
Florida doctor: "If you voted for Obama, seek treatment elsewhere."

I really cannot blame this doctor who put this sign up in the door to his practice. My own doctors, ALL of them feel the same way about Obamacare. Three of them voted for Obama and now regret their votes for him. They think Obamacare is a disaster. So is this doctor a bad doctor, hateful or a racist? In my opinion, absolutely not. This is still America and we have freedom of speech, for now. One only has to compare this simple sign to the abundance of hate filled words, speeches and demonstrations by the likes of Code Pink, many Islamic groups and Muslims(not all), and the far left. This doctor is not refusing to treat patients. He is making a statement of how he feels about Obama, Obamacare and those who voted for him. He is not questioning his patients over this. There have been a few patients who have complained. That is all right as this is still America. Keep in mind this is a MSNBC article and has a bit of 'slam the conservatives' tone to it.

Fla. doc's sign warns off Obama supporters

MSNBC, MOUNT DORA, Fla. - A central Florida urologist has posted a sign on his office door warning supporters of President Barack Obama to find a different doctor.

The notice on Dr. Jack Cassell's Mount Dora practice says, "If you voted for Obama, seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your healthcare begin right now, not in four years."

Cassell told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday he wasn't questioning patients or refusing care, because that would be unethical.

"But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it," he said.

Cassell, 56, also provides Republican reading material in the waiting room — probably not a risky move, given that Mount Dora's 10,000 residents and the surrounding area lean heavily conservative. Above a stack of GOP health care literature, a sign reads: "This is what the morons in Washington have done to your health care. Take one, read it and vote out anyone who voted for it."

A spokeswoman from the Florida Department of Health, which licenses physicians and investigates complaints, said Friday there was no law prohibiting Cassell from advertising himself this way.

"Because there is no statute, there would be no grounds for a complaint," spokeswoman Eulinda Smith said. "It would be legally deficient,"

A University of Florida professor said Cassell is walking a thin line between free speech and professional obligation. William Allen, a specialist in bioethics, law and medical professionalism, said civil rights protections can prevent patient discrimination. But the law only provides for race, gender, religion, sexual orientation and disability — not political opinion.

Allen said Cassell may be within his rights if he doesn't quiz patients about their politics and hasn't refused to see anyone.

"(He's) trying to hold onto the nub of his ethical obligation," Allen said. "But this is pushing the limit."

Cassell has been practicing in the area since 1988. His wife, Leslie Campione, is a lawyer and GOP candidate for the county commission.

Cassell says most patients have been extremely supportive, though three had complained.

"They know it's not good for them," Cassell said.

Tags: abortion, Obamacare, Constitution, Doctors that say NO, Freedom of speech To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

Prudence said...

It is so sad that a doctor like Jack Cassell has to make his profession integrated to politics of this great nation.
When Jack Cassell pass the medical Board, I am pretty sure he was sworn into his profession. I am pretty sure he took the oath of Hippocrates, Father of Medicine.
In the oath, they swore to serve mankind with their knowledge of medicine, without due regard to race, creed, patient station in life, or social and political affiliation. That being a doctor, his first responsibility is to save a life not barter his position as a doctor to not save a life because that person voted for someone he hates or dislike.
The Hippocrates Oath is very sacred to me, this great Greek doctor has been the inspiration of many person who was inspired to become a doctor for the purpose of just saving lives not compromise the life of a human being.
Jack Cassell.....you are one doctor (person) who will not discourage me to not trust any doctor who are dedicated to their profession.
You will do mankind a favor if you just enter politics and not practice a noble profession.