
Feel good video for today, grab a kleenex or two

Kermie lives long enough to reunite with Dad!

From Welcome Home Blog:

“In March of last year, my husband left for a scheduled 8-month deployment. A month after he left, Kermie, our 11 year old dog, was diagnosed with oral melanoma (cancer). She was given only 2-3 months to live. We were devastated, to say the least. Kermie was our first child, and we did not think Eric would ever get to see her again.
Kermie continued to do okay for several months, surpassing the vet’s estimate for survival. As the end of the deployment drew nearer, hopes for a never-expected reunion began to creep into our minds. However, the tumor in her mouth was making it increasingly more difficult for her to eat and drink.

November, homecoming month, was very stressful. We truly did not know if she would make it until Eric returned. The boys and I were doing everything we could to ensure she took her medication and kept her weight up. I was making her home-cooked meals, and at times, hand-feeding her.

Twelve days before Eric was due home, we received crushing news– the deployment was being extended indefinitely. I just KNEW Kermie would not make it until Christmas.
She hung on.

A few days before Christmas, after 9 long months, we received the best gift. It is all any of us wanted for Christmas.

We thought we would be putting Kermie down within days of his return. But his return was some sort of magic pill for her. She began eating and drinking again, without struggle! Watching the homecoming video, you cannot even see the struggles of the previous months.

Kermie lived to see her 12th birthday in January, but things began to go downhill again in February. It was back to hand-feeding her. She still enjoyed doing her tricks, walks, and rides, but the tumor was making her miserable in between. When good days became good hours, and we knew it was time.

Kermie the Dog: January 28, 2001 – February 22, 2013″

-Jennifer R.

Steer In: FOTM

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Class Obama will NEVER have

Ever see Obama show ANY class like this?  This is not about the Bush Presidency so DO NOT go there. This is about CLASS and this IS CLASS!

Green and white shirt, black tee shirt, gray pants and tennis shoes. How many people know that he hosts a few Wounded Warrior 10 weekends at his ranch every year? Every year! Not what you expect to see! Dancing with a "Wounded Warrior" she has lost a leg but still dances.

I guarantee we will Never see a story or picture like this from NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, The Washington Post .

Obama would dance with Sandra Fluke at the CAIR cotillion except that dancing is HARAM under Islamic sharia law.

Skippy, Moochelle, the Kids, go on vacation 14 weekends a year.

Thanks to Bob Perry

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The Affordable Health Care Puzzle

Gary Fouse

It's here! The Affordable Health Care Puzzle is guaranteed to stump you and all your friends. It's the biggest puzzle ever created-more than thirty thousand pieces.

Years of fun!

This classic is produced by the world's biggest puzzle producer-the United States Government.

Each piece consists of the text of the Affordable Health Care Plan;  twenty thousand pieces in regular print plus ten thousand in small print. Here's just one of the 30,000 pieces!

It's too big for that card table in your family room. You'll need a palatial estate with a backyard as big as two football fields to fit this baby. Invite your friends. Invite your neighbors. Invite your whole sub division. You'll need all the help you can get.

And here's the best news. It's absolutely free. We're sending the bill to the tax payers. Just send in your name and address and the puzzle will be on its way to you. (Please allow 7 months for delivery.)

 Or better yet, call to place your order. US Government operators are standing by.

"United States Government. To where should I direct your call?"

"Uhhh yeah.......Can I order one of those Affordable Health Care puzzles?

But wait! If you call within the next 5 minutes, we'll send you a bonus puzzle. The Obama Middle East Policy puzzle. You'll never put it together. If the President can't, how will you?

Call now.

"We will not expose ourselves as an easy prey"

This afternoon The Mad Jewess did a post at her site.  A letter from a retired Army officer to U.S. Senator John Cornyn concerning "the arming of the DHS for war against the citizens of our nation."

I am taking it a step further and posting the whole letter here because a number of my readers don't read links.  My head swims when I think of what has transpired in America just since he wrote the letter on March 23, 2013.

Capt. Terry M. Hestilow, U.S. Army, Retired - posted on his facebook page - red highlights mine -

The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas
United States Senate
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C.  20510

Re:  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America.

Dear Senator Cornyn,

It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America.  To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.

Significant is the fact that at the same time the Obama administration is arming his DHS for war within the limits of the United States against the People of the United States in accordance with his 2008 campaign speech claiming,

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.  We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”--Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

the Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with a war mission.

This act of the Obama administration stands as a glaring threat of war against our nation’s citizens!  This act of the Obama administration can only be understood as a tyrannical threat against the Constitution of the United States of America!  If left unresolved, the peace loving citizens who have sworn to defend the United States Constitution “against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” are left no option except to prepare to defend themselves, and the U.S. Constitution, against this Administration’s “coup” against the People and the foundations of liberty fought for and defended for the past 238 years.  We have no choice if we honor our oaths.

