
Netanyahu’s Speech and the Noise Outside

Yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu spoke before the US Congress and gave one of the best speeches you will ever see a politician give. He introduced a few of his heroic Israeli soldiers to the audience, young men who had particularly distinguished themselves in combat against the butchers of Hamas.  

Generally, Netanyahu received enthusiastic applause from his audience, mostly from Republicans. While many Democrats applauded, some sat on their hands while some 30 refused to attend. Then there was Rashida Tlaib, the Democrat from Michigan who did attend but wore her Palestinian keffiyah and held a sign accusing Netanyahu and Israel of committing genocide. As for Kamala Harris, instead of presiding over the event in her role as president of the Senate, she opted to skip the event in order to speak at some sorority event in Indiana.

But the most disgusting side show was the pro-Hamas protest outside the Capitol in front of Union Station. Not only did they engage in vandalism and violence, some fighting police, they even took down American flags and replaced them with Palestinian flags. At least one American flag was burned.

In addition, one punk spray painted the words, “Hamas is coming”  on a monument to Christopher Columbus. It was just one of several  messages spray  painted on the monument. Just the latest outrage committed by the Hamas supporters. And they are definitely Hamas supporters as evidenced by the words described above on the monument.

I think most Americans are fed up with the violence by these thugs and thugettes with their asinine keffiyahs and Palestinian flags. They are a collection of Islamists and radical American leftist anarchists. They hate Israel, they hate Jews, and they hate America. And don’t be fooled by the fact that there are some misguided American Jews, for example Jewish Voice for Peace, among their ranks.

British journalist and activist Douglas Murray, an unapologetic critic of Islam, has poignantly declared that he doesn’t want to share his country with jihadists and Jew haters, of which Britain also has more than its share. I share his feeling even though I know full well that many of the agitators here are US-born and deportation is not an option. In that regard, I wish law enforcement and the courts would crack down on these violent protesters who are supporting a terrorist organization. Under the current administration, I doubt that will happen

At any rate, it’s high time we send a message to these dopes that if they don’t like America or the fact that this country supports Israel, they are free to leave. If they call someplace else home, it’s time to return because they have worn out their welcome here. And they can take their American stooges with them.

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Islamic Slavery (Never Forget!)

It is a little-known historical fact that for the best part of three hundred years, corsairs sailing from ports on the Barbary Coast preyed upon civilians living along the Mediterranean coastline, attacked cargo boats from non-Islamic nations, carrying their crews off into slavery, and as we shall see, carried out devastating attacks on towns as far away as Baltimore in Ireland and Grindavik, Lón and Djúpivogur in Iceland. 

One of the earliest records of English sailors being captured by privateers from the Barbary Coast can be found in the calendar of state papers for 1567, which records that on 13th July of that year, Bishop Edmund Grindall, then the Bishop of London, wrote to William Cecil, the chief advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, asking him to “further the suit of the bearer for a licence to make a collection for ransom of certain Englishmen, captives in Algiers.” 

According to the National Maritime Museum in Cornwall, ships from the Barbary Coast were seen off the south-west coast of England as early as 1623. The privateers soon began to attack seagoing vessels anywhere they found them. The crews of these English boats were abducted and taken back to North Africa, where they were enslaved. 

On 18th April 1625, Sir James Bagg, the Vice-Admiral of South Cornwall, wrote to George Villiers, the Duke of Buckingham, to inform him that three Cornish fishing boats and another ship bound for Newfoundland had been attacked by North African privateers. In August 1625, the slavers had even come ashore at Mount's Bay in Cornwall. The people in the village had run to their local church and shut themselves inside. This was all to no avail, for the corsairs cared nothing for the sanctity of a church. They entered the building without a qualm and dragged some sixty people outside, then forced them aboard their rowing boats. These unfortunate Cornish men and woman were taken aboard the waiting ships, whereupon they were transported back to the Barbary Coast, where the slave markets awaited. That same month, the Mayor of Plymouth wrote to the Privy Council and told them that in just ten days, twenty seven ships had been taken by the privateers, and the crews who were aboard had all been enslaved. 

​As the years passed, the raids continued. In 1634, two ships sailing from Somerset to Ireland were attacked and had their crews taken. In September 1635, six privateers acting together as a “wolf-pack” attacked a ship sailing west of Cornwall. In May 1636, three fishing boats were attacked by the corsairs, and twenty-seven fishermen were taken away as slaves. In June 1636, fishermen who had been sailing between England and Ireland reported that “five of their company were taken by the Turk, and their men, being six or seven in each boat, were carried away.” Seven more boats were attacked by the privateers while fishing between St. Keverne and the Lizard that same month. According to Richard Plummer, the skipper of a barge that was berthed at St. Keverne, “There was no news heard of either men or boats, so that it goes for an absolute truth thereabouts, that they were all surprised by the Turks and carried away.” The situation on the south-west coast of England was so bad that the Justices of The Peace for Cornwall wrote to King Charles I on 14th July 1636: 

