
MAD is dead under Obama. More cowardice and appeasement from Obama

Here is an excellent analysis on what the Obama adminsitration is doing to the security and defense of our country. Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD) has been a cornerstone of U.S. policy for years. It has been one of the main reasons we are were the power we once were recognized to be. President Nixon used the MAD policy like no other president. I am sure many of you hate Nixon and to be sure, he was not a great president. But Nixon and Henry Kissinger understood what it takes to keep a country safe in an ever increasingly hostile world. Ronald Reagan was another champion of understanding the threats of the real world to U.S. safety and security. Recall that during the Nixon, Reagan administrations time, the world did not have the threats from rogue states that exist today. Do you feel safe with the first Muslim POTUS? I most certainly do not.


The United States will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states that are party to the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and in compliance with their nuclear non-proliferation obligations. This revised assurance is intended to underscore the security benefits of adhering to and fully complying with the NPT and persuade non-nuclear weapon states party to the Treaty to work with the United States and other interested parties to adopt effective measures to strengthen the non-proliferation regime.

In making this strengthened assurance, the United States affirms that any state eligible for the assurance that uses chemical or biological weapons against the United States or its allies and partners would face the prospect of a devastating conventional military response – and that any individuals responsible for the attack, whether national leaders or military commanders, would be held fully accountable. Given the catastrophic potential of biological weapons and the rapid pace of bio-technology development, the United States reserves the right to make any adjustment in the assurance that may be warranted by the evolution and proliferation of the biological weapons threat and U.S. capacities to counter that threat.

-United States Defense Department Nuclear Posture Review Report, April 2010

Continue reading here for the full report

Now consider this: three of the world's worst regimes--Cuba, Iran, and Syria--are parties to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. They are also allies with stockpiles of biological weapons and ties to terrorist groups, including Iran's Islamist, Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.

Owing to the Obama administration's new nuclear policy, these avowed enemies of the U.S. can attack the U.S. with biological weapons--send smallpox-infected terrorists to walk among Americans, for example--without fear of triggering a U.S. nuclear retaliation. Iran is a possible exception because it is considered to be in non-compliance with the NPT.

Certainly, an NPT-party's risk of being obliterated as a result of sponsoring or aiding an anonymous biological attack on the U.S. has been practically eliminated.

Also from China Confidential:

For the first time in history, the United States will formally rule out using nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear weapons state--even if it attacks the U.S. homeland with chemical or biological weapons, or brings the U.S. to its knees with a crippling cyber-attack. Click here for the alarming story.

[China Confidential predicted Obama's health care overhaul victory would embolden him to press for disarmament and arms control. Click here for the posting.]

Read the news and weep, for it is now official also that there is no deterrent against an anonymous nuclear attack on the U.S. Instead of focusing on this real and present danger, the U.S. President is boldly moving in the opposite direction--toward catastrophe.

The dramatic change in nuclear policy is a gift to Islamist terrorists. Obama has let them know that they can again crash airplanes into U.S. buildings, send smallpox-infected fanatics to walk among the American people, launch Mumbai-style swarming assaults on U.S. cities ... without fear of nuclear retaliation.

POSTSCRIPT: Obama's new nuclear arms policy is also a gift to Cuba (and its ally, Venezuela). Cuba, which actually once threatened the U.S. with nuclear missiles (supplied by the Soviet Union), can now attack the U.S. with biological weapons--bubonic plague, for example--without fear of a U.S. nuclear reprisal.

In fact, bubonic plague is one of the toxins that Cuba has developed under civilian cover, probably at a lab just outside Havana that foreigners have visited without understanding the facility's real importance.

Cuba has also developed botulism and yellow fever--and bacteria and viruses that can be used to spread dangerous sicknesses that are unknown and difficult to diagnose.

Cuba's bioweapons can be deployed as simply as sending a conventional suicide bomber to attack a mall or a restaurant, making the Communist-controlled country, which is located in the northern Caribbean, just 90 miles south of Key West, Florida, a potential biowarfare base for Iran and its terrorist proxies.

Cuba's close cooperation with Iran in military and intelligence matters dates to the Ayatollah Khomeini's 1979 (Carter administration-assisted) overthrow of the Shah, a modernizing monarch who made the fatal mistakes of trusting blindly in U.S. assurances and commitments (Israel, take notice) and getting on the wrong side of the left-leaning media.

In 2001, Cuba's Communist dictator, Fidel Castro, visited Iran, Libya, and Syria--on whose side Cuba covertly fought against Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

During his visit to Iran, Castro said, “Iran and Cuba, in cooperation with each other, can bring America to its knees.”

Castro's visit to Iran followed a visit to Cuba by Iranian President Mohammed Khatami--hailed in the West as the mullahocracy's first "reformist" President. Khatami toured Havana's flagship Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and praised the Castro regime's achievements in science and technology. Khatami's 2000 visit and speech, replete with references to "imperialist" enemies, reflected nearly a decade of biotechnology cooperation accords and transfer agreements between Cuba and Iran.

Boasting more than 300 biotechnology centers, Cuba is a world leader in biotech-pharmaceutical research. Scientists in Havana are working on vaccinations against AIDS, cancer, leprosy and cholera.

Cuba has transferred to Iran proprietary technology and production equipment for hepatitis-b vaccine, erythropoietin (EPO), interferon, streptokinase, and other biotechnology products. Cuba has also provided advanced training in biotechnology techniques to some 30 Iranian scientists.

In 1996, three years after signing their first biotechnology cooperation agreement, Cuba's Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and Iran's Pasteur Institute formed a joint venture firm, Novaran Tec Kish. Its genetic engineering/biotech research center has been described by Cuba's official media as "the most modern [biotechnology complex] of its type in the Middle East."

America's former UN envoy, John Bolton, while serving as Undersecretary of State for arms control and international security, triggered a furor in May of 2002, when he said: “The United States believes that Cuba has at least a limited offensive biological warfare research and development effort. Cuba has provided dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states."

In May 1998, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen testified in Congress that Cuba possesses advanced biotechnology and is capable of mass-producing agents for biological warfare.

Hat tip: China Confidential

4 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Will no one rid me of this meddlesome Messiah?

PatriotUSA said...

We will be rid of it, Findalis.
It has started and we must
make sure to remove the many
malignancies this coming
November, and then remove
the tumor, Obama in 2012.
That is the main cause
of all of this that has
happened since his being
crowned King.

Obama, truly a legend only
in his own mind.

Ron Russell said...

Let a major biological or chemical attack come and have Obama sit on his butt----he will be history. Heck we did away with our biological and chemical stockpiles years ago, all we have left in the area of WMD's are nukes. We would have to use them in event of a major attack.

PatriotUSA said...

Does he have the huevos
and moxi to use them? I
am not so sure he does.
We do not have the options
we used to and that is why
this is just another bad
move on Obama's part.