The only proper response to this threat against the American people is for the representatives of the People, the members of the U.S. House and Senate, to demand in clear terms that the Administration cannot ignore, that the Department of Homeland Security immediately surrender their newly appropriated weapons of war to the Department of Defense (DoD).  Further, since the DHS has assumed a position in the Administration to enforce the tyrannical acts of this president against the People of the United States against the limits of the United States Constitution, it remains for the United States Congress to exercise its limiting power in the balancing of powers established by our founding fathers, to disestablish and dissolve the DHS as soon as possible.  One needs only to look to the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his associated DHS organizations, the SA and the SS, of 1932-1934, to see the outcome of allowing an agency of government this kind of control over the free citizens of a nation.  The people of Germany could not have imagined, until it was too late, the danger of allowing a tyrant this kind of power.  We must not be so naive as to think it will not happen to us as well if we remain passive toward this power grab by the Marxist Obama administration!

Finally, for more than two centuries the nation has lived in peace at home because of the protections of our legitimate military and the many appropriate state and federal law enforcement agencies, supported by Constitutional courts.  We stand today at a cross-road.  Will we allow this present Administration to overthrow our United States Constitution and its legal processes to amend injustices, or, will we honor our obligations to defend the Constitution against a “domestic” enemy?  Our Constitution lays out the proper methods of resolving our differences; and it does not include its overthrow by a rogue agency of a Marxist leadership at home.  You, sir, are our constitutionally elected agent to defend our Constitution at home.  We are counting upon you.  We remain aware, however, of this present threat and will not expose ourselves as an easy prey to the authors of the destruction of our nation.

I know that this letter demands much of you.  We elected you because we, the citizens of the State of Texas, believe that you are up to the task at hand and will, against all threats, honor your oath and office.  We are also writing to your fellow members of the House and Senate to stand in integrity with the Constitution and against this present threat by the Obama administration and his DHS.

We refuse to surrender our Constitution or our nation!

Captain Terry M. Hestilow
United States Army, Retired
Fort Worth, Texas
March 23, 2013

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Caption THIS! for The Mad Jewess

I've never done the "caption this" thing but flat out could not pass this up.  

h/t The indomitable Mad Jewess - and she doesn't even know it because she didn't post it but something from her site led me to this picture!

Thinking of the slithering-snake-in-chief in OUR White House - what say you?????

And by the by, the man in the pic, in Texas, is 6'2" - YIKES!

Another by the by, The Mad Jewess is angry, frustrated, beside herself over the latest – Boston, martial law, and West, Texas and the lack of attention it has gotten.  I am trying to give her some – energy? An assist on this “caption” would be appreciated…DANKA DANKA!.

Photo: Ya'll need to forget about those itty, bitty snake-proof boots and find yourself a full snake-proof SUIT.., AND HAT!!!<br /><br /><br /><br /> The ranch where this big rattler was killed is outside the city of Coleman TX . Oh, for reference, the guy stands 6'2". Seems there's been a boom in the snake population there. </p><br /><br /><br /> <p>Sent in by Gail D. from Perks Deer Processing (Which we tried to link to unsuccessfully due to their privacy settings).</p><br /><br /><br /> <p>www.IAmATexan.com<br /><br /><br /><br /> Stop on by our General Store any time for goods made in Texas by Texans. You won't be disappointed.<br /><br /><br /><br /> Coming soon... a Bacon scented candle!

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ANOTHER feel good video for today Patriot!

This woman (Pirro) speaks for me!
h/t PumaBydesign001 - another woman who consistently puts up posts worth reading.


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Feel good video of the day: DOGS RULE and MUSLIM throws like a candy assed wimp

What GOOD Dogs!

Stupid Muslims......Dogs RULE and cats are OK to.

Steer In: Nick

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American's - Weak To Be Free

There are no contingency plans for Americans weak to be free.

Boston.  Two radical islamists take an everyday household item and wreak bloody fricking jihad on innocents.  There were plenty of security personnel interspersed thru-out the crowd.  They stopped nothing, and so at the end of the day the demonstration of martial law comforted most rather than horrifying them.

That is not a contingency plan folks!  It is an abrogation of the freedoms and God given rights to a system that history proves will enslave!

By the time this becomes the acceptable norm as it was so easily accepted by the city of Boston, it will be past the point of no return.  All it will take will be a couple of more attacks.

It is a false premise to surrender liberty in the hope of keeping one’s self safe.

Zo’s video below covers the issue of “assault” weapons.  I’ve added it here because the man always has some good common sense views and he makes one think.  It is not an effort to get those unarmed to rush out and buy a gun, some just can’t do that, but government surely does think guns are the answer!

Guns are inextricably tied to liberty as are laws.  We have plenty of laws already, but they are not upheld.  Whose fault is that?  Look in the mirror.

In the quiet moments of our minds we need to examine the assault on America’s psyche, that government is the answer to all of our needs.  We must use common sense in determining is more government control of the people the answer.  If not, the hourglass swiftly drains, find your voice.  It, too, is a very powerful weapon.


Tags: War On America; Boston; Martial Law To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

FLOTUS-The MAD Black Woman

FLOTUS-The MAD Black Woman 

From BC over at I'm 41.

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80 plus years of Progressive subversion and brainwashing helped fuel Boston Muslims motivation for Boston terrorist attack

Like all the 'tragic events' that have befallen our country of late, also including the barge explosions in Alabama, we will never know the full truth of what happened in Boston. Especially from the Obama and his nefarious gang of traitors.