Beg his Majesty to receive advertisement of complaints lately received from the sea coast of Cornwall, and particularly from East Looe and West Looe. About two months since, three barks of the said towns, on a fishing voyage upon the coasts, were taken by the Turks, and 27 persons carried away into miserable slavery, which loss falls the more heavy upon the said towns, by reason of their former losses in two preceding years, wherein they lost four barks and 42 persons, whereby the said towns are not only impoverished, but by means of the wives and children of these poor captives (being above 100 persons) are so surcharged, as they are likely to fall into great decay, and through the terror of that misery whereunto these persons are carried by these cruel infidels, the owners and seamen rather give over their trade than put their estates and persons into so great peril, there being now 60 vessels and about 200 seamen without employment. In other parts the Turks have taken other vessels, and chased others so that they have run on the rocks, choosing rather to lose their boats than their liberty. These Turks daily show themselves at St. Keverne, Mount's Bay, and other places, that the poor fishermen are fearful not only to go to the sea, but likewise lest these Turks should come on shore and take them out of their houses. Such being the condition of these parts, the justices beseech his Majesty to take the same into his consideration. 

On 20th June 1631, a fleet of ships led by a Dutchman who had “turned Turk,” with crews augmented with over two hundred janissaries, sacked the village of Baltimore in Ireland. ​The man leading the raid had been born in the Dutch city of Haarlem as Jan Jansen round about 1575. He had been a privateer working for the Dutch, and had been captured by Barbary corsairs some time between 1613 and 1618. Taken as a slave, Jansen had adopted the religious faith of his captors and thereby obtained his freedom. Jansen, who was now going under the name Murat Reis, ended up in Algiers where he served as first mate aboard an Algerian privateer before moving to Salé and embarking upon his own career as skipper of his own boat. Reis was so successful that he became Admiral of the fleet of privateers at Salé. 

​En route to the southern coast of Ireland, Reis had attacked several other boats and taken their crews as slaves. The skipper of one of these boats, Edward Fawlett, had decided to assist Reis, probably in order to avoid both an immediate bout of torture and a long-term future as a slave in North Africa. Another of these skippers, John Hackett, did likewise. As the slavers anchored off Baltimore and rowed closer to the shore in small boats to reconnoitre the town, Fawlett is known to have accompanied Reis, and to have used his local knowledge to explain the layout of the town, and to point out the houses of anyone who might resist the slavers. ​The slavers landed and attacked the houses in the part of the town known as “The Cove.” They lit torches and thrust them into the thatched roofs, then accosted the residents as they ran from their houses. Two of the locals, Tim Curlew and John Davys, tried to resist, but were cut down by the waiting janissaries. 

After the slavers had captured approximately one hundred people from this part of the town, they moved to the main part of the town and started breaking into the houses there. However, only around ten people from this part of the town were captured, because some of the residents realised what was happening and had managed to escape. From beyond sight of the slavers, one of the townsfolk, a man named William Harris, started firing his rifle, and someone else started to beat on a drum, which led Reis to believe that a military detachment could be in the area. The slavers quickly gathered their newest captives (all of whom were white) and made for the sea. ​

As bad as the raid on Baltimore was, it could have been worse. Some four years earlier, Murat Reis had participated in a raid on Iceland. The Dutch renegado was the skipper of a ship that landed at Grindavik on the south-west coast on 20th June of 1627, where he and his crew captured around thirty Icelanders and Danes. On July 5th, three slave ships from Algiers had carried out a series of raids on the south-west coast, taking eighteen Danes and over a hundred of the local Icelanders captive, before heading for the Westman Islands, just off the southern coast. On this occasion, with no fear of interruption by military forces (real or imagined), the corsairs had embarked on a violent rampage not unlike the terrorist attack on southern Israel that took place on 7th October 2023. 

According to one account, the slavers invaded the island and drove everyone towards the shore. Anyone who did not move quickly enough was beaten to death on the spot - pour encourager les autres. The corsairs set fire to the islanders’ homes, and in one particularly gruesome incident, they threw a mother and her two year old child into one of the newly lit fires, laughing as they forced their victims deeper into the flames with their spears. One of the locals, a man named Bjarni Valdason, was beaten by the corsairs until he died. When his wife fell down beside him, she was dragged away from her husband, and had to watch as the body was cut into pieces before her. Another man, Erlendur Runólfsson, was stripped naked and made to stand at the edge of a cliff, where he was shot at until he fell to the rocks below. The bodies of people who had been murdered lay on the ground everywhere. Many of the female bodies lay in a state of nakedness that spoke to the depravity of the perpetrators. As a final declaration of hostility towards the islanders' religion, the local church was deliberately set aflame. The captured men, women and children (all of whom were white) were then forced aboard the slavers' ships. When the corsairs began the journey back south to North Africa, they had approximately 380 new slaves on board. In addition, it is estimated that between thirty and forty people had been murdered by the corsairs. ​

