
Sheriff Joe strikes again in Arizona: What a great idea!

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has come up with another idea to make inmates 'earn' their keep in Arizona. Not only could inmates be powering the televisons they watch but think how this might reduce any obesity on the part of the inmates? Now you poltically correct people out there please do not get all rattled and foaming at the mouth. In today's economy and move towards being a 'green economy' what is there not to like about this idea? Way to go Sheriff Joe!

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced a new program where inmates have to pedal on exercise bicycles to watch television.

 AZCentral,  Inmates will pedal on a bike that generates 12 volts, enough electrical current to power a 19-inch tube television at the Tent City television viewing area. One hour of pedaling equals one hour of television watching.

Typically, inmates are only allowed to watch the Weather Channel, Food Network, and C-SPAN, but with the new program they will be allowed to watch any local channel.

Arpaio said he hopes the new idea encourages inmates to exercise.

For now the program is only available to female inmates because they seemed more receptive to the idea than the male inmates, Arpaio said in a statement.

Arpaio said only those who have agreed to pedal will have access to the inmate-powered television. Inmates won't be charged a monthly gym fee but will have to sign a contract, Arpaio said.

From iOwnTheWorld

Who doesn’t remember these pinheads at Jones Soda company?

The employees bicycled to create power at the bottling plant headquarters. *Notice the fan pointed at the guy (?) in the denim capri pants. He (?) is powering the fan used to cool himself (?) off from all the pedaling, rendering his(?) entire efforts pretty much naught.*

Well, the good Sherrif and Jones Soda has given me an idea. Every stupid idea that spills out of a progressive’s gob hole should be implemented at prisons. Let’s see the ACLU, or some other activist group, defend prisoners from the same things progressives have in store for us.

-Sugar in prison food shall be limited.

-Fat in prison food food will be limited.

-Cigarettes will be banned.

-All electrical devices will be powered by the prisoner him/herself.

-No more hot showers, unless you want to pedal for one.

-Water will be rationed.

-Prison thermostats will be set at 62* in winter, 80* in summer.

-All material belongings will be divided equally among the prison population.

-Prison’s are State funded facilities. No more religion. Period.

I’m interested in hearing some more ideas.

Hat tip: iOwnTheWorld

3 Comments - Share Yours!:

Gary Fouse said...

Joe is like me a retired DEA agent.

Gary Fouse said...

Joe is like me a retired DEA agent.

PatriotUSA said...

Well, that is just one of the reasons I like both of you!

Sure could use a bunch of
Sheriff Jooe's across the