I am NOT going to get into arguing over conspiracy theories that are flying about from all of the tragedies that our country has suffered from. If you want to share your thoughts, this is fine. Post a comment and just an reminder, PatriotUSA monitors EVERY comment. I seldom will ban a comment or commentator but it has happened. I will not hesitate to pull the trigger and will do so very quickly. This is not a forum for lengthy arguing or long pissing contests. If you want to do that, START YOUR OWN BLOG! The rules are very simple and even brainwashed leftarded progressives can follow these rules, well not always. My site and I will protect it! I will offer this same protection to the dedicated contributors that I have invited to be part of the 'Corner.

Okay, now that subtle reminder is out of the way on to this next post, thread. I left the print a bit larger because I am too lazy to fight with this tonight.

This came to be via email and I read the entire post and every word of this article is true. Many of us from the RIGHT side of things have been speaking and calling out about the terrible, long term effects that our Republic is now being crushed by from far left progressive 'free thinking.' It has become crystal clear how deadly to our youth the long term damages from political correctness, excessive diversity and multiculturalism have become. Is PatriotUSA totally lost it here? Well yes to that but on this topic and thread, not even close and stay with me on this one. The author of this article did some digging and the links are exposed for what they are. Look up the name Howard Zinn and see what you get. I am quite familiar with Mr. Zinn and his hatred for anything American, especially American exceptionalism. One of the local members of our school board tried to get one of his books banned from the school district curriculum. Sadly, he failed. Zinn is and will always remain a hero to those from the far left who hate our Republic. He is like Alinsky, Ayers in this regard. He is repugnant and repulsive to me. Just like our POTUS.

This article blows the lid off what the progressives have done to our youth. The author's credentials speak for themselves. Another long post but what else is new. This is worth your time and SHARING!

Steer In: Bob Perry

From Kent Clizbe and his site, Intel and CT Weekly.


Boston Massacre Teenager’s Motivations? Anti-American Lessons Taught by PC-Progressive High School  

The Boston Marathon massacre was carried out by two Caucasian Muslim brothers, one an American citizen, pot-smoking Obama voter, the other likely a green card holder. In the aftermath, the Politically Correct Progressive (PC-Prog) media and commentators are all flabbergasted. They wondered what could be the terrorists’ motivations. Over and over, the media reported, “Dzhokhor was a normal American kid.”  President Obama, our PC-Prog leader, said, "One thing we do know is that whatever hateful agenda drove these men to such heinous acts will not — cannot — prevail."

The media probably do not even realize how close they are to the truth—Dzhokhor is a normal American kid. Raised on anti-American messages from the media, from their high school, at their university, and from Hollywood, normal American kids are bombarded with a national self-loathing designed to destroy America’s exceptional culture and values.

Although my books, Willing Accomplices and Obliterating Exceptionalism detail the origins of this suicidal hatred of America, the Boston bombers are the clearest example yet of the power of this message to destroy the lives of Americans.

It seems likely that the older brother, Tamerlan, was the driving force behind the two Tsarnaev brothers’ terrorism. It appears that he was a follower of a Lebanese-Australian extremist cleric. This Muslim preacher’s messages of hatred for Western culture were prominent on Tamerlan’s Youtube playlists.

It appears that Tamerlan recently spent six months overseas. In Russia? Or did he travel elsewhere? Did he go to Chechnya? Did he spend time in what appears to be his homeland, Dagestan, where his father lives now? Who did he meet there? What did he do there?

Dagestan and Chechnya are hotbeds of Islamic terrorism. Chechen terrorists are active around the Middle East, Afghanistan, and North Africa. Wherever there is a jihadi war, it is likely you’ll find Chechens fighting there.

We do know that Tamerlan returned “from Russia,” in the summer of 2012. His brother would have been out of high school (more about that later) for about a year. His return was about nine months before the Marathon bombing.

If Tamerlan trained on bombing and attack techniques (a couple months of intensive training is the minimum for a mujahidin terrorist), he could have returned to Boston with the attack plan fully laid out. He would have the skills required to make the bombs. He would have likely already have identified the target. And he would have the techniques required to carry out the attacks. All that would be missing was the materials to make the bombs, and an accomplice.

So, in this scenario, we have a committed, trained Islamic terrorist ready to carry out his attack. What pool will he draw from to recruit his accomplice?

Why, his “average American” brother, Dzhokhor. With his American-accented English, the younger brother graduated from the celebrated (Matt Damon went here!) Boston high school, Cambridge Rindges and Latin School (CRLS), about the same time Tamerlan was probably contemplating terrorist training.

Now we get to the interesting part. A graduate of CRLS has had years of anti-American claptrap crammed down his throat. Instead of, “Why would a normal American kid do this?” a better question is, “Why don’t all CRLS graduates become anti-American terrorists?”

