
The Pentagon report on Fort Hood. Where is the blame on Islam and the terrorist Hasan?

Patriot Post
National Security:  Department of Military Correctness: Hood-winked

This is from the Patriot Post Digest. They ask:"we have some questions:
Has anyone been fired yet? If not, why not? And what's wrong with naming
Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the terrorist who killed 14 people, including an
unborn child, in the report? Or what's wrong with mentioning "radical Islam"
-- the fuel fanning Hasan's fire -- and perhaps a discussion of its role in
why this attack happened?

Great questions asked by the Post. Here are my answers. Has anyone
been fired yet? If not, why not? Firing the indidviduals responsible
would be taking responsibility for the numerous security breeches
that happened over time to allow this act of terrorism to take place.
The persons responsible roll up hill, all the way to the top. Yes, I hold
Obama as one of the indidviduals responsible for this act of terrorism.
Look no further than his capitulation speech to Islam and Muslims given
on June 4, 2009 from Cairo. Now Obama would not fire himself or
anyone else would he? It is much easier to blame Bush, Cheney
and our military.

"And what's wrong with naming Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the terrorist who
killed 14 people, including an unborn child, in the report?" If the report
mentions Hasan, then the Pentagon names a Muslim, and then blames
Islam as most Muslims follow Islam. Indeed, the Pentagon report should
have named Hasan as a murdering Muslim terrorist because that is
what he is. We all know that not all Muslims who follow Islam are
terrorists but please, connect those dots and complete the picture.
What other ideology, religion, permits and exhorts violence,
persecution and death like islam does, other than Islam? There are
none that do, period.

"Or what's wrong with mentioning "radical Islam" -- the fuel fanning Hasan's
fire -- and perhaps a discussion of its role in why this attack happened? "
Remember Obama and his administration have basically outlawed
the use of terms Radical Islam, terrorist, war on terrorism and others.
Anything that will name Islam, Muslims in any negative way has been
pretty much banned from use, even by our military who is waging the
war against Islamic fueled terrorism around the globe. In this age of
Obama we dare not say, write, speak any words that implicate Muslims
or Islam with the true roots of terrorism as waged through jihad, by
Islam. The Pentagon has been ordered to be sure they remain
politically correct, diversified, honor multiculturalism, even if they
are murdering Muslims, brainwashed by the evil perversions that
infect Islam. One has to just read the Koran, hadiths to really
understand Islam, jihad and taqiya. So if the Pentagon report will
not name this act of terrorism by a radical Muslim, driven by radical
Islam to wage jihad, murder those who may not,
probably did not agree with or follow Islam, then I can, and will.
I will keep repeating this and reporting other acts of terrorism as
long as I can. The truth will prevail. Islam can, must and will be
defeated. We have no other  choice. I would rather give  my life
fighting the curse of Islam than ever becoming one, under Islam.

Patriot Post Digest

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