Another notable incident in the history of the Barbary Coast is the capture in 1716 of a young man named Thomas Pellow, who was taken by privateers whilst sailing on the return leg of a trip to Genoa aboard the Francis, a boat skippered by his uncle, John Pellow. After Pellow finally managed to escape (after some twenty three years) and make his way back to Britain, he wrote an account of his life as a white slave in North Africa, so the story of Pellow's capture became quite well known. After the Francis had completed the trip to Genoa and they were heading home again, Pellow wrote: 

And now, indeed, the unhappy part of my life draws near. For having made our voyage, our cargoes out and in, and by God's providence bound home, we were off Cape Finisterre very unhappily surprised by two Sallee rovers, and, together with Captain Foster, of Topsham (after such small resistance as we could both make), taken and carried prisoners on board of the infidels, as was also the next day Captain Ferris of London, in a ship of much greater strength, having twenty men, eight swivel and eight carriage guns, though they behaved in the bravest manner, fighting ten hours, and with a noble resolution, putting the Moors off, after boarding them three times, and killing many of them; but being overpowered by a superior force they were also obliged to submit, and to become our comrades. ​

The corsairs did not limit their attacks to boats from countries that lay east of the Atlantic. American boats fell victim to these privateers from the Barbary states too. In July 1785, the Dauphin was sailing off the coast of Portugal when she was approached by another vessel. The unsuspecting American skipper, Richard O'Brien, allowed the foreign vessel to get too close to his own, and before the crew knew what was happening, an armed raiding party was coming aboard. The attackers of the Dauphin turned out to be privateers, sailing on behalf of the Barbary state of Algiers. O'Brien and his crew were taken back to North Africa and thrown in a slave pen. Together with the crew of another American ship, the Maria, they were forced to break rocks, then drag massive sleds containing the pieces down to the harbour where the rocks and rubble were used to construct a new breakwater. Many of these Americans would die as slaves - worked to death under the heat of the North African sun. ​

In March 1876, the two men who would become the second and third Presidents of the United States, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, met together in London. Adams was at that time serving his government as the first American ambassador to Great Britain, and Jefferson was acting as minister to the government in France. Adams had visited the home of Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, the ambassador from the Barbary state of Tripoli, a few weeks earlier. The meeting had gone well, with the two men smoking pipes together. Adams thought that another meeting with Abdrahaman could be helpful, as the American politicians wondered what to do about the enslaved sailors. 

Adams and Jefferson duly met with Abdrahaman at the home of the Tripolitan ambassador, and the conversation soon turned to the American slaves currently being held in North Africa. Abdrahaman informed the two Americans that it would take the exorbitant sum of 30,000 English guineas, the equivalent at that time of approximately 120,000 dollars, for Tripolitan privateers to no longer attack American shipping. The United States would also have to reach separate agreements with the other Barbary states of Tunis, Algiers and Morocco. To all intents and purposes, these Islamic states were running a protection racket that would today be recognised as a criminal enterprise, with one hand wielding a sharpened scimitar, and the other outstretched in the expectation of payment. 

According to a letter sent later that month to John Jay, who was at that time the American Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Adams and Jefferson thereupon “took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the Grounds of their pretentions to make war upon Nations who had done them no Injury.” The response the two men received is noteworthy: 

The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise. ​

The conditions that Christian slaves had to endure at the hands of their Muslim owners were well known to Joseph Pitts, an Englishman who was captured by Barbary privateers in 1678, when he was sailing aboard the Speedwell off the coast of Spain. Pitts wrote a book after his eventual escape, one of several such literary efforts in the genre of the “captive narrative.” Taken by their captors to Algiers, the dey (ruler) of the city took one in eight of the slaves for himself, and the rest were taken along to the badistan (slave market) where, as Pitts describes it: 

There we stand from eight of the Clock in the Morning, until two in the Afternoon (which is the limited time for the Sale of Christians) and have not the least bit of Bread allow'd us during out Stay there. Many Persons are curious to come and take a view of us, while we stand exposed to sale; and others, who intend to buy, to see whether we be sound and healthy, and fit for Service. ​

The life of a slave in North Africa could be precarious, to say the least, with thousands dying of the plague, or being sent to row aboard the Algerian galleys, where they were permanently chained in position below decks and given the poorest food imaginable. Thousands of white Christian slaves from all over Europe were sentenced to lives of hard labour, either on the construction of the harbour's defences or other buildings. Beatings were commonplace, as described by Pitt: 

Within eight and forty Hours after I was sold, I tasted of their Barbarity; for I had my tender Feet tied up, and beaten twenty, or thirty Blows for a beginning; And thus was I beat for a considerable time, every two or three Days, besides Blows now and then, forty, fifty, sixty at a time. My Executioner would fill his Pipe, and then give me ten, or twenty Blows, then stop, and smoak his Pipe for a while, and then he would at me again, and when weary stop again; and thus cruelly would he handle me till his Pipe was out.