PC-Prog media widely quoted a retired CRLS history teacher, Larry Aaronson’s shocked reminiscences about Dzhokhor. Aaronson told The Boston Globe, “This is a progressive town, the People's Republic, and how could this be in our midst?" Larry Aaronson, a longtime Rindge and Latin teacher who knew Dzhokhor and who lives three doors down from the brothers on Norfolk Street. "I'm at a loss. I'm at a total and complete loss."

Well, Larry, let’s start with your own handiwork. Aaronson is an acolyte of the raving PC-Prog, traditional-America-hating deceased “revisionist historian,” Howard Zinn. Zinn was a PC-Prog darling. Zinn claimed that his eyes were opened to racist, imperialist horror that is America by the KGB covert influence agent, I.F. Stone. 

Aaronson (third from left in the photo at left), who retired in 2007, used to brag to anyone who would listenthat he had taught Zinn’s textbook to CLRS students since the beginning of his career in 1981. In 2008, Aaronson started Social Justice Works! The Larry Aaronson Fund, in an evident attempt to cash in on his Zinn-Damon connections.
Aaronson proudly related how his students at CLRS had included Matt Damon and Damon’s brother. He proudly told how the Damon boys were taken with the anti-American history of Zinn. Larry, in an homage to Zinn on his death in 2008, started with this quote, “You wanna read a really good American History book? Read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States. It will knock your socks off!” -Will Hunting (Matt Damon), Good Will Hunting

If you don’t know Zinn’s handiwork, here’s a sample of his writing in The Progressive. In detailing the idiocy of America’s belief that we are exceptional, Zinn’s contempt for America and its citizens fairly drips from each word, “The deeply ingrained belief--no, not from birth but from the educational system and from our culture in general that the United States is an especially virtuous nation makes us especially vulnerable to government deception. It starts early, in the first grade, when we are compelled to "pledge allegiance" (before we even know what that means), forced to proclaim that we are a nation with "liberty and justice for all.

“And then come the countless ceremonies, whether at the ballpark or elsewhere, where we are expected to stand and bow our heads during the singing of the "Star-Spangled Banner," announcing that we are "the land of the free and the home of the brave." There is also the unofficial national anthem "God Bless America," and you are looked on with suspicion if you ask why we would expect God to single out this one nation--just 5 percent of the world's population--for his or her blessing.”

Aaronson boasted that parents called him to say that their kids were talking about, “that “bastard Christopher Columbus… and his genocide, and how we have to question our history books and re-examine the evidence.” The CRLS teacher continued, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

With that back-story illuminated, let’s return to the PC-Prog media’s puzzling over “What could the Tsarnaev boys’ motive possibly be?”

After the Marathon massacre, the media quoted the Zinn-acolyte Aaronson in its stories about the terrorist mass murderer. Aaronson was “utterly shocked by the news.” The media reported that, “Aaronson taught social studies at Cambridge Rindge and Latin, where Dzhokhor was a student.” The media reports continued, “Dzhokhor also lives just about three houses down from Aaronson’s condo, so they would talk from time to time after Dzhokhor's graduation in 2011.

“I will say to you and to anyone who asks me,” Aaronson told WBUR’s David Boeri outside his home in Cambridge on Friday morning, “he had a heart of gold, he was a sweetheart, he was gracious, he was caring, he was compassionate.”

 ABC, CBS, USA Today, NY Times, CNN all carried versions of Aaronson’s comments about “how normal” Dzhokhor, his neighbor and student was. None of the PC-Prog media provided any other background on Aaronson and his brainwashing of students at CRLS with Zinn’s history.

The Aaronson-Dzhokhor “reporting” by the PC-Prog media brings together the three PC-Prog transmission belts of American culture—education/academia, Hollywood, and the media. All three are dedicated to destroying traditional-American culture. The media reports studiously ignore the connection between Dzhokhor's anti-American lessons taught by a “social justice” weenie (Aaronson) from a book by a follower (Zinn) of a KGB covert influence agent (I.F. Stone) slyly celebrated in a Hollywood product (Matt Damon’s Good Will Hunting).

Islamic terrorism was the force that planted the bombs in Boston. PC-Progressive hatred of American exceptionalism was the motivation behind that force.

We need to let the media and Obama know: We know what hateful agenda drove Dzhokhor. It has infected our media, schools, and Hollywood for nearly 80 years. When it destroyed normal-American culture, the way was cleared for opportunistic infections to take advantage of our weakened national immune system. Islamic extremism is the most violent. But look at others gathering momentum in their destructive power—Militant environmentalists, militant homosexuals, militant anti-capitalists, militant Islamic Extremists, militant anti-war activists, militant race-baiters. All hate normal-America. All call for extreme changes to America.

This is the challenge. We conservatives must realize that PC-Progs are not “for” militant Islamic Extremists—they are simply for anything that is anti-normal-America. When the logical outcome of the PC-Prog’s constant anti-American messages throughout the culture occurs—violent acting out against normal-America, in this case marathon runners—the PC-Progs claim shock and surprise.

It’s time for the chickens to come home to roost. PC-Progs must accept the results of their decades of anti-American messages. We know Dzhokhor's motivations. I agree fully with Obama. This “hateful agenda…will not — cannot — prevail.” Now let’s rebuild our country.

