
Immigration reform, Amnesty bill are the same thing. We must seal our borders.

Here is an excellent commentary by J.D. Longstreet on the
new Amnesty bill being proposed by our anti-American
Democsocialistacrats. They can call it anything they want
but this is not immigration reform. It is a free pass for
millions of illegal aliens already inside our country. We
have laws already in place to stop this but the government
refuses to drop the hammer on illegal aliens in our country.

With the victory today by Scott Brown in liberal Massachusetts,
the first shot has been fired by conservatives in the long battle to
retake Congress and neuter the Obama administration null and void.

New Amnesty Bill referred to as: “IMMIGRATION REFORM!”

J.D. Longstreet

"Many conservatives warned that it was premature to declare the death of the Immigration Bill, the last time it was defeated in the Senate. And sure enough, here it comes again. Camouflaged, but essentially the same thing. The folks on the left never quit. We have no choice but to man the barricades once again.

Isn’t there something very sad (and very telling) when the people of a country have to “force” their own government to respond to the wishes of their people? Isn’t it telling as to how far we have traveled down the road toward “totalitarian government”? Have we learned anything??? I doubt it!

You may remember back last summer, President Obama played host for a White House meeting to re-launch the legislative process for “comprehensive” immigration reform. Then, a few days afterwards, several big city police chiefs went public and urged Congress to bring illegal immigrants “out from the shadows.” The Obama Regime is about to ram the New Amnesty Bill – AKA Immigration Reform Bill, right through Congress and sign it into law. And the Mainstream Media, in league with The Obama Legions, will be, as usual, playing along with Obama in an attempt to keep us distracted with all the many and varied crises sucking up all the ink from their publications and all the air time from their broadcasts. (See Earthquake tragedy in Haiti)

At least the American electorate has it’s priorities straight. Americans STILL want the border closed and sealed FIRST! It is common sense to stop the leak before bailing. Once the border is closed and sealed then taking care of those aliens here illegally can begin and mass deportations can begin. Like a leaky faucet, you cannot fix it until the water is turned off. Immigration cannot be fixed until the border is closed and sealed and the flow of illegals across it is stopped."

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Hat tip: Blogs for Borders

Tags: Democrats, Obama, Illegal Aliens, illegal immigration, National Security, Amnesty bill To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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