In Thomas Pellow's account of his years as a slave, we read of his treatment at the hands of his owners. Pellow had been “given by the Emperor to Muley Spha, one of his favourite sons,” and was tortured so that he would become a Muslim. 

My business now, for some time, was to run from morning to night after his horse's heels; during which he often prompted me to turn Moor, and told me, if I would, I should have a very fine horse to ride on, and I should live like one of his best esteemed friends. To which I used to reply, that as that was the only command wherein I could not readily gratify him, I humbly hoped that he would be pleased, of his great goodness, to suspend all future thoughts that way, for that I was thoroughly resolved not to renounce my Christian faith, be the consequence what it would. Then said he, in a most furious and haughty manner, “Prepare yourself for such torture as shall be inflicted on you, and the nature of your obstinacy deserves.” 

​Pellow then gives an account of being held prisoner by the emperor's son and being bastinadoed. This is the form of torture that is described by Pitt in his account of being held as a slave. In Pellow's case, this was not inflicted upon him purely out of sadism. Muley Spha kept asking Pellow (as he was beating the soles of Pellow's feet) to renounce his faith and become a Muslim. Pellow refused to do so, and somehow managed to endure the bastinado, which did not please his torturer. Pellow wrote later that “now is my accursed master still more and more enraged, and my tortures daily increasing; insomuch, that had not my uncle, and some other good Christians [. . .] privately conveyed me some refreshments, I must have inevitably perished, my prison allowance being nothing but bread and water; so that I was, through my severe scourging, and such hard fare, every day in expectation of its being my last.” 

Muley Spha was driven to such extremes that the young Pellow eventually succumbed, in order to live. “My tortures were now exceedingly increased, burning my flesh off my bones by fire; which the tyrant did, by frequent repetitions, after a most cruel manner; insomuch, that through my so very acute pains, I was at last constrained to submit, calling upon God to forgive me, who knows that I never gave the consent of the heart though I seemingly yielded, by holding up my finger; and that I always abominated them, and their accursed principle of Mahometism.” 

If any of the slaves decided to “raise the finger” as Pellow did, then they may have avoided a terrible fate in the short term, but their home countries would no longer pay a ransom to set these unfortunate slaves (for slaves they remained) free. As Pitt explains, 

’Tis an Error among some too (I find) that as soon as ever a Christian turns Turk, he is emancipated, or becomes free (and so some think of Turks who become Christians, that they also are Freemen;) but as for those Christians who turn Turks, it is not so; for it lies wholly in the Patroon’s Breast to dispose of them as he pleaseth. I have known those who have continued Slaves many Years after they have turn’d Turks; nay, some even to their Dying-day. And many, I am sure, have been as little respected by their Patroons after the changing of their Religion, as (or less than) before. For my part, I remain’d several Years a Slave after my Defection, suffered a great deal of cruel Usage, and then was sold again. 

The capturing of slaves by privateers from the Barbary states was neither an opportunistic nor a short-lived phenomenon. The ransoms that were sometimes paid for enslaved passengers and crew, the cargoes taken from the captured boats and the “tributes” that were paid to the Barbary states (Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli) by the leaders of different European nations as they tried to persuade the terroristic privateers to not attack their citizens formed a significant part of the revenue that was generated by these Islamic states. The practice of enslaving white people was not only a way to make money, it was part of the culture in the Barbary states. 

Hayreddin Barbarossa is known to have used white slaves to build a breakwater at Algiers after he took over the city in 1529, and white sailors were still being abducted and enslaved in North Africa almost three centuries later, long after the British government had passed the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1807. 

The story of hundreds of thousands of white Christian slaves being abducted and enslaved in North Africa may not be well known today, but these events are significant because they directly refute the assertion that only people with white skin engaged in slavery. 

The historical fact that hundreds of thousands of white Christians were abducted and enslaved by Muslims from the Barbary States; the actions of men like William Wilberforce, John Newton, Granville Sharp and Thomas Clarkson, all of whom strove to put an end to slavery; the signing of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act on 16th March 1807 and the subsequent formation of the Royal Navy's West Africa Squadron, which was in action for almost sixty years, are being erased from history. ​

The enemies of free speech who have infiltrated our society are attempting to access the hard drive of human history and delete these folders. They would like nothing better than to overwrite those memory locations with ones and zeroes, so that the files can never be retrieved. Before they are able to do this, each of us needs to remember that as an individual human being (who has the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers), we have the ability to open up the recycle bin of history, click on the folders about white British men doing everything they could to end slavery, and the folder containing all of the information that has been recorded about the Barbary States, and restore them all.

Sittason, Andrew. Living In A Salt Land (pp. 106-107). Andrew Sittason. Kindle Edition. 

