
Leftists trolls and the Wikileak video.... Update

Here is one more update on the wikileak video and more leftist trolls. This is just part of what you find at American Power.

WikiLeaks Communist AGITPROP Escalates: More MSM Outlets Fall in Line; Bravo Company Trooper is Left's Latest Useful Idiot

While highly critical of the Pentagon, Danger Room emphasizes key information that hasn't been reiterated enough elsewhere:

According to an investigation by the 1st Air Cavalry Brigade (.pdf) , the aircrew “accurately assessed that the criteria to find and terminate the threat to friendly forces were met in accordance with the law of armed conflict and rules of engagement.” The report concluded that the attack helicopters positively identified the threat, established hostile intent, conducted appropriate collateral damage assessment and received clearance to fire.

What’s more, the military indirectly blamed the reporters for being in the company of “armed insurgents” and making no effort to identify themselves as journalists. An investigating officer with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 2nd Infantry Division, concluded that “the cameramen made no effort to visibly display their status as press (.pdf) or media representatives” and added that “their familiar behavior with, and close proximity to, the armed insurgents and their furtive attempts to photograph the Coalition Ground Forces made them appear as hostile combatants to the Apaches that engaged them.” A long telephoto lens, the officer says, could have been mistaken for a rocket-propelled grenade.
Meanwhile, the communist AGITPROP campaign continues, with Marxist revolutionary commentators weighing in from all sides. For example, at CounterPunch, "Dracula's Army: The Veils of Illusion":

In Afghanistan and Iraq the invaders have committed numerous atrocities: shooting unarmed locals at check points, on the street, even while they're tilling fields. We've bombed wedding parties, raided homes at midnight and murdered occupants of all ages, lying about it. We've stormed hospitals in Fallujah, unleashed chemical weapons (phosphorous), left a trail of depleted uranium … We've flattened the offices of Al Jazeera (twice), shoved “suspects” in dungeons, hid inmates from the International Red Cross and tortured prisoners to death …. and it’s still happening, day after day, with Drones wiping out remote villages, shredding their families, assassinating anyone we choose.

Actually, as I've repored here, the norm of non-combatant immunity has been universally internalized in the U.S. armed forces, and civilian casualties have been lower in America's current wars than any wars in U.S. history. But "imperialist atrocities" sell on the hypocritical neo-communist left. See also, at Workers World, "Leaked Pentagon Video Reveals Occupation’s Brutality in Iraq":

It is an absolutely chilling demonstration of cold-blooded murder. A U.S. Apache gunship circles a Baghdad neighborhood looking for “targets” — people to kill. A military video shows the intended targets through superimposed crosshairs: a group of men dressed in civilian clothes, no masks, no apparent weapons, casually sauntering along a street and into a small square.

The film is eerily silent except for staccato radio messages between the helicopter, command headquarters and nearby troops on the ground. This is so poorly informed it'd be laughable, if it wasn't for the fact that the media's enablers won't debunk this communist bull, and the lies will be passed down the proletarian ranks. And from the International Committee of the Fourth International, "Leaked video shows US military killing of two Iraqi journalists." Plus, at the Committee to Protect Journalists, in a backgrounder, "Technicalities: 10 Questions on WikiLeaks," spread the lie that convicted communist Julian Assange is a "journalist.", And at the leftist London Independent, an absurd commentary from Joan Smith, "Now We See What War Does to Those Who Wage It."

Entire article is here

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