Kent Clizbe is a former CIA counter-terrorism operations officer. His two books, Willing Accomplices, and Obliterating Exceptionalism detail the covert influence operation that introduced the anti-American message that became Political Correctness into American culture and the horrendous effects of PC-Progressivism today. 

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Dubya – More Than Just A Portrait (Repost) from The Last Refuge

I was not a huge fan of George W. Bush.

That said, I do not think America would not have survived as we did had he not been the POTUS when 9/11 came down upon our beloved Republic.

George W. has been trampled, vilified, threatened, killed in effigy by the left how many times and yet this is a man who rode TALL in the saddle when our nation needed strong leadership. Something Obama and his regime have yet to do as they are content to lead from behind and destroy America from within, with a lot of outside help from progressives, haters of the Untied States from all around the globe. Let us leave that topic alone for tonight.

I know all about the 9/11 conspiracy theories and am leaving them in the dumpster where they belong for now. Perhaps another day and time, but not now.

Sundance, from The Last Refuge has an EXCELLENT article/re-post up about the state of the Republic and how we prospered when the Conservatives were in power until 2007. He has done a master's work on comparing the Bush years to where we sadly, are now. On the cusp of becoming a second world country in so many ways and we can thank progressive liberalism, Obama and his ilk for such a fast and steep decline of our Republic.

The facts, graphs, and numbers speak for themselves and I challenge you to tear this post apart. This country REALLY went down the toilet after 2007.

I also want to remind all of you how many Islamic, Jihadist attacks we have now suffered from under the Obama regime, Five deadly Jihadist attacks. Obama has weakened this country in every way possible and Boston is just the warm up. Things are now in motion that will lead to martial law and many, many Americans will probably pay with the steepest and most precious cost of all, their lives. I PRAY that I am wrong.

Under George W. Bush one, 9/11.

I will shut up now and this is one of two, maybe three superb posts for tonight. PatriotUSA

From The Last Refuge. A great site. Sort of like this one?


Dubya – More Than Just A Portrait (Repost)

- Today seems a fitting day to review this again -

One of the frustrating realities of our polarized time is the media creating a skewed and left leaning view of all things political. However, even with this headwind, each day many more people choose to engage in and honest discovery and understanding of what’s going on. Whether because they stumble upon a concern, or whether they happen across some information that makes them rethink their prior position and views, it can lead to an engagement with us from a perspective of their only reality view having been determined by the lens of the media.
Indeed that can be, and often is, an incredibly frustrating conversation because they bring an embedded and sometimes flawed bias into their narrative. One of the more common misunderstandings stems from the media hatred of George W Bush and his actions, aptly called Bush Derangement Syndrome (BSD).

What I want to do here is not change anyone’s mind, but rather to remind people what led to some of Dubya’s decisions in his own words.

I must first emphasize at the time of Dubya’s tenure in the White House I was not a supporter of many “Bush policies”, however, I did understand his reasoning.

Sometimes research into “why” was needed to understand this reasoning, but there were valid reasons nonetheless. It is unfair for the liberal media, or for any Johnny-come-lately to re-write his motivation as illicit, it was not. In hindsight some of his policies and approaches may have been wrong, but it generally is unfair to look in the rear view mirror to judge. Again, at times it is important to stop the conversation, pause, and remind ourselves what was going on at the time.

When Dubya took office the economic country was moving along steadily, indeed Dubya was less focused on fiscal matters and more focused on educational and social issues. The primary plank of his candidacy was education. People were working, things were quiet, and the country was steadily moving forward with little attention to outside the U.S. influences. However, all that changed immediately on 9/11/2001.


When the terrorist planes hit the WTC, the Pentagon, and the failed Capitol Building attempt which ended in a farm field in Pennsylvania, every American stood in shock. Everything changed, immediately.

Again, I’m not defending Bush. Bush was not adverse to government spending. From a fiscal perspective Dubya guy pissed me off more than most, but I accept the fact that everything in his world also changed after 9/11 especially with the economy. What many people fail to remember is our economy came to an abrupt halt on 9/11. Not only was our collective conscience shocked and we felt suddenly vulnerable to attack, but the very core of our society was attacked. Our economy literally came to a grinding and immediate thundershock of a stop.

The images of people jumping out of burning buildings as the “best option” left impressions of their bodies exploding on the sidewalks of our psyche. Not only did it scare the crap out of us, it also caused us to retract into an almost economic coma.
The Stock Market closed. For weeks and then months people stayed away from purchasing anything, businesses were immediately in trouble. People didn’t buy stuff. Cars were not selling, shops were empty, massive economic activity just stopped as suddenly as the planes hitting the World Trade Center Towers. In addition to the risk from terrorism, Bush was also facing an immediate, check that, an instantaneous economic recession.

People blasted George W. Bush for a news conference when he asked Americans to start buying again, but what they didn’t give him credit for was knowing how substantive this drop in economic activity was. Our economy was immediately in dire straits. He was trying to put people’s minds at ease on the terror threat, while simultaneously needing to get people economically moving again. That was the background for his speech when he said “the terrorists will not win”, he was not just talking about hunting them down and killing them, he was talking about they will not be allowed to destroy our economy.

