Gary Fouse
Hat tip Jihad i Malmo
"Judar är inte velats här"
(Jews are not wanted here)
Samma dag som Jerusalem drabbas av ett nytt terrordåd,
skriver den svenske juden Stefan Shaul Lindmark ett avskeds-
brev till utrikesminister Wallström.
I en uppmärksammad artikel i Times of Israel berättar Lindmark
varför han lämnar Sverige och flyttar till Israel.
"The same day that Jerusalem was struck by a new act of terrorism where four young officer cadets were murdered by an Arab terrorist, the young Swedish Jew Stefan Shaul Lindmark wrote a farewell letter to Foreign Minister Wallstrom. In a remarkable article in The Times of Israel, Lindmark tells why he is leaving Sweden and moving to Israel."
Jihad i Malmo, a Swedish blog, has posted a letter that a young Swedish Jew has written to Sweden's foreign minister, a woman hostile to Israel. In this letter he eloquently informs her why he is getting out of Sweden and moving to Israel. It is compelling.
According to the number cited in the letter, there are only 15,000 Jews remaining in Sweden, and that number is decreasing as more and more leave the hostile atmosphere of Sweden and its ever-growing Middle Eastern and North African Muslim immigrants.
Enjoy the trade off, Sweden.