Reading Material/Sources Calendar of State Papers, 1567, p. 295, https://archive.org/details/statepapersmary01greauoft/page/294/mode/2up?view=theater 

Dr. Jo Esra, Heer will be noe fishing: 17th Century Barbary Piracy and the West Country Fisheries, Troze, The Online Journal of the National Maritime Museum Cornwall, https://nmmc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Barbary_piracy_and_SW_fishing.pdf 

Calendar of State Papers, Preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office. 1636 - 1637 · Volume 10, Justices of the Peace for Cornwall to the King, 14th July 1636, https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/Calendar_of_State_Papers/UYM9AAAAcAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=justices+of+the+peace+for+Cornwall+1636+John+Bruce&pg=PA60&printsec=frontcover 

Giles Milton, White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and North Africa's One Million European Slaves 

Thomas Pellow, The Adventures of Thomas Pellow, Penryn, Mariner: Three and twenty years in captivity among the Moors 

Des Eskin, The Stolen Village: Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates 

The Travels of Reverend Ólafur Egilsson: The Story of the Barbary Corsair Raid on Iceland in 1627 

Simon Webb, The Forgotten Slave Trade: The White European Slaves of Islam 

Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger, Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed American History 

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, American Commissioners to John Jay, 28th March 1786, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-09-02-0315 

Paul Achterlonie, Encountering Islam: Joseph Pitts: An English Slave in 17th-century Algiers and Mecca; A critical edition of Joseph Pitts of Exeter’s A Faithful Account of the Religion and Manners of the Mahometans, 1731 

Stephen Clissold, The Barbary Slaves

Living In A Salt Land

We have to acknowledge that the world we used to live in is no more. The society we grew up in had a certain moral equilibrium built into it, so even when people disagreed about how our society should be organised, stability and sanity prevailed. The social environment we live in now is very different. It is no longer possible for anyone from the working class to have any trust or confidence in any agents of the state, and if anyone questions the role of the state or expresses a dissenting view about what should (or should not) be seen as important in our society, then no matter how well argued their views may be, their views are ignored and the individual is personally attacked.

    Freedom of thought and expression is important because it allows individual citizens to question the policies of any powerful entities that are operating within our society. This can be seen as a form of societal risk assessment, because it allows us to consider both the likelihood and the impact (or consequences) of something happening that could harm members of our society. If a policy or practice is found to be high risk, then control measures can be implemented to reduce the risk, or it can be abandoned altogether, thereby ensuring our society's long-term stability and survival.

    The “journalists” employed by the legacy media who launch ad hominem attacks at anyone who challenges their worldview by labelling them as “racist” or “far-right” are not only sabotaging one of the most effective ways we have of carrying out such a risk assessment. They are actually increasing the likelihood of someone being physically attacked by a perpetrator who does not understand that the legacy media’s ad hominem assertions are false. Whenever an employee of the legacy media lies about someone, knowing all the while that they are increasing the risk of that person being hurt or worse (after July 13th 2024, this cannot be denied) then we would do well to remember the following passage from the book of Proverbs:

Do not enter the path of wicked men 
And do not step into the way of evil men. 
Avoid it, do not pass by it; 
Stray from it and pass on. 
For they do not sleep unless they do evil; 
And they are robbed of sleep unless they make someone stumble. 
For they eat the bread of wickedness 
And drink the wine of violence. (Proverbs 4:14-17 LSB)

    A description of the inveterate liars in the legacy media who abuse their position in our society and want to “cancel” anyone who exposes their lies can be found in the thirty-sixth psalm: 

An oracle within my heart 
concerning the transgression of the wicked person: 
Dread of God has no effect on him. 
For with his flattering opinion of himself, 
he does not discover and hate his iniquity. 
The words from his mouth are malicious and deceptive; 
he has stopped acting wisely and doing good. 
Even on his bed he makes malicious plans. 
He sets himself on a path that is not good, 
and he does not reject evil. (Psalm 36:1-4 CSB)

Biden in Maui: A Total Disgrace

Gary Fouse

I have been watching videos of President Biden's arrival in Maui and his remarks. I am completely dumbfounded at what I have watched and heard. Flanked by Hawaiian officials, he starts by making inane remarks designed to produce chuckles but totally out of place with the event. Then he later compares a minor house fire he had several years ago that was caused by lightning to what has happened in Maui. A simple kitchen fire that was extinguished in 20 minutes. When talking about the Lahaina fire, the destruction, the dead, and the missing, he had to read from a sheet of paper.

And it appears he's already gone. According to Sean Hannity on his Fox News show tonight, Biden has flown back to Lake Tahoe to resume his vacation. Of course, he just finished his vacation in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. 

It just staggers the imagination.

This man, whose corruption in the Ukrainian Burisma scandal has just worsened today with the disclosure of State Department documents that strongly indicate that his demand to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma and his son, Hunter, was not based on US policy, but his own personal interest. The documents revealed by investigative reporter John Solomon on Hannity's show tonight indicate that State and other agencies had urged the administration to go ahead with the billion-dollar aid package to Ukraine because it was their opinion that the government was making progress on corruption. This story will surely be expanded in the coming days. 

Joe Biden has neither the cognitive ability nor the integrity to serve as president. Everybody knows it whether they will admit it or not. And to make matters worse, his resignation (or impeachment) would only make Kamala Harris our president, another scary thought.

