with our "brothers" in Europe, in concert with FDI (the Freedom Defense Initiative,) Jihad Watch and of course, Atlas.

We are in the planning stages, but look forward to actions, legislation, protests, defense and offense in this war, primarily in the information battlespace. We are in this to win. Be a part of us. If you haven't joined our group at Facebook, go here.

Stop Islamisation Of Europe (SIOE) is an alliance of people across Europe with the single aim of preventing Islam becoming a dominant political force in Europe.

It originated with the joining of Stop Islamificering Af Danmark (SIAD), a political party dedicated to stopping the Islamisation in Denmark, with a loose association of people in England, whose rallying cry is “No Sharia Here”, who want to maintain English law and want to stop the creeping growth of sharia law in England.

SIOE is growing in Europe with the amalgamation of similarly minded groups. It has spawned similar groups across the world (Stop the Islamisation of England, Australia, et al).

Anders Gravers, Danish leader of the Stop the Islamisation of Europe movement -- now a political party -- made this announcement:

We have now formed a new board for SIOA. The new board of SIOA is: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Stephen Gash and Anders Gravers.

The leaders of SIOA are Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.
Stephen and I have discussed for quite some time the fact that SIOA has not developed in the direction we wanted. There are groups enough who just write about the danger of Islam, but very few groups that actually do something to try to stop the Islamisation of the Western civilization.

SIOA was meant to be a group that should take action, staging demonstrations, happenings and events against the Islamisation of the U.S.

The way Stephen and I see it, we need to make SIOA more active. And in order to do that, we have now — after working for a long time to persuade them to take this on — gotten a yes from both Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer to become the leaders of SIOA.

We think they are the right people to bring SIOA to the forefront in the fight against the Islamisation of the U.S.
Anders Gravers

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