
A Call To Arms.

One of the finest, most knowledgeable writers I have had the pleasure to read and get to know is RJ Moeller, who does Voice In The Wilderness. I have featured his writing before here on the Corner. His latest article may be his best yet. Each post gets better. That is the mark of great writer. This is what I call “A Call To Arms." War has been declared on America, our Constitution, our Freedom, Liberty, our prosperity, our security, both at home and abroad. The war was declared not by conservatives but liberals and the far left. These demosocialistacrats, as I call them are doing all they can to ensure we the people, must be dependent on the government for everything. The dreaded 'nanny state.’ Look around and tell me what has the government run well in the past, present or will run well in the future? Government Motors? (GM and Chrysler), The Post Office, Amtrak (this one hurts as I love trains and traveling by train!) The far left has heaped massive debt upon our children and beyond. Not to mention those of us who will be around for quite some time. The list of offenses by this administration is very long and getting longer. My mug of beer is empty so it is off to the 'fridge for one more. Here is RJ Moeller at his very best.

November 2010/Country/Back or A Call To Arms
RJ Moeller

To all Conservatives, Libertarians, Republicans, and sensible moderates: STOP participating in the collectivist-inspired “Rain Dance” that liberals, Leftists, and progressives promise you has nothing to do with their insatiable ideological desire for growing the size, scope, power, and influence of the federal government! It’s not merely “all about the children” to Nancy Pelosi and President Obama. They believe true compassion is best facilitated via the IRS.

For at least two consecutive generations in this country, the would-be defenders of liberty, limited government, the republican (small “r”) synthesis of personal responsibility with civic duty, and Judeo-Christian values have ceded the historical, economic, and theological solid ground that is rightly theirs to stand on. While activists on the Left read Saul Alinsky, made in-roads with inner city minorities, passed society-changing legislation, motivated young people to vote, and infiltrated every level of the media, entertainment industry, and education system, conservatives (especially religious ones) spent their time convincing themselves that their only duties were to make a good living, keep to themselves, and send their kids to Sunday School (unless Sunday School conflicted with soccer games, of course).

The time for such short-sighted, “stage one” thinking has come to an end…or the American “experiment” in republican democracy will.

It is inexpressibly praiseworthy to be a hardworking conservative who provides for his or her family. And there is nothing I want more for Americans than for them to seek God out and attend weekly religious services. But it is not enough. Not if you care about the fate of your country. Not if you care about the lives (and souls) being crushed by their enslavement to welfare entitlements. Not if the taking of 50 million lives due to abortion matters to your conscience. Not if you believe, as I do, that the health or sickness of a society rests squarely on the shoulders of the institution of marriage (and the subsequent family it logically produces). Not if staggering, crushing debt left to your children’s children is as morally objectionable a thought to you as it is to me.

Not if the truth matters.

It is a frustratingly interesting thing to watch from the perspective of a white, suburban-living male in his 20’s as all of the parents and business owners and pastors and teachers and soccer moms around me talk about being “conservative” or believing in “traditional moral values” and then don’t even take the time to vote, or read one Wall Street Journal article per week, or investigate the ideology of political candidates, or peruse even small excerpts from massive pieces of legislation that will impact their lives forever if not repealed.

The mid-term elections in November are roughly seven months away. This summer could be your “Road to Damascus” moment when the veils of apathy, indifference, and misinformation are finally lifted from your mind and heart’s eyes. Elections don’t fix America; Americans fix America.

But while elections cannot fix America, they absolutely can lead to the erosion of it.

Putting people into the highest reaches of power who have as a core tenet of their worldview the growth of their own power is contrary to the historical, legal, and philosophical underpinnings of the nation we love and cherish. We do need to take our country back, but not for the GOP or Democrats or even Ralph Nader. We need to take our country back for the ideas, ideals, and values it represents and the overwhelming majority of us believe in.

Who you vote for is the last step in a journey that begins with a realization that freedom isn’t free; that you cannot divorce what you love about your city, state, and country from your duty to them.

Go get involved. You know you want to, and the rest of us need you to.

Read the complete article here

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