Do you remember the $600 per person tax rebate check he quickly dispatched to every man, woman and child in our country. This was one of the measures he took to combat an economic downturn facilitated by the terror attacks on 9/11. He was trying to wake up our economy from the fear those Muslim Jihadists put us into. In addition he took steps to lower the tax rates, which are infamously now called the “Bush Tax Cuts”.

It is unfair, heck it is beyond unfair, to ignore the context of his decision. It was not just some arbitrary determination along the lines of ‘gee I think Americans pay too much in taxes, and I want to create a deficit’. That type of claim is just a total disconnect to the reality behind the decision. He was trying to save us from the result of the economic terrorism which followed the attacks.

And guess what? It worked…. It frigging’ worked. Yes, his approach however you feel about the tax rate cuts, the tax rebate checks, and the subsequent economic growth worked. That context is fair and appropriate whether or not you think the decision was correct, the reality of the context still exists. I’m really am quite sick and tired of watching progressive liberals re-write history without this context in place.

Besides, their charge that the Bush Tax Cuts reduced tax revenue is fundamentally flawed. Actually, it is an outright lie. Take a look at “Revenues” or how much money has come into, or been withheld from the Government because of Bush’s Tax rates. The Bush Tax Cuts (“Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003“) were signed into law on May 28, 2003, just months before the start of the 2004 fiscal year. The results — in terms of real revenue to the U.S. governmentwere stunning.

According to the OMB’s own figures, the Bush tax cuts resulted in an explosion of revenue to the U.S. government. Get that? The governments own non-partisan accounting office state unequivocally the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 brought more revenue into the treasury (look at chart). That’s not to say Bush wasn’t a profligate spender, he was; and that is where a lot of fiscal conservatives became extremely angry with Dubya. But in virtually no cases were Democrats arguing that he spend less (unless you count national security).

In fact, it was fiscal conservatives who opposed Bush’s absurd policies on spending, amnesty and the expansion of a Medicare prescription program not liberal Democrats.
Additionally, lets just pause a moment and focus on the economics of the situation in November 2006 the date the Democrats won majorities and took over congress.

The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009 it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, the start of the 110th Congress. The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is “Bush’s Fault”, think about this. January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress:
  • The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
  • The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
  • The Unemployment rate was 4..6%
  • George Bush’s Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB CREATION. Despite the extreme economic contraction that happened as a consequence of 9/11/01 his response to it was successful.

Remember the day, January 3rd, 2007 was also the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee. The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy? BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES !

Democrats dumped 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOS! (By the way: Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie – starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy). And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac ? Senator Barack Obama. And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie ? Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress.

Look, I ain’t here to defend Bush, that is not the reason for this thread. But these are facts that seem to become mysteriously lost in the context. Now let’s look at it a different way:
The Media continues to babble on about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush. Amazingly enough a lot of people swallow this nonsense. So once more, a short civics lesson. Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 was the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011.

In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets. And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009. Let’s remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 2009.

It is appropriate to keep facts in the conversation when engaging with progressives, liberals, and even moderate conservatives on these issues. This is a truthful context.

And think about this staggering fact: The last budget used by the federal government to determine spending priorities was signed in the fall of 2007 by George W. Bush for fiscal year 2008. There has not been one annual budget passed since then. Obama has not served one day in office with a spending budget in place. NOT ONE DAY. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid chose to support Obama’s insane spending binge by funding government with continuing resolutions for Fiscal years 2009, 2010, 2011 and now 2012. Democrats held filibuster-proof majorities in both houses of congress for 2008, 2009, 2010 yet they never even proposed a budget. They could have passed a budget of any size, but they never even brought one forth to discuss any limit on deficit spending.

Yet those same people who made a conscious choice to avoid their primary job of creating a budget have the nerve to call the Tea Party terrorists. Who exactly is the economic terrorist in this discussion?

Thanks again for reading.

Source is here from TLR.

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Patriot "Lite" And 9,000 Cops

I’m not going to be saying anything new here that hundreds, hopefully thousands of bloggers haven’t already said but it bears repeating as the MSM has absolutely no interest in talking about it.  Granted, there’s all kinds of important s*** going on in this country but I’m not sure there is anything more important to our future than the below.

America was attacked again last week, again on Hussein Obama’s watch, once again by bastards of the followers of the religion of peace.  Superseding that in importance was our government’s solution – to declare martial law on a city of 625,000 people.

Martial law defined: The exercise of government and control by military authorities over the civilian population of a designated territory. Martial law is an extreme and rare measure used to control society during war or periods of civil unrest or chaos.

Used to CONTROL society!  War. Civil unrest. Chaos.  Does not apply.  This was nothing short of a moral failure of the good people of this country on the part of whoever set us up!
There were some 9,000 members of law enforcement from the FBI, HLS, ATF, State PD, City PD, military police, anti-terrorist swat teams.  There were black hawk helicopters, tanks, Humvees, bullhorns, robots, fire trucks, bomb sniffing dogs, stun grenades of some sort, assault rifles on almost every arm.  Name it, they were well equipped.