God help this country in such a troubled time.

US Loses to Sweden in Women's World Cup (Soccer)

Gary Fouse



I hardly follow the sport of soccer at all, let alone, women's soccer, but I have to make a short reference to the elimination of the US women's soccer team by Sweden on Sunday.

As one who considers himself a patriotic American, I confess that I am pleased.

In my mind, this group of young ladies-with a handful of exceptions- has done nothing to merit the support of the American public. For several years now, we have put up with Megan Rapinoe's refusal to stand for our National Anthem before matches, coupled with her condemnation of her own country even before international forums. Then I saw a video clip of their recent match where most of the players stood around looking uninterested as the Anthem was played. A couple of the ladies placed their hands over their hearts, and a couple appeared to be singing, but for the most part, they appeared bored and uninterested.

So I say to myself, "why should I support this team?" If that is the attitude that the majority of this team appears to have about their own country, the country they are representing on the world stage, I have no interest in supporting them. So I am happy they lost. 

Now I can go back to ignoring the whole event.

Are the Walls Closing in on Joe Biden?

Gary Fouse

This article first appeared in New English Review.

(L-R) IRS agents Gary Shapely and Joseph Ziegler

History may record that the Republicans taking back the House of Representatives in 2022 was a landmark event in bringing about the downfall of Joe Biden. At the risk of getting ahead of myself here, the House hearings into the Biden family misdeeds seem to be bearing fruit. At appears about half a dozen FBI and IRS whistle-blowers have come forward to tell House Republicans how their investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China, Ukraine, and other questionable entities, coupled with his tax problems, was thwarted by the Justice Department under Attorney General Merrick Garland.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapely and Joseph Ziegler have now publicly testified under oath that their investigation into Hunter Biden was obstructed by DOJ. They claim that the US Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, told them that he was not given permission by DOJ to fully investigate Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Garland has denied this allegation to Congress. In a letter to the House, Weiss basically supported Garland’s claim. This is a matter that needs to be clarified fully and in detail because somebody is lying to Congress here. As everyone knows, Hunter Biden has been allowed to plead to a sweetheart deal that fails to serve the cause of justice given the huge amounts of money he has reportedly failed to pay taxes on.

In addition, after much wrangling, Congress has finally obtained a copy of an official FBI report (FD-1023) that outlined allegations made by a confidential informant, whom they have described as highly trustworthy, one who has had a long association with the Bureau as a source of information. This informant told agents that he or she had met with Mykola Zlochevskythe head of the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, in Kiev and was told by him that he had 17 tape-recorded conversations with Joe (2) and Hunter Biden (15), as well as text exchanges discussing payments to the Biden family in exchange with then-Vice President Biden’s (successful) efforts to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating Burisma. This occurred while Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s Board of Directors. According to what the source heard from Zlochevsky, ten million dollars was paid to Joe and Hunter Biden, evenly divided. Others were reportedly at this meeting including Oleksandr Ostapenko, who reportedly traveled to Ukraine with the informant. If true, it would mean that Joe Biden had another reason to get the prosecutor fired aside from protecting his son-cold hard cash.

At this point, I should point out that this is an allegation made by the confidential informant. It may be argued that it could all turn out to be another Steele Dossier, which contained unverified and false allegations against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. What is needed here is corroboration by Zlochevsky (and any others present) backed up by his producing and authenticating the recorded telephone conversations and texts. In addition, the payments need to be documented as well. I would assume that the appropriate travel documents for the source and Ostapenko are readily available for purposes of partial corroboration.

I have no idea whether Zlochevsky or the others present would be inclined to furnish this evidence and testimony, and given the huge military support we are giving Ukraine, I would not discount the possibility of international big-power politics getting involved here.

The task at hand for the House Republicans (because DOJ and the FBI cannot be trusted to follow this trail) is to corroborate what is alleged by the FBI informant through direct evidence-both testimony and documents- and to reconcile the contradiction between what the whistleblowers are telling Congress vs what Congress is being told by Garland and Weiss regarding alleged obstruction. If all that can be accomplished, the House Republicans can at least send a very strong referral for indictment to DOJ, not to mention a move toward impeachment. Of course, the difficulty of charging a sitting president also comes into play, added to the fact that DOJ has allowed the statute of limitations to pass on many of these alleged crimes, seemingly by slow-walking the whole investigative process.

Compared to the treatment of former President Donald Trump, it does not speak well for what was once the fairest system of justice in the world. 

A Look at BDS on College Campuses-With a Special Look at UC Riverside

Gary Fouse

Hat tip Legal Insurrection

David Lloyd
UC Riverside

I am cross-posting an article in Legal Insurrection, which in turn, cross-posts a report by the National Association of Scholars (NAS) on the BDS campaign on college campuses (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) against Israel and its effect on free speech and academic freedom. The author of the report is Dr. Ian Oxnevad. It can be accessed here.

