
Atlas Shrugs: Obama Denies Armenian Genocide, Breaks Campaign Promise, prefers "Great Atrocities"#trackback#trackback#trackback

Atlas Shrugs: Obama Denies Armenian Genocide, Breaks Campaign Promise, prefers "Great Atrocities"#trackback#trackback#trackback

1 Comments - Share Yours!:

PatriotUSA said...

Absolutely shameful and disgusting on the part of the President of the United States. Another busted campaign promise and another ethnic group stabbed in the back by this poser and liar who was elected by the ignorant and blind in this country. I did not vote for him and HE IS NOT MY PRESIDENT! He is nothing but an appeaser, coward, and an apologist to the world how back America is and how ashamed of our past we should be.

Sorry, all countries have skeletons in their closets. The USA has some ugly events in our history BUT we need to realize most of these ugly events took place in a different time of history, and such situations required harsh and drastic results. The mullah obamaham owes the American people an apology for his traitorous actions during his first 100 days in office.