
Department of Justice releases two Algerian Gitmo detainees to Algeria. Al-Qaeda has a growing presence in Algeria. To Obama: Duh...

The Algerian nationals, Hasan Zemiri and Adil Hadi al Jazairi Bin
Hamlili, were returned to the Algerian government upon agreement
of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, and the Departments of Defense, State, Justice and
Homeland Security. So what are they thinking here? Opps, silly me.
They ARE NOT thinking about what they are doing, are they? The
Islamic Maghreb, an offshoot or affiliate of Al-Qaeda has waged
battles and terrorist attacks against American, Algerian and
European targets over the course of the past few years. Their
goal is to establish an Islamic shariah ruled state in Algeria.

Two Gitmo detainees released to country with al-Qaeda presence
Bridget Johnson

"Algeria has seen an increased terrorist presence in the past few years with the activities of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, an officially al-Qaeda sanctioned affiliate that battles the Algerian government in order to forcibly establish an Islamic state as well as attacking European and American targets. Some analysts have expressed concern about AQIM's growing strength and potential to branch out into attacking overseas targets."
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Hat tip: China Confidential

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