
Pirates captured by Navy Frigate USS Nicholas

Excellent and this only could be better if the USS Nicholas had just sank the pirate boat and all the pirates had been killed. Less jihadists in the world as I see it. But with the ROE that the pussy Obama instituted upon his election, the Navy cannot quite 'blast the scumbag jihadists out of the water.' Note the article ends by saying that piracy will be a problem until stability comes to Somalia's government. Wishful thinking as piracy will continue to be a problem until the pirates are just killed on sight after being identified as what they really are. They deserve no quarter, no favor and certainly not a new life in a host country

U.S. Navy frigate captures pirate mother ship

 NBC, NAIROBI, Kenya - U.S. naval forces said Thursday they've captured five pirates after exchanging fire with them, sinking their skiff and confiscating a mother ship.

The USS Nicholas was just west of the Seychelles in international waters Thursday when crew began taking fire from a suspected pirate skiff, NBC News reported. The Nicholas returned fire and disabled the pirate boat, then pursued the skiff until it finally broke down.

The U.S. sailors were able to board the skiff and arrest three suspected pirates. On board, the sailors found ammunition and several cans of fuel on board, NBC News reported.

A short time later, the sailors were able to take control of a nearby mother ship and detained two more suspected pirates.

Mother ships are often used to take gangs of pirates and smaller attack boats into deep water, and can be used as mobile bases to attack merchant vessels.

The U.S. Africa Command said the five pirates seized would remain in U.S. custody on board the frigate. The Nicholas is home-ported in Norfolk, Va.

International naval forces have stepped up their enforcement of the waters off East Africa in an effort to thwart a growing pirate trade.

Experts say piracy will continue to be a problem until an effective government is established on Somalia's lawless shores. The country has not had a functioning government for 19 years.

4 Comments - Share Yours!:

WomanHonorThyself said...

Experts say piracy will continue to be a problem until an effective government is established on Somalia's lawless shores...and Hussein will do nothing!!!

PatriotUSA said...

The mullah obamaham probably is getting a percentage of the ransom
the pirates are getting. After
all, he is the first mussie

Ron Russell said...

I'm like you, the pirates should have been blasted out of the water. Instead those that were captured will be turned over to the Somali government and after a few bribes will be back on the water in short order. Thats a fact!

PatriotUSA said...

No mercy, no quarter, just
waste their sorry butts.
It is a revolving door in
Somalia with these jihadi
criminals of the sea.