It was quite the display just to catch one nineteen year old on the run, but obvious to some of us at least that that was secondary to pulling off an exercise to see just exactly what the reaction would be of the people.

Obviously it was not spontaneous.  Katrina hit in 2005 and there were instances then of law enforcement going door to door confiscating arms.  They’ve had eight years to plan since then.  Friday was the rehearsal for a nation-wide martial law/occupation.  We just saw it with our own eyes.

The shocking thing – to the best of my knowledge, there was absolutely no resistance.  Hussein Obama must have been well pleased.  Unlike Benghazi where he gave the order to stand down and then went to bed, I’m betting he stayed as glued to his TV as much of this country did.

Two days before Obama declared war on America (call it anything else and I’ll call you a fool) a fertilizer plant in Texas blew up.  Funny how the media ignores that story where fifteen died.  The video I posted the other day looks like it possibly was hit by some kind of a missile. Hear the crickets?

A dark post from Battlefield USA – I am adding in it’s entiriety – One Day These Will Go Live
As they entered every single innocents home, do you think any of them thought to himself… this is wrong?
No. This is just an excuse to train for when it goes live.
And it will.
And they will love it.
For awhile.


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Norman Finkelstein at Cerritos College

Gary Fouse

Refers to Obama as a "Murderer"

On April 23, I attended an event at Cerritos College in Norwalk, California in which ex-professor Norman Finkelstein was interviewed by Cerritos professor John Haas of the Global Consortium for a Sustainable Peace, which acted as host. The event was also sponsored by LA Jews for Peace and the Levantine Center of Los Angeles, both pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel organizations.

The event began about 20 minutes late as Dr Haas explained he had picked Finkelstein up at the train station, that he was wearing shorts, and he was changing clothes. Once Finkelstein had changed (into jeans), he entered the room and the event began with both gentlemen sitting at a table on the stage. I would guess the crowd was 150-200, though many left for class before the event ended.

I am posting the complete video, which I took. Finkelstein, as is his wont, talked of many things and rambled on in answer to Dr Haas questions. He talked of his parents, what they had taught him as Holocaust survivors, and his commitment to justice over his life. Not surprisingly, the event ran over the allotted time. To me, the most notable things he said were that President Obama was a "cynical narcissist" over his public statements of support for Israel and was a "murderer" over his use of drones to kill terrorists. He repeated the word, "murderer" a couple of times for emphasis and refused to back down from it during the Q and A when an African-American audience member asked him on what basis he called the president those names.

His main thesis was that increasing numbers of American Jews are distancing themselves from Israel because of that nation's practices. He quoted the Jewish membership in the International Solidarity Movement, Jewish Voice for Peace, and many Jewish youths who went to the West Bank to work with Palestinians. He gave as reasons the fact that Jews are overwhelmingly liberal and have heavily supported Obama in both elections.

During the Q and A (after the 4-minute mark in video two), I asked him about his appearance at UC Irvine on January 31, 2009 at an event called "Whither the Levant", in which he was part of a panel diuscussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the wake of the Gaza fighting. At that time, I had sent up a written question to the panel, which was given to him to answer. The question was this (I am paraphrasing):

"During recent protests against Israel in places like Ft Lauderdale, LA, San Francisco and Toronto, some people were shouting things, like 'Jews go back to the ovens', 'Long Live Hitler', 'Go Nazi Germany', etc." Do you condemn those statements and don't you think they discredit your cause?"

I continued.

"In your response, you said that it wasn't your cause, you didn't know about these incidents, you thought they were greatly exaggerated or manufactured by Zionists masquerading as Arabs. Yet these videos are all over YouTube, and I assume you have had time to check them out in the last 4 years. Do you stand by your statement then or would you like to revise that statement? "

To this, Finkelsein said that he still had not seen those videos,  heard those things, nor had he ever heard things said like that at protests that he had attended or participated in. He then objected to my use of the word "fighting" to refer to the Israeli-Palestinian fighting in Gaza during that time frame. He stated that it was not fighting, but a massacre and compared it to a boy setting ants on fire by placing a magnifying glass over them in the sun (supposedly quoting an Israeli soldier). He quoted the 4,000+ number of Palestinians who were killed as compared to 13 Israelis.

This was the same question I posed to George Galloway at UC Irvine in 2009.


As for the rest, I will let the reader watch the  video of Finkelstein's talk (if you are a glutton for punishment).

After the talk, a student reporter for the campus paper asked to interview me, and I gave him my (negative) assessment of Finkelstein and the forces that he has aligned himself with. While I was being interviewed, a man who identified himself as a professor at California State University at Los Angeles and a member of Jewish Voice for Peace ( I am omitting his name.) came up and took exception to my use of the phrases, "Pro-Palestinian" and "anti-Israel', which he called "intellectual skulduggery". After that auspicious start, things got a little more spirited when I told him what I thought of Jewish Voice for Peace, their disruption of Bibi Netanyahu's speech in New Orleans a couple of years back, as well as the offensive statements about free speech made by two of their representatives, Rachel Roberts and Matan Cohen at UC Irvine.

