Bay Area Shame
Gary Fouse
You could not find two American cities that more exemplify the moral bankruptcy of leftism more than San Francisco and Berkeley. This was once again on display this weekend.
A conservative rally planned for Saturday in San Francisco fizzled out amid threats of violence by the thugs of Antifa. San Francisco mayor Ed Lee declared "victory".
On Sunday, a conservative rally in Berkeley was disrupted by the violence of Antifa.
Keep in mind, the conservatives rallying were not KKK or neo-Nazis. They were conservatives who largely support President Trump and who believe in America and the principle of free speech. They were not trying to promote hate. Yet, with the assistance of local authorities, the thugs of Antifa and their allies carried the day.
Here is more from Legal Insurrection. It appears the Berkeley police stood down and allowed the Antifa to enter the rally area and assault the conservatives.
Is this the face of America now? Black-clad and masked hoodlums enforcing their will through violence and supported by local leaders?
BDS and Antifa: A Dangerous Combination
Gary Fouse
Cornell law professor William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection calls this the most dangerous development he has seen on campus in many years. The forces of Boycott, Divest and Sanction (against Israel) and Antifa are teaming up to fight the voices of the right when they come to campus. I totally agree with his assessment.
What this means is that we can look forward to repetitions of what happened at UC Berkeley recently when Milo Yiannopouls was scheduled to speak.
This comes in the wake of Charlottesville, but we are not talking about these two groups banding together to protect students from the KKK and neo-Nazis. They want to stop voices like Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, and others who espouse the conservative point of view. That ,means also that Antifa will be there to disrupt any pro-Israel speaker. And when Antifa shows up, you can expect violence. They don't debate; they come to fight and disrupt. In short this is, as Professor Jacobson says, a dangerous cocktail.
Since Stanford Professor David Palumbo-Liu is involved in this, I am reminded of when he came to take part in a free speech panel at UC Irvine. This was in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. Palumbo-Liu made a statement to the effect that the US State Department definition of anti-semitism included any criticism of Israel. After the event concluded, a friend and colleague of mine confronted Palumbo-Liu (in my presence) and told him his statement was demonstrably false.. The startled professor, rather than defend his statement, turned tail and scurried away like a frightened rabbit. If his little thugs do initiate violence at an event and he is present, he will be the one hiding under a table.
University presidents and chancellors need to be on alert. The "campus climate" is about to get stormier. There should be zero tolerance for Antifa on any campus.
A Must Read: Stealth Invasion
Gary Fouse
Hat tip Creeping Sharia and Investigative Project on Terrorism

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
-From The Explanatory Memorandum
The blog, Creeping Sharia, has a piece tonight on an important new book. It is called Stealth Invasion by Leo Hohmann and describes the mass migration of Muslims into the West.
The book argues (and I concur) that this is part of a plan originated by the Muslim Brotherhood. The plan is to implant Islam upon the West through mass migration and demographic change. It is not about assimilating into American society, rather "destroying the Western Civilization from within". This is from a document called the Explanatory Memorandum seized in 2004 by the FBI and used as a government exhibit in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas, which involved Islamic charities diverting money to Middle East terror groups. The letter, which was addressed to the "North American Brothers" and had an address list that included many US Islamic organizations-including the Muslim Student Association, outlined the duties of the North American Brothers to undermine US civilization and lay the groundwork for Islam to be supplanted upon the West. It was not about blowing up bombs or killing people. It was using our system, institutions, and laws to subvert us while working for demographic change and acceptance of Islam. The Islamization of the US.
Civilizational Jihad
The problem, which is noted in the above link, is that too many of these people arriving have values that are opposed to our own. The leadership of most of the major Islamic organizations in the US, like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA and others, have demonstrated that their goals and visions do not coincide with ours. There is an agenda, which is to gradually supplant American freedoms with Islamic values and sharia law. Yes, it is a long-term project, but the roots have been firmly planted. Look at what is happening in Europe today.
I highly recommend this book, and I will be getting it myself.
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