Douglas Farah
The Grand Mufti and Hitler. This is the creep who started the
Musim Brotherhood. Hitler met with him because he admired
how Islam had persecuted and killed Jews over the centuries.
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report broke the story that the U.S. State Department Tariq Ramadan's ban from entering the United States. Ramadan , an influential European leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who was long banned because of alleged ties to terrorist activity.
The lifting of the ban, ordered by Secretary of State Clinton, is a significant victory for the Brotherhood, who has sought to frame the issue of Ramadan's exclusion as one of academic freedom rather one of national security. Ramadan was ecstatic, saying on his blog:
"Today’s decision reflects the Obama administration’s willingness to reopen the United States to the rest of the world, and to permit critical debate. Coming after nearly six years of inquiry and investigation, Secretary Clinton’s order confirms what I have affirmed and reaffirmed from day one: the first accusations of terrorist connections (subsequently dropped), then donations to Palestinian solidarity groups, were nothing more than a pretense to prohibit me from speaking critically about American government policy on American soil. The decision brings to an end a dark period in American politics that saw security considerations invoked to block critical debate through a policy of exclusion and baseless allegation. Today I am delighted at the decision."
I am sickened by this decision. it is yet more proof that the
Obama administration does not have a clue of what Tariq
Ramadan represents, and what the true, vile plan of the Muslim
Brotherhood is. This serpent is well known for saying the things
that people like to hear about Islam and the MB, and completely
meaning and saying something else to his followers.
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