Iran's conditions push nuclear deal close to collapse World news The Guardian
This 'deal' with the Iranians needs
to collapse, and be allowed to die.
The Iranians have been playing
the Obama administration like the
fools that they are. This is vintage
Tehran. They see Obama as weak,
without conviction or strength.
Up to this point they are correct.
Will Obama find some huevos after
this falls apart? We can only hope so
and perhaps Obama will realize that
military action against the Iranian
nuclear program will probably be the
only way to stop them. Israel figured
this out quite so time ago. Appeasement
and trying to make deals with most
arab states almost always leads to
failure. Notice that the arab states
take and take. We and the west,
seldom see any gains. The speech
Obama gave to the arab world on
June 4 of this year from Cairo has
accomplished nothing, except to
isolate Israel, one of our strongest
allies. Should this attempt fail why
waste time with more fruitless
sanctions? Iran has been allowed
too much time to set up other
options, no matter what sanctions
are imposed. It is time to turn the
military dogs loose and settle this
world problem for at least the next
several years.
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