
If this article offends some of you then I suggest you take your reading
elsewhere. We have an unfinished border fence, an administration
who wants give millions of illegal aliens(they are NOT undocumented
workers), and a group of traitorous politicians who are willing to give
these job stealing aliens amnesty, and more. If you think these
turncoats in D.C. have the best interest of legal resident Americans
in mind, think again. They want to give Jose', Paco, Abdullah,
Salim and friends, free or very low cost healthcare, welfare, and
include them into Social Security. How will this all be accomplished?
Higher taxes and subversion of our Constitution is how. I have
absolutely no problem with aliens, immigrants being allowed into
the United States as long as they do it legally and are not from any
Islamic countries except under the most dire and scrutinized
conditions. There should also be limit to the number we allow into
this country each year. Once that number is reached, slam the gates,
throw the locks and keep them out by force, if we must.

Bill Smith

The Born Again Americans: What do these photos have in common? The top photo depicts the absolutely out of control invasion of the Asian Carp, a predatory species that is threatening our Great Lakes and the $7,000,000,000.00 per year fishing and recreational industries in the Great Lakes... The second shows a couple of what are literally millions of "illegal aliens" preparing to enter this country through our southern border...

These two have more in common than first meets the eye... The invasion of the Asian Carp into the Great Lakes could be stopped by closing the locks that stand between the carp and the lakes... It is true that in doing this, it would hurt the 30 million dollar a year barge industry of Illinois (who might we know just happens to be an ex senator from Illinois) while failing to do this jeopardizes the 70 billion dollar a year commercial fishing and recreational industries in the Great Lakes... In my best Glenn Beck, isn't one of these numbers bigger than the other? What we have is a president so totally corrupted by Chicago thug politics that he is willing to tell the Army Corps of Engineers to leave the locks open, virtually insuring the intrusion of this predatory species into the Great Lakes and the ultimate collapse of a 70 billion dollar a year industry...

The reason this administration won't do anything to stop illegal immigration is for the same illegitimate reason... These progressives are losing their base as more and more of the people they have preyed upon for decades are waking up to the fact that their whole agenda is a lie... These scum bags (I'm referring to the progressives) don't give a tinker's damn about anything but staying in power, regardless of the broken lives and promises used to maintain their position... In the words of Saul Alinsky, "the end justifies the means"... They realize that every illegal they get into our country will become a blind voter / follower as soon as they can provide amnesty and enslave another class of people with their entitlement programs...

In conclusion, this administration is doing anything and everything humanly possible to destroy the America we know and love... The time for Passive Resistance is over . . . .

Hat tip: Blog for Borders

Tags: Border Fence, Illegal Aliens, Obama Amnesty plan, ruin America. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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