I have one comment I want to make about Finkelstein's remarks. I found his comments about President Obama to be unprofessional and offensive. God knows I am no admirer of President Obama. I believe he is cynical and narcissistic and have said so on this site. I do not think that he is a murderer, however, because of his use of drone attacks even if, as Finkelstein pointed out, he has chosen targets personally. I think for someone who calls himself a professor to make these statements about the President in front of a college audience is irresponsible. As a teacher,  I wouldn't even call Obama cynical and narcissistic in front of that particular venue. But that is Finkelstein's style. I hope it left the appropriate impression on the student audience.

Of course, not mentioned during the day was the fact that "Professor" Finkelstein has no university employment having been canned by DePaul University. Thus, he is as the UC Irvine Muslim Student Union advertises him, an "independent scholar with a PhD from Princeton".

The measure of a Muslim and Zubeidat Tsarnaevr's grieving words-Allah Akbar

How touching are her words.

She is grieving over the death of her son, Tamerlan, sort of.

The video is courtesy of Answering Muslims.

This is the mother of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The video is not long and watch it to the end. It dovetails in perfectly with what Bill Warner from Political Islam has to say about Islam and Muslims, which is sadly very true. This will never change and has not changed since Islam stained the earth over 1400 years ago. Over 270 million innocent people murdered at the hands of Muslims brainwashed by a cult of subjugation, persecution, murder and death. PatriotUSA


He seemed Like Such A Nice Guy 
By Bill Warner 

The news is filled with comments made by people who knew the Boston Marathon bombers that they were “nice”, regular people. They cannot believe that the Tsarnaev brothers could be violent. This is not the first time we have heard such observations, but there is an added dimension. What happened was not just violence, but jihad.

By jihad I mean “kill the Kafir” (non-Muslim), not the spiritual struggle that the apologists for Islam like to bring up. To be fair, there is a mention of jihad as spiritual struggle, but it is insignificant. As one measure, Bukhari collected the most important traditions of Mohammed called Hadith. Out of 7000 of these traditions, about 1500 of them are about jihad. Of these 1500 jihad hadiths, over 1400 are about “kill the Kafir” jihad and only a few or so are about jihad as spiritual struggle. This indicates Mohammed thought that jihad as war was much more important than jihad as spiritual struggle.

Mohammed preached the religion of Islam for 13 years in Mecca and converted only a 150 people. He was driven out of Mecca and went to Medina. In Medina he became a politician, jihadist and warlord. He averaged a jihad event on the average of 1 every 6 weeks and as a result every Arab was converted to Islam. The religion of Islam was a failure, but politics and jihad triumphed absolutely. Mohammed talked a lot about jihad, because it worked.

The important factor here is that Mohammed is believed to be the perfect Muslim. The Koran says so over 90 times. If the perfect Muslim is a jihadi, and Allah loves a jihadi, then jihad is a sacred act. That means that the Tsarnaev brothers had an internal guidance system provided by Islamic jihad doctrine.

The Tsarnaev jihadi brothers were not violent for personal gain. They were the manifestation in the world of the hand of Allah. Angels support them. The archangel Gabriel was a jihadi against the Jews. Jihadis do not kill settling a personal grudge. Jihadis are to harm Kafirs because Allah hates the Kafirs and plots against them. The Kafirs offend Allah by their rejection of Islam.

Being a jihadi is not a personality disorder; it is not a psychosis or even a neurosis. Jihad is the supreme spiritual ecstasy of human experience. The jihadist is greeted by the angels and his wounds carry him across judgment day to the supreme heaven. The jihadist martyr is taken directly to paradise without Allah’s final judgment.

The jihadist brothers were “nice”, because deception is the heart of Islam’s dualistic ethics. The shortest hadith is only 3 words: “war is deceit,” says Mohammed. When Mohammed sent out an assassin against a Jewish poet, he said for the assassin to use deceit to get close to the Jew in order to kill him. Mohammed advised deceit if it advanced Islam for there is no Golden Rule in Islam.

But the main reason that the Tsarnaevs were “nice” is that they only started to truly embrace Islam in the past two years. Tamerlan began to pray 5 times a day and become more religious. Before the immersion in Islam, they could actually be a friend to a Kafir. The Koran has 12 verses that say the Muslim can be friendly with a Kafir, but he is never truly their friend. A Muslim is a brother only to another Muslim, never a Kafir. So after becoming religious, they were no longer the true friend of any Kafir.

Bottom line: the measure of a Muslim is not whether they are “nice” but how closely they follow the doctrine of Islam. The media will be filled for the next few weeks about how nice most Muslims are. Remember that every Muslim is bound by the entire Islamic doctrine. A good Muslim must accept all of the Koran, Sunna or Sharia, which includes jihad. All Muslims must believe in jihad if they believe in Islam. They may choose not to follow it, but jihad is always there.

Source is here from Political Islam.

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The Boston Massacre and the 4th Amendment- Gary Franchi

This is Gary Franchi, Founder of RTR (Restore The Republic).

Listen and listen closely with what he has to say about the 4th Amendment.
Now think of the post that is right under this one.

Any questions? I did not think there would be except from Nick or Zenster and I still could be wrong there.

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