
Lack of a spine and cowardice.Obama hands our enemies a free nuclear pass.

Yesterday I posted an excellent article on what Obama has done to the security and safety of the United States with his ignorant, arrogant nuclear weapons policy. IBD has come out with another op/ed that agrees with what was stated by China Confidential and myself quite some time ago. No need for me to say more and see if you agree with what IBD is stating.

Obamalateral Disarmament
Investor's Business Daily

IBD, National Security: Aiming at a world where nuclear weapons are obsolete, the administration's nuclear posture review leaves a world without American nuclear weapons and the backbone to use them.

After his stunning bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, Japanese Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto lamented that all that had been accomplished was to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.

Under policies announced by the Obama administration, a devastating chemical or biological attack on this country might merely awaken our very own Hamlet and fill him with a terrible sense of angst.

We have said before that rather than strive for a world without nuclear weapons, we should strive for a world without enemies willing to use them against us. Our retaliatory power should be unquestioned, as should be our willingness to use it. President Reagan called this proven and successful policy peace through strength. It has been replaced by a hair-splitting policy of nuance.

The U.S. is now promising not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, even if they attack America with biological or chemical weapons or launch a paralyzing cyberattack.

This is good news for our enemies to know — they can wipe out much of New York City, but as long as their signature is on that piece of paper, their capital is safe from becoming a pile of irradiated rubble. We are not making this up.

In this nuclear posture, which can best be described as slouching in a recliner, we renounce the development of any new nuclear weapons, thus ensuring the aging of our nuclear deterrent into obsolescence and irrelevance.

And we'll be getting rid of some old ones — the long-range, nuclear-capable Tomahawk cruise missile, for example.

Our arsenal is to shrink by thousands of nuclear weapons, and we'll restrict the instances in which their use is an option. Worse yet, we'll tell our enemies when and if we will use them, eliminating the ambiguity that has helped keep us safe. Under President George W. Bush, our posture reserved the right to use nuclear weapons "to deter a wide range of threats," including biological and chemical attack.

President Obama will sign a U.S.-Russian arms treaty in Prague on Thursday and host a nuclear security summit in Washington next week. The administration says the treaty will scale back the number of deployed long-range warheads by 30%. Obama pledges we will "reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy." Unfortunately, he will reduce our national security as well.

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