
A reading list for Obama

This would be a great list for an Islamophobe, Counter Jihadist or anyone wanting to know the truth about Islam. I have read many of these books and these all deserve to be on this list. While we can be sure the mullah obamaham would never read any of these, I can suggest this reading list to you, to learn more about Islam and what the truth about Islam really is.

An Islamofascist Reading List for President Obama
C. MacLeod Fuller

There is nothing more horrible than the murder of a beautiful theory
by a brutal gang of facts. - La Rochefoucauld

Fresh from the battlefield of solving America's healthcare conundrum, President Obama has gamely refused to let the sun set upon his dogged determination to single-handedly transform life's realities into hallucination.

Today we receive the latest good news out of the Obama Administration that the twin problems of Islamic jihad and Islamic fascism no longer threaten the world -- the President is banning use of such terminology from National Security documents, briefings, and interoffice post-it notes.

Like Vonnegut's Tralfamadorians in Slaughter House Five (whose response to war was ignoring it, and whose only form of reading a book filled with symbols which represented pleasant thoughts and events), President Obama resides in a comfortable world of politically correct delusion, convinced cheap rhetoric is more powerful than the haute couture of suicide vests and murderously transformative, politically-based theological zeal.

Both the President and 300,000,000 Americans (not to mention Europeans, Australians, Indians, Central and South Americans, etc.) would be better served if, rather than alienating Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Obama instead turned to combating the doctrinaire nightmare quite explicit in its 14-centuries-long quest to replace Western Civilization with Islam and sharia.

Herewith, a suggested reading list to get the President and his advisors started.

Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism - A Call to Action (2007), George Weigel

Knowing the Enemy - Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror (2006), Mary Habeck

Islamic Imperialism - A History (2006), Efraim Karsh

The Al Qaeda Reader (2007), Raymond Ibrahim, editor and translator

The Legacy of Jihad - Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims (2005), A.G. Bostom, editor

While Europe Slept - How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within (2006), Bruce Bawer

Why I am Not a Muslim (1995; 2003), Ibn Warraq

World War IV - The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism (2007), Norman Podhoretz

The Trouble With Islam Today - A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith (2003), Irshad Manji

The First Crusade - A New History: The Roots of Conflict Between Christianity and Islam (2004), Thomas Asbridge

The Crisis of Islam - Holy War and Unholy Terror (2003), Bernard Lewis

The Political Language of Islam (1988; 1991), Bernard Lewis

What Went Wrong - The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East (2002), Bernard Lewis

Religion of Peace? - Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn't (2007), Robert Spencer

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (2005), Robert Spencer

America Alone - The End of the World As We Know It (2006), Mark Steyn

After reading the above, then the President may wish to peruse either of the following translations - and do so with a less sophist apologist eye.

The Koran (or Quran, canonical text established c. 651-2 A.D.; original translation 1956; current, 2000), N. J. Dawood

Al-Qura'ān (or Koran) (original translation, 1984; "contemporary" translation, 2000), Ahmed Ali

Hat tip: American Thinker

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ripley said...

Tanks for this precious list. We are a same list in France...even their authors are'nt never asked for on the theFrench TV.

In Spain, the muslims call for the reintroduction of the Muslim worship in the cathedral of Cordoba ( captured by the Spanish knights in 1236), as if the country was again a caliphate's territory.

The Prime Minister Erdogan advised the Turks to take the french nationality. Easy job : the national identity card is given to everyone. This year the eurocrats men celebrate Istambul, the turkish capital as an European cultural capital.

PatriotUSA said...

Pretty sad what is going on
in Europe and now the USA under
the Mullah Obama. It si all
about Islam and making it easier
to establish it here, worse
than it already is. Thanks for
stopping in to the 'Corner.