
Young Christian Pakistani girl raped and killed by Muslim attorney

I am at a loss for words here with this crime against a young,
innocent girl. Her crimes? Being a young woman and a Christian
woman. Here is how the authorities have dealt with this so far:

The mother of victim Shazia and father told Forum of Minorities leaders that “Lawyer Mohammad Naeem offered them Rs. 20000 deal to keep this issue under ground” Culprit Mohammad Naeem also threatened to victims family that “if they shout no body will listen and they will never get any thing” The defence Police were also not interested to registered FIR against Mohammad Naeem.

Christians in Islamic countries are treated this way all the time.
Especially the young girls and women. Whether you are born a
Christian or if you convert from Islam to Christianity, you are
considered and apostate. This can be and is, punishable by
death under Islam and shariah law. Where are the feminists,
the liberals who champion women's rights and freedom from
oppression? Where is NOW, The Huffy Post, Daily Kos? I'll
tell you where they are. Hiding in their libtarded drivel, afraid
to say anything against Islam or Muslims. Afraid of insulting
Islam or Muslims becaus that is not the multicultural way of
life, honoring the creed and puke of diversity. Then I and
others will speak out on Shazia Masih's behalf. Join me in
reporting this since the MSM will not do this justice.

Pakistani Christian Post

This is just a horrendous crime against a 12 year old Christian girl. She was raped by a Muslim attorney, Mohammad Naeemh. More here

Pakistan: 12 years old Christian maid girl raped and killed by Muslim Attorney

The Christian girl Shazia was working as a Domestic Worker in AA 444 Defense Lahore with Muhammad Naeem Lawyer of Lahore High Court Lahore. He never paid a single penny to Shazia from last 8 months. On 21st of January 2010. Shazia’s Mother received a dead body of her younger girl 13 year and was shocked then she called some people from her neighbor and then they called mid Khalid Shahzad G Secretary Forum of Minorities.

According to our investigation that Shazia has rapped and torture by the Muhammad Naeem Lawyer Lahore High Court Lahore. He tried to hide this case and also pressurize to her father and media that I am a lawyer and will see who will highlight this issue because the court and the lawyer community is with me. Yesterday night he came with his relative from Pak Army when they come to know that the deal will be not successful then the Brigadier of the Pak Army left away. According to this case we come to know that the elite class and the influence people don’t care about the law and order and they can use the law as they want. Shazia was only the source of income of her family because her two elder sisters has been married and she was only the hope of her young brother Sunny aged 8 years.

Continue reading

Hat tip: Atlas Shrugs

Christian teenage Shazia daughter of Bashir Masih aged 12 years, resident of Islamia Park, Punch Road Aria Nagar, Samanabad, Lahore was found dead after rape by Muslim attorney Mohammad Naeem (more here)

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

This in unexceptable and we should continue to expose such things. Naturally the Daily Kos and other lefty groups will say nothing. There was a time when the left in this counry was pro-Israel, but that was back in the 1950's and almost completely vanished by the end of the 1960's. Things have really changed since by youth. The world has flipped, sometimes I feel left behind.

PatriotUSA said...

I Feel the same way, left behind
at times. The liberals of today
are nothing like when I was young,
in the 50s and 6os. My Mother, if
alive today would have been
horrified by the actions of
'today's'liberals and leftists.
She was very liberal

The world has indeed flipped.
Incompletely the wrong direction.