In the part of the report that deals specifically with UC Riverside, the name of English Professor David Lloyd is mentioned prominently since he is one of the campus leaders when it comes to BDS. In January 2014, per his invitation, Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of BDS, spoke at UCR. I attended and asked a question during the q and a. In describing Barghouti's presentation as one-sided, I asked the school if and when they might invite a pro-Israel speaker to campus to give students an opposing view. (Barghouti's appearance was officially sponsored by the school.) Lloyd personally responded and called my question "preposterous". Lloyd also referenced the 2010 appearance at UC Irvine by then-Israeli ambassador Michael Oren (I was also present for that event) and noted that Oren was never asked to debate pro-Palestinian voices. What Lllyd neglected to mention was that Oren was repeatedly disrupted by members of the Muslim Student Union, eight of whom were UC Irvine students and three of whom were UC Riverside students. All in all, 11 students had to be removed by campus police and were subsequently prosecuted and convicted.

But imagine that: Asking for some degree of balance of opposing opinions for university students is "preposterous". 

Omar Barghouti

I also videotaped the entire 2014 event at UCR which can be viewed here

Katie, We Hardly Knew Ye

Gary Fouse

Katie Porter (D-CA)
Doing the math for a non-existant bank employee

This morning, while driving to the gym, I was listening to the John Phillips Show on KABC (Los Angeles). Phillips, a conservative talk show host, was going off on Katie Porter (D-CA), our local House of Representatives congresswoman in Orange Country. Katie is a former law professor at The UC Irvine School of Law, which is little more than a legal training ground for leftwing activists. She is now running for the Senate seat being vacated by Diane Feinstein. (Porter announced her candidacy even before Feinstein announced that she was retiring. Porter will be opposed by Adam Schiff and Barbara Lee, both Democratic Congress persons. Between the three of them, they are all awful.

It seems that the Daily Mail, a noted UK tabloid, had gotten ahold of divorce papers from when Katie and her former husband, Matthew Hoffman, split up a few years back. In the court documents, Hoffman alleged that Katie had a ferocious temper and would scream, drop f-bombs, and physically abuse him. (Porter denies all this).

Below is the Daily Mail article about Porter. The article is based on court documents. To my knowledge, DM has not interviewed either Porter or Hoffman.


To be clear, Porter and her ex-husband are giving diverging accounts, and I cannot say who is telling the truth. As the DM article describes, others have come forward to complain about how Katie treats people. The only thing the DM left out is when Katie was grilling the JP Morgan bank president in Congress in 2019 and made up a fictitious woman named "Patricia", who was supposedly a struggling single mom working as a teller in the JP Morgan branch in Irvine and making a very low salary. Only later, did Katie admit in an interview that she had made Patricia up. 

Will this latest flap hurt Katie's political career? Who knows? After all, she is a Democrat. But if it does, the UC Irvine School of Law can keep that seat warm for Katie.

The SOTU-Why Bother?

Gary Fouse

Watching the overly-long State of the Union Last  Night, I thought back to last week's NFL Pro Bowl, an absurd flag football affair preceded by various skills competitions-everything but a swimsuit competition. The obvious question is why do they continue having the Pro Bowl-as well as the State of the Union? You see one State of the Union, you've seen them all. It's the same old script.

Much has already been said by the talking heads about the SOTU, and there's little I can add. I could ask how many times President Biden said, "Folks....", but I don't know the answer without having to sit through a replay. What I would like to do is simply point out that there were two elephants in the room last night in the nation's Capitol, and it took Biden about an hour to even mention them in passing. Those were China and their Beautiful Balloon and our broken border with Mexico.

Finally, when Biden started talking briefly about China, his only reference to the balloon that had just crossed our country from sea to shining sea, was that the US had been tested and had reacted strongly (I am paraphrasing). Had he reacted strongly, he would have ordered that balloon to be shot down as soon as it was detected somewhere out West. Nor would he have allowed his military advisors-as he claims they did- to say they would wait until it had reached the Atlantic coast. Even then, instead of having strong words for CHinca in his SOTU, he was conciliatory. There must be a reason Biden won't get tough with China. Could it be that he knows China has him and his wayward son, Hunter, in their pocket? They have bought the Biden family. Enough said about that.

When it came to the border, Biden started giving talking points as to how many apprehensions had been made, blah blah, blah. He said nothing about how many illegals had entered the US during his presidency. Nothing about how an over-taxed Border Patrol had been taken from their normal duties of securing the border to simply processing illegals and sending them on their way.

It is true that Biden talked about the fentanyl epidemic. He wants to "crack down" on fentanyl, but he doesn't want to secure our border with Mexico, over which fentanyl enters the US in the first place after the precursors are sent to Mexico from China. Fentanyl alone is more than sufficient reason to secure our border-something Biden and his feckless DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas refuse to do. Then Biden added insult to injury by insisting on "comprehensive immigration reform" and a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers etc. 

In short, it was disgusting. Sarah Sanders, the Governor of Arkansas, said it best in her excellent response when she said that this man was unfit to serve as president.

Euthanasia in the Third Reich

Gary Fouse

This article first appeared in New English Review.

Heil und Pflegeanstalt, Erlangen in 1890

Amid all the horrors of the Third Reich, including World War 2 and the Holocaust, one atrocity that is often overlooked (at least outside of Germany) was the program of euthanasia of mentally and physically handicapped people instituted by Hitler in 1939 when the war broke out. In Hitler's own terminology, these people were classified as "useless eaters". This program was referred to as "T4", named after the address of the office set up to oversee the program nationally (Tiergartenstrasse 4 in Berlin).

Under this program, patients in nursing care facilities around the country (Heil und Pflegenanstalten) were identified and their cases reviewed by doctors indoctrinated in Nazi philosophy. Once approved, these unfortunates (regardless of age) were transported to centers set up for the purpose of killing them by gas. It was sort of a dress rehearsal for the eventual gassing centers such as Auschwitz. This program also included children.

This went on without consultation with relatives of the patients, and these families were eventually notified by mail that their loved one had died in the nursing care facility of various natural causes or illnesses. The remains were generally cremated.

Yet, the public gradually became aware, and curiously enough, as complaints mounted, the Nazi government discontinued the program in 1941, but then reduced the patients' diets to the point that they gradually died of malnutrition.

While researching my book on the history of the German town of Erlangen (Erlangen: An American's History of a German Town), I became aware of the tragic history of their own Heil und Pflegeanstalt   This information was included in the chapter on the years 1933-1945.

With all that as a background, I happened to find a 2019 German YouTube documentary on the topic of the Heil und Pflegenanstalten of Ansbach and Neuendettelsau, two towns near Erlangen in Middle Franconia (Bavaria). In watching the video, I learned that many, if not most of the doomed patients in these two clinics were transferred to the facility at Erlangen before being shipped on to the infamous Hartheim Castle in Austria, which had been transformed into a euthanasia center. It is estimated that over 900 patients from Erlangen were euthanized in killing centers such as Hartheim and another 1,500 were allowed to starve to death.

Hartheim Castle in Austria

In the video, Als hätte es sie nie gegeben (As if they had never existed)there were clips of an interview with medical historian, Hans-Ludwig Siemen, as well as clips from his presentation on the topic, which took place in Erlangen. Siemen and Christine-Ruth Müller are co-authors of a book entitled, "Warum sie sterben mussten: Leidensweg und Vernichtung von Behinderten aus den Neuendettelsauer Pflegeanstalten im "Dritten Reich(Why they had to die: Suffering and extermination of the disabled in the Neuendettelsau nursing homes in the Third Reich), published in 1991.

While watching the video, I happened to see a good friend of mine in Erlangen in the audience attending Siemen's presentation. I contacted him by email this week, and he quickly replied that indeed, it was him in the audience. With his permission, I am reposting what he emailed me:

Yes, that's me in the audience, Gary! Amazing coincidence! An act of providence really. I was there when Dr. Siemen spoke about the matter in the Volkshochschule Erlangen some years ago (before Corona). The reason is that in my mother's family, there were two physically (deaf and mute by birth) and finally probably mentally handicapped elderly women who died in the Bezirksklinikum Ansbach in the 1940s after they had been transferred from Neuendettelsau (Lutheran homes for the handicapped) to Ansbach where the Nazi physicians had total control. One of them died presumably due to the scanty "Hungerkost" diet, and the other one died in 1946, i.e. after the Nazi regime.

 I have been researching about their case in archives for years and will definitely write something about them because I feel they belong to our family although they have been more or less forgotten over the decades. Thank God both my grandmother and my mother told me frankly about them during their lifetime. I'll watch the video tomorrow in quiet. I'll touch base again with you afterward. Thanks a lot, Gary! Again I needed you to show me this. Wonderful connection!

All the best,


The site of the Erlangen Heil und Pflegeanstalt is now part of the University of Erlangen Psychiatric Clinic. Recently, the city of Erlangen tore down some of the old buildings, but some of it has been left standing as part of a memorial to the victims. It is one of many examples of sites related to the Nazi years that have become the subject of debate. Should they be torn down, erased, or preserved in an appropriate context so as to remind future generations of a time that must never be repeated. Just a few miles south of Erlangen, the city of Nuremberg is wrestling with what to do with the surviving (but crumbling) relics of the Nazi Party Rally grounds.

As a side note, when Erlangen fell to the US Army in 1945, a World War 1 memorial to Germany's fallen was partially torn down by the Americans. While they left standing concrete blocks with the names of Erlangen's war dead, a huge statue of a seated soldier, shirtless, with a helmet, was removed as being overly militaristic.

My personal opinion is that in the case of Germany, these sites should be preserved in some manner as a memorial to the victims. In the US, we are having a somewhat similar debate over the preservation of Civil War memorials. History, good or bad, cannot be erased. It is there. All we can try to do is put it in an appropriate context and learn from it.